Happy Birthday month Aquarius!
This week’s artist is Toni Frissell. Frissell was not formal trained as a photographer, but she used this to her advantage. She never learned to properly light indoors, so she opted for outdoor shoots and often preferred shooting at angles other than straight on. During World War II she volunteered for the American Red Cross and The Air Force. She took thousands of photos of woman in service, front-line soldiers African American Fighter Pilots and orphaned children. After WWII she became famous for her sporty and outdoor fashion photography and informal portraits for Vogue and Harpers Bazar. She focused on showing a more natural side of couture and woman. That intersection that woman at the time were navigating the couture perfect woman and the woman of the real show in her the angle she chooses.
The above photo was from a fashion shoot taken by Frissell in 1947 at Weeki Wachee, Florida. Around the time the mermaid attraction opened its doors. Weeki Wachee named by the Seminole Indians’ means little spring or winding river. The spring itself is the deepest spring in the US. It bubbles up 117 million gallons of fresh water at a cool 74-degree each day. The spring filtering through its deep caverns create a current of water that can run as strong as five miles and hour or knock off a diver’s mask. The river flows west for 12 miles until it meets up with the Gulf of Mexico. This area is a natural reserve and yes is where mermaids still swim.
Light and Love
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Queen of Swords – Last week the energy of change was in the house wanting you to take charge. And the key to ease was setting a clear destination. Lucky for you the Muse of Details is here to help you plan the steps for that change. It is time to make clear your intentions for 2021 and begin to outline the details to get there.

Justice – The Muse of Integrity is visiting you this week. Something in your life is out of balance and you are not living in your truth. This can feel overwhelming especially after last week’s getting reacquainted with your emotions. But those emotions were your canaries singing to you where you need to rebalance. So now that you have hear them clearly, pick two to begin the process of rebalancing. The Muse hears you rebut “but it is complicated, and they are reliant on each other.” She reminds you if you can find balance with the two the others will fall into line.

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Dreams is coming over to have a drink with you. She tells you; you are not dreaming big enough. And prompting you not to tie these dreams down with your expectations. Imagine what you want to feel if you got your dream instead of the thing itself. Thus allowing the Universe to work its magic.

World – The Muse of tying up lose ends has arrived to help you finish some projects this week. This is a great time to finish the tasks that have been on your list for the longest. Or at the very least see if they even need to be done anymore. This energy comes right before the Muse of Opportunities shows up. So, clean off your plates, before the next course is served.

Seven of Swords – The Trickster muse’s energy surrounds you this week. You need to be careful of cynicism not only around you but also when you find yourself easily chiming in. Under the mask of comedy, you may find malice or trickery. This muse reminds you that it is best not to participate in the theater, for all may not be as it seems on the surface. Align and act with your integrity will guide you safely through this week.

Four of Wands– The Muse of Homelife is asking you to make sure your surroundings are supporting your comfort. Do you need to do some early spring cleaning? Buy new sheets? Sage your house? Clean your garage? After you tidy, she then invites you to revel in your surrounds and convey your gratefulness to your abode for keeping you safe and comfortable.

King of Wands – The energy this week is vibrantly in your favor if you innovate. This week thinking outside the box or coloring outside of the lines is necessary to free you of old thought patterns. By doing this exercise, you are reigniting your sense of wonderment, awe, and creativity. And forming new pathways instead of traversing old patterns that end up blocking your growth.

Two of Coins – The Muse of Juggling is here to assist you this week. She starts you out suggesting to only focus on 2 things. When you handle them to the best of your abilities you can then add another. The challenge is not taking on more to quickly, learning to say no or at the very least you will have to wait until I am done here.

Queen of Cups – The energy of adventure continues this week with the Muse of Fun. The challenge last week was being in each moment mindfully and letting go of any expectations to meet up with serendipity. The challenge is the same. But where last week you were following one footstep to the next, this week follow your emotions, flitting from one joyful happenstance to another. And if you run out of wildflowers, create your own blossoms of joy.

Knight of Coins – This energy has come up 3 weeks ago and it now circles back to revisit the concept of pace. When you get this card, it means to look at how you live your daily life and to sync yourself to your natural gait. For some of you slow and steady wins, for others it is a series of sprints. Whatever pace you feel the most comfortable in will be your most productive and will balance quantity with quality.

Four of Swords – The Muse of rest and restoration is here to remind you to relax. Find a good chunk of time to do whatever you want that makes your soul and heart feel rested and refreshed. Whether that is a day of no tech, a spa day, or a day at the beach. Take it. There will not be many times in the coming year for places to chill. So, take these breaks when you can.

King of Coins – The Builder Muse is here to help you build whatever you want short or long term. This energy when used correctly should be both beneficial to you, your loved ones and/or community. If you find a block, then it is not the time to force that project forward right now. This energy paves paths of ease for some work and puts up walls for things that are not timed correctly.
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