This week’s artist is Michaela Yearwood-Dan (@artistandgal). Yearwood-Dan’s art is rich in texture and dense in color and meaning. She explores the genre of abstraction using oil paint, collage, and traditional techniques from Western, Japan and China art forms. Her pieces often bring the viewer into the center of the work. At times it is a vortex of a singular hue at others a truth to ponder.
As the viewer steps back, we can see that the void, space, or text is surrounded by color and life. She leads us to realizing any concept or feeling is surrounding and part of the context of how and what we live in. So, this week’s pondering is how this moment, where we have been forced into void and slammed into truths, has created an experiential contrast. Making us more able to feed and savor the richness of life.
Light and Love
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Chariot – The energy this week is about effort and change. The only way to get things moving this week is for you to take charge. And the key to creating ease in this is to have a clear destination for this impetus. Time to set your goals, start your engines and go.

Ace of Cups – Your muse this week wants you connecting with your emotions. Yep, you and all your emotions need to get reacquainted. The challenge is seeing them as your allies. Your canaries in navigating your environment. Time to listen to what your heart is saying, so you can drive your bus safer and healthier.

King of Coins – The Muse of abundance is knocking at your door. They come knocking looking for a partner to build avenues to success and plenty. Now is the time to construct on the material plane. They key to work with this energy is to build not only for your success but also lift others with you.

Star and Five of Wands – Two muses are working together this week. One is chaos and the other healing. Sometimes the universe must stir the pot, so we can see are wounds and new ways to heal. So, if things become chaotic sit calmly and carry out non-judgmental observation. Once you see the information you need, step out of the chaos, and take time to reset.

Nine of Swords – The muse this week is here to help you get out of your mind. You are overthinking and not in your body like you need to be. When you find that an earworm has taken over your mind – ground. This can be as simple as doing a few jumping jacks or putting a rubber band on your wrist to snap you back into your body. It does not have to be a strenuous or long grounding exercise though it might have to be often.

Page of Coins– The muse this week ask you to go back to the drawing board. Something in your plans is not fully thought out. Take on the role of the student. Review the basics and look to new sources for inspiration. This week an open mind is a fruitful mind.

Two of Wands – This week’s energy is best used by plotting out your course for the next 3 to 6 months. Putting energy into future planning will be well worth your while. The clearer idea you have of where you are going the easier it will be to pick the right roads/projects/people as they come into view.

Eight of Wands – Imagine this week’s work as two-fold. One is there is a ton of incoming information downloading into your life. This can be a lot to sort through so just gather them and ponder them next week. Second, imagine if you had eight arrows to shoot into the future what would you like to “bag”. Set those intentions and let those arrows fly.

Fool – The energy this week is great for starting any new adventure. The key with this energy is once you start – let go of your goal, be in each moment mindfully and follow the winding path. For the muse of serendipity wants to help but you got to let go of any expectations to meet up with her.

Five of Cups and Five of Coins – These are your final cards for the trends in this coming birth year. Your themes are narrow your focus, contentment, pace and with this week’s energies a sense of things being off. If you can put your energy to the first three, the latter two will be less of a pain in the butt. The first energy that can throw you off your game is tying self -worth to either material wealth and/or quantity of product. The second is worrying over the negatives and not putting your energy into the positives. Your motto: feed what you want to grow.

Ace of Coins – Last week’s energy was all about pondering and overhauling your structures and boundaries. I hope you had time to do this. For this week is great for starting projects, investing money, moving, anything new on the material plane you want to focus on will root well. The stronger your structures and boundaries the stronger and deeper this new thing can root.

Six of Pentacles – The muse this week is karma. The important concept she tells you is for every action there is a reaction. So, the more positive you put out the more positive returns. Of course, this works for the negative vibes too. The twist karma many times is not a straight line from A to B.
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