This week’s artist is Betye Saar. Saar is an assemblage artist and print maker. As she says: I’m a person who walks looking down, because you can find lots of great things on the ground. I’m basically a recycler… I find other people’s stuff and junk and recycle it into my stuff and junk.’ But how she puts them together creates deeper more complex meaning, a story. Saar believes that that an object carries its past. Not only it’s physical past of where it has been and who held it, but also it mystical past why did someone make, buy, and then discard the object.
Saar by assembling these disparate items, they become reborn with a new voice. Her visual storytelling ranges from political like The Liberation of Aunt Jemima (1972) or delves into mysticism like Legends in Blue (2020). It her unique ability to combine items from society that can disparage and reimagining them to tell stories of freedom and spirit that makes her a remarkable artist.
We all create our own assemblages in our homes, souvenirs, knickknacks, photos, etc… Your pondering for the week: Look around your space and what things have you put together? What personal altars have you consciously or subconsciously created? What do these altars represent?
Solar System highlights: The Moon starts this week in Leo –time to shine into the world. Then moves into Virgo on the 20th – organize and clean. Onto Libra for the weekend- perfect timing for bonding with partners and friends. No major planetary changes from last week. Except Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius – not a great time for action but a great time for your mind: Review, Reflect, and Reassess. Venus is in Capricorn – where beauty and harmony are achieved through practicality. Mars is in Sagittarius a lovely time to expand and explore not only your environment but your mind. Jupiter is in Pisces; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck. And Saturn is still in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is its focus for another year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Chariot – The Muse of Self Propulsion is handing you the keys to your future this week. However, the challenge is you need a direction/focus to apply this energy towards. If you do not, you will drive in circles. If you do then everything is within your reach. So ready, steady, go.

*World – The Muse of Endings and Beginnings is here to help you tie up loose ends and clean your plate, so you may start anew. Take this week to tidy your desk, inbox, entry ways, etc.… Literally or metaphorically you need to clean your portals so “the new” can walk in unimpeded.

*Strength – To get through the next couple of months with more ease you need to strengthen your core. This can be as simple as starting an exercise regime to work on your abdominals. Or it can be as complicated as re-working your life’s mission statement and/or goals. These exercises in inner strength will lead you to more ease not only this week but also well into your birth month.

King of Coins – The Muse of Fiscal Abundance has come to help you set goals for your finances. They ask what do you need to make yourself feel financial safe? It could be getting your taxes ready early, paying off your debt, having a larger savings goal, or buying a house. Take this week to review, reflect and reassess your finances.

Six of Cups – This is your second six so a quick dive into six. Sixes in tarot represent the give and take that happens in the world. Last week it was about the balance of the cost and profit of success. This week it is about the balance of the past and future. The past has valid information for your future, but the lesson is not caring the pain or expecting repeated patterns. You bring the lesson and tools forward to use, so you do not have to relive past experiences.

Four of Swords – The Muse of Rest is here again after also coming two weeks ago. This is a divine week for you to pull back and work with the Mercurian energy of Review, Reflect, and Reassess. Pull in and ponder to your hearts content. Healthy food, plenty of rest and a comfy couch or chair are your friends this week.

Six of Swords – The Muse of Mini-Transitions has come to get you out of a rut. This week make little changes that will affect your life in big ways. Releasing the past and finding new paths are key. This can be done by rearranging your furniture, finding a new places to hang, and/or releasing things that no longer work for you.

King of Cups – The past two weeks had you update your prime directive, a past paradigm or thinking process. And gave you clues either through dreams or synchronicities. Well, that theme continues this week with the Muse of Emotions. This energy asks you to make friends with your emotions because each of them that arise this week do so with a message. And as always with this muse Rumi’s poem Guest House is a reminder of how to do this.

*Fool– Ok so third big energy week. The past two weeks the muses asked you to use your intuition or spiritual practice to tap into the flow of information masked in synchronicities, riddles, and Fae energy. Then the Muse of Mixology had you honing the skill of spontaneity with knowledge by experimenting and combing different aspects of your life (ex: shadow/light, rest/action). And now with these skills and information the Muse of New Adventure is pushing you out the door to find new experiences. This can be as simple as finding new routes home or as complex as making a leap into a new job field or lifestyle.

Two of Swords – This week with each of your decisions you need to get in touch with how that decision feels with all your senses. This muse reminds you that it is not the goal but the journey that is important.

*Hierophant and Page of Swords – The muses this week want you to investigate your structures. This can look as simple as looking through Zillow for new places to live, finding a new way to organize your life (did someone say bullet journal), or health blogs for new workouts. Or it can look as complex as doing some research into how you prioritize the structures of your life. For example, you say family is important but spend most of your time at work?

*Magician – The Muse of Manifestation is here to help you bring the divine into existence in your life. Even though Mercury is in retrograde you all can begin manifesting. The challenge is that with each item, wish, manifestation you conjure it must also have a broader divine aspect to it. That can be as simple as you want a raise, but you also give more to charity this year. Or as complex that your new path has a higher purpose then survival.
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