Welcome 2023!
The artist this week is Jaune Quick-to-See Smith. Smith, also a curator, teacher and activist describes herself as “a cultural arts worker”. Smith’s art is a commentary on personal, social, environmental, and political issues of navigating the world as a Native American. By working with layers of paint, images, collage elements, sign-like petroglyphs, text she texturizes meaning into her work. Smith’s complex art compels the viewer to see their own complexity in history, representation, gender, and race. In her words. “Art should reveal the unknown to those who lack the experience of seeing it.” Her message from her art is a process of viewing, agitation often through humor, hopeful understanding and then a call to action.
For example, the above work, Celebrate 40,000 years of American Art though seemingly simple is deep in meaning. First, she has us see the rabbit’s smoke/shadow-dance from background to forefront hinting the movement of past to future. This leads us to the words reminding us that American Art started when Native Americas first walked in the Americas and the importance of bringing Indigenous art into the context of and dialogue of Art. Third, the rabbit imagery has been used in indigenous art for millennia and most notably as the trickster spirit of some Native tribes. The rabbit in their stories can be a hero but is often prone to inappropriate behavior like gluttony, carelessness, and an overinflated ego. So simultaneously Smith is using the rabbit image as a critique of modern artists and the art world. Like the work done by Joseph’s Beuys’s How to explain Pictures to a Dead Hare playing with the concept of what art is or the controversial aspects of Jeff Koon’s Rabbit which sold for $91million dollars. Her work nods not only to history but also to stepping more mindfully into the future.
Your pondering for the week: Let us use this retrograde period to walk or dance slowly 2023 and with more mindfulness. Not leaving the harder lessons of the past five years but honoring our history as we create our future.
Solar System highlights
This week the moon starts in Taurus – start the week slow but steady. On Tuesday it moves into Gemini – conversations and relationships are highlighted. On Friday we have a Full Moon in Cancer, a lovely time for self-care, family and enjoying your home.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Capricorn (work and discipline) compromising is key to grease your work wheels. It is also in retrograde. This is a perfect time to reflect, review and redo. Mars (action) is still in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023. This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2. Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions. The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off. So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction. And it’s in retrograde until January 12th, so again this is highlighting to walking into 2023 very slowly, mindfully, and calmly.
Venus (beauty and harmony) moves into Aquarius (innovation) on January 2nd – where we can focus on updating our environment and how we experience sensuality in our lives. Jupiter (growth) is in Aries until May 24, 2023 – great for manifestation, expansion, and action. And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.
*****I have changed using the RWS version of the tarot names and now call the suits: pentacles/coins is now Earth, cups is now Water, swords is now Air and wands is now Fire. Because I want to work more closely to the elements that these suits represent.
PS. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And if you need a quick stocking stuffer. I can supply gift certificates for all my readings.
May light be on you, around you, and within you. Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2023.

*Hierophant – You all start this year with the Muse of Structures. The place to look is not on the physical plane but on a spiritual and heart center one. This Muse asks you to focus on looking at your support/foundations with your spiritual self and with your close friend group. She wants you to strengthen the weave in your daily life with the people that are important to you and a spiritual practice. Their access may require what seems like a sacrifice of your resources, but it is actual sustenance.

*Lovers – Connection is the theme for you to start with this year. The Muse of Intimacy invites you into the year with a visualization of what this could mean. The Muse asks you to open your inner eye to a landscape blooming with flowers, a pair of birds singing harmonies of contentment. A journal lying open on a chair welcoming you to be curious and trusting. A cottage in the background where you see a simple but hearty meal waiting for you. This is the magic, learning and exchange of deep connection: growth, harmony, openness, acceptance, and nourishment. Welcome it into 2023.

Four of Air– You need to slowly roll into 2023, for the Muse of Restoration is calling you to stay in the stillness. The quiet of ritual seclusion brings inner silence and the profound rest you still require. Revitalization and healing are possible this year when sufficient time is dedicated to quietude. However, it is up to you to place and ensure quiet time into your schedule.

*Death – The Muse of Organic Change walks with you into 2023. Spend time this week evaluating what you are bringing into the new year. This Muse asks you to spend time releasing more of what you no longer need so the “new” has a place to grow. The challenge with this time of pre-creation is it is still nebulous. Work on staying with the planets’ retrograde period of review, revise and release (until January 18th), and keep the need to know at bay. Organic change is inevitable, terrifying, but also beautiful when allowed to naturally blossom.

Ten of Earth – You are walking into 2023 still having to do some clean up from 2022. The Muse of Fortitude helps us with the banality of day-to-day existence or the struggle of the last mile. She reminds you that this last bit of cleaning up is a pause to adjust and reinvent what will soon be the past. That you still can make magic happen with this ending. This seems to coincide with taking advantage of the planets in retrograde. So, the real beginning of the year starts mid-January for you.

Six of Water – Do not rush into 2023 just yet. The Muse of Remembrance is advising you to do some journaling to close out 2022. Pick six memories of the past year where you have successfully dealt with a challenge and/or experiences that has shaped the person you are now. By doing this exercise you will raise your vibration level to match the positives vibes awaiting you in 2023.

Nine of Earth – The Muse of Independence walks with you into 2023 to boast your confidence. Last year was challenging in many aspects. And you have come through it, maybe a little battle sore but with more resources and resilience than you realized you had. So now walking into 2023 you are wiser and better resourced, making the journey going forward easier and giving you the confidence to see and utilize your hard-won sovereignty.

Ace of Air – This is the card of new beginnings on the thought plane. The Muses would like you to make an outline of your goals and aspirations for 2023. The challenge is twofold. First being penetratingly truthful with what you want. Don’t be unassuming or question the substance of the goal. Secondly, leave enough room for something magical to happen too. So, make a few goals that are more about feeling of something you need than reality of a thing.

Queen of Air – The Muse of Details walks you into 2023. Perceptiveness is the skill she wants you to use this week. For example, while entering a room, see how people are gathered, who is pay attention, on their phone, laughing, talking quietly, or sitting alone. By distinguishing the details of situations before engaging, you can align yourself to where you want to be or the next action. Instead of your typical go with the flow attitude, this week is more about preemptive cleverness in deciphering decisions and actions.

Ace of Earth – Apropos that you would get a new beginning card for your birth month and for the year. The Muses would like to bestow some fertilizer on your year. These energy gifts are the stability of a the Pando root system, strength of Australian Buloke wood, wisdom found in the earth crust, fertility of an Ocean Sunfish, and the potential for abundance if you put in the ground work.

Ten of Fire – You are walking into 2023 still having to do some clean up from 2022. Luckily this slow walk into 2023 is supported by the planet’s retrograde period that ends on January 19th. The Muse of Responsibility advises that you spend time finishing tasks leftover from 2022. First evaluate if the things on your list are still relevant to the coming year. Then prioritize, what on your list only you can do. Lastly spend the next two and half weeks getting as much of the rest checked off as you can. Clearing your to-do list is essential before you begin your new birth year.

Eight of Water – The Muse of Simplification is suggesting the best use of this retrograde period is to reassess if you need to exit a situation and move on to something new. She would like you to lighten your load so you can set a new course into 2023. May times this un-baggaging has to do with emotions that no longer work for you. Or aspects that you are holding on to for comfort or sentimental reasons instead of living in the present. Time to release.
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