One of February’s vibrations is about collaboration. How can we work and create together? This week’s artist is Ava Roth. She has found a unique and interesting partnership. This series is called the Honeycomb Collection. Roth calls this an inter-species collaboration with local honeybees. She first creates an encaustic collage (painting with or uses hot beeswax) inside embroidery hopes or frames. Roth combines elements of nature with embroidery. Then the hoops are fixed to hive frames and placed inside honeybee hives. The bees then build their comb around her art and sometimes on it. Roth’s work has us ponder our interactions with nature. Can we interact instead of colliding? And can this interaction create something even more beautiful?

Solar System highlights: The Moon starts this week in Taurus – a nice shot of energy to start the work week. Then it moves into Gemini on the 9th – great for working on your communication style. Onto Cancer for the weekend – perfect for relaxing and nesting at home. We have 3 planets in Capricorn until February 14th. Mercury who works on our communication techniques especially in the workplace. Venus is in Capricorn – where beauty and harmony are achieved through practicality. And Mars – where it provides momentum in our workplaces. So, this is the week to get tasks done. Jupiter is in Pisces until May; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck. And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is the focus again for 2022.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum has given you the reins to move towards your goals with more ease this week. However, though the Universe has given you the vehicle and gassed it up, it is up to you alone to focus this energy into a direction. Or you will end up spending this week going in circles.

*Hanged One – The Muse of Inertia has come to slow things down. When everyone else is getting pushed to get things done by the planets, you may be blocked. Instead of being frustrated see that your work is to reflect and ponder possibilities. For this muse only shows up when something needs to be look at before acting. This slower movement is a blessing providing you time to think and readjust before moving forward.

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Daydreams is inviting you to play in your imagination. Your work is to dream bigger. This muse gently prompts you to look at the how and why you stop yourself from imagining a bigger brighter future. Focus on changing your “it’s impossible” to “it is possible.”

Four of Swords – When the planets are pushing most people forward you need the opposite. Rest is required this week. This Muse shows up when you do not realize how depleted you are. Turn off technology and take some time in stillness and seclusion. You are still work just internally.

*Hermit – Last week the Muse of Organic change challenged you to let go of the old to fertilize the new. Now the Muse of Hermitage adds to that energy with perspective and asks you to pull back from the everyday. You need to work with the big picture. It can be as simple as stepping back from a project to see which steps need to be tweak. Or as complex as thinking about deeper concepts like why I am here at this place and this time, and what can I do to better my world and the world of others.

Page of Cups – The Muse of Joy has come to help you through an emotional time. This energy reminds you that life though complex and at times hard also has moments of sweetness. Your work is to see the joy. Think of ice cream on a hot day, sun showers, fireflies, a child’s giggle, or a cat’s purr. It’s being present to these small moments of joy that reminds us that life is good.

King of Wands – Last week the Muse of Metamorphosis wanted you to up your game by running your goals through the 4 components of evolution: Potential, can it be done? Variation, are there multiple avenues to get there? Competition, do you have to vie for resources? And proliferation, can it be done more than once? The Muse of Vibrance lets you spend another week on this process and cheers you on with shouts of “You got this!”

Five of Cups – This week can have its disappointment and missteps. But the Muse of Silver Linings reminds you that with each challenge there are positive aspects that you can only find by going through this process. Your work is to find those positive aspects that are left after the proverbial milk has been spilled.

Seven of Wands – Last week Kali came to help you find cracks in some aspect of your life. Something you have been ignoring needs fixing. Now the Muse of Effort is pushing you to mend those cracks. Luckily you have another week to work on creating solutions, so “chalk on.”

Eight of Coins – The Muse of Productivity brings her energy so you can get things accomplished this week. This is so aligned with three planets also in Capricorn to help you get things moving. So, make your to-do lists and start checking them off. The challenge is not to take on unneeded pressure. You have mastery now its just working with it in the everyday.

Queen of Cups – This Muse of Pleasure has come to remind you that this week you need to be entertained and pampered. Yes, you will still be called to be productive, but you must balance it with laughter and love. So, find your joy people.

*Lovers – The Muse of Relationships wants you to reconnect with the ones you love. Your work is to spend quality time with your “peeps” and fine tune your people skills. She reminds you this quality time promotes intimacy. So don’t try to fit everyone in this week. Maybe just home in on the one you haven’t connected with in a while.
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