Happy Birthday Pisces!
Continuing with the theme of collaborators for February this week artists are Gilbert and George. They meet while studying sculpture in art school in London in 1967 and have collaborated ever since. Or as they say “It is not a collaboration…. We are two people, but one artist.” They use a variety of mediums in their work, but they come from a viewpoint that it all lies within the discipline of sculpture, much like last week’s collaborators Hilla and Bernd Becher. As you look at their expansive, often whimsical, and sometimes obscene, work, Gilbert and George take us on a Mister Toad’s Wild Ride through themes of sexuality, morality, and mortality.
In many of their pieces one sees portraitures of themselves in identical tweed suits in various poses and settings juxtaposed against an idea or landscape, the traditionalist and banal versus progressiveness and uniqueness. As they say, “We want our art to: bring out the Bigot from inside the Liberal and conversely to bring out the Liberal inside the Bigot.” Gilbert and George have us questioning our boundaries of sensibilities and by doing so it provide areas in which to learn and grow. Your pondering for the week: how do you challenge your concept of morality?
Solar System highlights: The Moon is in Scorpio – dip into your passions. Then it moves later that day into Sagittarius – go explore with your feet or your mind. Onto Capricorn for the weekend – remember to balance or combine play and work. Mercury is in Aquarius for some of us it is a time to pull back for perspective, for others working with communication styles that are more outside the box. We have two planets left in Capricorn until March 6th. Venus – where beauty and harmony are achieved through practicality. And Mars – where it provides momentum in our workplaces. Jupiter is in Pisces until May; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck. And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus again for another year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Death – Change is in the air and the Muse of Composting is here to help. This energy comes around when your need to release something to let another grow. This can be as simple as clearing off your desk or as complex as letting go of a job or person that no longer is helping you to develop to the next level.

Ace of Swords – The Muse of Goal Setting is here to help you set an objective and break it down into doable steps. This is a week to have one focus and do it to completion. This hyperfocus is a good avenue to funnel your natural tenacity.

Four of Coins – You may feel this week that you have limited resources. Well, you are right, so spend them wisely and efficiently. This is not a week to over-extend yourself, money, or time.

Four of Swords – The Muse of Rest and Restoration has come to draw you a bath. This week take it easy any time you can. This muse also reminds you to take technology breaks, which means Netflix too. It is a wonderful week to stare out the window. Not only does it reset your brain but restores your depleted batteries.

*Magician – Last week you had Kali-like energy bringing to light areas that need fixing in your life. This week the Muse of Magic reminds you that to manifest you must incorporate the divine. This Muse asks you to specify – why do you do what you do? And how does it better the world around you? By reconnecting to the divine/magic, it will reignite your passion and refine your skills. Remember experimentation and improvisation also help tone your force of will.

Eight of Coins – Last week the Muse of Vitality came to warm you up and make you thrive. So, you could utilize your brilliance and shine it towards what you want to flourish. And now the Muse of Craft contributes by reminding, you are no longer the pupil. You are highly skilled. Making it a wonderful week for connecting with flow.

*Temperance – The Muse of Kismet walks with you this week; therefore, most things go your way. You find parking spots; you connect with people – the world and you are harmonious. However, if they do not go your way or an aspect feels cacophonic, this is a sign to turn around and walk or drive the other way. Listen to the music of your life it helps you dance as well as navigate.

*Strength – The Muse of Backbone is with you this week helping you stand up for yourself. You are an amazing emotional conduit, and this muse reminds you not to hide these emotions or hide behind them. Therefore, you must first tame them before sharing, and share them you must.

Eight of Wands – You will receive a download of messages/inspirations this week. So, ears, eyes, and heart open. However, do not feel as if you need to deal, process, or answer all of them. Write them down, deal with only the urgent ones and save the rest to peruse at your leisure.

Eight of Swords – You may feel a bit exposed or vulnerable this week. However, the Muse of Bindings has come to point out that some of your sense of helplessness is based on untruths that others have placed on you. So let old thought patterns that no longer serve you go. This is a week to grasp onto your freedom.

*Hierophant – This muse arrives when some structure you have placed into your life is not working or needs to be innovated. This can be as simple as rearranging a room in your house, re-committing to a cleaner diet, or as complex as re-examining the ethical integrity of your lifestyle. Are you practicing what you preach?

Ten of Wands – The Muse of Responsibility comes for two reasons. One is for you to lighten your load so two you can whole-heartly commit to the responsibilities that are truly yours. So, whose responsibility have you taken on? Time to let them go, letting others learn responsibility as you reestablish boundaries. Allowing you to clearly answer: where do you need to re-commit to your goals?
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