The beginning of 2020 has been a bit rough with fires, plague, a variety of governments in turmoil and corruption. The art of Eva Camacho brings many of these injustices to the forefront, but she also gives us hope. The piece above, A Golden Ray of Hope, and her words below are just what my soul and maybe yours needs to hear to carry on.
“Worry, loss, sadness, injustice, desperation, tears, incredulity, uncertainty and pain can sap us of our will to carry on. A golden ray of HOPE keeps us going, striving, moving, laughing, breathing, loving and surviving. It binds us to each other and roots us to the ground. It is the current that jolts through our hearts and brightens are eyes. HOPE nourishes us and guides us from darkness towards peace, justice, and love. This piece visualizes a golden ray of HOPE that can help us all carry on.”
Camacho started out as a designer of felted garments and gave it up to hone her skills into conceptual art pieces mostly around social and environmental justice. Even though her pieces take on heavy injustices, the technique she uses, and her designs show us that even in the presence of hardship that we can mend bind together and grow. She has combined her felting wool with the process of Joomchi. Joomochi is an centuries old Korean technique working with Mulberry fibers to create sculptural paper. The pieces below are just close ups of her stuff please click to her site to see the full display.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

*Star – The Star brings with it a lovely, calming, healing energy to this week. Take time to just be. Allow yourself the time and space to connect to the positive flow of the Universe. If you are quiet enough you can tap into your north Star, your guiding light. This process will help you realize you are not alone in your quest, and that you can heal not only your wounds but some of those in the world too.

Two of Cups – The best use of this week’s energy is focusing on the ones you love. These are relationships you choose. There is a need to re-balance these relationships. The challenge is finding the time to create the intimacy that fills both your cups by just being with each other.

Seven of Swords – Small victories abound through out this week, and you are due these successes. However, the challenge is to be careful not to allow in the energy of tit for tat or retribution. Your battles are being won but the war continues, so play fair and win with good sportsmanship.

Queen of Wands – Taking time this week to be creative and be in nature will help you focus on the tasks that need to be done. I know this sounds counterintuitive or makes you feel like you are goofing off. But taking the time to reconnect with your soul is as important to your work as checking things off your to-do list.

*Death – Change begins this week. The energy is the combination of letting go of things that don’t work and learning from that process what to focusing on or plant next. It will be a slow process and a very organic one. This energy is very cyclic in nature. The more you empty your cup – the fuller you can re-fill it. The more you till the soil – the more fertile the ground. Dig deep, turn things over, throw out the stones in your path and plant the seeds for things to come.

Ace of Swords – The energy this week is buzzing around thoughts and communication. Do PR, answers all those emails, and take time to contemplate new ideas. The more you think about and communicate the more seeds you will plant for the coming month.

Two of Coins – The energy to work with this week is balance. Not only doing exercises that hone your physical balance, but also balancing work and play is vital. The challenge with this is that you can’t juggle more than one thing. So, if working, focus on the job at hand, and if playing, focus on the fun.

Two of Wands – Betwixt and between is the energy to work with this week. This is not the time to start new things. It is more of a time for preparation and reflection. The best exercises to do with this energy is examining your past for lessons and imagining your future with out restrictions.

Eight of Wands – The Universe is full of communications and information for you this week. The soul’s flow is trying to ease your path and it does it with synchronicities and signs. You can also ask for more directed help and the more you ask for the more hits you will get. Though you will have to sift through all messages to find them. The challenge with this energy is sometimes the Universe believes it knows what you want better than you do. And lol that may be true.

Page of Swords – To get to the truth this week will be tricky. The challenge with this energy is to truth-find you will have to do some digging and deep listening. Ask questions that slowly peel away the layers. Go at your life and your problems like a therapist with inquiry, compassion and patience.

Ace of Wands – The energy this week is about planting the seeds for future passions. What makes you get up in the morning other than the alarm? What is your driving force? By answering these questions, you can start planting the seeds to create more opportunities where your passions can flower. This is a great card to begin your new birth year.

King of Wands – The energy this King brings is manifesting creativity and passion. This King heralds this is the time to create many aspects of your world. The challenge is picking the ones that bring you joy and then scheduling them into your life. This energy advises that work is fine, but you must have things in your life that stimulate you at every level.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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