The artist this week is Rachael Talibrat @rachaeltalibrat. Talibrat’s photography is powerful. Most of her photography has to do with the ocean. You can tell her love for its power and serenity. This series is called Sirens, photographs of the sea at its most tumultuous. The ocean wild with the weather. She has named most her of these pictures from mythology. Which adds to their power and reminds us of the strength and mythos of storm and water, bearer of life and destruction. As we view this series, we hear the crash and feel the spray on our face, eliciting both fear and awe of something bigger than us and out of our control.
Ocean storms are vital to feed the wildlife below and bring new life to distant shores, as do the storms in our lives. These past two years have been tumultuous for us, they have shown us the cracks in our systems. The places that don’t hold up when the weather whips up. But it has also highlighted what is most important in our lives: quality of life, companionship, time, our health, etc… This storm is creating a new shoreline, new and better ways to live, refocusing us on what truly feed us.
Solar System highlights: The Moon starts this week in Capricorn – focus on work and getting things done. Then moves into Aquarius on the 7th – look for innovation and inspiration. Then onto Pisces for the 9th – a time for future casting and daydreams. And ends the week, on the 11th in Aries – action and movement for the weekend. Mercury is in Sagittarius until December 12th – great for deep philosophical conversations with folks but watch for right vs. might attitudes. Venus is in Capricorn until the end of the year – where beauty and harmony are achieved with practicality. Mars is in Scorpio – desire is in the air, and it is a great time to work on long term projects that you care about. And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus until end of December.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Three of Wands – The Muse of the Timing is here to remind you that things need to click into place before you can move forward. Having a goal and the steps to get there are important this week but so is timing. Do what comes easily and leave the parts that aren’t working for another day.

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Silliness has come with her lampshade on. You are taking life too seriously and she is here reminding you that laughter is the best medicine. Yes, you have obligations and there are snafus in the mix this week, but if you can’t laugh at these missteps then you can’t learn from them. So, smile at this week’s comedy of errors, for some of the most profound insights come from humor both light and dark.

Four of Cups – Your third four so more work on stability in your life. So far, the Muses had you stabilize your physical and mental health by laying low and stabilizing your home environment with some beautification. This week the Muses focus on stabilizing your emotions. A great exercise is doing this is creating emotion rooms in your mind or journal it. Each emotion gets a room and gets to decorate it, but only with stuff to help that emotion cope. So, say anger gets a bunch of pillows to punch and scream into and sadness gets a fireplace and comfy blanket. How you decorate will give you insight on what to do in the real world to help your emotions process, instead of stuffing them down.

Queen of Wands – The Muse of Awe wants you to engage in awe inspiring activities. You need to reconnect with the unconscious collective and your own spirit self. You can do this by spending time with art in any form and/or nature. And by doing so you reconnect with your higher purposes.

Eight of Swords – The Muse of Bondage has come with a set of keys. This week can feel as if the world is closing in and/or you are stuck in a looping cycle. This energy comes to show you that you have options but only if you take off your blindfold and believe you have choice. Maybe not every choice you could wish for at this point, but you do have the choices of staying or leaving. This energy wants to remind you not to choose either because of fear. Especially the worry mindsets that have been placed in your brain by others, but you have now accepted as your own. This week release the hold the past has on you. Your song: Should I stay or should I go.

Four of Coins – The Muse of Financial Stability has come with her calculator. This energy reminds you how you spend your energy or money is key to your near future ease. You should be focusing on quality not quantity or short-term gain. So be careful with what and how much you spend your money or energy on this week.

Queen of Swords – The Muse of Details comes when you need to pay attention to the particulars more than the big picture. Take your eyes off the horizon and become aware of the minutia of the present. Small gestures of compassion, empathy and everyday conversations are needed this week to create more ease and less missteps. If you have any agreements, legal items or contracts read the fine print and ask questions around anything you do not fully understand.

Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship comes when your emotional cups need filling. Spend times with friends or your chosen family and refill your emotional cups with love and laughter this week.

Six of Wands – Another six so this year the concept of positive karmic balancing will be taking place. Your third Muse to work with is success that build on each other. This year the energy of what is success for you will come to the forefront. You will find 2022 will be full of achievements and positive outcomes, though it may not all be in places that you planned on. She also reminds you that to win the war game plans need to be innovated, so make sure you are updating your metaphorical hardware and software as you go through the coming year.

Six of Coins – The Muse of mini-Karma comes to heighten your awareness of cause and effect in your life. The interesting thing with this energy is sometimes the energy exchange is immediate and with others it is convoluted. This week the more positive energy you spend the more you receive but it also works with negative energy, so tread lightly and kindly.

*Hierophant – Last week the Muse of Positivity shone on you. Working with you to shine a light on not only the good things in your life but also the shadow side so you could work with it. This week the Muse of Structures adds her energy. This Muse comes when something in your structures or goals is not aligned with your moral compass. Reading or listening to philosophical ponderings is helpful if you need guidance. And on practical levels readjusting your sleep cycle, health habitats, or work schedule will help create more ease this week. This muse reminds you more structure or more restrictive is not always the better route for you all. Stability and flexibility are the keys.

*Moon – The Muse of the Unconscious will be downloading information to you. They show up in your dreams and emotional states. Remember these are not to be taken personal or as reality but to be seen through the lens of metaphor. For example: if you have waves of sadness then you keep seeing plastic flamingos which relates to Florida and Florida has flamingos on its lottery tickets then you see a ten-dollar bill on the floor. Yeah, this week
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