Happy Solstice!

It’s that time again. Every Winter Solstice to New Years, I reflect on what has been and plan for what is to be. Also, I’m data geek. I keep excel sheets collecting data points from the tarotcast’s cards that each sign gets throughout the year. So, this tarotcast is dedicated to our rearview mirror of 2022.
I look at the data in two ways, how many times each card was pulled (for anomalies) and what the actual cards were for each sign (trends). For fun I want to see if the data shows some statistical difference and or trends, and so far, it has. This means that certain cards get pulled outside the average (which this year the average is 8 times). Now, to be truly scientific I would have to do this for many years. I am only on year seven, but let’s see how this works with the data I have so far. (You can see a year in review for 2016 , 2017 , 2018 2019, 2020, 2021). Also, some of you had asked why I include the tarot card’s name. I do this for my readers that want to learn more about tarot, so for you all that just want the trends, skip over the card names.
Gazing in the Rear-view Mirror
First, I look at overall anomalies or card pulls outside the norm: This is a look through a societal lens. This year the most pulled cards were the Fool and Moon in the Higher Arcane and Four of Swords and the Pages as a group in the Lower Arcane.
- The Fool herald of new beginnings, leaps of faith and clean slates. Examples of this are the generational change in leadership with the Democratic party in the house. Or more generally we all were coming out of pandemic with new ideas about how we wanted to come back into society. Many of us have jumped into new lives or come back into society. This could be done foolishly or with wisdom this was part of the challenge with this energy. Either we learned from mistakes and successes of the past and brought them forward into our new life or we unconsciously and foolishly stepped into something that does not align with our aligned path – jumping in with ego or because of fear. An example of that more foolish behavior is Elon Musk buying Twitter and the way he is cleaning house. A more positive aspect is the Great Resignation in the US, where employees were leaving their jobs to find or demand better opportunities.
- The Moon was another card we saw a lot. The most recent example is NASA launching its first rocket back to the moon. But the Moon is also about emotions and brings out hidden or repressed aspects of our subconscious. These reflections of our subconscious can be the thing of dreams or nightmares. This year has had a sense of feeling raw, exposed. The moon has revealed our various prejudices and fears reflected in our society, especially around femininity. Sadly, we see this with more hate crimes and laws against trans-people and women around the world. Like the overturning of Roe, the laws in Texas outlawing gender affirming medical treatment, the protest in Iran around women having choice to wear a hijab, to name a few. The lesson with this Muse is society needs to have our collective subconscious revealed, like a wave pulling back exposing the shore. So, we can work to see what lies underneath the waves of emotion and heal it if necessary. The beauty is in the knowing that the tide will shift once again; the life-giving waters of our emotions will return and hopefully to healthier cleaner shores.
- The Four of Swords advises us that rest and restoration is needed. Often this is around technology, and we have seen this with examples like the lower subscriptions in Netflix, people want to pull back from working over 40 hours, wanting a reasonable pay rate. But it also says how we easily tire and feel exhausted more this year even though some of the stressors of the past two years have toned down.
- Pages are the cards of learning. And all the signs participated in this learning, creativity, and innovating process. However, again like the Fool above, pages can bring with them a sense of naiveté and at times foolishness. If you worked with these Muses well, you had lessons around being humble and learning from others. If not, there were lessons in our mistakes.
The lowest card pulls for the year are places where we did not have enough support from the Universe. The lowest card was the 9 of Cups- only pulled once this year. This card’s energy is around the lessons of feeling satisfied or content – the universe didn’t give us any help in this area. So even though we want the rest of the Four of Swords above we needed to fight for it. Then we had some ties for the next tier, cards pulled twice, the Wheel, Judgement, 10 of Cups and the King of Swords. So not really supported were the Wheel, so we saw sort of the same old same old. Judgement the card of evolution again no big jumps in creating a new world. Ten of Cups which is that big joy and happiness card was hard to find. And lastly the King of Swords so it has been hard to make or even clearly see long-term plans.
That is the big societal trends. And below in the cast are the trends within each sign in comparison to the norm. Art is some of my favorites for the year.
Solar System highlights until the end of the Year
This week the moon starts in Scorpio- prioritize your passion and heart. On Wednesday it moves into Sagittarius, reveling in freedom and adventure. Friday we have a new Moon in Capricorn, make wishes for what you would like to materialize in 2023. On Sunday the 25th the moon moves into Aquarius, great for community spirit. On Tuesday it moves into Pisces – spend time relaxing and daydreaming. And on Thursday into the new year the moon is in Aries great for beginnings.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Capricorn (work and discipline) for the rest of the year so we can get a lot done through conversations if you can compromise. Venus (beauty and harmony) is also Capricorn – where spending our resources wisely is highlighted.
Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023. This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2. Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions. The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off. So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction. Jupiter (growth) is in Aries until May 24, 2023 – great for manifesting, expansion, and action. And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.
PS. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricornthis is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Readingfor your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And if you need a quick stocking stuffer. I can supply gift certificates for all my readings.
May light be on you, around you, and within you. Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2023.

This year compared to other signs was a very energetically charged for you all. You were one of the two signs that had the most karmic cards, and you had the most at 20 karma cards pulled. Each month you had at least 2 highly charged weeks where you dealt with karma and learned big lessons. Except for the months of April and August where you had none and could take a breather. Also, during this year, you had three major energies on rinse and repeat. The Devil, where learnt lessons were re-tested and you needed to stand up for your moral ground. The Chariot, if change was going to happen this year, it was up to you alone. You and Taurus had the most knights(momentum) cards than other signs. So, the Universe supplied gas for your tank but no help in direction. And this is where the third theme came in if you didn’t have a direction then the Universe put up blockades until you did. So, take these next two weeks to relax, you deserve it.

Unlike last year where you had the highest karmic cards in comparison to other signs, this year you had the average amount. However, unlike the other signs you did not partake at all in getting rest/restoration into your regime, for you never got the 4 of swords (rest and restoration). And you and Aries had the most knights (movement) cards pulled compared to other signs. Then to add to it, throughout the year you were pushing for new beginnings, being one of the two signs with the most Aces (new beginnings) pulled. From the start of 2022 to the beginning of April you were busy deconstructing and finishing up projects. The rest of the year was a study in manifesting, healing, emotions, balance, and ending the year with multiple occasions fighting for justice and balnce. Even though feminine energy was not supported by the universe you took up the sword and fought for it in various ways: learning from women, lots of conversations, as well of action steps. Try to spend this last part of the year reflecting on what you have learned from all those that identify with feminine energy, how you can spread what you have learned into 2023, and above all else, REST.

Where in 2021 you had the lowest big energy to deal with but the highest in new beginnings compared to other signs, this year you fell into the average ranges for both. And like most of us, this was a year you took a deep dive into emotions and played with taking a leap of faith by the end of the year. But first you began 2022 focusing on increasing your strength (inner and outer) and aligning with your purpose. By the end of spring and throughout the summer themes of closure, healing, letting go, collaboration, communication, and finding balance were the aspects you were investigating. However, at the end of the year you took on the big themes of deconstruction, fairness, and clean slates. Overall, you had the most 5s compared to other signs. Fives represent chaos, so even though you had the average pull for karmic endeavors, 2022 still had elements of hecticness. So, for the next two weeks continue that investigation of what isn’t working and creating a balance so you can start 2023 with that new but calmer journey you have been asking for.

You had the average amount of karmic energy cards this year compared to other signs. Though you had more 8s than other signs throughout the year. Eights mean refine and release, so you were working with those energies too all year. Until May, you were dealing with the concept of mixology or blending. How to find the perfect mix of the four planes of existence: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Then in May, June, and July like Taurus you took a deep dive into the feminine structures and inner strength; however, unlike everyone else who did it through their emotions you did it through the Empress. So, the acts against LGBTQ+, and female rights that were a deep dive psychologically for most were a place to create community, growth, and action for you. However, by August and into November you were wobbling between distraction vs divine attunement, anarchy vs order, and structures vs deconstruction. Finally, you end the year with a bright note and realigning with your purpose. Take these last two weeks of the year creating reminders of what truly brings you joy and purpose, so you can use them as your north stars for 2023.

You all had the second highest amount of karmic energy cards this year compared to other signs. And you came in with the second most 7s than other signs. Sevens are the cards that focus on expansion and contraction. So, you often felt dueling aspects of introvertism and extrovertism throughout 2022. Though January started off slow, by February you started dealing with the duality of death/manifestation and structure/deconstruction. These are themes you revisited two more times during this year. And like most of the signs you also had to deep dive into your emotions and clean slates. You are now ready to move on from your inner work towards being back into society. Take the next couple of weeks to continue that theme of letting others back into your life, so that 2023’s topics become more about being social and creative collaboration than being pushed and pulled between introvert and extrovert.

You had the average amount of karmic energy cards this year compared to other signs. Though you did have more 4s pulled. Fours are the lessons around stability. So, you were working with that energy all year. And like most of us, you also took deep dives into emotions and started looking for new experiences. However, you interspersed those with the themes of creation, growth, goal setting, collaboration, and exploring opportunities. And you did it in your thorough Virgonian way by taking on only one big energy each month. Which is interesting how the year is ending for you with two big concepts around evolution, and self-propulsion. It is like you are on the cusp of evolving into the next better version of you. So, take the next two weeks storing up momentum and designing plans for version youdot2023.

You all were dealt the average amount of karmic energy this year compared to the other signs. Like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into emotions and starting something new. However, you all decided to take on the most diverse number of karmic themes, and unlike the other signs except for Taurus you did not partake in getting rest/restoration into your regime. Instead, you explored ideas around evolution, balance, perspective, inertia, collaboration, inner strength, opportunities, manifestation, deconstruction, building and growth. Whew! So, it may be best if you spend the next two weeks reflecting on what you want to bring into 2023 and recharging your batteries. You have been very busy, and it is time for you to let go of control and take a break.

This year you all were dealt the average amount of karmic energy compared to the other signs. And like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into your emotions and starting something new. Though you started and finished the year respectively with those themes. You also revisited the concept of self-propulsion versus inertia throughout the year. Having to provide most of the energy and direction or being stop completely in your tracks. That means you spent most of the year driving the bus or being stuck in proverbial traffic. Not to mention you tied with Gemini for the most 5s pulled for the signs. Fives help us find ways to deal with and around chaos. And then between all of that you also worked with the karmic energies of inner strength, structure, building, manifestation, and collaboration. Only slowly down somewhat in the past few weeks. So, I suggest continuing this focus on slowing down and simplifying. Take the next two weeks to rest and enjoy the ending of 2022 and work on what you need to bring more calm and joy into 2023.

You all were dealt the average amount of karmic energy compared to the other signs this year. And like most of us, 2022 was a deep dive into your emotions and starting something new. However, you spread your lessons out, one at the beginning, the middle and again at the end of 2022. Also, you delved into ideas around purpose and growth twice this year. Where you stood out from the other signs is you had the most Pages and 2s. Pages are the muses of learning, and you learn from all four realms: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, especially from the summer on. And 2-cards are lessons on balancing in all the 4 realms also. So going into next year you are more stable and sure-footed. Take these next two weeks to consider what you have learned this year, especially around balance and equity and take that information into 2023.

Happy Birthday Month! You all had an average year in karmic energies compared with the other signs in 2022. And like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into emotions and starting new projects or journey with a leap of faith. Though you started and finished the year respectively with those themes. However, unlike last year which had a high learning curve, this year was just about gathering information to deepen your knowledge base. Your other karmic themes were moderation, manifestation, self-propulsion, building, deconstruction, and organic change. However, the trend that stood out for your sign was you all pulled the most 6s. Sixes represent exchange. So, there was a lot of back and forth this year of ideas, emotion, and physical resources. You ended the year with World card meaning doors are opening in 2023. Spend the next two weeks making sure your resources are in the green, so you can step fully equipped into whatever is opening up for you in 2023.

You all had an average year in karmic energies compared with the other signs in 2022. And like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into your emotions and starting something new, but you all waited until mid-2022 to start in on these themes. It is not that you weren’t busy because you were. You took on a new karmic theme each month. Themes like structure, luck, collaboration, purpose, fairness, inertia, opportunities, and manifestation. And this year you all have specifically been dealing with the squaring of Saturn and Uranus a bit more than the rest of us. Which showed up by being one of two of the signs having a lot of 5s pulled. Five means chaos or disarray, and the lessons are around learning how to deal with or avoid them So, you haven’t been able to be as free flowing as you innately are. However, Saturn will be leaving your sign and this configuration fully by March of 2023. Freedom is on the horizon for all you water bearers. So, take these two weeks to ponder what you would like to do when the chains of Saturn release you.

You all were dealt the average amount of karmic energies compared with the other signs in 2022. However, you are the only sign that didn’t deal with the big themes of diving into your emotions or taking a leap of faith or new adventure. The themes you explored are inner strength, manifestation, collaboration, building onto what you have, focus, moderation, hermiting, inertia, purpose, and healing. You also had the most 7s than other signs. Sevens are the cards that focus on expansion and contraction. And you took that hermiting/contraction a bit to the extreme by being the sign with the lowest number of court cards. Court cards represent people, and you had your doors locked to newcomers. But you have ended the year pondering what is next and how to get back into the swing of things. In the final two weeks of 2022, it is vital that you continue working with this theme. Because you will need a road map and destination plotted out for the coming year, and more importantly travel companions.
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