Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Dec. 12, 2021

Janis Miltenberger
Janis Miltenberger

One of my favorite ornaments are my great grandmother’s handblown glass balls.  Somehow, they have survived packing, moving, and unpacking for over 150 years, and I ponder all the stories and lives they have reflected in their spherical surface.  So, as I was decorated my tree, I turned on the Blown Away Christmas Special on Netflix.  Coincidentally the series is also how I started 2021.  So, I took the universe’s hint and picked the glass artist Janis Miltenberger @vitrovixen to highlight this week. 

Glassblowing or the practice of blowing air into a tube with a mass of molten glass on the end was invented by Syrian craftsman in the 1st century BCE.  These vessels were used for everyday containers or were luxury items where the glass was blown into molds like shells, clusters of grapes and human heads.  Eventually the blowers discovered the skill of making natural spheres without molds working with two or more gaffers.

Instead of working with a team of people at a glass furnace, Miltenburger works alone using blow torches to build her structures adding elements to an internal framework.  She creates stories made of glass. As she explains: “As curious creatures we attempt to make sense of our world connecting lines and creating stories based upon the images we see. We hold a vocabulary of common imagery that human experience has provided. It is the everyday images I seek out as elements of fables that can speak to each of us in symbolic language. A nest, wishbone and glass cage, those images have recognizable meanings and draw upon feelings and experiences of our shared humanity.” Your reflection as we head towards the end of 2021, look around your environment and what items reflect your life story?

Solar System highlights:  The Moon starts this week in Aries – action and movement.  Then moves into Taurus on the 14th – time to get grounded.  Then onto Gemini for the 16th – a great time for conversations and exchange of ideas at all levels.  Mercury is in Capricorn – great for working out difference but must have a practical side to all convos.  Venus is in Capricorn until the end of the year – where beauty and harmony are achieved with practicality.  Mars moves into Sagittarius on Monday until the end of the year– a lovely time to expand and explore not only your environment but your mind.  And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus until end of December.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Janis Miltenberger
Janis Miltenberger

Nine of Coins – The Muse of the Individualism has come to retether you to You.  She reminds you that working alone might be the way to go this week.  You need the quiet of solitude to discern what are the next steps, without the opinion of others.

Janis Miltenberger
Janis Miltenberger

Two of Cups – The Muse of Romance is here to give your close relationships a booster shot.  This week dine by candlelight, whisper sweet nothings, and engage in flirtatious play with the person that fills your cup.  And if you’re not in a relationship this week stretch your flirt muscles, find ways to make strangers feel special and in turn their response will boost you.

Janis Miltenberger
Janis Miltenberger

Two of Wands – The Muse of Contemplation has come with tea and a comfy chair for you to thoughtful ponder your future.  You are at a place of in between and this muse is advising to take this week to think about where you want to be at the end of 2022.   Take time to meander down the boundless possibilities that you could traverse next year.   Are their exotic lands you want to discover?  Skills you have always wanted to tinker with?

Janis Miltenberger
Janis Miltenberger

Eight of Cups – The Muse of Minimalism is advising come at this week with simplicity.  You may have to walk away from a situation or find a new course of action but insure this act does not come from a place of fear, but of strength.  This Muse reminds you that not all things are under your control.  These decisions are not about can or cannot but about should or shouldn’t.  Humility is the key to seeing what you can handle and what is asking too much of you.

Janis Miltenberger

Seven of Swords – The Muse of Schemes has come to tell you something is a foot.  The hard part about this week is this feeling of not rightness is hidden by a fog of uncertainty.  The only way to work with this energy is to take the high road.  Don’t be pulled into the schemes of others.  Keep your moral integrity as you wander the unknown.

Janis Miltenberger
Janis Miltenberger

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum is here to help you get things moving.  The challenge with this energy is you must have a plan or destination.  If you don’t have a focus or goal, you will be driving in circles.  So, spend today planning on where you want to go and then check your GPS daily to make sure you are on track.


Janis Miltenberger

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Day Dreaming is asking you to do some poignant wishing this week.  The best exercise to do is write down all you wishes: extravagant, useful, big and small.  The Universe is wanting a wish list to see what it can line up for you in the coming year.

Janis Miltenberger

Five of Cups – The Muse of Processing has come with tissues and hot cocoa.  This past year has asked you to sacrifice somethings.  Take this week to mourn those losses, but she also reminds you with every loss there was also a gift.  So, tally up the positives and take them with you into 2022 and leave the rest behind.

Janis Miltenberger

*Emperor – First let’s review what Muses you will be working with in your coming birth year. First the Muse of Details reminds you to pay attention to the little things. Then Muse of Small Kindnesses challenges you to consciously walk on this Earth and see that little decisions at times resonate more than the larger ones. Your third Muse has you pondering what is success, for 2022 will be full of achievements and positive outcomes, though it may not all be in places that you planned on.  She also reminds you that to win the war, your game plans need to be innovative.  So, make sure you are updating your metaphorical hardware and software as you go through the coming year.  And lastly the Muse of Building helps you build durable facets to your life that help you prosper and enhance your physical domain.


Janis Miltenberger

*Lovers – The Muse of Choice has come at the end of your birth year to have you grade the choices you have made since your last birthday.  What selections have you made that you would give yourself an A on?  The interesting outcome with this exercise is discerning if you had a true choice or not.  This Muse has you see that options are often finite but on the other hand if they were innumerable would you make a choice at all.  This week is about seeing your collaboration with the Universe is really working in your best interest, as long as you chose with your heart.


Janis Miltenberger

Six of Coins – The past two weeks you have worked with stability and flexibility.  This week the Muse of Giving has arrived bearing gifts, wrapping paper and bows.  She reminds you for every kindness that is extended to you this week to give back three-fold.  Charity and kindness are your keys to ease this week.

Janis Miltenberger

King of Swords – Last week the Muse of the Unconscious downloaded some information for you, but it was layered with metaphor.   This week you will be able to continue unwrapping this information’s mysteries, for this week is all about decision making and logic.  Hopefully your download will help because it is time to decide and act upon it.  The Muse of Long-Term planning counsels you to make that first step and the rest will follow with ease.