To finish out this year of artists, I highlight another “unknown” woman that came out of the Bauhaus movement, Germaine Krull. Krull was a pioneer in the fields of avant-garde photomontage, photographic books, and photojournalism. She is best known for documenting the industrial revolution of the 1920s and 30’s and bringing her aesthetic approach to it. She created 64 photos and called the series Metal. Instead of documenting industrialization by focusing on the entire structure, skylines, or machinery, she captured pivotal perspectives and detailed views that has us focusing on the aesthetic of these modernizations. Her images concentrate on the curve of a road or the curve of a building. Disconnecting our perspective from the entire object by connecting us to its design, marvel, and beauty.
Her photojournalism of prostitution and homelessness also was a marriage of documentation, social commentary, and art. She has the viewer looking down at the unhoused or straight at the illicit underground. Even her portraits are focused on parts of the person and shot at angles that increase the intimacy of her images. We can see through her photographs that Krull wants us to expand our perspective. To search for new viewpoints, glimpse intimately at our world and find the flow and beauty of its varying configurations.
Your pondering for the week: Take time to look at your world through an engaged lens. See the exquisiteness in the detail of it.
Solar Systems Highlights
This week the moon starts in Leo, your time to shine. On Wednesday it moves into Virgo, prioritize and organize through the end of the work week. And for the weekend the moon is in Libra, great for holiday gatherings and focusing on relationships. Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Capricorn (work and discipline) for the rest of the year so we can get a lot done through conversations if you can compromise. Venus (beauty and harmony) is also Capricorn – where spending our resources wisely is highlighted.
Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023. This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2. Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions. The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off. So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction. Jupiter (growth) is in Pisces wanting us to dream big and explore what makes us zing for one more week. And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Four of Wands – The Muse of Happy Home advises getting your home cozy, ready for the holidays and the end of the year. She asks when you walk into your house do you feel a sense of relief. If not, what do you need to add tweak, or eliminate to create more comfort into your home? It could be on the physical plane like more holiday lights, or it could be on the creative or vibe plane changing the color or using design accents to create a more soothing palate.

Six of Wands – The Muse of Jubilation is here to remind you that you have a lot to be proud and grateful for. She advises you to acknowledge and celebrate your victories this week. And she warns to be careful of not moving on to the next thing or worrying about the future -stay in the now. This week is very much about enjoying what you have reaped this year.

*Fool – This week marks you are halfway through your birth year and the Muse of Beginnings is wanting you to clean the slate and start afresh. She asks how you can be more spontaneous and open to new possibilities in the next 6 months? She would like you to follow your spirit more than your intellect and this is the week is the beginning of this practice. It can be as simple as taking a new way home or as complex as finding a way to travel to distant shores.

Nine of Wands – The Muse of Preparedness would like you to spend this week checking to see if your resources are topped off and if not time to restock. This can be your pantry or your spirit that needs replenishing. Look around and see what projects you might have dangling that are sapping your energy. This is the week to get something off your plate and/or restocking for future energy uses.

Eight of Coins – The Muse of Productivity comes with shots of expresso to help you get things done. She advises to do one action step at a time. This is not time to focus on the big picture but just on the task in front of you. If your neurodivergent tendency takes you off track, this muse advises to make a list and do the easiest or most important part first. Once you get momentum going you will be hard to stop. And remember if you’re tired, take a controlled timed break.
*Chariot – Last week the Muses asked if you could transform or liberate one thing in your life, what would it be? I hope you pondered this question for the Muse of Momentum is here to get things moving on it. This Muse gives you energy, but you need to supply the direction. So, if you did not do last week’s pondering, start there before moving forward. Being directionless this week will leave you doing figure eights in the parking lot. They are fun but fruitless. So find your “north star” and head out.

Eight of Swords – This week your thoughts can bind you into feelings of apathy. The Muse of Bondage reminds you that some of these thought constructs are not even your own or ones that no longer work for you. Now is the time to let go of non-relevant survival skills and thoughts. By letting go of the chains of the past you can walk unburdened and energized into the future.

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Sparkle is here to put some vim in your vigor. She advises you to add a bit of spice into your outer appearance and actions to show your inner love of life. This could be adding a sensual component to your wardrobe, wearing a new scent, adding glitter to all your holiday cards, or just wishing everyone you meet a great day. You are magical this week and this Muse would like you to share your delight and possibly a little playful mischievousness with others.

Knight of Wands – Your third energy for this birth-year is the Muse of Adventure. This year the Muses guide you to be in the right place at the right time. Your timing is perfect if you follow your instinct and open the doors to adventure. Even if you are stalled, there is a reason for the layover. This is not a year to push things through. Just find your intuitive seat and ride the wave.

*World – The Muse of Endings and Beginnings advises using this month to finish some projects, so new projects have a place to land. This can be as simple as cleaning off your desk or inbox. Or as complicated as clearing your calendar for two weeks around your birthday so you can think. The more space you make available, the bigger the blank canvas is to create on. She also reminds you to leave a portion of this blank space for the seeding of future opportunities.

*High Priestess – The Muse of Intuition comes to hone your skill in acknowledging and following your instinct more than rationalization. As an air sign you often get lost in thoughts. This week is no exception, but this Muse would like you to rely on your hunches more than logic. Your gut is way more helpful than your brain in navigating the now.

Ace of Coins – This week’s energy encourages new beginnings on the material plane. It is a great week to invest, start new projects, and figure out your financials before the new year. The Muses advise to write out a list of all that you would like to materialize on the physical plane- think job, money, physical environment, and resources in the coming year. And watch for opportunities because it may be possible to start planting the seeds for one of the things on your list this week.
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