My Dad died this week so this tarotcast will be a little different.
Above is my favorite picture of my Dad and I; however, it is also the summer we had two of our worst fights, one about a cat and the other about my schooling. I did not really talk to him for a full year after that, only answering in monosyllabic sentences when he called. Memories like these have been cascading into my conscious- some good many difficult. A friend said to me this week that complex relationships have complicated completions.
However, one subject where my Dad and I did have deep discussions, and also harbor my fondest memories, were around spirituality. These discussions started a year after this picture, the same year I started reading tarot cards.
Many people are drawn to tarot because of its visual presentation often its beauty. However, the real work is complex as this picture of me and my Dad, where there are both ease and challenges to learn from each card. The aim with tarot, discussions, life in general is being open to their lessons and learning the skill of exchange. These experiences define who we are and strengthen our spiritual core. So, I am not going to do my regular tarotcast this week, which is a bit of a monologue in this format. The pictures are from some of my favorite tarot decks, and each sign will get two words that references that card. And you choose which energy you want to exchange with this week.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*High Priestess – Perceptivity/Secrets

*Justice – Equity/Prejudice
Two of Wands – Objective/Exasperation

Ace of Wands – Inspiration/Apathy
Six of Swords – Pilgrimage/Cornered

Five of Wands – Competition/Reconciliation
Four of Swords – Recovery/Sickness

*Tower – Disaster/Rebuild

Queen of Cups – Nurturing/Manipulation

*Fool – Possibilities/Recklessness

Page of Swords – Inquiry/Self-conscious

Ten of Wands – Burden/Reassessment
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