The egg symbolizes new life. It is used by many artists as a symbol of everyday life, birth, sexuality, hope, and nature. The use of this oval subject dates to pagan’s rituals of Spring and was adopted by Christianity to represent Christ coming out of tomb. Some scholars hypothesize that the decorating of eggs started around the 13th century, for eggs were forbidden to eat during Lent. Therefore, people decorating eggs was part of celebrating the ending of their fast.
In German they took it a bit farther with the tradition of making nests for the Osterhause, a hare who lays colorful eggs but only to good children. This tarotcast is just for visual fun. In each picture there is an egg some are hard to find and some not so much. I stole this idea from Google Art so for more click Happy hunting.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
Two of Coins – Last week, change was in the air if you didn’t try forcing it. The energy wanted you to work with the ebbs and flows of natural cycles. Sharing the job of creating movement with the universe continues this week. If you share the burden, you will feel less like you are spinning plates and/or overwhelmed. The part is to work on your balancing act and be flexible.

Six of Coins – Finally a break in the heavy energy. This is a time to rebalance and recoup some of your energy spent. To get this week to work with ease, self-care is on the top of the list. The more positive compassionate love, space and time you can pour into yourself the more you will be available to the outer world. This is a time you can also call in some unpaid debts. Your energy cupboards are bare. Find ways to re-stock them.

*Universe – The energy this week is about infinity growth. This energy can be used as reset button. The possibilities are endless. A place and time to evolve to a higher level. Time to make the changes that will take you to your next phase, mission, and/or purpose.

Queen of Cups – The energy this week is about investigating your dependence. You can see your interconnectedness as martyrdom or insecurity, or you can see that we are weave together with others to provide calm and compassion. Dependence is not always a bad thing as long as your emotional cup is filled as much as those around you.

Queen of Swords – This week’s energy can make your heart feel cold and bitter. You are trying to logic a situation; where emotions are needed instead. You are right that a bit of distance will help with envisaging the details of the problems. But pull too far away and you lose the picture and the people you will need to help you.

*Hanged Man – This energy of stagnation has been hopping form sign to sign for the past month. Now it is your turn to deal with the concept of pause. What to do in this place of inertia? The best way to utilize this energy is to gain perspective of your life and path. You are figuratively and literally be held in place. This moment is a time for you to let go of resistance and pain. To contemplate the future and find paths to a more enlightened way of being.

Three of Swords – The energy around you is heartbreak. You are feeling the emotions not only within yourself but also those around you. You are tuned into the emotional nature of where everyone is. However, the suffering and sorrow you feel are places where the healing needs to start. The best place is to begin is with yourself then move outward.

Eight of Wands – This week energy is about slowing down. There are a lot of messages in the air for you but if you are impatient or not in stillness you will not receive them. Take this delay as a time and place to just observe.

*World – The energy this week is about completion. Spend your energy doing the projects that need this quieter time and space. Clean the garage, write your masterpiece, or finish painting the bathroom. There is a lot of energy to use this week to. By doing so, you are lessening the drag from past obligations and creating more harmony, success, and forward momentum.

King of Swords –This is a great week for making long term plans, for this energy brings with it, clarity. Now is the time to put some discipline and structure back into your life. This lays out a solid foundation for your projects to grow. The farther out you look, the bigger the plans can be.

Page of Swords – So you might be a bit restless this week, but it is just that your brain needs stimulation. This is a great time to let your curiosity go down rabbit holes of investigation. The amazing thing about this sleuthing is this brings information that will be useful soon.

*Sun – The energy this week is very positive. This is not the time to let pessimism shade your outlook. Your world still can bring you happiness and joy. Things will work out. It is scary times, but the Sun is shining on you. Let yourself bask in the warmth of joy and hope.
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