Happy Halloween
The last spooky artist for October is Deborah Sheedy @deborahsheedy. (I LOVE her work). Sheedy works with photography, animation, soundscapes and film. Her work is eerie while at the same time it reaches back into our soul-scapes tapping into something ancient. Viewing it stirs up an almost primordial fear of the blur, or something we glimpse off to the side or far in the distance. Something nameless and hidden in the shadows that can scare us but also resonates with an essence of beauty.
Your pondering for this week: What is hidden in the shadows for you?
Solar System highlights
The moon begins in Taurus, good for grounding us, then quickly moves into Gemini – where communication is key. On Wednesday it moves to Cancer – self-care is needed. And on Saturday, the moon moves into Leo – your time to shine.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Scorpio (passion) until Nov. 10th. Hopefully we have learned to balance deep listening and clear communication and can now apply these lessons to explaining our passions without getting over emotional. Mars (action) is also in Scorpio until November 24th. Wanting us to check that our actions are supporting the expression of our passion. While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Virgo (organization) until November 8th. So now we move from contemplating our outward expression harmonizes with what is within, to applying what we have learned into our life.
The outer planets until the end of the year and into next are having us work on nurturing the pleasures in our lives, be aware of dipping into overindulgence, making our structures elastic and responsive to change, and lastly looking back to 2008 to see if any lose ends need to be tied up especially around the house and planets that sit in your natal Capricorn.
***Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio, this is a perfect time to get a Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Taurus, it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

Six of Air– The Muse of Transitions comes when you need to move on. It is time to let go of an idea, thing, thought, project, or person and move on to the next level. The challenge is not to lose the lesson of the past but to release the burdens of it.

Five of Air – The Muse of Ego comes when yours is too involved in your decision making. This muse advises listening more and holding off on making big decisions. Often the challenge is you think you know what’s going on, or it’s too soon to judge a situation or you think your way is absolute. There is more to learn and listen to before you take action.

Four of Air – The Muse of Rest comes to preempt you feeling too drained. She advises to take time off to rest and restore. And this often includes taking a break this week from technology as often as you can.

Six of Earth – The Muse of Exchange comes when you are due to cash in on your karma points and bank some new ones. She reminds you that what you put out comes back three-fold, good or bad. The challenge is that it usually takes a meandering path back to you.

Ten of Water – The Muse of Bliss would like you to list at least ten things this week that brings you happiness. Not what you would like to bring in or is missing but what is. Then she challenges you to thank each thing for coming and applaud yourself for receiving it.

Queen of Fire – Hmm last week you got the Muse of Nature, and she comes again this week. Did you not listen to her calling you to come and visit with the flora and fauna? Were you too busy? Are you so exhausted you can’t get to enjoying humaning in our natural environment? Or did you go and need more? This muse comes again, for your spirit needs more refreshing, cleansing, and recalibration with your earthy self.

*Fool – The Muse of Roaming would like you to explore your neighborhood, city, relationship or if you want to go big – how you live life. This muse encourages looking at what is known with fresh eyes like it was your first time experiencing it. Or, instead of shopping at your usual haunts go to a new store, eat at a new restaurant, or do an activity you have never tried. You may find something new or find a new appreciation for your old haunts.

*World – This birth year you will go from the Alpha Muse of Possibilities to the Omega Muse of Oneness. This year will feel like you have walked a million miles, learned self-truths and expanded your boundaries while letting go of things that no longer work. These Muses want you to see this year as an adventure, full of treasures and challenges. But the most exciting aspect is they often close doors while opening others. Delivering what you think is out of your reach, a new healthier path and/or some treasure you haven’t even thought of.

Queen of Water – The Muse of Fun is here to remind you that fun needs to be part of your regime this week. Of course, this muse loves Halloween because it uses imagination, and we get to dress up. You of course can choose to have fun anyway your heart’s desires. However, this Muse suggests your heart’s desires or Halloween costumes require some aspects that produce belly laughs.

King of Air – The Muse of Future Planning would like you to pull out next year’s calendar and start to do some planning for the coming year. This muse challenges you to think about where you will be and what you would have liked to accomplish by 2025.

Four of Earth – The Muse of Savings comes when you need to hoard resources like time, money and space. It is not that you are so much in need, but it would like you to have a nest egg for the coming months.

*Sun – The Muse of Shine would like you to be a bit of an optimist. She would like you to imagine what if everything that happened this week eventually brought you abundance. The funny thing with this exercise is that it calls in abundance as well as for the next seven days gives your pessimist time off for good behavior.
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