The artist this week is Anne Ryan. Ryan (1889–1954) was an American Abstract Expressionist artist associated with the New York School. She began as a poet and novelist, then moved on to oil painting. By 1941 she encountered the New York City avant-garde when she joined the Atelier 17, a famous printmaking workshop in New York.
The prominent turning point in Ryan’s work occurred after the war, in 1948. She was 57 years old when she saw the collages of Kurt Schwitters at a gallery. That night she dedicated herself to this newly discovered medium. She started with words, scrapes of paper like Schwitters but moved onto a rich variety of fabrics and papers to achieve effects that are both calming and intimate. Ryan could see that collage like poetry conveys meaning in a compact space. Her work in this medium numbered over 400 pieces by the time of her death six years later.
Your pondering for this week: Have you ever experienced something profound or meaningful because of its briefness?
Solar System highlights
The moon begins in Virgo, a great way to start the week organized and ready to go. On Thursday it moves to Libra – it’s all about relationships and balance. And on Saturday, the moon moves into Scorpio – dive into your passions.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Scorpio (passion) until Nov. 10th. Express yourself but watch over doing it. It then moves into Sagittarius, where we can experiment with our communication style. Mars (action) is in Scorpio until November 24th. Wanting us to check that our actions are supporting the expression of our passion. While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Virgo (organization) until November 8th. So now we move from contemplating our outward expression harmonizes with what is within, to applying what we have learned into our life.
The outer planets until the end of the year and into next are having us work on nurturing the pleasures in our lives, be aware of dipping into overindulgence, making our structures elastic and responsive to change, and lastly looking back to 2008 to see if any lose ends need to be tied up especially around the house and planets that sit in your natal Capricorn.
***Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio, this is a perfect time to get a Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Taurus, it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

*Justice– The Muse of Justice would like you to see that a variety of aspects in your life are not right or wrong, but they are complex and often paradoxical. There are situations where you need to find the best solution which is one of compromise and equity. This week is a balancing act of give and take with any negotiations. This is especially true if you are doing any legal work.

Five of Fire – The Muse of Chaos comes when you are working outside of the flow. Think of this energy like jumping into the ropes of Double Dutch. There are factors you need to work with, timing and commitment. You don’t have to play but if you do, you will need to commit to it.

*Magician – I hope you got rest last week, for this week the Muse of Manifestation is calling. This is a great week to bring something into being. The challenge is that you will need to focus the energy and it needs to benefit more than you. Wands out – and start the magic.

Queen of Water – The Muse of Fun would like you to partake in some belly laughs. Maybe you are down in the dumps, stressed or just so focused and serious, this week balance it out with some joy. It will create more ease and flow in your heart, mind and creativity if you do.

King of Earth – The Muse of Construction is here to help you finish a project or at the very least get it to the next phase. She challenges you by asking what is your motivation? If you have a solid answer that spurs you on to jump to it. But if not, she asks you to ponder – is the problem you or are you building something you don’t believe in?

Nine of Water – The Muse of Overflow comes for two reasons. One you are accepting the abundance around you and the other is you are feeling like too much of a good thing can be overwhelming to. The key for both is to share the abundance.

Page of Fire – The Muse of Art would like you to experience some this week. This energy comes to give you inspiration and can relight your spark. So, get out your art supplies and make some art, dance, go to a museum, music venue or gallery and experience some, or all of the above.

King of Water – The Muse of Emotions comes to remind you that you need to sit with yours and get to know them individually. Each of your emotions this week has a valuable lesson or information for you. To better understand this process read the Guest House by Rumi.

Seven of Fire – The Muse of Climbing would like you to ponder what mountain are you climbing and why? Is it to get a better vantage point? Is it the challenge? Etc.… The important point to these forms of questioning is to find out if the exertion level is enough to get you to the summit. And if not, what resources do you need to help you reach it.

Ten of Fire – You are carrying a hefty load, and the Muse of Burdens asks you is this excess necessary at this moment? She challenges you to deal with the parts that are a priority whether it is an obligation or timing and put the rest down. For some things can wait or they are not your responsibility in the first place.

Ace of Air – All Aces are energies presented to begin something. This energy is about processing a new way of thought. The muses suggest the best way to gather intel into this is looking outside yourself first then change the dogma internally.

*Temperance – Moderation is key this week. Moderation is defined as “the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behavior or political opinions.” But it can also be seen as the Middle Path in Buddhism “the avoidance of two extremes of practical life, namely, indulgence in sensual pleasures on the one hand and severe asceticism on the other.” The muses would like you to avoid the extremes this week like over the top self-indulgences or severe self-judgements.
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