The artist this week is Un’ichi Hiratsuka (平塚 運一, Hiratsuka Un’ichi). Un’ichi was a Japanese woodblock printmaker. He was one of the prominent leaders and teachers of the sōsaku hanga (創作版画, “creative prints”) movement in 20th century Japan.
Sōsaku-hanga was an art movement of woodblock printing which was a backlash to the traditional ukiyo-e collaborative system where the artist, carver, printer, and publisher engaged in division of labor. Sōsaku-hanga artists advocate self-expression and the principles of the art form as “self-drawn” (自画 jiga), “self-carved” (自刻 jikoku) and “self-printed” (自摺 jizuri). This movement allowed artists more freedom and flexibility with their art and technique.
Your pondering for the week: Where does freedom and flexibility show up in your life, work, relationships? And if you find it lacking, what can you do to expand it?
Solar System highlights
The moon begins in Virgo – helping us start the week organized and focused. On Tuesday it moves into Libra – balance and harmony are key. Then on Thursday it’s in Scorpio – watch for emotional ups and downs. Lastly for the weekend it moves into Sagittarius – get out and explore your world.
This week the planets are the same as last week. Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Taurus (grounding), so do your words follow with actions? Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Cancer (self-care). Time to do whatever your version of a spa-day looks like. Mars (action) is in Leo (energizer) find a few (2-3) tasks that you want to finish by July 10th and put your focus solely on them. This combo guarantees success.
Jupiter (growth) in Taurus an aspect that nurtures expansion of pleasure in our lives. The challenge is dipping into overindulgence. So, we have until May 2024 to work on perfecting our balance between work and play. Then Saturn (structures) is in its two-year stint with Pisces so we can make our structures elastic and responsive to change. The challenge is our boundaries can get too bendy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient.
And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) is in Aquarius until June 11th, giving us a taste of what the next 20 years will bring. Pluto is considered a generational planet and takes its time doling out its challenges and treasures. Pluto is bouncing back and forth from capitalistic Capricorn to socialistic Aquarius, so politics, technology and societal whims should be interesting to watch until November 19th, 2024.
******Just a heads up I am moving in June, so I cannot guarantee what June will look like when it comes to the tarotcast. However, I will try to still put up some form of it, though it might be very abbreviated. Also, I am mostly booked for readings until July 14th. I have a few openings left so if you want to book, book soon. Lastly, I will have my cards with me during the move for Quick Draws so you can text or email me. Though my response may take over 24 hours for me to get back to you. And thanks again for reading this tarotcast.
***Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

*High Priestess – The Muse of Sacred Wisdom comes to you this week to guide you to important information. The challenge is that she does it through synchronicities and enigma. So, look for multiple sightings of numbers, words or images that will help lead you to spiritual gifts.

King of Earth – Manifestation continues with the Muse of Commerce. She asks you to define what you are buying and selling. Does it really represent what you want to manifest in your life? If so, great partake in commerce. If not, take this week to make sure what you are spending on is actually what you want to manifest.

Knight of Fire – This week the Muse of Perfect Timing rides with you. She reminds you that no matter where you find yourself this week you are at the right place at the right time. The challenge is that each situation you encounter isn’t always positive. Nevertheless, positive or negative, you are supposed to be there to learn or impart something of importance.

Knight of Earth – The Muses of Pace is with you this week to keep you moving forward. She reminds you with the tale of The Tortoise and the Hare. The turtle won the race because of his slow but steady progress without hubris. This is not a week to overdo but to chip away at whatever is on your to-do list.

Four of Air – The muses of the fours help us ground and stabilize ourselves. The Muse of Restoration is recommending you find time to invite tranquility into your schedule. She usually shows up when you are not paying attention to your fuel tank. It is running near empty and only taking time-outs can stabilize you for what is ahead this week and into next.

Ace of Air – The Muse of Intellect advises that you need to think of new ways to solve old problems. She challenges you to find these new solutions by innovating how you are thinking about the problem. For example, the problem may be the solution or how would you deal with it if it wasn’t problematic.

*Hierophant – The Muse of Structures comes when your structures need to be reevaluated. She asks what daily structures are working for you? What ones are working against you? How can you add more support to the ones that are working? Can you change the ones that aren’t and if not, how can you support yourself to maintain them? The simplest place to start is looking at your sleep cycle. The more complex is how your structures are entwined or constructed by others.

Five of Earth – Where the last two weeks were beneficial, this week brings in some chaos. The Muse of Scarcity challenges you by having you look at what is draining your resources. Whether the solution is decreasing your spending, paying off more of a debt, or stop wasting time with an unprofitable task, now is the time to find ways to seal the leak.

Five of Water – All muses of the fives herald some form of chaos. This week the Muse of Loss comes because something in your emotional plane is creating waves. This Muse challenges you even though there is a short-coming, there is also a gain that you are not embracing. This week find a silver lining in every cloud.

Four of Fire – The Muse of Home advises you to put your energy into your home life. Time to garden, play board games, bake, cook, re-decorate, etc… This is a week to not only make your home cozier but also make time to enjoy it.

*Devil – Distraction is in the air this week. The Muse of Disruption has come to help. She advises you to do things like break down your goal into small doable tasks or find time in your day to put your phone on airplane mode (remember to tell others or they can create more distraction trying to find you). The more focused you are on what needs to be done and the more you get others on board with your program, the more likely you will be able to mute the rest of the distractions.

Two of Earth – The Muse of Juggling is here to help you balance either your schedule or your bank book. For the former try not to do more than two tasks at a time and for the later saving is way better than spending this week.
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