This week highlights another artist from Chicago, Kayla Mahaffey, @kaylamay_art. As one first comes to Mahaffey’s art, you see an explosion of color, the whimsy of cartoons and the optimism and hope of youth. Then within that optimism she illustrates a “realism that tell(s) a story of inner thoughts and personal issues that sometimes go unheard.” We realize that realism more when we add her paintings of older subjects which have a more muted palate and glazed eyes. “When I painted the elderly, I wanted to share a narrative that was a bit on the somber side. My subject matter was focused on displaying how life can pass you by, about finding your happy place, appreciating life’s little gifts.” Mahaffey uses this contrast of the promise of youth versus the regret of age to highlight the concepts of hope, experience, optimism, realism and pessimism.
The delicious beauty of Mahaffey’s colorful work is this reminder to nourish our inner child. These aspects of our communal humanity: joy, wonder, curiosity, and hopefulness should not stay only in our early years. Her work inspires us to bring these perspectives into our daily adult lives. To have a positive and hopeful outlook on life without ignoring the wisdom of our experiences. In Mahaffey words: “My paintings represent that internal warmth and colorful spirit we all contain, but sometimes forget to show.”
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Your pondering for the week: How can you nourish the optimism and curiosity of youth in your daily life?
Solar System highlights
This week begins with a moon in Scorpio – engage and feed your passions. On Tuesday it moves into Sagittarius – investigate your world. Then on Thursday the moon is in Capricorn – you can finally really focus on work and getting things done. And then for the weekend the moon is in Aquarius – innovation and society are the focus.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) has now moved into Aquarius (innovation and society) – a great time to talk about personal and social change. This should help Mars in Gemini’s lessons. For Mars (action) is still in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023. This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2. Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions. The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off. So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.
Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Pisces. Helping us go with the flow especially around activities that we enjoy. We will have two weeks to appreciate this configuration. Jupiter (growth) is in Aries (action) until May 16, 2023 – great for manifestation, expansion, and action. And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.
PS. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And if you need a quick stocking stuffer. I can supply gift certificates for all my readings.
PPS. Oh and I have a new tip jar if you want leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.
*****I have changed using the RWS version of the tarot names and now call the suits: pentacles/coins is now Earth, cups is now Water, swords is now Air and wands is now Fire. I did this because I want to work more closely with the elements that these suits represent.

Nine of Air – Anxiety is in the atmosphere this week, so the Muse of Anticipation advises you to cast aside thoughts and worries that you have no control over. And the rest of your thoughts tackle one workable worry at a time. You only have so much brain power this week, so use what you have wisely.

Two of Fire – This week requires thoughtfulness and planning. The Muse of the Future comes to help you envision solutions and steps to expand your horizons. This energy works well with Mercury going into Aquarius helping you have a wide-angle view not only on the present but also on the future.

*World – You have a variety of prospects that arise this week. The Muse of Integration is here to help you to reintegrate how connected you are not only in your own sphere, but by also getting opportunities to explore and assimilate new ideas from other worlds. Keep your metaphorical doors and windows open.

Knight of Fire – The Muse of Timing wants you to see that this week your timing is perfect. You are in the right place at the right time. Even if you stall, realize that this too fits into the plan. By believing in your omnipotent timing not only do you gain insight, but it will also create momentum to move you closer to your ambitions and goals.

Eight of Earth – The Muse of Productivity is here with her tool kit to help you accomplish what you set your sights on. She reminds you this week you have all the tools and knowledge you need to get projects on their way. The only things you need to bring are focus and your will to push it to the next level or to completion.

Seven of Air – The Muse of Stealth is here to help you gain momentum but to do so she reminds you to keep quiet about your activities. This week work behind the scenes and choose simplicity to achieve your goals.

*Judgement – The Muse of Transformation is here to help in the evolution of something. Whether you are called upon to uplift another or it is time to transform an aspect of your own life, now is the perfect time to make that leap into liberation and vitality.

Eight of Fire – This week is full of information, for you, others and then some spam. The Muse of Messages advises there are two ways to work with this plethora of news. One way is to collect it all and process it later. The other is to find time to sift through it daily and only work with the high priority items. The former choice brings surprises, and the latter helps you focus on known elements. So, you pick – possible distractions but new knowledge or movement but in the same direction you are going now.

*Hermit – Where last week the Muses were enticing you to explore, this week the Muse of Hermitage advises to stay home and spend time in contemplation. This Muse comes when you need to disengage from society so you can gain perspective. Also, to gain the proper solitude, inform your colleges and friends that you plan to have a mini staycation, so “don’t call unless it’s an emergency.”

Page of Water – The Muse of Joy would like you to make Play your priority this week. She advises coloring outside the lines, playing without a winner or purpose, finding ways to let go of goals and letting your inner child have a play date with your BFF.

Two of Earth – This week something is off balance. The Muse of Juggling would like you to re-balance aspects of your life. She asks is your work-play balanced, is your up-time equivalent to your down, how is your income versus your expenses, are you eating a balanced diet…? Take this week to recalibrate and even out the inequity in your life.

*Temperance – The Muse of Prudence comes when you need to play with the volume buttons in your life. An aspect of your life is overshadowing the rest, making you miss out on the good facets of the situation. So, this issue needs to be reined in. This Muse advises that though it feels overwhelming, if you highlighted it less and see it as a normal issue, you can realign it to the mundane and doable.
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