The artist this week is Charles White. White was a gifted painter, draftsman, muralist, and teacher. And an amazing influential black artist that taught a new generation of artists. Pushing them to stay in the now, to use art to speak/confront/enlighten inner truths not just to mimic surface beauty. He believed that art had a role to play in changing the world perspective. In his words, “Art must be an integral part of the struggle. It can’t simply mirror what’s taking place. It must adapt itself to human needs. It must ally itself with the forces of liberation. The fact is artists have always been propagandists. I have no use for artists who try to divorce themselves from the struggle.”
Your pondering for this week: The Sun and Pluto are in Aquarius and also this past new moon. Then during these next two weeks three planets, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, are all joining Pluto and the Sun in the water-bearer’s sign. Aquarius is the sign of social consciousness. It pushes us to innovate and think about how our actions affect not only our own future but the future of the world.
So, the areas the planets are having us look within the context of making personal and social change is the Sun (when we shine do we also get others to shine with us?), Mercury (is our communication self-centered or we centered?), Venus (can I create beauty and harmony not only for myself but for all around me?), Mars (do my actions benefit more than me?) and Pluto (how can I share my power and wealth to the collective?). So I suggest pondering at least one of these planets’ questions in the coming weeks
Solar System highlights
The moon begins the week in Pisces – go with the flow. On Tuesday it moves into Aries – you have the energy to get to your projects. On Thursday the moon moves into Taurus, so you have the stamina to finish what you started. Then on Saturday – time for hanging out with friends. Then Monday the moon moves into Cancer- self-care is top -priority. Then on Thursday the 22nd it moves into Leo – define your shine. And we finish the two weeks on Saturday with the moon in Virgo to help us prep for the next week’s agenda.
Mercury is in Aquarius until February 23rd. Mars (action) moves into Aquarius on February 14th to March 22nd. Venus moves into Aquarius February 16th until March 11th. See ponderings above for what to focus on.
Jupiter (abundance) is in Taurus (grounding) until May 25, which is all about expanding pleasure but watch overindulgence. And Saturn (structures) is in Pisces (dream, create) thru Feb 13, 2026, so fluidity is the name of the game for 2 more years.
*** Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.
Body of Earth – The Muse of Pace is working with you these next two weeks to improve your personal pace. Yes, some of your work needs to be at the speed of a sprinter. But other aspects of your life need to be worked at a snail’s pace. So, getting a project done is great if you also savor the moments that have flavor.

*Emperor – The Muse of Formation suggests working on an aspect of your life that you want to build upon. This “project” is not new but is something that is in process already. Remember these next two weeks have a social focus. So, this building should not only be good for you but also for your community.

*Hierophant – The Muse of Forms is wanting you to focus the next two weeks on how to innovate your structures. She says to start on those basic aspects that no longer support the future you are wanting. So, look at your sleep patterns, eating, time for quiet, time for socializing. These are the areas that give you a strong foundation to create the life you want.

Heart of Fire – The Muse of Spark would like you to spend the next two weeks finding ways to reignite your spirit. This can be done through the mediums of art, spirituality, nature, or a combination of all three. The key is it should excite you.

Ace of Earth – The Muses are declaring that these next two weeks are set up for planting the seeds for new projects that have to do with the material plane. So now is the time to buy the supplies you need, create time in your schedule to work on this project, set up that vision board.

Ace of Water – The Muse are wanting you to socialize. This is the time to create new connections and deepen the ones you have. Your heart is thirsty for companionship. So, you must be willing to keep it open and jump into the new or deeper waters of intimacy during these next two weeks.

*Lovers – The Muse of Companionship is asking you to gauge the people that are around you. This muse asks, “are they supporting you? Is your commitment to each other or the goal the same? If so then it would be great to spend these two weeks engaging and deepening these relationships. If some are not, now is the time to rebalance your effort by either having conversations around it, lowering your energy, or letting them go. These next two weeks are about raising your relationship standards.

Eight of Earth – The Muse of Craft would like you to modernize your work game. You have skills, and these Aquarian aspects for the next two weeks are wanting you to innovate them. So, identify your super powers and update them for the situation now.

Ace of Fire – The Muses would like you to spend the next two weeks planting the seeds of inspiration and creativity. So go out and get that paint set, get the new technology that will help you create, visit a paint/music/hobby store, or spend time in nature. Anything to get your creative juices flowing.

Ten of Fire – The Muse of Burdens is warning you not to put two much on your plate for the coming two weeks. You already have obligations and goals on your docket. This is not the time to add more or get pressured to do so. Focus and simplicity are your friends.

Body of Water – The Muse of Flow would like you to find yours in the coming weeks. “Flow in positive psychology is the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.” This isn’t about being in it all the time, but about finding the moments and things that can get you there with ease.

Nine of Fire – The Muse of Groundwork advise that during the next two weeks be prepared for the day. This will take some work. You will have to think ahead, but she warns this is not about pessimism and expecting the worst-case scenario. But this is about hope and preparing for as many possible outcomes that you have control over.
****And I am experimenting again. I had switched from using the older suits name (pentacles, cups, swords, and wands) to a more elemental way of reading them which is earth, water, air, and fire. Now I would like to leave the binary and feudal system of the RWS’s court cards. So, the RWS old version is Page, Knight, Queen, and King is changing to Heart (pure embodiment of element), Body (moving the element), Spirit (living the element) and Mind (taking care of the element).
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