The artist for this week is Carol Long @carollongpottery. You can see the love Long has for nature in her pottery. The fluid lines, whimsy, and seasonal palettes pull the viewer into meadows, vivid colors of autumn, and the lushness of spring. Her technique is to start with a simple structure or form and then she manipulates to more chaotic and organic lines. As she states, “When it comes off the potter’s wheel, that’s just the beginning… I usually sit for a second and look at the piece and see which way I can push it out or in.” She then uses a technique called slip trailing to add texture to the pieces. Slip trailing is the application to a clay surface of lines of slip (watered down clay) using a fine-pointed dispenser.
Long pushes her pieces and our accepted concept of symmetry equaling beauty to a place of paradox. Just like nature, Long’s work supports Birkhoff’s theory of aesthetic nature. Birkhoff’s formula relied on two abstract concepts: complexity and order (or symmetry). According to Birkhoff, if something is complex, it will be more appealing if it is less symmetrical. Alternatively, if something is highly symmetrical, it is better if it is less complex.
If Long didn’t have the complexity of pushing the boundaries of clay structure and slip trail, would the viewer find her work beautiful? In nature we also see this concept of what is aesthetically pleasing with the simple symmetry in a leaf and the non-symmetrical chaos of a forest. The interesting aspect is that non-symmetry is what makes the forest and each of Long’s pieces extraordinary. Her work could easily be called sui generis. Which is Latin phrase that means of its/their own kind, in a class by itself, or simple “unique.” Is that what we should look for when we view beauty, art, life – organic chaos? uniqueness?
Your pondering for the week: What makes you unique?
Solar System highlights
This week the moon begins in Virgo. Making the start of your week very productive. On Wednesday it moves into Libra – where clear communication becomes important. Then on Friday through the weekend the moon is in Scorpio – perfect for having fun and focusing on your passions.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Taurus (grounding) – this is a 7-week course on being calm and focused as you convey your thoughts and intentions. Venus (beauty and harmony) is moving into Gemini on Wednesday. So, it moves from wanting us to indulge our senses with the natural world to the relationship world. Mars (action) is in Cancer. It is best to let your heart run the show until May 21st. So, at its worst we can get emotionally charged and overreact, and at its best we can consciously act on what our heart wants.
Jupiter (growth) is in Aries until May 16, 2023 – great for manifestation, expansion, and action. And Saturn (structures) is in its two-year stint in Pisces. So now with all that work you did with structures, building and innovation over the past 5 years, it is time to make sure those structures are elastic and responsive to change. The challenge is our boundaries can get too flexy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient, think like bamboo or jellyfish.
And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) is in Aquarius giving us a 3-month taste of what the next 20 years will bring. Pluto is considered a generational planet and takes its time doling out its challenges and treasures. Pluto is bouncing back and forth from capitalistic Capricorn to socialistic Aquarius, so politics, technology and societal whims should be interesting to watch during this time.
***Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. and I have a new tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

Ten of Earth – The Muse of Success is helping you this week. If you have just finished a project or a difficult time, take this week to honor that success. If you are close to completing a project this is a great week to make major progress or even finish it off. The challenge is enjoying your successes before jumping into the next thing.

Eight of Air – Some thing or thought will try to bind or stop you this week. The Muse of Bondage reminds you that in this area you have some control. The challenge is figuring out where the knot is and acting on that. Look towards healing the areas you feel insecure in.

Three of Earth – The Muse of Cooperation is having you find collaborators this week. She reminds you that you do not need to do this alone. In fact Gemini, relationships are one of the reasons you are here. Not only to learn from them but you all are meant to help the collective innovative on all kinds of relationships. This muse reminds you that two heads are better than one but three is better still.

Ace of Water – New beginnings are possible this week especially in areas of the heart. If you are not in a relationship this Muse would like you to climb out of your shell and meet new people. If you are in a relationship this Muse would like you to do something new with your loved one(s) that will make a memory of the heart. And no matter which of the above, you all are good at making sentimental gestures, use that super-power this week.

Ace of Air – New beginnings are possible for you this week especially in areas of thought, purpose, and knowledge. So, whether you decide to go on a vision quest, follow fact tunnels, or have philosophical conversations with others, you will come out with some aspect of thought that could lead you to a brighter future. Dive deep into that incredible brain of yours and come back with new treasures and ideas.

Page of Earth – The Muse of Goals is here to help you set some. The challenge is finding a way to make you do what is on your to-do list. So, this muse advises as you list each goal attach a reward. Whether you go for a gold star, your favorite snack, or quiet time, make sure it motivates you enough to get your tasks done.

*Star – The Muse of Healing and Hope comes after going though trying times. She advises you to pull back a bit and do some personal healing this week. Sometimes we get a break in the storm and at others we must pull off the side of the road to rest, storm or not. Either way this Muse is the harbinger that you are on the other side of something big, but you need to restore a bit before moving forward.

Four of Earth – The Muse of Resources comes when you need to pay attention to yours. This Muse governs the resources of time, money, and space. This is a great time to save or replenish these assets. The challenge is if you do need to spend, be careful not to over-spend which ironically leads to stinginess and greed in the long run.

Eight of Earth – You got this week if you just focus on what you do best. The Muse of Mastery comes when you are required to use your superpowers. The challenge is over-working your solution. You might have to tweak a bit to fit the situation, but over-all you are ready for the challenge.

Five of Fire – This week has the potential to be full of turmoil. The Muse of Chaos is here to help you navigate it. First, she reminds you that you always have a choice not to participate, but unfortunately this can set off other turmoil. So, the challenge is first navigating to participate or not, and then either way she advises it is all about timing. Like a karate bout know when to weave, block or punch, or like paragliding read and use the air currents to really soar.

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Dreams is here to get you to do some daydreaming. She usually comes when you are in a rut. You are being too realistic and only imagining can help. She asks what needs to be done to make your dreams better and what new way of thinking needs to happen to manifest them?

*Lovers – The Muse of Relationships is here to help you navigate yours. She reminds you of the tale of Beauty and the Beast. Where the plethora of emotions are investigated within a relationship: hate, anger, love, loneliness, sadness, companionship, and ultimately trust. She challenges you in all your relationships to honor and work with all the emotions and thus expand on the concept of trust.
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