I don’t know about you but last week was hard for me to wrangle in my mind. On the positive side it has been great for my imagination though hard to focus on any one thing for long. So, this tarotcast is an eclectic look at rain. I have picked thirteen different visual artists’ interpretations of rain, 2 of my favorite poems about rain, my favorite song about rain, and of course a bit of science.
A Drop fell on the Apple Tree –
Another – on the Roof –
A Half a Dozen kissed the Eaves –
And made the Gables laugh –
A few went out to help the Brook,
That went to help the Sea –
Myself Conjectured were they Pearls –
What Necklaces could be …
Emily Dickinson
Some fun facts about this atmospheric phenomenon. After a storm, that rain smell is not the water but the molecule, geosmin, created by soil dwelling bacteria. When rain falls it creates air pockets in the soil, trapping, releasing, and dispersing the geosmin into the air. The name for this rain smell is petrichor.
The name raindrop is actually a misnomer. Raindrops are not tear shaped but spherical. As they fall and encounter air pressure it flattens or makes the bottom concave, they then take a hamburger bun or jellybean shape. The height and size of raindrops differ but “at an average speed of 14 mph and average cloud height of 2,500 feet, it would take two minutes for a raindrop to hit the floor.” Very small raindrops would take seven minutes to reach the ground and large raindrops can fall at speeds of 20mph.
So what if it drizzles
And dribbles and drips?
I’ll splash in the garden,
I’ll dance on the roof.
Let it rain on my skin,
It can’t get in—
I’m waterproof.
Shel Silverstein
Your pondering for the week: When was the last time you played in the rain?
Solar System highlights
This week the moon begins in Virgo. Making the start of your week very productive. On Wednesday it moves into Libra – where clear communication becomes important. Then on Friday through the weekend the moon is in Scorpio – perfect for having fun and focusing on your passions.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Taurus (grounding) – this is a 7-week course on being calm and focused as you convey your thoughts and intentions. Mars (action) is in Cancer. It is best to let your heart run the show until May 21st. So, at its worst we can get very emotionally charged and overreact, and at its best we can consciously act on what our heart wants. Venus (beauty and harmony) is also in Taurus. This is where it loves to be. It wants us to indulge our senses especially with the natural world.
Jupiter (growth) is also in Aries until May 16, 2023 – great for manifestation, expansion, and action. And Saturn (structures) is in its two-year stint in Pisces. So now all that work you did with structures, building and innovating them the past 5 years, it is time to make sure they are elastic and responsive to change. The challenge is our boundaries can get too flexy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient, think like bamboo or jellyfish.
And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) moves into Aquarius giving us a 3-month taste of what the next 20 years will bring. Pluto is considered a generational planet and takes its time doling out its challenges and treasures. Pluto is bouncing back and forth from capitalistic Capricorn to socialistic Aquarius, so politics, technology and societal whims should be interesting to watch during this time.
***Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. and I have a new tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

*Wheel – The Muse of Maybe visits you this week. This energy is tricky, sometimes it brings ups and sometimes downs, but it always leaves a gift or insight that will bring you fortune for the future. The key to working with this energy is to try on everything that comes your way. She reminds you do not have to commit but just dip your toes in with a maybe. I.e.: Test the water. If you do work with this energy you will realize, finding out you when you don’t like something is as important as finding out what you do like.

Knight of Earth – This week slow and steady is the challenge. The Muse of Rock-steady comes to help you ground yourself and move forward with restrained but surer steps. She recommends taking off your shoes or sitting on nature’s ground and root yourself. Draw energy up from the Earth, find your focus and then walk with determined steps throughout the week.

Queen of Air – Details are very important this week. The Muse of Minutia has come to help you focus on the “little things” with love, compassion, and curious awareness. This attention to the finer details will help you in all aspects of your life. Whether that showing love with a touch or intimate note, reading and bargaining about the fine print on a contract, or asking for more details in a plan, you will prosper or avoid unnecessary challenges with this microscopic optic. The challenge is tuning the focal point down too close where it can be felt like micromanaging.

Seven of Air – The Muse of Motivation comes when you need to be aware of the “why” behind what you do this week. For each task to make a difference, it must be done with a considered purpose. Otherwise, you will be motivated by outside sources instead of your own goals or ones that don’t align with your morals.

King of Water – The Muse of Emotions comes to help you navigate yours. This week has a lot of feelings and your lesson with this Muse is how to moderate and negotiate with yours. The challenge is not spilling them on others while you also bring them into the light to work with. This is not a week to ignore your feelings or shut them down but to transmute them to be more helpful. This week invite them in and discuss what your goals are and how they can help obtain them. This muse relays examples like worry can be transmuted to hope and anger to passion.

Seven of Earth – This week is all about Work. The Muse of Labor comes when you need to focus on getting things off your to-do lists. This energy paves the way to get things done if you have a list. So put your work boots on and get to it.

Page of Fire – The Muse of Sparks would like you to bring some passion back into your life. She asks what truly, happily gets you going? What makes your life worth living for? This is the week to focus on what lights your fire.

Two of Air – Decision, decision, decisions. The Muse of Choice comes when you need to readjust your direction. She advises you to follow your intuition more than logic this week. This is less about the choice, left or right, and more about how you would feel on either path.

Ace of Water – New beginnings are available to you this week. The Muse of the Heart would like you to call in your heart’s desire. The challenge is this desire must be fresh, and it requires you to go with the flow to obtain it. A great week for writing wishes and tossing them into a body of water.
Four of Earth – The Muse of Resources comes when you need to pay attention to yours. This muse governs the resources of time, money, and space. This is a great time to save or replenish these resources. The challenge is you can spend but be careful not to over-spend. Think quality over quantity.

Nine of Water – The Muse of Contentment is here to help you lower your expectations just a bit. Maybe you think something should be moving faster or that you are missing just one more thing to make everything perfect. The interesting thing is that you have it pretty good this week if you dial back your expectations. She would like you to realize “that you can’t always get what you want…but you might find you get what you need.”

Eight of Earth – You got this week in the bag if you just focus on what you do best. The Muse of Mastery comes when you are required to use your superpowers. You might have to tweak them a bit to fit the situation, but you are ready for the challenge.
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