Tarot and Art-cast for March 16-29, 2025

Hiroo Isono
Hiroo Isono

The artist highlighted in this tarotart-cast is Hiroo Isono @awe_of_cold_water.  He is an illustrator, painter and worked in the digital realm of gaming.  Isono is known for his depictions of forest and landscapes in vibrant colors.  His images not only are saturated in color but also the subject itself.  He easily conveys the variety of flora and fauna in untouched ecospheres, while helping the viewer see the forest as a singular cohesive subject in and of itself.

Your pondering: Go ponder in some nature this week.

Solar System highlights

On Tuesday the Moon moves into Scorpio – follow your passion.  On Friday it goes into Sagittarius – adventure time.  On Sunday it is in Capricorn – energy that will help you prep for the week.  On Wednesday March 25th the moon moves into Aquarius – great for innovating processes.  On Friday the 27th it is in Piscis – time to daydream.  And we have the second eclipse on the March 29th in Aries – lay low if you can.

Mercury is in Aries – great for using communication to move things forward. The challenge is realizing compromise is the only way to do it.  So, watch “my way or the highway” kind of thinking.  Also it is in retrograde until April 6th, so remember to use this time to recharge, reflect and redo.

Venus is also in Aries.  This is not one of Venus’s favorite spots. But it does teach us to take Aries’ “go for it” energy to make the world a more loving place.  Just watch for stubbornness or over reaction.  Lead with curiosity and create win-win situations that move you and others forward not backwards. And then on March 27th they both move into Taurus.  This should help to soothe and stabilize some of the eclipse energy.

Mars is in Cancer, so movement forward still takes alternate routes to get to your destination.

Our longer aspects: Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June.   This placement helps us to work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits.  However, we must also watch its challenging aspects: not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness.   Saturn is in Pisces until May 2025, wanting us to learn how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures.



*Signs with an * it is a big week for you.   Pisces/Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo/Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in, now is the time. `

**** I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the tarot & art-casts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.




Hiroo Isono
Hiroo Isono

Nine of Water – The Muse of Contentment is with you for the coming weeks.  She asks you to ponder the things you are grateful for and support aspects and relationships that fulfill you.  She advises practicing letting go of perfection and judgement.  This is about embracing the flaws and mishaps.  Remember not everything has to be at 11.


Hiroo Isono
Hiroo Isono

*Strength – Hopefully the last two weeks you have been dismantling what doesn’t work.  Because now the Muse of Inner Strength is wanting you to rebuild from the inside out.  She advises pondering your superpowers and then utilizing them to combat the shadowy sides of your world that are happening right now.  By doing so you are improving your poise. Poise is defined as finding your equilibrium and strengthening your inner core.  You can shore that up with exercises like meditation and acknowledging your resilience, so you can go out in the world and be the change you want to see.


Hiroo Isono
Hiroo Isono

Ten of Fire – The Muse of Burdens comes when you have signed up for too much.  This muse advises prioritizing what needs to be done in the coming weeks and then highlighting the ones that only you can do.  Next, take the last two items and cross them off.  There are three reasons for doing this exercise- seeing where you overcompensate for others, seeing there is only so much time in a day and asking for help.  You are not alone, nor do you need to do it all on your own.  Your sign is a sign of community so start utilizing yours.


Hiroo Isono
Hiroo Isono

Heart of Air – These next two weeks the muses would like you to be uber-observant.  To come at all things with curiosity and hold off any judgements or decisions until this period is over or possibly until the end of this retrograde.  Ponder the why behind why you do and feel things, making sure you do so without judgement.   Use this time to do your research.  Make use of your therapist skills when dealing with others.  The challenge is not to come off as an integrator.  Lead with curiosity and practice making your “touch” like a light breeze.


Hiroo Isono
Hiroo Isono

*Magician – The Muse of Manifestation is in your corner for the coming weeks.  She reminds you that you have all the tools to manifest your desires.  However, the challenge for these manifestations to flow freely is you will need divine intentions.  She asks what is your divine calling?  How do your creations benefit the greater good?  Without a focus this energy will dissipate into the atmosphere instead of powering your will. So, is your focus tuned in enough to direct your energy?  Focus and goals are key to navigating this retrograde period.


Hiroo Isono

Two of Air – Decisions loom around you these coming weeks.   Yes, we make decisions all the time, but during this period the muses advise that your decision should be based on how you want to move forward instead of defined goals.  During this period your key to fruitful decisions is more about the journey than the destination.


Hiroo Isono

Spirit of Earth – The Muse of the Senses is your companion for the coming weeks.  She challenges you to engage all your senses every day.  This challenge is all about being mindful and slowing down so you can enjoy the life you are creating.   So do activities like eating new foods, getting a new scented soap or candle, go to a concert, go to a museum, fiddle with your loved one’s hair.  Doing these things will ground you into the life you desire.


Hiroo Isono

Three of Water – These next two week the Muse of Friendship is partying with you. She challenges you to hang out with your friends.  However, if by chance you are feeling alone now is the time to go and make some new friends. The amazing thing about this activity is not only do you need to dip your emotional cup into the support of those you love, but they also need some quality time with you.  This is about mutual appreciation and gratitude for the community you have/are creating.

Hiroo Isono

*Moon – Another high energy couple of weeks for you.  This time the Muse of Emotions is hanging out with you.  This muse challenges you to do a deep dive into your emotional landscape to reconnect with the why behind what you are doing. If your emotions and reasoning are aligned, then this investigation will strengthen your resolve. However, if your emotions are not jiving with what you do, then you need to reassess either your goals, your work choice, or check your ego. Because something is off. This muse reminds you that your heart is a lot smarter during this period than your mind, so follow the feels.


Hiroo Isono

Nine of Air – The Muse of Overthinking comes when you could spend too much time in your thoughts and not in your body or tuned what could be instead of what is. Your challenge is to stay in the present and work only on issues that you have control over.  The rest lay aside until the time is right to tackle them.


Hiroo Isono

Five of Cups – The Muse of Spilled Milk is collaborating with you for the coming weeks. She comes when you need to find the silver lining in the clouds.  She admits that life is a bit challenging, chaotic and demanding your attention. However, she advises spending this retrograde period giving your time and attention to the things that are positive.   To leave the negative on the ground at least for right now.


Hiroo Isono

Four of Fire – The Muse of Happy Home comes when you need to put some positive hang time into your abode.  This can look like redecorating, cleaning, fixing the little things that make life easier and more comfortable in your home.  So, when you walk in you feel invited, cozy and relaxed.