The artist highlighted this tarotart-cast is Lita Cabellut @litacabellut Cabellut employs an array of techniques in her art. This includes fresco, silk screen, digitization, collage to name a few. The scale of her portraits makes the viewer dwell in a face-to-face visual dialogue with her portrayals of humanity. Expressions become exaggerated at that scale. Skin becomes more than a covering. In her words, “My greatest obsession is to give a skin to the characters I portray, then I apply brushstrokes.” Not only is she known for her large-scale paintings, but she is also versed in sculpture, photography, scenography, visual poetry, installations, video and film.
Your pondering: Cabellut said “… in everything that is ugly, find that point of beauty. Because it is there, always it is there, in the most horrible things that may happen to you. I always say: if you have not stepped on the tapestry of anguish, you cannot kiss life.” How has suffering, sorrow or pain helped you experience life more fully?
Solar System highlights
We begin with the Moon in Aries which gives us a shot of “go juice” to start the week. On Tuesday it moves into Taurus – great for work but also remember to balance it with indulging your senses. On Thursday it moves into Gemini and conversation and information are highlighted. Then for the weekend the moon is in Cancer – stay around your home and practice self-care. On Tuesday February 11th the moon moves into Leo and our second full moon – acknowledge places where you have shined in the last 4 weeks. On the Thursday the 13th the moon moves into Virgo – great for organizing and cleaning.
Mercury is in Aquarius- socializing and innovating the way we communicate. Mars is retrograde again in Cancer until February 23rd, 2025. So once again action moves sideways not in a straight line. But this is our second opportunity to find new and better avenues than the obvious or easiest ones.
Venus moves into Aries February 4th. This is not one of Venus’s favorite spots. But it does teach us to follow through with our actions and to take this Aries “go for it” energy to make the world a more loving place. Just watch for stubbornness or over reaction. Lead with curiosity and how to create win-win situations that move forward not backwards.
Our longer aspects: Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June. This placement helps us to work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits. However, we must also watch its challenging aspects: not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness. Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026 teaching us how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures. And lastly Pluto in Aquarius is still feeling very new. So is you are feeling wobbly, remember to take things slowly. We have lots of time with this aspect.
*Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in, now is the time.
**** I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the tarot & art-casts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

Three of Air – These next two weeks have energy that can get under your skin. The Muse of Healing reminds that this energy is meant to point to place were you need to heal and/or learn to self-parent. These occurrences are not a re-wounding but a reminder that you still have scars, and self-care is vital to healing your heart and soul.

Five of Earth – The coming weeks have the potential to wear you down. So, the Muse of Asking will be working with you on letting go of your scarcity mind set and/or belief you need to do it all on your own. You have support and help if you just ask for it. Let go of ego or the sense of unworthiness and receive as much as you give. Your mantra: Sharing is a tide of giving and receiving.

Ace of Air – All aces signify beginnings. The Ace of Air signifies a new way of thinking or a decision for change. The muses would like you to ponder what mind-set needs innovating? What thought can be transmuted from stagnation to progression?

Body of Water – The Muse of Waves has come to help you understand and connect your emotional tides to the whys of what you do or think. This muse reminds you that all your emotions are keys to your heart, your empathy, as well as your creativity. She would like you to harness these waves and manifest good-will through them. Examples would be using an emotion to create an art piece, baking valentine cookies for the homeless, handing out daisies to strangers, give dog treats to all the dogs in the dog park, flirt, exchange intimacies with your partner, etc.…. Spread the love.

Two of Fire– The Muse of Between is with you these coming weeks. She arrives when you are in between the past and the future. Where you have some idea where to go and some idea of where you came, but you need to spend time pondering both to feel solid in the present. She advises spending time looking at options, daydreaming, pro/con lists, and sketching out plans before embarking onto the next step of your path.

*Fool – Where the last two weeks the muses had you look at details the next two weeks, they would like you to open to possibilities. The Muse of Journeying asks you to strengthen your exploration muscles. Maybe some of you feel stuck or others on the precipice of new but haven’t taken the leap. This energy wants you to jump into the unknown. This can be as simple as taking a different way home or trying a new place to eat lunch. Or as complex as starting a new relationship, project or job. The key with working with this muse is to have faith not in the destination but in the journey itself.

Ten of Fire – The Muse of Burdens comes when you have taken on too much. She advises you to start by prioritizing your to-dos list. Then scratch off the last two. By the end of the week either they will have been picked up by someone else or even better no longer are a priority. Then take the first two top tasks and complete them before moving on to the next two. If you finish the list, do not re-load it. Take a day off before you create the next set of obligations. One of the keys with this energy is you may have taken on other people’s burdens and therefore they are more dependent upon you. The challenge is working on the dependance cycle not only of you and another but being aware and efficient with the change of dependance with your work.

*Lovers – The next two weeks relationships are the highlighted. The Muse of Connections challenges you to make new friends, make deeper bond with allies, and call in the help you need. This muse requires that first you need to be aware of where you need or want support and what skills are needed to do so with ease. This muse reminds you to be aware of potential versus reality in partnering. Make sure your expectations are based in what you have seen instead of what you want to see.

Nine of Air – The energies in the coming weeks spark thoughts of worry. The Muse of Anticipation challenges you to stay in the present. To only work with thoughts and ideas that lead to solutions. This is not a time to mull over what doesn’t work but to work with what does.

Heart of Earth – Learning is highlighted in the coming weeks. The Muse of Study shows up when you need to stay curious and see the gaps in what you know. The key to this work is ultimately growth. So, she starts with the question what do you need to know that will ground you in your purpose? And she reminds you not to get too philosophical with this question. These areas of study and practice should be fairly simple and practical.

Two of Earth – The Muse of Balance comes when you need to juggle at most two things at a time. This is not a time to multitask or future trip. These next two weeks your environment is like a carnival ride. So, to stay stable you need to hone your attention to only what is in hand in the moment.

Eight of Fire – For the next two weeks information will be valuable but overwhelming. The Muse of Messages says that this download is from a variety of sources and has some challenges. First, some of the messages are not meant for you, so let them fly past. And secondly this is not the time to answer all of them. She advises you can do a couple of things to manage the onslaught. One, you can ask a question of the universe and then only look for convos that relate to that. Or two, you can write down all of them and then highlight the ones that repeat – those will be the most important. The key is don’t get hasty with any action before you get all the information.
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