Tag Archives: women artists

Tarot and Art-cast for Sept 22 – Oct 5, 2024

Estelle Chretien
Estelle Chretien

The artist this week is Estelle Chretien  @estelle_chretien.  Chretien’s work is playful while still being thought provoking.  She uses pillowcase as flags and makes a bed in a riverbed. She creates an oversized key ring in a field to get us to think about ownership of land.  Chretien plays with our internal and societal stories.  Play is vital for children’s growth but as science is rediscovering it is also important throughout our lives.  It is defined as an activity done for its own sake or an activity that has no goal.  Play gives our minds a place for our imagination to wander, a place where we can experiment with allegory and connections between ideas, thoughts and action.

Though Chretien’s work has deeper meaning, it is born out of exploration and playfulness.  As she says: “My plastic work is born slowly by giggling*. It is built according to the chance of encounters, through free associations or irrational evidence. Oscillating between a sensitive brutality and a brazen naivety, my pieces maintain a dialogue of the material that constitutes them with their form in a tension between use and allusion. I borrow techniques without distinction of value, I learn on the job and apply myself to questioning how we live by physically deforming mental constructions. * To splash around: to have fun in water or mud, or to sink into soggy ground.”

Your pondering:  When was the last time you played or explored something without a goal? If it has been more than a month, find time these next two weeks to engage with playfulness.

Solar System highlights

I need some feedback- How many of you want/use this part?  Please reply – if it is at least 10 people – I’ll still include. 

The moon begins in Gemini – knowledge and information are highlighted.  Wednesday it moves into Cancer- self-care is your top priority.  On Friday it moves into Leo – spend some time in the sun.  Then on Sunday September 29th the moon moves into Virgo – organize and prioritize to start your week.  And then it moves into Libra on October 2nd – focusing on harmony and balance. And then we head into the weekend on Friday October 4th the moon enters Scorpio – passion and transformation are the focus.

Mercury is in Virgo until September 26th.  Our second round to sharpen our conversation skills being precise and direct but not harsh.  It then moves into Libra until October 13th.  We get to work on balancing our listening and speaking, especially in our close relationships.  Venus has now moved into Scorpio.  This is a very sensual vibe, as well as a great time for transformation.   Mars is still in Cancer.  Not its favorite place.  Often our plans go sideways but this is the genius of this placement- to find ways around instead of straight through a problem.

And our longer aspects:  Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June of 2025.   This placement is here to help us work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits.  However, we must also watch its challenging aspects:   not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness.   And lastly Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026 teaching us how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures.


** Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And  Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in, now is the time.

*** I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the tarot & art-casts.



May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Estelle Chretien
Estelle Chretien Edge

*Temperance – The Muse of Harmony is with you these next two weeks.  She challenges you to find the middle path in your life and in your relationships.  This time is about compromise and comprehending the other side of the story.  As well as giving yourself a break from the rush of life.  She reminds, if you are feeling the extremes, step back and balance yourself before moving forward.  This may be hard for you “let’s get to it” rams therefore it will require you to flex your patience and compassion muscles for the coming weeks.


Estelle Chretien, the truce

Heart of Air – The Muse of Clarity is working with you for the next two weeks when you will be working with complex systems.  She suggests looking at the details of situations and problems.  This focus is better than examining the big picture or concentrating on long-term goals.  This period is better dealt with a step-by-step approach.   As you clear away/solve each piece you gain more clarity of the project and its goals



Mind of Water – The Muse of Waves would like you to work on your emotional impact, especially how it affects the people around you.  We all are impacted by the emotions of those around us.  But these next to weeks you and they may be more effected than normal.  The challenge is realizing these are places in your relationships that need work in comforting and understanding.  This muse reminds you that emotions are like the tides’ ebb and flow but like the ocean they leave gifts for us to ponder on and investigate.


Estelle Chretien, Take your foot off the pedal

Seven of Water – Daydreaming and imagination are your focus in the coming weeks.  The Muse of Wishes would like you to write lists of all the things you would like to do.  This energy shows up when the universe and therefore you don’t really understand or know your dreams.  The challenge is allow your wishing without the limits of resources.  So, your task is answering this question:  What is the best that could happen?


Estelle Chretien , dry foot at the limit

Four of Water – Finally you all get a bit of a break in dealing with the big energies.  The Muse of Saturation is here to help you incorporate what has happened since your birthday.  She recommends hanging out with yourself and going over the what has been downloaded and planning on where to go next.  These weeks are best utilized by pondering and integrating.  The challenge is to let things settle before jumping into solutions, the next idea, project or challenge. This is not about losing or letting go of energy and information but by gathering it up.


Estelle Chretien
Estelle Chretien

Two of Earth – The Muse of Juggling usually comes when you have too many hands in too many pies.  And considering this is the beginning of a new year for you all, this muse would like it if you slowed down and did one thing at a time.  The challenge is that you are budding with ideas and/or this need to move forward.  She acknowledges and supports that energy, but she would like you to focus on monotasking and not multi-tasking.


Estelle Chretien, I wipe

Heart of Fire – The Muse of Superpowers would like you to spend these next two weeks honing yours.  Maybe for some, you need to identify what they are first.  A superpower is something you do well.  (One of mine is helping people organize their stuff.)  This muse would like you to identify at least 3 of your superpowers and then go out into the world and use them.  Yes, you all are a very giving sign, but this is less about giving and more about strengthening your assets.


Estelle Chretien , land operation

Three of Air – The Muse of Wounds comes when you need to work on deep healing old thought patterns or constructs that were placed there by someone else.  The energies this week will challenge you around those wounded places.  However, this is not about re-wounding but is meant to help you find the places that still need healing.  Now is the time to shed old thoughts and rebuild with self-love and kindness.


Estelle Chretien , the bed

*Magician – The Muse of Experimentation is here to help you manifest an idea or project into existence.  This muse comes when something is starting to stagnate or is literally no longer working for you.  The challenge is investigating solutions and processes and less about a finished product.  This can look like trying out new foods for a new health regime, trying new ways to get home that are less stressful, playing with how you use your time, or literally the trial and error of building something into world.   The key is letting your errors guide you more or as much as your successes.


Estelle Chretien , Domestic Dance, made from mops

Heart of Water – The Muse of Fun comes when you are taking life too seriously.  She would like you to take breaks from the grind by inducing more laughter and love in your life.  Whether that is hanging out with a goofy pet, watching stand-up, or hanging with friends, find time these two weeks to indulge in the pleasantries of socializing.  And if you aren’t invited to a party, start your own.


Estelle Chretien, property

*Judgement – The Muse of Evolution has come to coax you to evolve you or something in your environment to the next level.  This can look like taking your cooking to a new level, creating an extra aspect to a project, upping your game at work, starting a new career or diving into your spiritual practice.  This energy is about transformation.  The muses ask you, what one thing needs a complete renewal in your life?


Estelle Chretien

*Justice – Your big energy work continues for the next two weeks.  Last week your work was around purpose.  This week the energy is around accountability.  So hopefully you did your work around purpose and goals, so you can jump right in and start making plans and schedules on how to make this dream happen.  So yes, the muse would like you to make yourself accountable in some way to your plans.  She reminds you that a reward system is better than a punishment one.    Even if it is as simple as putting a gold star on each day you accomplish an action that supports your goals.

Tarot and Art-cast for Sept 8-21, 2024

Margaret Watts Hughes
Margaret Watts Hughes
Margaret Watts Hughes
Margaret Watts Hughes

The artist, singer and inventor this week is Margaret Watts Hughes.  Hughes invented a device, the eidophone (from the Greek eido-to see and phone- voice/sound).  She found that with this device and powder, seeds or sand, she could see the geometrics of her voice and the notes themselves to create shapes.  Hughes called these voice-figures or voice flowers.   She then used colored glycerin on a glass plate.  And from that she sang the above and below pictures into existence.

Your pondering:  How lucky we are to be in a time when sound is recorded.  We can listen to a song or someone’s voice without the confines time.  But I often wonder because we can hear it again, do we lose the preciousness of it when it is happening the first time.  What would it have been like to hear a song only once?

Solar System highlights

The moon begins this week in Scorpio – follow your passion.  Then on Tuesday it moves into Sagittarius – go exploring.    On Thursday it moves into Capricorn – use this energy to get things.  On Saturday the Moon moves into Aquarius – time to daydream.  Monday Sept. 16th it moves into Pisces – start the week by going with the flow.  On Wednesday Sept. 18th the moon is in Aries – a great time to start a project.  And we finish with the moon in Taurus on Friday – enjoy and savor the good things in life.

Mercury moves into Virgo until September 26th.  Once again sharpening our conversation skills to be precise and direct but not harsh.  Venus is in Libra – this is her home and a good time for us to readjust and rebalance.  Harmony is the key and the gift.  And then Mars moves into Cancer.  Not its favorite place.  Often our plans go sideways but this is the genius of this placement- to find ways around instead of straight through a problem.

Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June of 2025.   This aspect is here to help us work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits.  However, we must also watch its challenging aspects:   not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness.   And lastly Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026 teaching us how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures.




** Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And  Pisces  it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in, now is the time.

*** I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the tarot & art-casts.

**** I am experimenting.   I have switched from using the older suits name (pentacles, cups, swords, and wands) to a more elemental way of reading them which is earth, water, air, and fire.  Also, I would like to leave the binary and feudal system of the RWS’s court cards.  So, the RWS old version is Page, Knight, Queen, and King is changing to Heart (pure embodiment of element), Body (moving the element), Spirit (living the element) and Mind (taking care of the element).

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Margaret Watts Hughes
Margaret Watts Hughes

Ten of Water – The Muse of Happiness has come to visit with you for two whole weeks.  She comes to remind you that life, no matter the circumstances, still holds beauty.  Whether it is a stranger’s smile, your barista knowing your order, a child’s hug, hanging with a friend, your pet giving you affection, a butterfly fluttering past you…  This muse challenges you to understand happiness appears often but is fleeting.  So, take time when each moment of bliss occurs during this period.  Soak it in.


Margaret Watts Hughes
Margaret Watts Hughes

Nine of Water – The Muse of Satisfaction comes to you this period to help you navigate perfectionism and being content with what is then what could be. The muses would like to remind you that you all are the foundational sign of the zodiac.  You represent earth in its most natural state.  The goddess Gia walks with you every day of your life.  Now this muse would like you to think of a leaf with a hole in it.  That hole fed an insect.  Or think upon a tree fall in a forest, it makes way for new and more diverse plant growth.  Nature teaches us that our perceived imperfections are gateways. Places that feed new beginnings and growth.


Margaret Watts Hughes
Margaret Watts Hughes

Ten of Air – All tens represent an ending.  The Ten of Air is an ending of a way of communicating, thought process or a drama that is in your life.  The muses remind you to follow your intuition during this time.  If you need to put a project or person on hold, do so in these coming weeks.  These weeks may have some challenges, but they are put there to strengthen your intuition as well as have you reflect on your own hubris.  Taking ego out of the situation will help guide you to see that you may not have to engage with these scenarios like you think you do.


Margaret Watts Hughes
Margaret Watts Hughes

Eight of Fire – The Muse of Messages comes when there is a lot of information coming at you.  She advises navigate this onslaught of intelligence by knowing your priorities and goals, so you can utilize the information that you actually need.  The big challenge with this energy is not feeling as if you need to make haste with any decision.  You all can feel a vibe like no other sign, so trust your superb crabby intuition while sifting through the intel.


Margaret Watts Hughes

*Death – Another big energy week for you all.  This week is about change.  The gorgeous aspect of this kind of change is that it works with the Universe and is very much about natural cycles.  The challenge for you is to mimic the ebb and flow of this energy model.  So, if you find that you lose interest, or something begins to pull away or die off then let it. For either that energy will grow into something new and more suitable to what you need now.   Or it will cycle back just like the seasons or the setting and rising of the sun.  The muses remind you to not push but to fall in with the groove of the now and is.


Margaret Watts Hughes

Nine of Fire – The Muse of Preparation comes when you need to take time to plan out not only your day to day but also the coming couple of seasons.  This energy falls right into place with not only your birth month but also your general vibe.  You all do better if you are prepared.  It’s not that you can’t fly by the seat of your pants but the more prepared you are the easier it is for you to tackle the unexpected.


Margaret Watts Hughes

*Devil – The Muse of Exams comes when circumstances are testing your resolve and principles.  So, this muse becomes your cheerleader and task-keeper to help you navigate these times.  She reminds you that you are ready and equipped to handle these tribulations.  Ultimately you have the tools and knowledge to work through the ups and downs of the coming weeks.  The key is to be true to who you have become.       


Margaret Watts Hughes

Five of Earth – The fives are the cards of chaos.  And this energy works on the material plane, usually around finances or at least your perception of yours.  The Muse of Lack has you looking at what aspects in your life are lacking?   Yes, she said material plane but this sense of lack is more tied into your emotional or intellectual realms.  This muse challenges you to look at where you over-indulge and the whys behind it.  If you can work on healing what was lacking by, for example love from a partner or parent, you can turn around this poverty mind-set.   As RuPaul says: “If you don’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?”


Margaret Watts Hughes

*Strength – The Muse of Inner Wisdom is hanging out with you for the next two weeks.  She would like you to dive deep into the whys behind what you are doing on the material plane.  Are they aligned with who you are and what you stand for?  What part of your inner landscape needs strengthening to have a stronger resolve to live the life you are meant to live?  You have a solid foundation, now is the time to strength and ground yourself, for the months ahead.  This is not about prepping for only the more challenging aspects but also to be grounded enough to relish the exquisite ones.


Margaret Watts Hughes

Eight of Earth – The Muse of Work comes to give you energy to put towards the tasks you would like to focus on. This energy shows up when you need to concentrate on what is at hand more than what will be.  This energy is about productivity, handiwork and working with your superpowers to get sh**t done.  So, gardening/work gloves on and get to it.


Margaret Watts Hughes

Ace of Earth – All aces signify a new beginning.  This energy would like you to focus on the material plane. What would you like to manifest on this earthly plane?   Yes, do some work seeding this idea or project, but also mantras of abundance and flourishing are helpful.


Margaret Watts Hughes

*High Priestess – The Muse of Sacred Mysteries is hanging out with you all for the next two weeks.  She shows up to hone your intuition as well as give you sage advice.  The challenge is she does it with twists, turns, synchronicities, déjà vu and in dreams.  You can ask her questions just know they most likely with be veiled in riddles and repetition.   So, eyes, ears, and mind open to the muses planting easter eggs to help you on your higher path.  Your motto: “Your passions in life should fit you exactly but your purpose in life should exceed you.” – Kevin Kelly

Tarot and Art-cast for Aug 11-24, 2024

Rinko Kawauchi
Rinko Kawauchi

The artist is Rinko KawauchiKawauchi’s photography and books are images of the everyday, a mixture of abstract and portraits, that lead us as viewers to larger ponderings about light, memories, time and death.  She focuses on the small things that add up to our daily existence, but when we experience them, we often do not notice their awe, or their importance.  These recollections become reflective conjuries that we cherish when they reoccur.   The smell of pie or bread, an occasional rainbow from a glass by a window, the chirping of crickets, our parents calling us in from a night of play, the feel of cool water on a hot day…  These memories become our connective tissue within our lifetime. We feel cozy because they hold familiarity not only to our own timeline but connecting us to similar experiences in others.

Your pondering:  As summer is closing and the light begins to shift, now is the time to soak in the days and daily life of summer.  My favorite part of summer is the light that filters through the trees, the sparkle of water and that cozy hazy feeling you get waking from a summer nap.  What are your small memories that remind you of the “light” in summer?

Solar System highlights

The moon begins this week in Scorpio – follow your passion.  Then on Tuesday it moves into Sagittarius – go exploring.    On Friday it moves into Capricorn – look at if your structures support your emotions.  On Sunday August 18th it moves into Aquarius – daydream.  Tuesday August 20th, it moves into Pisces – go with the flow.  On Thursday August 22nd the moon is in Aries – a great time to start a project.  And we finish with the moon in Taurus on Saturday – a time for enjoying the good things in life.

Mercury is now retrograde until August 28th.  Remember this is the universe’s rest-stop on the highway of Life.  A great time to recharge, reflect, and redo. Right now, it is in Virgo until August 14th.  This aspect is here to teach us how to be precise and direct in our conversations. The challenge is not to come off too harsh. Then it rolls back into Leo until September 9th giving us our second chance to shine in our storytelling skills and to highlight others.

Venus is in Virgo where we can work on being authentic within our relationships and thus ourselves.   But again, we have the challenge of being too harsh on others and ourselves.  And then Mars is in Gemini making sure our actions follow our words or our thinking.

Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June of 2025.   This aspect is here to help us work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits.  However, we must also watch its challenging aspects:   not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness.   And lastly Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026 teaching us how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures.


*** Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And  Aquarius  it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in, now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the tarot & art-casts.

**** I am experimenting.   I have switched from using the older suits name (pentacles, cups, swords, and wands) to a more elemental way of reading them which is earth, water, air, and fire.  Also, I would like to leave the binary and feudal system of the RWS’s court cards.  So, the RWS old version is Page, Knight, Queen, and King is changing to Heart (pure embodiment of element), Body (moving the element), Spirit (living the element) and Mind (taking care of the element).

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Rinko Kawauchi
Rinko Kawauchi

*High Priestess – The Muse of Sacred Purpose comes when, in this moment in time, you are needed.  You may not realize that opening that door for someone reignites optimism in them, or that conversation changes someone’s perspective.  You are aligned with your higher purpose even when doing these little acts.  This Muse reminds you that these gifts of sacredness, of seeing someone, comes when you are being your most authentic self.  You are the change in the world.

Rinko Kawauchi
Rinko Kawauchi

*Judgement – The Muse of Transformation is assisting your hand, heart and mind to evolve an aspect of your life.  These transformation should feel refreshing, uplifting and liberating you from old paradigms.   This is a perfect alignment with Mercury’s retrograde aspects of relaxation, review and redo.  Take these next two weeks to look at what constructs you have, are they supporting you?  Are you getting to the next level with them.  Do they uplift you?  Time to redesign and refine.

Rinko Kawauchi
Rinko Kawauchi

Heart of Air – Use this time with Mercury in retrograde to do some investigative work.  This muse advises that you need more information before making any decisions during this time.   Now is the time to read between the lines, ask more questions, and do a deeper study into what vexes you.  The answers and solutions are out there but you will need to do the leg work and keep your eyes, ears and mind open for the information, data and clues.

Rinko Kawauchi

*Empress – The Muse of Creativity is here to inspire you for the next two weeks.  She asks what you would like to grow for the next 9-10 months.  And with this planet configuration this is a great time to plan more than do.  So that means getting ideas for winter projects now.  And getting the supplies ready so you have a head start in the fall to just start creating.   Also, this muse reminds you to spend some time during these two weeks to nurture yourself.  Remember this retrograde is about relaxing, revisiting and redoing and for you less of the latter and more of the first two.

Rinko Kawauchi
Rinko Kawauchi

Ten of Air – So the Muse of Drama will help you navigate these next two weeks.  For outside forces are sending some turbulence in your direction.  The key to navigating these waves is to follow your instincts.  If your inner self says no, then don’t go.  This is not a time to push through things.  Remember with Mercury in retrograde setbacks are heralds to what isn’t working, and this time is perfect for reworking and reflecting.   So, your best maxim is to avoid conflict, this is not the time to make waves.

Rinko Kawauchi

Three of Air – The last two weeks had rough spots and hopefully you remained courageous by being truthful with your part of the creation of some of those bumps in the road.   And now the Muse of Healing has come to help you work on healing why those bumps were bumps at all.  This Mercury retrograde is in your sign for most of its time, so the spotlight is on you and how you get your ideas and feelings across.  The major key is touch versus talk.  So, this Muse would like you to find ways to express your affection with less convo and more hugs and hand holding.


Rinko Kawauchi

*Strength – These next two weeks are going to challenge you to know yourself, your limits, as well as your strengths.  The Muse of Courage is going to stand by you to help. She would like you to spend this retrograde pondering this quote from Brene Brown: “Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”  Time to open up. 

Rinko Kawauchi

*Sun – Awesome you all get another two weeks to play in and with abundance. The Muse of Optimism would like to work with you during this retrograde by having you work with the ponderings:  What is the best that can happen?  And what if you look for the light/lite in situations?  So instead of worrying about the worst-case scenario, you look for the best-case scenario.

Rinko Kawauchi

Body of Fire – These next two weeks you are blessed with being at the right place at the right time.  The Muse of Adventure and Imagination is here to remind you that your timing is perfect for the coming weeks.  Even if you are stopped or challenged it has a greater purpose then what you might be seeing in the present.  This energy is about forward movement in innovative and creative ways.  The keys are following your intuition as well as being motivated for the things that are set into motion during these next two weeks.


Rinko Kawauchi

Five of Water – These next two weeks the Muse of Spilled Milk has come to help you clean up messes.  This energy could be used literally as a time to deep clean your house and/or metaphorically to tidy up your emotional self with restocking your emotional resources and finding time to rest.


Rinko Kawauchi

Six of Earth – The Muse of Kindness would like you to spend these two weeks racking up karma points by doing small acts of kindness.  This is about simplicity not extravagance.  Examples are picking wildflowers for your sweetie or bringing home a single Gerber daisy. Opening doors for strangers.   Leaving appreciation notes to your server or delivery person.  You can even leave anonymous and random good vibes notes in public places.


Rinko Kawauchi
Rinko Kawauchi

Spirit of Air – The Muse of Flow comes when you need to pay attention to the details to help things move along with ease.  This can be reading the fine print, listening to both sides of a story, immediately cleaning up after yourself in the kitchen, spending an extra five minutes getting ready, etc.  Spend these next two weeks attending to these small but useful tasks.  By taking the time to see and understand the micro, you’ll be able to handle the macro with more finesse.

Tarot and Art-Cast for April 7-20, 2024


Sasha Gordon

The artist this week is Sasha Gordon.  Gordon is a portrait artist that directs the viewer to the study of self.  That we all change our perceptions of self, depending on mood as well as our surroundings.  In her words: “At first I said ‘Oh they’re not me. They’re just variations of myself.’ While I still think that’s true, they’re definitely all me. I don’t see myself as one person. I change depending on who I’m with or what the situation is or my mood and all these other aspects. Growing up, I guess I had a hard time seeing myself as a person. Painting myself so solidly is a way of making myself feel more permanent and present.”

Your pondering for this week:  We are humans, multi-faceted.  And if we acknowledge this, we can see that in others.  Hopefully brings us to a state of less judgment, more acceptance and ultimately the beauty of our chameleon-like moods and the complexity of humaning.  Where do you judge yourself and others? And what do you do to feel more permanent and present in yourself?


Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Aries – great time to start on a project or an idea you have left dormant. On Tuesday the moon moves into Taurus, you have the energy to make things grow.  Then on Friday the moon is in Gemini – time for hanging out with friends for the weekend.    Then Sunday, the 17th, the moon moves into Cancer- self-care is your top priority.  On Tuesday the 18th it moves into Leo – time to shine.  And on Friday April 19th the moon moves into Virgo, a great time for spring cleaning or working outdoors.

There is a solar eclipse on April 8th that can be seen across the US.  For all you Aries and Libra with sun signs and natal nodes watch/listen for downloads of information for the next couple of days.

Mercury is in Aries until May 15th giving us a crash course in learning to say what we need in a non-reactive way and working on making sure our actions follow our words.  Venus joins Mercury during this teachable moment giving us more grace when we are attempting to better our communication skills.

Mars is still in Pisces with Saturn.   And they are prompting us to act on being adaptable, especially in our day-to-day life.  This theme of adaptable action, beauty, and harmony lasts until the end of April.



*** Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

****And I am experimenting again.   I had switched from using the older suits name (pentacles, cups, swords, and wands) to a more elemental way of reading them which is earth, water, air, and fire.  Now I would like to leave the binary and feudal system of the RWS’s court cards.  So, the RWS old version is Page, Knight, Queen, and King is changing to Heart (pure embodiment of element), Body (moving the element), Spirit (living the element) and Mind (taking care of the element).

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Sasha Gordon, Static

*Hermit – Where the last two weeks have been about Momentum this next two are about standing back and getting perspective. The muses had you set goals and maintain focus.  Now it is time to step back from your projects and your life a bit and see what is or is not working.  This energy aligns perfectly with Mercury being in retrograde. A time of reflect, reassess, and redo.   Take these next two weeks to tweak what needs to be modified.   This Muse of Perspective also suggests finding space in your schedule to just ponder and let ideas bubble up.


Sasha Gordon, Drive Through

Seven of Fire – The Muse of Will is with you these next two weeks to help you establish and protect your boundaries and ideas.  The challenge with this energy is choosing when the fight is just, is it producing more harm than good, and/or understanding your alliances and antagonists so that you are expending energy efficiently.  She asks is this a fight or just a boundary dispute? While reminding that you can have boundaries without engaging in a full war; for some fights are not worth the effort and wars are too big to take on alone.

Sasha Gordon, Campfire

Heart of Earth – The Muse of Experiencing comes when you need to gain new knowledge or skills.  The next two weeks work on filling the gaps in your knowledge or skill sets.  However, she prompts you to look outside your normal sphere of stimuli and do some critical thinking in a new environment or experience.  Whether that is finding a new space to do your work or reading a book outside your regular genera, she prods you to make new connections to old experiences.


Sasha Gordon, Concert Mistress

*Emperor – The Muse of Building would like your next two weeks to focus on building something that already is in play in your life.  Use this retrograde period to reflect, reassess and redo especially in the considerations of the concept of durability as well as adaptability. She asks does this job, portfolio, or project have the components to last/work for the coming months or years?  Is it flexible to evolve with you? Are you building for a brighter future or just building to keep busy?


Sasha Gordon, Garden Troll

*Fool – The Muse of Spontaneity has arrived to shake up some of your restrictions and self-afflicted boundaries.  She is promoting you that for the next two weeks fill them with new tastes, thoughts, and experiences, which ultimately shake up your emotions.  You all as sign dive deep into experience, but like any cat that will jump an expanse without a thought and then be frightened by the watery aspects of life.  This Muse is asking you to just be in the new without judging it or comparing it to the old.  Clean slates my friends.

Sasha Gordon, Echo

Seven of Water – The Muse of Dreams would like you to use this retrograde period to ponder, daydream and use your imagination.  This is an exercise of letting go of limits and letting your imagination run wild.  Yes, this is a hard assignment because this is an exploration of possibilities without the constructs of perfection, reality, boundaries, and structures you all like.  She reminds you that fantasy is a way to explore the unknown without leaving the house.  And maybe you can come home with a unicorn or dragon.


Sasha Gordon, In My Dreams I Dance For You

Heart of Air – The Muse of Lift would like you to focus on what lifts you and how you lift others?  For the next two weeks use this retrograde period to tweak the aspects that give you air to breath and energy to fly on.  These can be spending time with those that lift you spirits or going on solo flights of fancy.  Your goal, support and strengthen the areas of that are your “air beneath your wings.”


Sasha Gordon, Surrogate Self

*High Priestess – So these past weeks have had you step away and gain perspective on what system you need to refine and then come down from the proverbial mountain and put them in place.  Now the Muse of Meaning would like you to spend the next two weeks using your intuition making sure those systems align with your principles and support what brings meaning to your life.  If lost or unsure of where to start ask the muses for information, but remember they work in signs and synchronicities so eyes, ears, and mind open.


Sasha Gordon, Muse

Ten of Air – These next two weeks the muses would like you to work on finalizing areas of your life that are like a burr under your saddle.  This can be a simple as oiling a squeaky door or as complex as letting a bad habit go.  The key is picking the things you know that you can accomplish solo.  For the coming weeks, people will try to force their agendas onto yours. Retrogrades with an eclipse is going to put some people in a spin and best you avoid the spin as much as possible.


Sasha Gordon, Hugger

*Empress – The Muse of Nurturing would like you to spend these next two weeks cultivating this practice into your daily life.  She asks how do you nurture yourself?  What project(s) would you like to develop in 10 months’ time?  Who requires your nurturing?  And then this muse reminds you not to rush answering these questions or the nurturing itself.  The practice of nurturing is also a practice of patience and subtlety.


Sasha Gordon, Mirror

*Star – Okay I don’t know what you guys have been doing but for the last 4 weeks you all got the card of rest and restoration, and this card is the Big Momma of the 4 of Air.  So maybe you didn’t really relax the last four weeks. Or maybe you just need more rest.  So, a stronger message from the Muse of Healing is asking you to sit your butt down.  This is a muse you work with your whole life.  Her areas are healing and hope in all its forms and challenges.  So hopefully these next two weeks you will do some things that rejuvenate your inner flame.  These can be as simple as getting massage and a salt scrub, planning a much-needed vacation, having a designated daily unplug time, or putting in time with activities that light you up without tiring you out.


Sasha Gordon, Trimmings

Eight of Stone – The last two weeks the Muse of Building wanted you to focus on building something that already is in play in your life.  Now the Muse of Labor is telling you to focus on the steps to make that happen.  Remember this is a retrograde time so this is not a time for new projects but a time to get projects that are already in the works.  And remember this is a time when adaptability is vital to all that you build.  So, this retrograde period might be used for tweaking and incorporating the flexibility in said work.


Tarot and Art-Cast for week of March 24, 2024

Marie Bracquemond
Marie Bracquemond

Happy Spring.  Even though there is snow on the ground, the beginning shoots of bulbs are popping out.  There is more sunlight and colors are beginning to return to the landscape.  This season always makes me think about the Impressionists and their pursuit of an art of form that conveyed spontaneity, sunlight, and color.  The use of short, thick strokes of paint to capture the essence of the subject, rather than its details. “In paintings made en plein air (outdoors), shadows are boldly painted with the blue of the sky as it is reflected onto surfaces, giving a sense of freshness previously not represented in painting. (Blue shadows on snow inspired the technique.)”

The artist this week is Marie Bracquemond.  Bracquemond was a French impressionist and one of only four women that were recognized during the Impressionist movement.  She once said, “Impressionism has produced … not only a new, but a very useful way of looking at things. It is as though all at once a window opens and the sun and air enter your house in torrents.”


Your pondering for this week:  What could you do to bring a freshness into your life?  Open your literal and metaphorical windows and let in the sun and the air.


Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Libra – harmony and balance are key. On Wednesday the moon moves into Scorpio – follow your passion.  Then on Saturday it moves into Sagittarius – find ways to explore during the weekend.    On Monday April 1st the moon moves into Capricorn – time to get to work, though it is April’s Fools so find some time to be silly.  On Wednesday April 3rd it moves into Aquarius helping us think outside the box.  And we finish the two weeks with the moon in Pisces starting on Friday – wanting us to go with the flow.

There is a lunar eclipse on March 25th and a solar eclipse on April 4th that can be seen across the US.  For all you Aries and Libra with sun signs and natal nodes watch/listen for downloads of information around these days.

Mercury is in Aries for its 8 weeklong crash course in learning to say what we need in a non-reactive way and work on if our action matches our words.  It’s a mini course in Non-Violet Communication.

Mars moved into Pisces to join Saturn and Venus.   And they are done asking “how to” and are prompting us to act on being adaptable and bring more beauty and harmony into our sphere. This theme of adaptable action, beauty, and harmony lasts until the end of April.


*** Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

****And I am experimenting again.   I had switched from using the older suits name (pentacles, cups, swords, and wands) to a more elemental way of reading them which is earth, water, air, and fire.  Now I would like to leave the binary and feudal system of the RWS’s court cards.  So, the RWS old version is Page, Knight, Queen, and King is changing to Heart (pure embodiment of element), Body (moving the element), Spirit (living the element) and Mind (taking care of the element).


May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Marie Bracquemond, Self Portrait

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum has pulled up to your door ready to get things rolling for the coming two weeks.  This Muse will supply the gas, but you must supply the vehicle and set the course. It is imperative that you have goals from the start, and it is up to you to stay focused. This doesn’t mean you can’t alter course when necessary while you roll through the next two weeks.    But again, she reminds you she is only supplying energy.  So, if you don’t have a destination you will end up doing donuts in the parking lot.


Marie Bracquemond, Landscape in Wintertime

Five of Earth – For the next two weeks your labor is around trying to work within chaos without driving head long into fear of not enough. The Muse of Poverty Mindset reminds you that there is enough for all of us if we share.  This includes sharing your sorrow, your workload, and your abundance.  She challenges you to think about what you have plenty of and share that.  Also, she reminds you that poverty mindset is not just about worrying solely about finances.  It is any place you feel you have not or are not enough. To combat scarcity, she advises you to focus on what you do have.  And with what you don’t, ask for help.


Marie Bracquemond, Portrait of Mademoiselle Charlotte Du Val d Ognes

Ten of Air – The Muse of Culmination comes when you need to finish a project, a relationship, or your own personal drama.  This thing is something that has been nagging at you for some time, but you have not the energy to finish it.  She prompts you to just get it done, so it will stop draining your energy.  She also reminds you that it might even be possible for you just to cross it off your list because it might just be your ego holding on to it.


Marie Bracquemond, Three Ladies with Parasols

*Star– The Muse of Hope has come to help you replenish your spirit.  Optimism is the key and the challenge in the coming weeks.  She advises expanding your vision to the greater arc of life and history.  Yes, the world has its atrocities, but the world is a better place now then it was 200 years ago.  Less people go hungry, there is less war, overall, there is better healthcare, etc…  And then take this longer more positive arc and turn it inward to your own life.  You are an amazing person who has done wonderful things and changed more lives for the better, for just existing.  She asks you to see your worth and keep on shining.


Marie Bracquemond
Marie Bracquemond, Lady in White

*Empress – The Muse of Nurturing would like you to spend these next two weeks cultivating this practice into your daily life.  She asks how do you nurture yourself?  What project would you like to develop in the future?  Who requires your nurturing?  And then this muse reminds you not to rush answering these questions or the nurturing itself.  The practice of nurturing is also a practice of patience and subtlety.



Marie Bracquemond, Pots de Fleurs Vres

Two of Air – Decisions, decisions, decisions surround you these coming weeks. And this is no time to ruminate endlessly.  Luckily the Muse of Decisions is here to help.  So, if the old standby pros and cons list is not helping, this muse advises you to go with your gut.  She tells you to put yourself in each scenario and choose the one that feels right.


Marie Bracquemond, Melancholy

Five of Water – The Muse of Optimism would like you to work on improving your “cup half-full” mentality. The challenge is acknowledging that emotions can be tough but ultimately seeing their importance and lessons.  She asks, do you want grief to define your life or the positive teachings of that grief?  We grieve because we love, and we are disappointed because we hope. Let love and hope be the full cups you continue to bring on your journey.


Marie Bracquemond, The Backgammon Game

*Hierophant – The last two weeks the Muse of Perspective advises you to pull away from life and gain some distance.  Now that you have gained perspective of the situation, the Muse of Structures is here to help you build the support system and the system itself in a more refined and useful way.  This muse advises you to start simple and build to necessity not to opulence or overindulgence. And remember the planets are still pushing the concept of being more adaptable and flexible.  Your motto: More bamboo, less brick.


Marie Bracquemond, Woman in the Garden

Five of Fire – To navigate the next two weeks the Muse of Chaos has decided to join you.  She advises you to be ultra-aware of what you say yes to.  First, she reminds you that you do not need to be part of every conversation or discussion.  This is a week to pick your battles.  Secondly, if you do decide to jump in, make sure you are willing to totally commit to what you have jumped into and keep your wits while you are in it. This period is not a time to be half-ass about anything. If unsure it would be better to wait on the sidelines until the whirlwind has calmed.


Marie Bracquemond, Under the Lamp

Spirit of Air – The Muse of Cleverness is daring you to be more perceptive.  To exercise your mind with tenacity.  Yes, these next two weeks you have the muses’ full approval to go down rabbit holes.  The reason for this mind hunt – they would like you to let your mind play with details and tangents.  To press the boundaries of your imagination while synthesizing and theorizing the interconnectedness and/or clashing against conundrums and paradoxes.  So, the challenge is this is play not purpose. Your thoughts are like a kite in the winds of intellect.


Marie Bracquemond, Afternoon Tea

Four of Air – Holy Moly you got the same card again.  So maybe you didn’t really relax the last two weeks. Or maybe you just need more rest.  So here you go…. The Muse of Restoration advises rest and restoration.  She suggests finding times in your schedule where you can tune out.  The challenge is this includes technology or mental output/input.  For the biggest part of your body that needs rest right now is your mind.   So, sleep is important but also staring out the window with no goals or puttering is too.


Marie Bracquemond, Pierre Bracquemond as a Child

*Emperor – The Muse of Building would like your next two weeks to focus on building on something that already is in play in your life.  This energy is not only about formation but also durability.  She asks does this job, portfolio, or project have the components to last/work for the coming months or years?  Are you building for a brighter future or just building to keep busy?  Make sure it’s the former not the latter.


Tarot and Art-Cast for week of Feb 25, 2024

Emma Amos
Emma Amos, Head First

The artist this week is Emma Amos. Amos is a painter, printmaker, and textile artist.  Her work often confronted and destabilized the norm of Big A art.  She embraced complex issues of being looked over, not seen, erased from history because of color, gender and even choice of art materials.  She looked at her inner conflict of loving artistic styles of Gauguin or Picasso, the celebrated echelon of white Eurocentric art and her own identity as an artist. In her words: “Every time I think about color it’s a political statement.  It would be a luxury to be white and never have to think about it.”

Your pondering :  How has your race, gender or sexual orientation benefitted and/or hindered your life?


Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Virgo – keeping you organized and focused.   On Tuesday it moves into Libra – harmony and balance are key. On Thursday thru the weekend the moon moves into Scorpio – follow your passion.  Then on Sunday it moves into Sagittarius – find ways to explore.    Then Tuesday, March 5th the moon moves into Capricorn – time to get to work.  On Thursday it moves into Aquarius helping us think outside the box.  And we finish the two weeks on Saturday with the moon in Pisces wanting us to go with the flow.

Venus and Mars are still hanging with Pluto in the water-bearer’s sign.  Aquarius is the sign of social consciousness.  It pushes us to innovate and think about how our actions affect not only our own future but the future of the world.  So, the areas these planets are having us look within the context of making personal and social change is Venus (can I create beauty and harmony not only for myself but for all around me?), Mars (do my actions benefit more than me?) and Pluto (how can I share my power and wealth to the collective?).  So, I suggest pondering at least one of these planets’ questions in the coming weeks.

And then the twist comes with the Sun and Mercury moving into Pisces joining Saturn.  They are asking us how we can be adaptable in how we shine and how we communicate.  This is still a lesson about our influence and place in society.  Just these two are asking us to be more flexible and respondent to the situation and how we react to it.



*** Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

****And I am experimenting again.   I had switched from using the older suits name (pentacles, cups, swords, and wands) to a more elemental way of reading them which is earth, water, air, and fire.  Now I would like to leave the binary and feudal system of the RWS’s court cards.  So, the RWS old version is Page, Knight, Queen, and King is changing to Heart (pure embodiment of element), Body (moving the element), Spirit (living the element) and Mind (taking care of the element).

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Emma Amos
Black Dog Blues, Emma Amos

Seven of Water – The Muse of Dreams would like you to find time in the comings weeks to daydream.  And this muse says to dream big.  It is not a guarantee that it will come true in its entirety, but it will lead you to what you need.  As the Stones say:  You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need.”


Emma Amos
Streaks, Emma Amos

Body of Earth – The Last two weeks the Muses had you working on building up something in your life.  Now they are giving you the stamina and more time to continue that work.  This Muse reminds you that your pace is an important factor to this process.  This is a lesson on slow and steady wins the race.


Emma Amos
Coloring Lesson, Emma Amos

*Judgement – The last two weeks the Muse of Forms wanted you to focus on how to innovate your day-to-day structures to give you a strong base. And now with those strong foundations in place you can jump with the Muse of Liberation into a future that is more uplifting and transformative.  Here’s the challenge; if those foundations are clipping your wings, then you need to tweak them until you can soar.  An easy example: less caffeine and more B-vitamins.  And the muses remind you to use the planets’ energy of social consciousness and adaptability to help you in your liberation.


Emma Amos
Baby, Emma Amos

Nine of Air – So you have been doing a lot of thinking…. maybe too much.  The Muse of Worry advises the next two weeks to be a crash course on what you can and cannot control and to work on being present.  This muse reminds you that worrying is a useful skill if it actually solves a problem, but many aspects of life are not pre-solvable.  What can make you prepared is to work on making your mind more resilient and flexible.  And realizing that if you’re reading this you already are intelligent and strong-willed enough to survive, so give yourself some credit.



Flower Sniffer, Emma Amos

Ten of Water – The Muse of Happiness would like you to indulge in some joy these coming weeks.  Yes, there is work to be done and yes tomorrow is looming.  But also look around, you are surrounded by good things and now is the time to feed those aspects.  Pay attention to the beauty of living.  Enjoy the sun coming through the window, running in the rain, hugging your family and friends, laughter, good food, music…


Tightrope, Emma Amos

Eight of Earth – The Muse of Craft is working with you these coming two weeks to elevate your work practices.  This could be working on your organization skills, taking a class, or practicing scales in music.   They key is you have superpowers now is the time to super charge them.


Seated Figure and Nude, Emma Amos

Ten of Earth – The Muse of Family asks you to reconnect with yours in the coming weeks.  This does not have to be your blood relatives, but people that make you feel grounded and supported.  The muses are asking you to deepen the roots with those people in your life.  This is a great time to reminisce and acknowledge yourself and each other how far you all have come.


All I Know of Wonder, Emma Amos

*Emperor – The Muse of Realization prompts you to build something.  The key is this work needs to be done on something already in process or something that was put on the back burner.  Now is the time to dust it off and get it to the next level. And remember to use those planet energies of how does it benefit not only you but others and/or has does it improve adaptability or is it adaptable to more than one scenario?



*Tower – The Muse of Deconstruction is here to have you acknowledge what isn’t working for you and correct it; before an outside force deconstructs it for you.  Now the planets are throwing in a challenge and hints to these re-designs.  Making it so it helps you but also lifts others and/or it utilizes the concept of adaptability. This Muse suggests studying and incorporating the properties of bamboo: durability, flexibility, strength, and versatility.


Two Standing Women, Emma Amos

Three of Earth – For the next two weeks the muses would like you to reflect on the concept of collaboration.  Collaboration is when two or more things work to obtain the same goal.   This is not just human focused but also looking at how trees collaborate with their environment, how your pet collaborates with you or how bees collaborate in a hive. The planets are helping by adding how does what you do resonate with society as a whole and how does collaboration increase adaptability?


Targets, Emma Amos

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum comes to help an aspect of your life along.  For the next two weeks, she will help you with the proverbial gas and vehicle, but you will have to work on the roadmap. So, she asks you what is your goal?  What is the timeline?  What provisions do you need for an ease passage?  Now you have two weeks to work on this “map” but the sooner you get things prepped the sooner you can hit the gas and go.   On a very practical side check your tires, and make sure you wear the right kind of footwear for each occasion.


Worksuit, Emma Amos

Seven of Earth – The next two weeks will require some head-down hard work.  The beauty of this is if you do the work now in two weeks you will be able to relax a bit and enjoy the harvest.  The Muse of Work advises navigating this period with more ease by having a designated stop time each day and like last weeks’ muse advice, preparation is key.  So, this means strict boundaries around your work time as well as rest time.  You need to focus fully on both, and you have a finite amount of energy and time each day.  So, this Muse also suggests turning away from social media, news, and mind-numbing activities during this time.


Tarot and Art-Cast for week of Jan 28, 2024

Camila Reis White Birch

As some of you know my life has changed a bit from the past 9 years.  We moved to a new state and my mom now lives with us. She is transitioning to a phase where she needs more care. We, myself, my partner, and a team of amazing aides, are caring for my mom at home. Thus, my time to write, do readings, and just breathe has become more finite and something must give.  I need to do tarot readings.  Not only because I love doing them and they give me a place to connect with my spirit and you all, but they are my means of monetary sustenance.   So, I either raise my prices so I can do less readings and keep writing weekly or keep my readings more affordable and do less writing which I would like to keep as a free resource.  I have decided to try the latter and do tarotcast every 2 weeks from now until the end of February and reassess then.  Thanks as always for patronizing the passenger’s seat while we ponder and admire the scenery.

The artist this week is Camila Reis @cammiereis.  She works in 2D Animation, character design, illustration, and storytelling.  Not much background on her other then I personally own four of her prints. Because I have a thing about dryads and her animations always bring me joy.  So, I would like to share her art.  Hint: I would love it if someone would collaborate with her and make a dryad oracle deck.

Your pondering for this week: Thank a tree for giving you shade and oxygen.


Solar System highlights

The moon begins the week in Virgo – an organized way to start the week.   On Tuesday it moves into Libra – move the focus to relationships. On Friday and through the weekend it’s in Scorpio – work on or with things that ignite your passions.  Then the moon moves in Sagittarius on Sunday- start exploring alternative avenues.  On Tuesday it moves into Capricorn, so the next three days are perfect for getting things done.  Then on Friday and the weekend it is in Aquarius great for innovation.

Mercury is back in Capricorn to implement what you have learned in the past 3 months around communication.  Mars (action) is in Capricorn (discipline) until February 14th.  This is a great time to get things checked off your to do list.  While Venus also has moved into Capricorn wanting you to act on how to bring more beauty and harmony into your life. These next two weeks are support by these planets to get things done.

Jupiter (abundance) is in Taurus (grounding) until May 25, which is all about expanding pleasure but watch overindulgence.  And Saturn (structures) is in Pisces (dream, create) thru Feb 13, 2026, so fluidity is the name of the game for 2 more years.


*** Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

****And I am experimenting again.   I had switched from using the older suits name (pentacles, cups, swords, and wands) to a more elemental way of reading them which is earth, water, air, and fire.  Now I would like to leave the binary and feudal system of the RWS’s court cards.  So, the RWS old version is Page, Knight, Queen, and King is changing to Heart (pure embodiment of element), Body (moving the element), Spirit (living the element) and Mind (taking care of the element).

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Camila Reis
Camila Reis Cypress

*Moon – The Muse of Emotions advises to take your moods seriously.  They are trying to give you intel into your subconscious.  The subconscious “is the part of your mind that notices and remembers information when you are not actively trying to do so, and influences your behavior even though you do not realize it.”  And this week your emotions are the doorways to start to see the information and influences that you were not aware of.  So, take a deep dive into your emotions and dreams these next two weeks.


Camila Reis
Camila Reis Palm

Seven of Air – The Muse of Success would like you to break up your to-dos into small incremental steps for the next two weeks.  The tasks at hand or goals are too daunting to do or even look at on a large scale.  Simon says “break things down to at least seven jumps to reach your objectives.”

Camila Reis Sunflower

Five of Earth – The Muse of Scarcity comes when you believe that there is not enough for everyone, especially you.  She reminds you that sharing and asking for help are the ways to invite abundance in your life these next few weeks.  Use some of that Gemini charisma you know you have and get people to help you move some mountains.

Camila Reis Sugar pine

*Star – For the next few weeks the Muse of Healing and Hope is calling to you.  Self-care is important if you are doing it not an excuse to hide but as an action to heal and re-illuminate your moon-shine.  She reminds you to truly heal you need to keep one foot in the emotional waters while keeping the other on firmly on terra forma.    Hope and healing are a balance of magical thinking and reality to make what seems impossible, possible.

Camila Reis
Camila Reis Rainbow eucalyptus

Mind of Fire – The Muse of Reigning advises you to spend the next two weeks working on your confidence so you can start taking charge.  Stop allowing negative mindsets to interfere with your uniqueness.  Leos are amazing at what they are passionate about.  Pluto moving into Aquarius has thrown you off your game but only because the “game” has new rules.  And if you can suss out what they are, it is your time to rule the roost (or savannah).

Camila Reis
Camila Reis Magnolia

*Hanged One – The Muse of Suspension is advising you to hang back and ponder the whys and how of what you want or need to do. You may find yourself in a stalemate around something.  That is the Universe telling you to stop, breath and let your inner self find a place of stillness.  This can be as simple as a one-minute meditation at stoplights or as complex as holding off on finding a new job.  In this silence answers and inspirations will come.


Camila Reis
Camila Reis Bonsai

*Magician and Six of Waters – Two muses visit you during these net two weeks. The Muse of Manifestation and the Muse of the Past are working together for you to manifest in the future by using the past.  Some examples are looking to childhood passions and manifesting them in adult form.  Or using your grandmothers’ teacups to plant seedlings to sell.  Or going through old designs and tweaking them to create a new modern look.  As they say “everything old is new again” – Peter Allen

Camila Reis Oak

Spirit of Fire – The Muse of Heat reminds you that you can literally light up a room.  You are inspirational when you engage with your passion.  These next two weeks this muse is advising you to work on new ways to stoke your internal flame.  The planets ie: universe is not going to help this deep dive into self-ignition, but they are protecting you from internal combustion with so many of them in earth signs.  So, work on burning brighter.


Camila Reis Baobab

Ten of Fire – The Muse of Burdens is having you re-evaluate your load.  You have a lot going so adding more to do in the next two weeks isn’t advisable.  This muse reminds you that you do not need to be the one picking up all the slack.  And you’re right you  have things you must do.  However, make a list, prioritize, and put the bottom third of them off to the side.  You will find by the end of this period either someone else did it or it is easier to do now that you waited.


Camila Reis Bamboo

Seven of Fire – The Muse of Focus is your partner in the coming two weeks.  She reminds you that your time and space need protecting so you can focus on what needs to get done.  This is not a time to add to your list but to prioritize what is most important and tackle it like a keen-eyed agile footed goat does when they climb a mountain.  Focus on one step at a time and take the easier path when you can.


Camila Reis Sakura Grove

Seven of Earth – The Muse of Work advises doing just that the next two weeks.  Yes, you might want to rest but this is a time to get things off your plate from last year.  Why? So you can go into your new birthyear with a lighter load and gain the abundance and bounty from the work you have put in from last year.


Camila Reis Olive tree

*Justice – During the next two weeks the Muse of Fairness would like you to contemplate what justice means to you?  Is justice about fairness or retribution?  Do they lie in balance? Does your definition of justice have a means to an end?  Can your sense of justice improve the social landscape of your life as well as others?