Tag Archives: women artists

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of June 28, 2020

Ingrid Pollard Pastoral Interlude
Ingrid Pollard Pastoral Interlude

Ingrid Pollard’s work is a case of visual intimacy meeting a panoramic mind.  She is a photographer, media artist and researcher.  Pollard’s art has the viewer often focuses on a vignette that holds the reverberations of history and the physical/social landscape that history inhabits.  You can look at the landscape as a working environment that’s very managed and not natural at all. The very romantic, nostalgic view expresses more about society’s understanding of what’s important, what to preserve. It’s also [connected to] relationships to other landscapes across the sea and how that’s changed in the last 500 years. You’ve got to look at landscape in the wider sense. (from an interview in Frieze, April 4, 2019.)

In these times this view of the wider context is vital if we want to change our intimate exchanges. For systemic change we need to see our history, how we got here, and like Ingrid points out in her work why we kept what we did and do.   It will be awkward, but it is essential in seeing the present we must look at bigger picture both longitudinal in the society and culture and latitudinal in time and space.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Ingrid Pollard
Ingrid Pollard A heavy nonpresence

*Justice – Another high energy week for you.  Last week was about evolution and awakening to your divine nature.  Asking the question am I fulfilling my purpose or calling?  Hopefully, you have answered that question for this week you are called to align your purpose, integrity and plan your next steps.  In essence, wake you that you hold the responsibility for your actions.


Ingrid Pollard Self Evident series

Seven of Swords – Last week, the energy around you was dripping with creation.  And reminding you that with the power of love anything can flourish.  The energy has shifted what once was abundant is now slightly off.  Pieces of the puzzle feel as if they are missing.  Do not look for trickery but be aware that the future is shifting.  If you keep to your integrity and calm your emotions, this wobble will pass.  You will re-find your path, by creating and moving with small steps.


Ingrid Pollard Seaside series

Three of Cups – Take this week to hang with friends.  You are needing imbibement in some truth, honesty, and vulnerability that only your soul group can give you.  Time to empty and refill your emotional cups and maybe some real cups too.


Ingrid Pollard Landscape Trauma

Three of Wands –The energy of crumbling systems is still resonating this week. As you build new structures, boundaries, and schedules to access this next part of your journey, realize things are also working behind the scenes.  All the pieces can not be seen or dealt with this week.  This is a time to ponder and dream while the future continues in its reconstruction.


Ingrid Pollard
Photograph by Ingrid Pollard from the series ‘Self Evident’

Two of Swords – Indecision and a feeling of being lost surrounds you this week.   The key to working with this exercise in free choice is to hone your intuition skills.  If you pause, you will feel the strings pulling you to a direction.  The challenge is realizing this journey is more about the trip then the destination.


Ingrid Pollard Hidden Histories, Heritage Stories

Two of Wands – Now is the time to step out of your past and into your potential.  This week’s energy is encouraging you to take a few steps into the future you have been planning and dreaming of.  The challenge is actively being present in taking that first step.


Ingrid Pollard Landscape Trauma

King of Coins – Creating prosperity is a skill this energy is wanting you to practice this week.  It is a great time to ie: rework your budget, find ways to increase your credit score, access the wealth you need to live the life you want…  Getting a firm foundation around your finances, allows you to start accumulating the material abundance that you require for a comfortable future.


Ingrid Pollard
Ingrid Pollard Pastoral Interlude

Nine of Swords – Worry and fear add to the stressful energy this week.  This can make you vulnerable and might end up with you not getting a good night’s sleep.  The skills you need to work on this week are putting your worries to bed before you.  A good exercise is writing them all down on paper about an hour before bed and then tuck all but two in.  Then ask your subconscious to work on the chosen pair while you sleep.  You will be amazed when you wake up your mind often sorts it out while you get a solid night’s sleep.


Ingrid Pollard Hidden Histories, Heritage Stories

*Fool – Your muse this week is the explorer on the physical, mental, or spiritual plane.  Time to get in your car or bike and feel the wind whistle past your ears.  You need to feel movement and newness.  And when you do partake in them your wanderlust and/or stagnation will subside.  Take advantage of head in the cloud’s kind of days, for inspiration awaits upon your arrival.


Ingrid Pollard
Ingrid Pollard Self Evident

Ace of Cups – The energy this week wants you to find new ways to connect to your emotions.  Your emotional depth is found in acts of creation.  This energy asks what would your heart want you to start on this week?  What can you create that will have your heart figuratively skipping a beat?


Ingrid Pollard

Eight of Cups – Simplification and cutting off what is not useful is needed this week.  What is not working for you anymore?  What steps need to happen for you to heal?  After you have dumped the spoiled contents of these cups what will you fill them with?  For some of you, you will need to walk away and for others you will need to stand your ground for your emotional well-being.  Either way this is a week where the new paradigm is waiting to happen you just need to walk to it unhindered.


Ingrid Pollard
Ingrid Pollard Contenders

Nine of Wands – You are almost at the end of a cycle.  Take this week to tie up loose ends, follow through and meet your goals.  Use this week’s energy to maintain your boundaries so you can check things off your list.  The challenge is to not give up; you have the energy and are prepared for this push.




Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of May 31, 2020

Selma Burke
Selma Burke Booker T. Washington

The artist this week is Selma Burke.  Her pieces express an overall emotionality and truthfulness created from her interesting nuanced choices.  Selma’s subject with a furrowed brow conveying the rawness of intention, or the curiosity of raised eyebrows, or the tilt of a child’s head expressing innocence.  With her more experimental pieces like The Torso her choice of figure and tilt articulating a more realistic view of a women’s form, or the tenderness of a mother holding a child.  This is a lesson in the subtleness of choice conveying powerful emotional content.  Each of us effect change in our lives and maybe the more subtle, more nuanced may just have a more lasting a broader effect then we think.

She started her education by becoming a nurse in Raleigh, N.C. and moved to NYC after graduation.  There she became associated with the Harlem Renaissance and began teaching art appreciation and education to New York youth.  Then during the 1930’s she traveled across Europe honing her own artist skills.  By 1940 she opened the Selma Burke School of Sculpture in NYC while graduating from Columbia with her own arts degree.

In 1942 she joined the Navy become one of the first African American women to enroll and worked in the shipyard during the war.  During that time, she won a competition to do a bronze relief of FDR.  Historically this is her most famous and controversial piece.  Many say her piece was the inspiration for the dime; however, it is detested by the artist who designed it.  She returned to roots and from 1968 to 1981 she founded and ran the Selma Burke Art Center in Pittsburgh, continuing to provide art to the youth of the undeserved communities there.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Sagittarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Selma BurkeQueen of Wands – This week the energy can invigorate anything you put your focus to.  It also supplies you with the courage and fierceness to take charge of all that you survey.  The challenge is doing it alone.  It is not necessary, but you can if you must.



PhotoCredit: John Wilson White

*World – The world is your oyster this week.  But it is up to you prying it open to reveal its’ pearls.  This is big energy for moving outcomes into triumphant directions.  The challenge with this card for you Taurus is that you do have the work ethic and commitment to move things to completion.  But are you flexible enough to know when to let it go if it isn’t working or allowing it to evolve into an unknown ending?  To utilize this energy, go for the feeling of a job well done without attaching it to a material completion.



PhotoCredit: John Wilson White

Two of Swords – Confusion flies through the lines of communication and thought.  This causes stalemates and indecision not only for you but for those around you.  The best way to work with this energy is either flipping a coin or waiting until next week to decide if you can.



Selma BurkeEight of Swords – Self acceptance is key this week.  You might be feeling entrapped, but this time is meant for healing.  Sometimes the inertia of life has nothing to do with you as long as you don’t take it on as your story.  Let go of the collective thought patterns.  They are not part of your narrative.



Selma BurkeQueen of Cups – Last week your brain was taxed.  The energy takes a 180 degree turn to your heart this week.  Compassion, calm and comfort are the keys to ease.  Find time daily to invite in the 3 Cs.  This is no time for martyrdom – take time off and have some fun.



Ten of Wands – Another week spending energy in completing old projects and cleaning your desk/mind/spirit.  The challenge is being responsible for your obligations to those close to you but also to yourself.  This week is setting you up for new beginnings once your plate is cleared from the old.



Four of Swords – This energy shows up when you need to recuperate and relax.  You are being drained and are not aware of the source or how much it is taking out of you.  The best way of finding the leaks is by walking away from all your responsibilities for a small amount of time.  Then once you return the seepage will be more obvious and easier to fix.



Selma Burke*Temperance – The energy that surrounds you this week is excessive.  This overload unbalances you, so emotional outburst may be necessary to vent and re-calibrate.  However, be careful, impatience can trigger more negative and unworthy outpourings.  The key is purposely vent before the pressure makes you burst.



*Sun – The sun will come out tomorrow and shine on you all week.  So that is great if you are ready to play in the sunlight.  However, there is a distinct possibility you may also want to hide in the shadows of pessimism.  The challenge is that more you try to be happy the less you accomplish it.  In other words, you are thinking to much.  Sag your free spirit is needing airing, a drive in the car with windows down, a picnic in the woods, or anything outdoorsy without any goal setting is required.  Try spotlighting your focus on things you want to do – not things you have to do.



*Justice – Last week organic change was asking you to not resist or fear transformation.  Letting things end so others can begin.  You are hopefully now moving with a more natural pace and to a more comfortable place.   Luckily, you get another week to work on this shift by focusing on cause and effect.  For each decision you are making imagine the possible or impossible outcomes.  Why focus on the impossible?  Because your mind wants to think of the what ifs and this is the week to let it.  Those out-there worst-case scenarios need airing.  Not to bring them in to being but to see the truth of their outlandishness.



Selma Burke*Chariot – Wow four weeks in a row with big energy.  It started with summoning you to take a bit of control over your destiny by showing up.  Then Temperance energy suggested creating your life like a refined meal that has many notes to balance in the creation of a delectable dining experience.  Then Justice had you looking for the grey areas to find a true sense of fairness and harmony.  Now self-determining change has arrived.  This energy is giving you control.  The good side is that you have more sway then you think.  The bad side is it is all in your hands.  This week if you want movement to happen you will need to take the reins.  If you look at all of May/June’s forecast now is the time to be flexible and delicate when applying energy but continue moving forward.



Selma BurkeTwo of Wands – Discovery is the name of the game this week.  The challenge is that you are still in a place that is neither the past nor the future; however, you are not inert.  You are just taking a moment finding needed items and planning for the move forward.  The only challenge is while you are doing this be mindful of the precious moments this pause has given you.




Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of May 17, 2020

Beth Cavener

This week’s art is the incredible sculptures of Beth Cavener.  The exquisite lines of these sculptures are like Japanese calligraphy strokes in clay. The sculpting style feels loose in appearance but tight in emotion. In her own words: Primitive animal instincts lurk in our own depths, waiting for the chance to slide past a conscious moment. The sculptures I create focus on human psychology, stripped of context and rationalization, and articulated through animal and human forms. On the surface, these figures are simply feral and domestic individuals suspended in a moment of tension. Beneath the surface, they embody the consequences of human fear, apathy, aggression, and misunderstanding.

Many people are seeing their and others’ worse sides right now.  Wanting to be free but fearful and aggressive in obtaining that freedom.  We must try to calm our primal emotions of flight, fight, or freeze, and enhance our innate capacity for empathy and compassion.  But to do that, we must face our underlying fears.  We must stare at them even though uncomfortable, possible wrestle with them, but ultimately, if we are truthful with where they are rooted, they will not overcome us.  And for others’ feelings, empathy is necessary, for they are as scared of something as you are.

Please check out her website especially check out her process. It is amazing!

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Eight of Coins– This week is all about work.  You got skills and you need to use them. So, now is the time to get things done.  The challenge is being humble enough to know you always have something more to learn



Two of Cups – It is all about partnerships this week.  This time holds possibilities of unity and connection, but if emotions are not attended to, it can also hold tension and disharmony.  Be aware it takes two to tango or waltz. One can lead but the other must agree to follow.



beth cavener Ten of Cups – This week’s energy is around family bliss.  Spend these coming days cultivating harmony and happiness.  Find ways to enjoy the company of others, whether that is with a web wine meet up or a virtual game of cards.  Companionship is key this week.



Beth Cavener*Star – Last week’s energy is about bring the divine down into practical applications.  Using your resourcefulness and skills to create action.  Now the card of healing joins the mix.  For last week’s energy was a mix bag of actions.  This week you can step back and see why your creative fires did not light or burn as brightly as you intended.  Do not be discouraged.  This is part of the process of action you need to learn before your new birth year starts.  Understanding and mending is needed as much as action to create a healthier future.



beth cavener Eight of Swords – Ok week two of moody thoughts and feelings surrounding you.  The key to this week’s feeling of being trapped is again around self-acceptance.  You are allowed to have feelings, but overthinking those feelings is where the trap gets triggered.  Take this time to discern and disengage from the entwinement of your heart and your mind.



*Empress – Creativity is calling to you.  But something is holding you back.  This week find out how to mother and not smother that creativity.  It is natural for you to nurture others but when it comes to yourself you stop.  Why?   Let loose of the structure and cultivate organic expression.



Ace of Wands – Last week’s energy was about creating new beginnings if you are not reckless or naïve in its undertaking.  The energy continues this week.  However, so does the energy of distraction.  Why are you hesitating on moving to the next level, beginning a new project, or just being creative without any goals?  Again, the key and conundrum is around planning.  You do have to plan the whole project.  This energy is about taking one step at a time and enjoying the process hopefully as much as or more than the result.



Knight of Swords – You are unstoppable this week, and that has two potential outcomes.  Either you can impulsively rush in without thinking and either bruise yourself or another.  Or you can swoop in with heroic and selfless actions and save the day.   The key is thinking before you act.



beth cavener Four of Coins – Conservation is the energy you will need to work with this week.  Your resources are limited, so use them wisely.  This isn’t about being miserly but being frugal.  Frugal in the sense of simplifying and focusing your energy, within the context of what you feed grows.



Ace of Swords – The energy this week is about breakthroughs.  There is clarity in the air which brings new ideas and thoughts into your mix.  The challenge is deciding either surfing the chaos like a Zen wave rider or diving into the depths letting the waves roll above the contemplative stillness you have found.  The choice is yours.



beth cavener *Temperance – Last week, it was time to take a bit of control over your destiny by just showing up.  The high energy continues this week but with less of a roller coaster feel.  This energy asks you what is your purpose?  The keys to finding these answers is patience and balance.  Your life is complex, so balancing out different aspects and aspirations is important to moving forward in the year to come.  Think of your life like a refined meal that has many notes to balance its tastes into a delectable dining experience.



Beth CavenerTwo of Swords – Decision making time.  There is a stalemate that is about to happen but just being decisive about what you want and how you want to feel will avoid later confusion.   Do not avoid what you know needs to be done.




Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of March 22, 2020

Miriam Schapiro
Miriam Schapiro Beauty of Summer

Miriam Schapiro was a painter, collage artist, and sculptor.  She was a forerunner in highlighting what was traditionally seen as woman’s craft is actually a form of “high art.”   By combing collage, painting, fabric, and other high and decorative art techniques, Schapiro created her most famous works.  She then named the technique femmage. Her use of fabric, what was at the time seen as a utilitarian and feminine material, alongside of paint and high art methods and styles elevated craft to Art.

We at this time are being shown that what is “basic”, possibly taken for granted, is vital to our existence.  That we need housing, family sick days, fiscal support that is equal to economic needs and basic health care, to name a few. But more important we are becoming aware of our neighbors and what they bring to our community.  How important our garbage people, postal workers, people in health care, teachers, and food workers who cook, stock and supply our food, etc…  My hope is that we start to see how each individual brings something to our collective community table, and that we see all of their/our work as high art.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Miriam SchapiroKing of Swords – See the broader picture of situations and champion those that are being bullied.  Watch for people taking advantage of or manipulating those that are more misfortunate around you.  You can solve these predicaments as simply as sharing your toilet paper or getting the elder down the street groceries, so they don’t have to go out.



Miriam Schapiro*Death – Another energy packed week.  The past couple of weeks have triggered your self-doubt and insecurities.  Then the energy shifted trying to guide you towards self and universal compassion, so you could believe in you and the world at large.  This week the energy embodies change and transitions. Things need to end so there is room for new projects/ideas/people.  Take this time to, figuratively and/or literally, weed and plant anew.



Miriam SchapiroQueen of Pentacles – Last week, the energy surrounding you was materializing the divine.  Advising that conjuring for the greater good brings more ease to finding solutions.  This energy continues through this week; however, you will have to let go of trying of controlling the entire materialization process.  Watch the line between nurturing and smothering people and projects this week.  Whatever you create needs to work without your constant guidance and support to succeed and not suck all the energy out of you.



Miriam SchapiroAce of Pentacles – Opportunities, abundance and prosperity are the energies to work with. This week has the potential of creation in it.  Think of this energy like a seed – this is a beginning.  What seed will you pick to plant and water as you go into this spring season.  What one thing can you hone your focus and energy into?



Miriam SchapiroTen of Swords – Normally this energy is harsh, but you seem to rise above the morass by getting out of your head and being there for others.  This week’s energy of regeneration and recovery lifts you above the banal and the suffering to a place that feels lighter and more hopeful.



Miriam SchapiroKnight of Swords – To be truly courageous and unstoppable it is best to slow down.  You can easily be triggered into impulsiveness.  So, take a breath and survey your surroundings before you step into any situation this week.



Miriam SchapiroNine of Pentacles – Last week’s energy was about walking into your destiny.  And, the lessons were about when your luck is favorable grab it and when it is unfavorable let it go. While realizing neither outcomes had anything to do with you.  This destiny energy continues this week and adds that while things may look advantageous or not, that you need to watch overextending and/or overcompensating.  So, take only what you need and let go of what doesn’t work.



Miriam SchapiroTwo of Swords – The mist that surrounds you is making decisions hard and/or is adding undue confusion to situations.   So come to terms you are at a stalemate this week and it is best just to sit and wait out the bad weather.  The fog will lift, and the road will be clear soon.  Just not this week.



Miriam SchapiroTwo of Pentacles – Take this week’s energy to slow down the spinning plates.   This is a time to look at what overwhelms you and where you are over committed.   You have the time to contemplate what are your true priorities and where can you be flexible in your commitments.  Life is a balancing act, and this is a good week to regain some of your balance and dexterity.



Four of Cups – Meditation and retreat are key elements to your week.  And the atomic structure of this energy lies within the concepts of apathy and acceptance.   How do you allow acceptance into your life without feeling apathetic?   Contemplating on that goatfish will lead to avenues of ease.



Miriam Schapiro*High Priestess – Listening to your intuition is vital this week. However, figure out what your subconscious is trying to convey is hard to hear through all the static of everyday life.  So, find moments of silence, synchronicities and moon beams to guide you to opportunities and solutions that are hidden in the light of day.   For example:  There is a new Moon in Aries March 24; it’s a great day to start things.



Three of Cups – The energy this week is about independence.  Your close ones and friends are important, but it must be balanced with some alone time.  And this energy whether with friends or alone is best utilized doing the activities you love to do.  This week is about filling your emotional cup.



Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of March 15, 2020

Harriet and Helena Scott

This is Spring/Fall Equinox week.  The ending and beginning of 2019/20 is showing the cracks we need to fix in our societal structures.  That climate change is real and that our world health care needs work.  However, let us not forget we are entering the time of rebirth and growth of spring for the northern hemisphere and a slowing down and consolidation of fall for the southern hemisphere.

This is a time to make change happen.  And these ordeals have shown us that like in South Korea people can calmly stand in line for masks and only take what they need so others can also have them.  That the non-profit organizations in Australia have tripled their expected donations from people around the world to help rebuild.  That our neighbors have said if you are quarantined that they will buy groceries for us.  That even when the worst shows up so does the best, with the Tower’s calamity the Star follows with its time of healing.  And that is what we could do as a world. We could metamorphize into a better beautifully holistic place to live. Where cause and effect are now seen as a world occurrence as much as a neighborhood one.

To represent this I picked the moth and butterfly illustrations of the Scott sister’s, Harriet and Helena.  They lived during the turn of the late 1800’s in New South Wales, Australia. Their most famous works were for the book Australian Lepidoptera and their Transformations written by their father. They depicted the life cycle, host plants of each species, detailed body parts and its habitat.  What made Harriet and Helena Scott  stand out from other illustrations was their use of live specimens, so the colors and shape are truer to form. And their landscapes where done in a black pen and ink wash, which made the colors of the insects stand out even more.  The lesson this art provides is in seeing not only the vivid detail but a holistic look at how we fit into and effect our landscapes and our societies.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.




Helena and Harriet ScottSix of Cups – Where last week had its sorrows, this week’s energy is much lighter.  The force that moves you forward is joy and playfulness.  The challenge is not being naïve about what is going on in your life, but to weather through this storm by touching base with your inner bliss finding the calmer path.



Helena and Harriet Scott*Strength – The past couple of weeks have triggered your self-doubt and insecurities.  But this week you have the energy to see your inner strength if you give yourself compassion.  None of us are perfect and learning from your mistakes only makes you stronger.  However, the true key is seeing your imperfections as strengths.  These warps are what make your perception, intuition and strength unique and valuable to the larger community.  Believe in you and the world.



Helena and Harriet Scott*Magician – The energy surrounding you this week is materializing the divine.  Your resourcefulness and concentration are needed to move things into action.  The challenge with this card is making your actions have altruistic components.  If you can conjure for the greater good, the work and solutions will come with ease.



Helena and Harriet ScottFour of Swords – The energy is all about relaxation. Take this week to rest and recuperate from the past retrograde.  Allow your mind to wander without a goal and see what pops up but don’t act on it.  The best use of this energy is in meditation and contemplation not engagement.



Helena and Harriet ScottNine of Swords – Last week’s energy was about shaking things up and paying attention to the cracks in your foundation.  This week there are still some after-shocks that need attending to.  They are triggering your worries and possible anxieties.  You must remember that your worries have some aspect of facts; however, this energy can blow things out of proportion.  This week is more about figure out what worries you can fix and what are out of your control. Let go of those that have no solution at this time, and fix the cracks you can with more innovative and adaptable ways.



Helena and Harriet ScottTen of Pentacles – This week’s energy is about endings on the material plane.  The challenge is that these endings give off a feeling of insecurity and instability. You will need to learn to let go of the old, so the new can come in with more ease and room.  Remember endings are also beginnings.



*Wheel – This week’s energy is about walking into your destiny.  Fate and luck are the aspects in play.  The definition of fate is the development of events beyond a person’s control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power and luck is success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions.  This is an important lesson for you this week.  When your luck is favorable grab it and when it is unfavorable let it go. While realizing neither outcomes had anything to do with you.



Five of Wands – Compromise is key to the chaos produced this week.  The more that you find solutions that lead to agreement and harmony the easier the path.  This is not a week to stand on your principals alone.  Stand in the shoes of your “opponent” and see their side of the problem.  Doing so will not only produce solutions to your predicament but tap into your empathy for others.



King of Swords – The conundrum for you is skating between the concepts of discipline and authority juxtaposed to manipulation and callousness. The line is easily crossed by you and those around you.  So, your communication skills will be tested but your intellect and seeing the bigger picture will help you cross this thin iced land. Also, watch your ego that it doesn’t have an air of dominance and/or superiority that pokes the tiger in others.



Helena and Harriet ScottTen of Cups – This week’s energy is all about familial bliss.  This family does not have to be blood based but can be life acquired. This is about you enjoying to your fullest.  Remember that connection is not only to those people that make you happy but also to those activities/surroundings that do.  Enjoy the harmony of living.



Nine of Pentacles – The energy this week is about abundance.  Where can you receive and give?  How can you create luxury in your life, but do so with the essence of resourcefulness? By answering these questions, you can find more sustainable rewards then just through material gains.



Three of Pentacles – Last week’s energy was around the crossroads in relationships.  It had you making choices that involve, self-love, commitment and/or separation.  Now that you have either ended, adjusted and/or reignited those relationships, the energy this week is turned towards collaboration.  With the relationships you are continuing, now is the time to find common goals to work towards.  Also, it is a great time to find new kindred spirits that you can learn and collaborate with. Either way the energy this week builds towards more harmonious prospects.