Tag Archives: woman artist

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 24, 2021

Dorothea Tanning Self Portrait

The artist this week is Dorothea Tanning.  When you play the game Having a Dinner Party, where you pick 10 people alive or dead that you would have over, I would pick Dorothea Tanning as one of them.  She is a creative.  Tanning is well known for her surreal paintings, but her endeavors include drawing, painting, sculpting, installations, costume design, set design, writing poetry….

She published a book of poetry the year before her death in 2012 at 101 years old.  The span of her work in her words is “her enigmatic versions of life on the inside, looking out.” Tanning draws us into her mind as well as her physicality.  She also often paired her work with poems from other poets, to give even more depth into her painterly ponderings.  As we view her work one feels not only acquainted with her investigations of self but also, we identify ourselves in her.  For me, I would learn more about me by my conversations with her.

Your pondering, as the veil thins this week, who would you invite to your party, dining with the dead? And I have attached a line, bolded, of Tanning’s poem All Hallow’s Eve to each of your casts.  Start with the first 2 lines here and read down.


Be perfect, make it otherwise.
Yesterday is torn in shreds.

Solar System highlights:  On Monday the Moon starts in Cancer– get cuddly with a partner or pet and self-care should be on the agenda. Then it moves into Leo on Oct 28th – a time to shine.  The Moon then finishes in Virgo – so you can categorize your candy haul. Mercury is in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends.  Venus is in Sagittarius asking are we feeding and nurturing our relationships enough to keep them growing?    Mars is in Libra until Oct. 30th  – the last week investigating relationships around the question are your actions following your words?  Then it moves into Scorpio – passion is in the air and a great time to finish up projects.  And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus until end of December.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Dorothea Tanning
Dorothea Tanning

Page of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration has come this week.  You will find that she has hidden at least one “Easter egg” of insight in each day.  These small gifts are here to help you motivate or bring your work/life up a notch.    Lightning’s thousand sulfur eyes


Dorothea Tanning
Dorothea Tanning

*Hierophant – The Muse of Structures has arrived with rulers and T-squares.  This energy comes around when you need to check the structures that support you in life.  Something is off kilter.  Whether it is your schedule, eating habits, your rules/morals, or your boundaries one of these is not aligned with your way of life.  The challenge with this energy is making sure when you do this re-structuring that it remains flexible enough that you can still grow.  Rip apart the breathing beds.   


Dorothea Tanning
Dorothea Tanning

Five of Cups – The Muse of Clumsiness is here to spill liquids and disrupt emotions.  So, on a practical side, don’t put your fluids by electrical devices.  And on a heart side, be careful how you interpret emotional outburst- yours and others.  This week can also be full of fret.  Your challenge is to clean up your mess and leave others to clean up their own.  Hear bones crack and pulverize.


Dorothea Tanning Set design for Ballet Witches

*Tower – The Muse of Destruction has come with a sledgehammer to  dismantle some aspect of your life. You don’t really have any power in this deconstruction; except to lessen the chaos by finding what needs to be fix before this energy does it for you.  This can be as simple as your desk has been a mess for weeks – clean it up.  Or as challenging as leaving a job or relationship that is no longer working for you.  Look around and find out what you have pushed off for ages and know well and good that it needs to be done so do it.  Doom creeps in on rubber treads.


Dorothea Tanning
Dorothea Tanning

*High Priestess – The third high energy week for you.  The last two weeks advised you to pause and evaluate, then the Muses suggested remixing to balance your fabrication.  Now the Muse of Higher Purpose ask you to tap into your intuition and ask what’s next? Now this Muse is asking what the purpose is behind your next steps?  Are they leading you to where you want to go, who you want to be?  If not, time to take a hard look at your plan and re-do.  If so, you still have a few insights to round out the picture.  Intuition and asking your spirit guides are keys to unlock the secrets to the next steps.    Countless overwrought housewives,


Dorothea Tanning
Dorothea Tanning

*Moon – The Muse of Unconscious is here to help with your fears.  This energy wants you to investigate the darker hidden aspects of what you fear.  This Muse reminds you that interacting with your worries as if they are friends, allows you to see that they are like helicopter Moms.  Trying to keep you from harm, but also keeping you locked up.   So, this week converse with your fears, and coax them to see that they really don’t have to save you.  You are doing just fine.   Minds unraveling like threads,


Dorothea Tanning

Seven of Coins – The energy this week is all about work.  Time to get things done and off your to-do lists.  The challenge is you will not see the benefits from your labors for a couple of  weeks.  Try lipstick shades to tranquilize


Dorothea Tanning

Page of Coins – Last week you started off your birth month with the Muse of Deconstruction and The Muse of Potential.  They wanted you to strip away what is not working so you can re-divine a new you and your surroundings.  Now the Page of Coins joins this duo declaring that  one of your roles this coming year is being the student.  This is a year to learning new skills on the material plane.  This can look like going back to school, learning new skills for work, or trying on different hats in the workplace.  Fears of age and general dreads.


Dorothea Tanning

Two of Coins – The Muse of Juggling comes when you need to adjust at how you get things done.  This week is not made for multi-tasking.  This muse advises to take on one thing and do it well before adding a new something to your attention.  Sit tight, be perfect, swat the spies, 


Dorothea Tanning

Four of Cups – The Muse of Introspection has come to help you remove the metaphorical lint from your belly button. She advises that you spend ¾ of your time navel gazing, but you must spend the other fourth doing and being in the world.    Don’t take faucets for fountainheads.


Dorothea Tanning

Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship comes when your emotional glass is empty.  She reminds you that friends can uplift your spirts the best.  Find time this week to just hang and talk shit with loved ones.  Drink tasty antidotes. Otherwise


Dorothea Tanning

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Keep Calm and Carry On is here to remind you to do just that.  She advises that practicality, down-to earthiness, and compassion are the elements to work with this week.  Also, a great week to invest in your future.  You and the werewolf: newlyweds.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of March 8, 2020

Emma Kunz was a healer and a reluctant artist.  She created these drawings by a process she called radiesthesia.  She used large pieces of graph paper, she would meditate visualizing a series of dots and lines and then with her pendulum beginning to draw the patterns with colored crayons and pencil.  Her drawings were not made as an artistic endeavor but to be used for medicinal purposes.  She often used them in her healing sessions.  Placing them between her and her patient as they visually walked through the designs.

Though now her work is seen as outsider minimalist art and has been displayed in galleries.  Her main body of work resides in a museum in Wurenlos, Germany.  She described her creative process as follows: Shape and form expressed as measurement, rhythm, symbol and transformation of figure and principle.


P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



Emma KunzThree of Swords – Sorrow is in the air this week. This is the ups and downs of being human.  However, this kind of sadness brings with it an opportunity for forgiveness and a step to begin moving on.  There are three things to learn with this suffering.  Learn them and a begin the journey anew feeling lighter and enlightened.



Emma KunzSix of Swords – You have just gone through a rite of passage. However, the path still is in a misty haze but now is the time continue on.  Don’t get stuck in the miasma.  To move forward the energy suggests simplification.  Even though the future is not so easily seen, the lighter your load- the simpler the solutions -the easier your journey.



Emma KunzFive of Swords – The aftermath of this past Mercury in retrograde still has its tendrils of chaos in your communication land.  The energy this week is still full of disagreements and concealment.  The best way to disengage with this dynamism is surrender and compromise.  The disputes are really about ego, resentment and not worth your time.



Emma KunzAce of Swords – The energy in the beginning of this week has a sharp tone to it as we navigate out of this mercury retrograde.  This can lead to confusion and possible antagonism.  Situations cannot be dealt with by old ways of communicating.  Look for new ideas and ways to connect to bring clarity and eventually a breakthrough.



Emma Kunz*The Tower – The energy this week is about shaking things up.  Pay attention. There are some cracks in your foundation, and they need to be tended to.  This can look as simple as eating better, getting 8 hours of sleep, or being more efficient with your time because you are overly critical or trying to fit into “normal” work hours.  To build stronger does not always mean with stagnate forces like brick and concrete, bamboo is strong and flexible. To go through an earthquake buildings are now being built on springs.  Find new ways to shore up your foundations that are more innovative and adaptable.  For instance, work two days a week for 12 hours, 2 for 8 hours and then you can fit in a 3-day weekend or make a protein packed smoothie for that forgotten meal.



Emma KunzFive of Cups – This week’s energy has an air of regret and pessimism to it. The key to navigating this energy is realizing you can help solve the world’s problems by solving the ones in front of you first.  Clean up some mess around you and be grateful for what you have that is not in disarray. The lesson is you seeing the left-over cups are half full and ready to be filled to the brim.



Emma KunzSeven of Cups – When was the last time you laid around just daydreaming- letting your imagination flow?  The energy this week is allowing and advising you to do just that.   Your challenge is letting yourself dream big enough. To help with this process, instead of thinking of dreams as illusions and fantasy, see them as seeds spreading out in the wind planting mystery plants of unknown bounty.



Emma KunzEight of Swords – The energy this week highlights where you are being wronged.  Whether this is self-affliction or allowing others to entrap you, this is the time for self-compassion about you allowing the harassment and strength to walk away from it without engaging in anger.  The situation is like a Chinese Finger trap the more you struggle the more you are entrapped, but if you disengage in the fight you can get out of the bindings of it.



Two of Swords – Once Mercury goes out of retrograde on the 9th or 10th depending on where you are at, it will be time to make some choices. The challenge is thinking that the choice will solve the problem.  However, this week is about moving out of stagnation and avoidance and walking into the journey of discovery.



Knight of Wands – This week’s energy is all about adventure.  Take to the road, try new places, things to eat, look around for inspiration outside your normal environment.  The more you step out of the mundane the more you will get in touch with your passion, your joie de vie.



Queen of Swords – Last week change was in the air, but it was and is slow in coming. You were advised to take time to weed and till your soul’s soil.  Clearing blocks from your forward moment so the Universe has a clearer path to create the change that you are wanting and waiting for.  Well, lucky you this week’s energy gives you unbiased thoughts, clearer solutions and honest ideas to do just that.  The challenge is that it can come from not only your subconscious (look to your day and night dreams for clues), but it also can come from outside sources.  So, ears on and mind open Aquarius.  Focus on details not the big picture.



*Lovers – You are at a crossroads in a relationship.  The energy around this week is making choices that involve, self-love, commitment and/or separation.  To truly be harmonious in a relationship you must love yourself first and then work on being your best self.  This is also true of the other person in the relationship. But they have free will and it is their responsibility alone to do that growth.  So, this energy reminds you that relationships are work and advises love yourself and the other enough to see that creation and growth can happen, but it is up to both of you to decide whether that is together or apart.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Feb 23, 2020

Faith Ringgold Tar beach
Faith Ringgold Tar Beach

We all at some point in our lives have flying dreams.  Dream experts believe that flying dreams represent control, new perspectives, freedom and/or escape.  One of my favorite children’s book is Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold.  It is about an eight-year-old girl, Cassie, in Harlem.  Not only does this loosely autobiographical book give the reader a glimpse into Harlem circa 1939 but it inspires us to transcend and soar.   As Ringgold writes it’s very easy, anyone can fly. All you need is somewhere to go that you can’t get to any other way.

Ringgold is an accomplished artist and activist.  She started in tradition oil paintings but by 1970 she began experimenting with painting acrylic on unstretched canvas with fabric borders, much like the Tibetan Thangkas (silk paintings with embroidery).  She expanded this technique to her painted narrative quilts which she is now most famous for.  Her pieces are usually heavy in symbolism and full of historical references of African American culture.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Faith Ringgold Seven Passages to Flight

Five of Cups – Last week’s energy came to help you destroy the edifices that bind you, and strengthen your resolve to create new structures (time, space and how use your energy) that will sustain the work that needs to be done.  You are going to need those structures to ground you this week from the chaotic emotional energies whirling internally and externally.  The goal to traversing these waters is within each wave of churning emotion is a pearl of wisdom and truth.

Faith Ringgold The In Crowd

Ten of Swords – Well Mercury is in retrograde and you might be feeling the barbs.  This week’s energy can bring on confrontation if you are not mindful of your intuition warning you to duck.  If the hairs on the back of your neck raise up or you get a tingling feeling not to broach a subject or walk down that street, follow that warning.  People and your environment can be sharp this week. Your challenge is to be aware of your triggers and avoid the clashes.


Four of Swords – The energy this week is all about rest and healing.  This energy warns you that your immune system, soul and mind needs rest.  Take time to pull away from the maddening crowd (this includes social media) and relax.

Faith Ringgold subway mosaic in Harlem

Two of Swords – Making choices or at least feeling as if you must are in the air this week; however we are in the midst of a Mercury in retrograde. The key to this week is not focusing on the decisions you feel you need to make, but about faith in yourself.  Whatever you decide or not decide you will end up where you should be. This week go with the flow.

Faith Ringgold

*Hanged Man – With Mercury in retrograde you might find it difficult to go forward.  But this week that will work in your favor.  This is great energy to catch up on anything already in progress or contemplate your next steps.  A break in the action when used correctly can feel like a breakthrough.

Faith Ringgold Maya Quilt of Life

King of Swords – The energy this week is best used by planning for the long term.  Though it doesn’t actively move you into the future it does want you to gain perspective and/or a clear focus on the future and how to get there.  This is a great week for planning out the rest of the year or five.

Faith Ringgold Hide Little Children

Six of Cups – This energy is best used in play.  Get down on the floor with a child and challenge your perspective of time, work and space.  This isn’t about being naïve but about being open to seeing the world with a more inquisitive viewpoint.

Faith Ringgold Tar Beach II

Page of Wands – Your passion needs reigniting.  When this energy shows up it is telling you that your soul’s spark, the reason you get up in the morning- i.e. your purpose(s), is waning.  Take this week to do things that set your soul on fire. Nature and the arts are great venues to help you re-discover why you are here.

Faith Ringgold

Page of Swords – The last two weeks the energies have been around freedom, newness and metamorphosis.  Now with Mercury fully in retrograde you are giving this time to decipher what has been going on in your outer life and inner mind.  This energy foretells there is information to help you solve a problem or two. But it will take subtle and persistent inquiry to find it, for the truth is hidden by half-truths and denial.  The key is being kind with your queries both to yourself and to others.

Faith Ringgold, Coming to Jones Road Part II: Our Secret Wedding in the Woods, photography by Benjamin Westoby

Four of Wands – Last week the energy was about expanding your horizons by integrating your inner and outer worlds.  Diving into the energy and concept of interconnectedness.  You are building on the old world and creating a new paradigm.   So, to move to this new music you must let the composition enter you, let your body and soul find the new rhythm, and then dance.  That energy is still reverberating through this week.  But this energy focuses you on creating a foundation that is more fluid and more accepting of stress. Think of being more like bamboo then like an oak.

Faith Ringgold Sunflower Quilting Bee at Arles

Eight of Wands – Now that you know that 2020 is about igniting new passions, new ways of being on the physical plane, and bringing the divine down into reality.  That definition of divine is of, from or like God, excellent or delightful.  So, 2020 will be a year where new not only grows, prospers but lifts others with delight.  This week is about starting to send out those messages and inquires to the world.  However, since this week Mercury is in retrograde, its not about starting these new projects but more like sending out feelers to see what might bite.  The more arrows you let fly the more likely you will hit upon illuminations.

Faith Ringgold

Five of Swords – Mercury in retrograde is creating chaos and you with a few other signs are being affected by it.  Chaos has a way of being attracted to you this week, so the challenge is not reacting to other people’s yuckness.  Your hackles can easily be triggered. The solution is putting on soothing music, light some incense/sage and escape when necessary.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Jan 5, 2020

Eileen Agar, as most woman artists, was and is overshadow by the men in her field of surrealism.  However, she helped bring Surrealism from Paris to Brittan during the 1930’s. She used a variety of forms, painting, photography and collage, to investigate the subconscious and its interplay with nature but through a British aristocratic eccentric lens.

She is also one of the founders of what now is called performance art.  Using her body as a canvas she brought the surrealism to the world of fashion.  She was the only woman artist in the 1936 International Surrealist Exhibition in London, where she first debut her iconic  Ceremonial hat for eating Bouillabaisse. This item she wore in a variety of interviews throughout her life.  It pokes fun at the British aristocratic etiquette around eating and fashion.  At the same time has a tongue and cheek contemplation of the phrase “I’ll eat my hat.”

All her art embraces the organics forms of nature.  She once stated: “the earliest forms of Nature to a painter are studies in pure abstract design. I must go back to these forms and create design out of what the scientist tells us.”

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Eileen Agar
Bird woman 1978

*High Priestess – This week you will need the knowledge found in the study of cycles and holistic ways of looking situations or projects.  You can take in consideration thoughts and emotions but to find your true direction your intuition is key.  The challenge is finding the time to contemplate and listen to your inner voice.


Eileen Agar
Jug of Verse

*Hanged Man – The Hanged Man comes this week advising you to look at situations with a different perspective.  Take time for contemplation with an emphasis of out-side the box thinking.  The supposed challenge is you may find your way blocked.  However, this is the universe saying stop and listen. The silence has more answers than the noise.


Eileen Agar
Rite of Spring

*Star – This week calls for you to do some healing.  The past couple of months have had some rough spots.  Take this week to restore, relax, and wish.  Hope and faith in the divine are key to your healing process. The challenge is in life the bad happens but so does the good.  Take time this week to align with the positive.


Return of Nautilus

Knight of Cups – Your emotions have been through the wringer. Take this week to re-build your emotional fortitude by bathing in positive feelings like love and romance.  Whether this is by pampering yourself to a bath, the endorphins from a vigorous workout or having a romantic dinner with your loved one.  Vulnerability is your key to strength.


Eileen Agar


Four of Coins – Frugality is key this week.  Be frugal with your time, space and monetary wealth.  This is a great week to invest but not to spend on the frivolous.  The goal is quality and longevity.


Figura 1972

Eight of Coins – This week’s energy is about mastery and hard-work. The best use of your energy is with your nose to the grindstone.  This may sound unpleasant but if you can find your flow, that sweet spot, you will accomplish much this week.


To a nightingale

Page of Cups – Love, hope and innocence are the energies that surround you this week.  Your challenge is not being so skeptical that that they exist in your world.  It is up to you to feed and grow these feelings through actions and forms of communication.  Except and share the love.


*Lovers – Your energy this week is about creating harmony while still maintaining a duality in your nature and/or with others.  Your challenge is connecting with the ones you love without losing either’s selfhoods, and/or harmonizing your own masculine and feminine energy.  This week explore not only the two sides of yourself or the complexity of a relationship with your lover, but the joining of these two unique qualities/people creates a new unique hybrid energy. This energy will be needed for growth in the coming weeks and months.


Seaweed collage

Ace of Coins – This week’s energy is best used by starting projects and grasping new opportunities especially in the arena of your health and wealth.  Be in your body and on the physical plane.   Invest time and energy into yourself and what makes you money.



*Empress – The concept and energy to work with this week is gardening and growth.  Create and design.  Plant and nurture. Tend and weed.  And finally, balance the work with the pleasures that you have reaped from that work.  The challenge with this growth energy is the concept sharing is caring.    The end game is attending and feeding all the senses for yourself and for others.


Three Symbols 1930


Three of Wands – The energy this week is best used by setting plans into actions.  New opportunities are on the horizon and your timing is perfect in preparation for them.  You are moving towards your goals.  Keep it up.




Queen of Coins – The energy you are running is that of a provider. The challenge and the gift are that the universe has your back.  It is rooting for you and actively working behind the scenes mirroring the work you are doing for others in the foreground.





May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Dec. 8, 2019


Fanny Mendelssohn

Christmas carols are all over the radio.  And one of the top ten is Hark the Heralds Angels Sing. The melody was composed by Felix Mendelssohn.  Or was it?  His older sister Fanny Mendelssohn was an accomplished pianist by the age of 13.  Starting a year later both she and Felix received instruction in music composition.  Their teacher favored Fanny over Felix; however due to the prevailing attitudes of the times her Father was tolerant but not supportive.   Her father wrote to her in 1820 Music will perhaps become his [i.e. Felix’s] profession, while for you it can and must be only an ornament.

This did not stop her. She married a more supportive husband, Wilhelm Hensel (he drew the sketch of her above).  During her life, she composed over 460 pieces of music, and the number is increasing.   In 2010 historians found in her diary her mentioning Easter Sonata which was attributed to her brother and is now attributed to her.  This wasn’t the first time her songs were misconstrued for her brother’s.  In 1842 while Queen Victoria was receiving Felix at court, the Queen expressed intention of singing her favorite song of his; however, Mendelssohn had to confess it was Fanny’s.  In several correspondence between the two siblings one finds that they helped each other in arranging music through out their lives.  So, it is possible that Fanny had a hand in one of our popular Christmas carol.


P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



Seven of Swords – The last couple of week’s energies helped you with the processes of change and building momentum.  This energy decreases this week but still helps you create minor victories, however, they can test your morality and focus.



Nine of Coins – Last week you were tested on what you stand for and keeping your focus.  This week the energy turns from outward to inward.  It is a great time for any work in the physical plane.  Last week distractions continue but this week you have a chance creating a physical distance to help you focus. The challenge is to get any work done you need to find your secret garden and only let in those that respect your privacy in.



Eight of Wands – Last week, the Sun card brought energy to do what you needed to, and challenging your skills of focusing the right amount of attention on each project/person.  This week continues this positive vibe.  Anything you aim at will hit the mark.  The challenge is that you will get a lot of information back from in each inquiry.  So, focusing on what is a priority can be a test.



*Wheel – The Wheel’s energy is about changing your fortune.  This dynamism arrives just before the eclipse that will affect Cancer/Capricorn.  These eclipses are your battery chargers for the next 12 years.  This week’s challenge is figuring out where you want to hook up your battery’s cables for the following week.



Ace of Coins – This week is great for starting projects or anything to do with your hands/body.  The Aces come to pave new highways and in this case, it is on the material plane.  No challenge this week – dig in.



Nine of Cups – The energy this week is all about contentment.  This is both gift and challenge.  The challenge comes from feeling as if there is something missing, however, the gift is you are right where you need to be, doing what you need to do.  Bliss is fleeting but contentment can be reach daily.



*Hermit – The Hermit comes when you need space to gain perspective and grounding.  The challenge is finding that time and space, not only because, this is the holiday season but you all typically have a load of people around you.  It would be advisable that you find alone time this week before the hustle and bustle starts over the holidays.    This can look as simple as going holiday shopping alone or taking the long way home.



Nine of Wands – Last week’s energy was asking you to make your dreams and ideas into reality.  This week continues that energy however, with a focus on preparation, gathering resources and protecting your time to do the work. The challenge might feel like an upper ward battle, but your persistence will win out in the end.



Ace of Swords – This week should feel, no matter when your birthday falls, as a fresh beginning.  This coming year will have a focus on communications, philosophizing, and the mind.   The challenge is focusing while all your thoughts are swirling around you this coming year.  Take some time this week to listen to your thoughts for new ideas are in the mix.



Knight of Cups – This week is all about vulnerability.  This isn’t an easy card for you all because of your stoicism.  Vulnerability is not wining or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when you have no control over the outcome.  Vulnerability is not a weakness; it’s out greatest measure of courage. – Brene Brown



Queen of Coins – The energy last week was about building on what already exist and challenging you that what you build should help others and not come from a place of hubris.  This week continues this theme of building, but it is also about the balance of working and enjoying life.  This week give all your senses some time to indulge.  Ie: eat for taste, smell for comfort, listen for joy, feel for love, and see for beauty.



Ace of Coins – Last week you needed to gain perspective and some distance literally and metaphorically.  Hopefully this will help guide you, for this week’s brings new beginnings on the physical plan.  This is a great week to start new projects.  Also, it would be great is you can do something with your body that will ground you.  This can be as simple as taking a walk outside, creating something with your hands, or shoveling snow or dirt which ever hemispheres you are in.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
