Tag Archives: watercolors

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 31, 2021

Georgiana Houghton
Georgiana Houghton

Happy Halloween. Blessed Samhain to all my Gaelic folk. And blessed Day of the Dead to my Mesoamericans.

The artist this week is Georgiana Houghton @georgianhoughton.  Houghton was a spiritualist medium in the 1860’s and 70s. She used watercolors to create vivid and complex abstract paintings.  Houghton declared that she was guided by various spirits including family members, Renaissance artists and angelic beings to create these works.  She used a color scheme to express characteristics of people and conditions. There is a list of what each color means at her website.

Houghton predates, by 50 years, the “declared” founder of Wassily Kandinsky who started dabbling in abstract painting in 1911, and Hilda Klimt who was painting abstractly five years before Kandinsky. Klimt also declared herself a spiritualist.  Does art history need a re-write?  Kandinsky even proclaimed in the essay “On the Spiritual in Art”, (paraphrased) that all forms of art can reach a level of spirituality.  He often argued that color could be used to paint something autonomous like music.  So why can’t the two women before him be seen as artist who paint the soul, the ultimate of abstraction?

Your pondering: As the veil thins tonight – what spirit would you call in to inspire you?

Solar System highlights:  On Monday the Moon starts in Libra – relationships and beauty are the focus. Then it moves into Scorpio on Nov 3rd focusing on passion and letting go.  The Moon then finishes in Sagittarius – go outside and enjoy the weekend. Mercury is in Libra until the 5th– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends.  Then it moves into Scorpio switching the focus to passion and letting go of forms of communication that no longer work for you.  Venus is in Sagittarius also until the 5th then moves Capricorn where beauty goes from free spiritedness to practicality.  Mars is in Scorpio – desire is in the air as well as a great time to finish up projects.  And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus until end of December.


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Georgiana Houghton
Georgiana Houghton

Five of Cups – The Muse of Optimism has come to help you see that your cup is half full.  Yeah, there are some not so great things this week, but overall, you have a lot to be content about.  People around you might also need this insight.


Georgiana Houghton
Georgiana Houghton

Nine of Cups – Last week, the Muse of Structures arrived to check the constructs that support you in life, and something was off kilter.  If you fixed it awesome you have a week off.  Find your comfy spots and dig in.  If you didn’t, use this week to realign but take the weekend off.


Georgiana Houghton
Georgiana Houghton

*Wheel of Fortune – The Muse of Fortune has come to calibrate your karma.  This week can either go good or bad.  But no matter where your wheel lands by the end of the week your karmic bank will be more balanced.   Have faith in the Universe everything is happening as it should.


Georgiana Houghton
Georgiana Houghton

*Temperance – Last week the Muse of Destruction came to dismantle some aspect of your life that needed fixing. Your job was to fix the cracks to lessen or avoid the blow.  This week the Muse of Stabilization has come to shore you back up.  This energy is best in building back a more balanced world around you, so you can let your life force flow without resistance.  Moderation is key.


Georgiana Houghton
Georgiana Houghton

Queen of Coins – Final a week to settle in with the Muse of Luxury.  The last 3 weeks have been full of energy surrounding and demanding a lot out of you.  But this week there should be a balance of work and play.  The Muse of Luxury reminds you that for every bit of energy discharged there should be an equal amount of energy taken in.  So, for every minute you work your behind off, there should be an equal amount of time you spend luxuriating.  She challenges you with this pondering – why and what are you working so hard for if you are not also enjoying the process or the harvest?


Georgiana Houghton

Six of Coins – Last week the Muse of the Unconscious had you conversing with the darker hidden aspects of what you fear and seeing that they don’t have to protect you.  Now the Muse of Cause and Effect comes to ground you back into reality and your impact on it.  This week notice how your actions and words effect those around you.  This Muse reminds you “what goes around comes around.”  So, practice what you preach.


Georgiana Houghton

King of Coins – The Muse of Ambition has come to help you turn your visions into reality.  If you know what to do this is the week to get it rolling.  The only challenge is if you don’t know where to go next.  If you are floundering, start fixing the small things around you that are not working.  This will give you ideas or at least a cleaner platform to begin from.


Georgiana Houghton

Ten of Coins – Next energy up for your new year, you will be working with the Muse of Financial Security.  This year will be a bumper crop on your career front.  This is a year to accumulate wealth.  The challenge is what do you need that will sustain you and help you build into your future.  This can be as easy as creating a savings account and as hard as keeping it full.


Georgiana Houghton

Page of Cups – The Muse of Play has come to lighten up your week.  Her goal is to remind you to play each day.  Whether that means cards or crayons, play is best done with people you love.


Georgiana Houghton

Knight of Wands – The energy this week leads you to the right place at the right time.  No matter good or bad you are synced with the Universe, and it has gifts waiting around each corner.  This is not a week to be idle in mind, spirit and/or body. The challenge is moving patiently forward so you can receive your gifts and insights.


Georgiana Houghton

*Death – The Muse of Letting Go prompts you to do some recycling in your life.  She asks you what is no longer serving you?  What are you carrying that is holding you back?  Your challenge is to use the past like compost for the future.  Bury it, burn it and/or free it, so that something new can grow in your life.


Georgiana Houghton

Two of Wands – The Muse of the Present has come to firmly remind you that each day is important and to live in it to the fullest.  We average 31,755 days or 762,120 hours in a lifetime.  And only 508,080 hours of that are we awake.  For every year that you are alive subtract 5,800 hours.  So, if you are in your 20’s you have around 400,000 hours; if you’re in your 40’s that s 254,000 hours. Yes, she says, life is short and precious; use it wisely.

Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Aug 11, 2019

Deborah Passmore "U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705"

They say when life gives you lemons make lemonade.  But what if the lemons are bad?  The artist this week is painter Deborah Passmore.  Above and below are her watercolors of fruits and nuts when she worked for the US Department of Agriculture in Pomology. Her collection and others are stored in the national Agricultural Library in Beltsville, Maryland or online in the USDA Pomological Watercolor collection.

Pomology is the science of growing fruit.  And at the turn of the 1900’s US agriculture was making its mark in the newer domestic and international market of fruits and nuts.   So, the USDA hired over 50 artists from 1886 to 1942 to document and help standardize the variety of fruits and nuts growing in the US.  The USDA did not only want examples of the perfect fruit but also needed farmers to see mis-shaped, or rotten fruit from being mishandle, stored or shipped incorrectly.

Passmore quickly went up the ranks at the beginning of this endeavor became the head of the art staff in the Division of Pomology and was the most prolific illustrator.  She was known to do as many as 100 washes to get the right texture of the specimen.  Her watercolors are now seen as a national treasure and history of the variety of fruits grown in the early 1900’s.

All images are from “U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705”

PS. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.


Deborah Passmore "U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705"Seven of Cups – The Seven of Cups is the card of dreams and illusions.  My dear ram this week you need to be really grounded about where you go and/or what you have planned to do this week.  The paradox with this card is you are not dreaming big enough but at the same time some of your hopes and dreams are not based in reality  This week if you are more flexible with your outcomes, things will proceed with more ease and you will gain more than you are expecting.


Deborah Passmore "U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705"Two of Pentacles – Last week, the Chariot, card of change, proclaimed that it was time to make transformations happen around areas that you want to alter, but you had sole responsibility in powering that change.  This week the Two of Pentacles continues that thread but cautions you that you need the modification to have more balance.  So, rest with work, veggies with your proteins, equal left and right brain time, etc…


Deborah Passmore "U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705"Three of Pentacles – The Three of Pentacles card foretells that this week collaboration is the key to success.  This should be easy for you if you turn on your Gemini charm.  And my dear twins, you all are fully aware that two minds are better than one.


Deborah Passmore "U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705"King of Pentacles – Last week the Empress asked you to plant the seeds that would gestate in 10 months’ time. And had you ask yourself:  What do you want to grow?  How will you sustain that growth for the next 10 months? Does this growth have an aspect to help others?  And if this growth doesn’t happen what is your plan B.   The King of Pentacles allows you another week of planting, but he also challenges you to fertilize the growth of at least one seed.


Deborah Passmore "U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705"Two of Swords – The Two of Swords comes when you are at a fork in the road but feel as if you can’t make a decsion.  This card reminds you that it is not actually the decision of left or right but of which journey would you like to take.  Begin taking the perspective of it is more about the journey than the destination.  (Even though this is a lower arcane card I think it is important for your birthday month/year, so when making decision this week think more about how you want the year going forward to be than a weeklong outlook.)


Page of Wands – The Page of Wands comes to you when you are needing to light up your passion.  This week this Page advises you to take time out to do something that ignites you.  And wand cards always suggest that either that is communing with nature or some art form.  This week go dancing, to a concert, a museum, or state park your soul needs expanding and inspiration.


Deborah Passmore "U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705"Four of Swords – The Four of Swords is the card of rest and relaxation.  This week it is vital that you relax.  Whether that is 15 minutes- twice a day you lock yourself away to breath or if possible, a whole day where you stay in your PJs or swimsuit.  It is important that you rest.  Because, whether you admit it or not, your immune system is taxed, and you need to replenish your body and mind before you get seriously tap out your internal resources.


Deborah Passmore "U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705"*The Hanged Man – The Hanged Man is the card of stagnation and inertia.  This week will be hard completing or even progressing any project.  However, when you go with the inertia and take time out this week, you will find this can be helpful and enlightening.  In its simplest form this can look like being stuck in traffic. So the Hanged Man’s solution would be taking an alternative route that takes you out of the way, but you find a great place to eat or see a beautiful rainbow.  Or in a more complex form, you might just lay down your tasks for the week, sit in silence, and listen to your inner voice for some enlightened contemplations.


Five of Cups – The Five of Cups is the card regret or seeing the cup as half empty.  This week can be triggering you to be regretful, sorry, bummed, or more negative than your usual self.  The interesting thing with this card is that is telling you to acknowledge the spilled milk in your life.  But it is also requesting you acknowledge that you have pretty amazing things in your life.  This card comes to remind you that your outlook can be more positive by feeding the emotions/ideas/projects/people that are working and stop feeding the things that are not.


*The Empress – Ok, last week I hope you got to rest because this week you need your energy.  The Empress declares now is time to start planting seeds for projects/relationships you want to produce in 10 months. In its simplest form it can be planting a tree that you can harvest fruit in late spring or working on redoing your garden so in late spring you can plant the best garden ever.  In its more complex form this can be a great time to get pregnant or start a new project that you can harvest from in 2020.  The challenge with this card is committing to the growth for the next 10 months to see substantial and well-formed outcome and it must have a component of helping others.


Two of Wands – The Two of Wands is the card of planning for the near future.  This card challenges you to daydream about where you want to go, do or be within the next 5 months until 1/11/ 2020.  Take this week to architect and plan what needs to happen for you to feel balanced and ready for 2020.


Three of Cups – The Three of Cups comes when you need a little support from your friends.  You might be feeling lonely or melancholy.  There is no need. You have a good support system around you.  You just need to call them up and enjoy their company.  PS.  This week is also a great time for making new friends.  All you must do is smile and use that award-winning charm/sarcasm of yours.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarotcast for Week of Feb. 18, 2018

Dean Mitchell is a painter that uses many mediums equally well, but his watercolors are especially evocative.  We normal associate watercolor painting with portraits, landscapes, or cityscapes in the rain.  Dean Mitchell does those classic scenes but he also has an eye for portraying the desolate lots of urban living. The images he paints have a sense of scarcity, much like the water he uses.

Even though since 2000 in the US we have steadily declined our water use, water is still scarce in certain parts of the US and the World.  We get the majority of our water from surface water sources, and that water can be easily contaminated.   Since 1990, 2.6 billion people have gained access to an “improved” drinking water sources, one that is designed to protect against contamination. But by data taken in 2015, 663 million people – one in 10 – still drank water from contaminated sources. Huge inequalities persist between and within countries: 8 in 10 live in rural areas, and there are large gaps between the richest and the poorest.  In 41 countries, a fifth of people drink water from a source that is not protected from contamination.

Ways to help – there are many but here are three.

  • lifestraws.  These are cool.  This is a personal filtration system that can last for about a year at full use.  It doesn’t filter viruses or some chemical containment but it gets most.  This is great idea for schools to sponsor get a pile of these and send to a school in the sub-Saharan or any place in need of clean water like areas recently struck by hurricanes.  This organization also work within a community to make their water supply sustainability better.
  • The Water Project worldwide organization which also sets up reliable water sources.
  • Call your federal and state representatives and governor and get on them to spend your tax dollars to upgrade the infrastructure of your state’s water supply. Depending on what chemical you are looking for every state has an issue.
Aries – Ace of Cups

Dean MitchellThe Ace of Cups is all about cleaning off your emotional slate and creating something new.  For you single people out there ask someone out on a date.  For those in relationships go enjoy the company of your special someone.  And for single people who are taking a break from the relationship scene,  treat yourself like you would want your lover to. For all you Aries this week is about healing and feeling the love.

Taurus – King of Cups

Dean MitchellLast week, the Chariot advised you to correct the imbalances in your life so that the change that is happening would be smooth sailing.   The King of Cups continues this theme with a focus your over-indulgences.  At times we over-indulge and use it as a crutch for not healing the hurt.  The balance you need to find is when to lay down your crutches.  They are important when you are healing, however, once you have healed you need to let them go.

Gemini – Three of Pentacles

Dean MitchellThe Devil last week foretold that you would be tested on your resolves.  This theme continues this week but the focus shifts to the Three of Pentacles.   This is the card of cooperation and asking for help.  The Devil is not testing you to see if you can do it alone.  One of his tests is seeing if you can work with others to accomplish what you want to do.  This is a week were 2 or 3 heads are better than one.

*Cancer – Sun

Dean MitchellThe Sun says you can overcome any obstacle or fear that your subconscious mind brings up.  Cancers feel uncomfortable at times when the Sun shows up.  It just can be too bright.  But remember Moon child the Sun is how you gain your light.  You need joy and success to shine it back on others.  So take this week to bask in your successes, see the beauty of what you have, and see that the road you are creating is lining up many of the things you have wanted.

Leo – Ace of Wands

Dean MitchellLast week the Sun challenged you to bask in the good things life has to offer.  This week the Ace of Wands wants you to continue to do just that.  The only challenge this Ace brings is asking you how will you will continue creating good vibe opportunities in the coming weeks.


Virgo – Queen of Cups

Dean MitchellThe Queen of Cups advise this week to speak softly, kindly, and with truth.   Her challenge to you is to learn how to do that without spilling your emotions all you, others, and the table.


Libra – Queen of Swords

Dean MitchellQueen of Swords is the strategist card.  You have to look at this week like a scientist.  You need a hypothesis/goal, make sure you have your materials, plan out your work, do the actual work, and then look over the results and tweak your procedures where needed or start over with a new hypothesis.

*Scorpio – Empress

Dean MitchellThe last two weeks have been heavy with change.  With Death two weeks ago wanting you to clear your emotions for the change that is coming , and the Hermit giving you time to contemplate the change you want to happen and how to get there.  Now, the Empress has arrived to start the process.  The Empress is giving you about nine months to create the change you want to happen.  Your only challenge is that with this pregnancy you are pretty much guaranteed a period of morning sickness.  Realize whats make you sick for now should be avoided.

Sagittarius – Page of Swords

Dean MitchellMore intel gathering this week.  Where last week the information came to you, this week be more like a spy. Be subtly to find out what is going on behind scenes.  These two weeks are not decision-making weeks. There is obviously information you need before moving ahead.

Capricorn – Two of Wands

Dean MitchellThe Two of Wands advises you to have a broader perspective in all that you do.  This card’s challenges you to see if what you are doing or have in planning actually fits into the world view you are trying to create.


Aquarius – King of Wands

Dean MitchellThe King of Wands asks you what kind of ruler are you.  Are you kind but a bit of a push over, orderly but a bit of tyrant, or intellectual but not compassionate enough.  This week look at how you rule your work place, your family and yourself and find ways to improve it.  The King of Wands challenges you to be a better more balanced ruler while keeping in mind this is a year to heal and create a new order.

Pisces – Three of Swords

Dean MitchellLast week, Judgment and the Four of Swords reconfirmed that you are on a journey to rebirth and reminded you that you need to take care of yourself along the way.  Well, guess that advice was hard to swallow, because you got the Three of Swords this week.  This card says that you are holding on to three concepts that are holding you back. I bet one of those is that anytime life hurts you somehow you are responsible for it.  This card challenges you that you can’t control the getting hurt but you can control the healing.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,

