Every day, Art breaks the barrier of a human life span. Artists like Frida Khalo or Diane Arbus continue to speak and influence through their artwork. The Venus of Berekhat Ram, pictured above, is the second prehistoric sculpture discovered. It with the Venus of Tan Tan are the “first” sculptural art works dating between 230,000 to 700,000 years ago. Both were likely made by our ancestral cousins Homo erectus and both are of the female form.
Art is defined as “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” These archeological findings let us view art done by species of hominids that no longer exist. They are communicating what they saw as beauty and conveying emotion through time and this blows my mind.
Why did they do art? This ancestral artist was it male or female? Does that make a difference to what they were trying to convey? These are important questions because I bet the majority of you thought “male artist.” I know I did, but why? This is a different species. We can only guess but we will never really know. These assumption should be carefully looked at for bias and if they are holding us back today. Seven hundred thousand years from now, what will our art say to the next species that roams this Earth, and will they ask the same questions?
Below in honor of women, I have attached some female contemporary artists that may or may not align with your tarotcast.
P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Five of Pentacles – Last week The Hierophant suggested that your resolutions be around things that add structure to your life and belief systems. This week the Five of Pentacles – frustration and a sense of loss- is here to help you define where you need this structure or the broken parts of your belief system. Your environment is setting up obstacles this week to focus you on your true wants and needs, so they can be fixed. But, be careful with this card, don’t make little obstacles or losses bigger than what they are.

Taurus – Three of Cups – The Fool’s motto mindfulness with humor continues this week with the Three of Cups- friendship. The Three of Cups suggest that you grab a glass of wine, beer or tea and spend some time hanging with your best friends. Your soul is needing the camaraderie and joy that only friendship can bring.
Continue reading Tarotcast for week of January 22, 2017
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