As the saying goes April showers bring May flowers so this week, I wanted to focus on the umbrella. Historically the first umbrella was actually a parasol. By definition, parasols are used for sun protection and umbrellas for rain. The earliest known parasols were in Egypt (2450 BCE). They were shaped like a fan on a long handle often attached to chariots or carried over a person of the Egyptian elite while walking. Usually, they were made with feathers or palm leaves. The first apparent collapsible parasol appears in archaeological record in Persia around 100 years later. The parasol spread to ancient Greece then Rome as status symbol mostly used by woman but for the first time referenced in shielding one from sun and rain. These semi-umbrellas were made of leather.
The prototype of the modern-day umbrella was invented in China in the 11th century BCE. Where the first silk and waterproof umbrellas were used by the nobility. After the fall of Rome, the umbrella disappeared from European fashion, until the mid-17th century and was reintroduced into Europe from China where now it was used by a wide variety of the social classes. But the umbrella didn’t gain popularity until 1710. Where a Persian merchant, Jean Marius, created the first light-weight umbrella, and 40 years later a French scientist, Navarre, invented the automatic push button designed umbrella we still use today.
This week is a variety of artist that use the umbrella. Your pondering for the week: what is your metaphorical umbrella that protects you from the harsher aspects of life?
Solar System Highlights
The Moon starts this week in Gemini – conversations can run deep and healing if you spend the time. Also, it is a great time for brainstorming. Then it moves into Cancer on the 7th – in the workplace watch mood swings but by the time you are into the weekend things calm down. Nestling at home, self-care and curling up with loved ones (movie night and a nice meal?) are recommended. Mercury is in Aries until April 11th – great for hashing out ideas but watch bossy tones. Mars (action) is in Aquarius (innovation, perspective, and long-term thinking). This is a period to experiment with innovations, but if you are trying to get something done quickly, be aware that for the next couple of weeks there might be more talking then doing.
Venus moves into Pisces on Tuesday and for most of April. So, we move from experimenting and long-term planning to dreaming and creating more beauty and harmony in our environment and relationships. Jupiter is in Pisces until May 10th; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck. And from the 8th to the 18th (exactly on the 12th) Jupiter and Neptune are conjoined for the first time in 166 years. This a time for creativity, art, spirituality and hopefully will boost our collective spirit. (Personally look at where Pisces is in your natal chart). And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus again for another year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Seven of Coins – This is your third boots on the ground energy for your coming year. The Muse of Satisfaction has come to join the ranks. This energy is about putting in the work, but its real benefit is the harvest you achieve in doing so. So, this year will be busy, but you will see positive profit in all that you do.

*Tower and Eight of Swords – The Muses of Deconstruction and Bondage has come in during your last month of your birth cycle. Together these muses focus on fixing places where you give others power over your life. This is about how you are not aligned to your truths like: your negative though patterns reinforced by others for their benefit or not seeing your self-worth as important as others. Take time these next weeks, get your power back and equalize your goals with others’ aspirations before your birthday.

Five of Swords – This is your second five so a quick dive into this number. Five represent disorder. Last week it was the disorder of your emotions and this week it is chaos of the mind. There is a situation in your environment this week that sends your mind and possible your voice spinning. And this muse reminds you to remove your ego before you speak or act, for if you don’t you will add to the chaos.

Eight of Coins – The Muse of Craft comes when you need a reminder that you got this. You have mastered an aspect of your life and this week is only about tweaking your skill set. Her motto: work smarter not harder.

King of Swords – The Muse of Long-Term Planning comes with telescopes and star maps to help you plot your course. Use this week’s energy by setting long-term goals (like next time this year and in 2025). Engage with that Jupiter-Neptune energy and start planning for the next big thing.

Four of Coins – This week can drain your resources. The Muse of Saving advises to spend your time and/or money only on the important things this week. Save your resources if you can and if you must spend, do so wisely.

Six of Cups – The past is important this week to help you create ease. The Muse of Memories comes when the answers you seek lie in past experiences and lessons. As she loves to quote W. Wordsworth – Life is divided into three terms – that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, and from the present, to live better in the future.

Four of Swords – Take this week to relax and catch your breath. As the world whirls around you find a spot to sit back and just watch. The Muse of Restoration comes when your tanks are nearing empty, so find time to nap, turn off electronics, stick to an early bedtime and/or stare out the window. Don’t forget to hydrate and eat well too.

King of Coins – All hands-on deck for the Muse of Building comes with her toolbox. Use this energy to get things done on the material plane. Whether that is actually building something or a project on your to-do list, this Muse helps you push it to the finish line.

Nine of Swords – The Muse of Worry visits when there is something niggling in the background of your mind. She would like you to work it out in your conscious thoughts rather than it bubble in your sub-conscious. So, she suggests talking it through or writing copious stream of conscious notes until you no longer feel the itch. In most cases you will find that the fuss was about paying a debt you never owed.

Ten of Swords – This week will have its rough moments, but you will find that mostly it come from outside sources. So, your challenge is not to dive into the drama but skirt around it. The bright side is that this cycle is coming to an end, healing and a new understanding is right around the corner.

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Happiness has come with sunshine and rainbows. Something in your life is ending and it is setting you up for a new beginning. This Muse advises enjoying the moments here at the end of this chapter before you jump to the next book.
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