In ode to Pisces, this week’s artist Tsubaki. With a backdrop of ebony, Tsubaki highlights the sheen of scales, graceful tails, and vibrant colors of Carassius auratus or goldfish. In Asian art, goldfish represent harmony, luck, beauty, and wealth. Tsubaki not only successfully nods to this subject portrayal in older Asian paintings but also makes a fish look like living calligraphy.
The fancy goldfish above comes from 800 years of selective breeding the common Asian carp. Carp in China were used a s a food source and kept in rice fields to fertilize it. Carp is usually gray or silver but through natural mutation can produce red, orange or gold. Around the 9th century these carp mutations were selected to be released into Buddhist ponds as an act of fang sheng or mercy release. This tradition of setting an animal free especially if it is rare is consider a good deed. Balancing out bad deeds and upping your “enlightenment points.”
By 1162 the empress of the Song Dynasty created a pond to collect only the gold and red varieties. At this time the gold/yellow variety was only allowed to be owned by the Imperial family. A hundred years later, through human selection, variations of colors started to be recorded. By the 1600’s goldfish became popular in Japan, Portugal and parts of Europe. It wasn’t until the 1850’s that goldfish were introduced into North America. Now in China and Japan there are over 300 fancy breeds of goldfish. Bred for color, fin shape and length, eye size, head size and body shape.
The pondering for the week: What one good deed could you to do this week to balance out some of your karma? And the planets the lite version – Mercury is direct and we have a full Moon in Virgo on the 27th. It is a great week for organizing before jumping back into work. If you want a bit more info with working with your planets or daily card pulls. Here are some I am enjoying the Chani app for astrology, @touchbytarot for daily tarot pulls and/or for both goto @thetarotlady on Instagram she does a live each morning.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Five of Cups – The Muse of Spilled Milk is here to help you through this week. This week’s energy has its ups and downs, but it is not up to you to clean up the mess. The only thing you need to take away from the mayhem is the positive aspects left over. Some things can not or should not be fixed. Take away what works and leave the rest behind.

Ten of Wands – Last week, the Muse of Metamorphosis had come to help change happen from the inside out. You still have time to work on innovating the new you or project; however, to do so you will need this week’s Muse of Burdens to assist. This energy advises you to let go of three items on your to-do list and postpone them until next week. You need to complete some of your obligations this week and to do so you must create time and space to do it in. Prioritize and work down your list one item at a time.

Hanged Man – Last week the energy was all go and this week it is not. The Muse of Suspension is holding the energies at bay, so you can take some time for introspection. This week you will find blocks that are purposely put in your way to make you stop and think. Something you are doing is not flowing with these new times. Innovation is needed this year and you need to do some deep soul searching to find how to tap into your inspiration. Meditate, stare out the window, doodle. Turn off the inner critic to hear your inner celestial self. The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself. – Carl Sagan

Ace of Cups – The energy this week is trying to connect to love, heart, and desires. This is a great week to begin something new that stirs your emotions. If your heart could have anything what would it be? Freedom, healing, connection as long as it begins with the seed of love it is possible.

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Luxury is knocking. Yes, she is pressing you to be a little self-indulgent right now. This muse comes when you are not connected to your sense and therefore not ground. She requires you to indulge each sense this week at least once, but more is better. Have your favorite meal, buy good smelling flowers or incense, soak your feet in Epsom salts, touch something soft, watch sunsets or snow falling. The more you partake in the sensual pleasures the more you connect with who you are.

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Compassion and Caring has arrived. Yes, events and people pull on your heart strings this week. Compassion is the art form of feeling another’s suffering and then helping them. The challenge with this card is are giving yourself the same compassion as you would another. Your motto: Please place the mask over your own mouth and nose before assisting others. – every flight attendant.

Death – The Muse of Letting Go is here to help you. This week the energy is ripe for letting go of what is no longer working for you. She first asks you where or what has unbalanced you? Do you have control over it? If not let it go. You cannot control or balance everything. A good example is if you are trying to resuscitate something again this is the time to release it. All things have a time and season, so work with the Universe instead of against it.

*Strength – The Muse of Beasts asks you to have a chat with your inner beasts good and bad about working with you instead of against you. This can be as simple as visual exercises like putting your jabberwocky inner critic in the back seat. Or having a chat with that sloth who is great for vacations and combing over details but is not helping you get to where you want to be. The key is good or bad they are there for a reason. Find their purpose and send them onto their appropriate tasks.

Six of Coins – The Muse of Karmic Flow has shown up this week. She comes to remind you that what flows out will eventually flow back. This is a great energy if you put out positive vibes, for she returns it back three-fold. But she also does that with negative energy. Your song: Be Nice by the Black-Eyed Peas.

Three of Cups and Knight of Swords – Time to hang with your besties. Your emotional cup needs some filling, and your thoughts needs some sound boarding. On a side note, you also have the Muse of Missteps visiting. This Muse tells you to slow down on the physical plane and be careful about your extremities. So, while talking to your friends maybe not try to dice onions. Or get so engaged on the cell phone you forget to watch where you are walking.

Ace of Wands – Last week you ended your birth month with two themes re-defining who you are and building a more innovated world grounded in reality. This is a great week to brainstorm around those themes. The Muse of Inspirational Beginnings is asking you if you could plant any seed to this year’s goals what would it be? Remember Innovation is key.

King of Coins – So far, your Muses want you to start creating elements for goals/life/persona that you are metaphorizing in. By letting go of what is not working, planting seeds to what you want to have happen, and then having the patience and tenacity of gardener to grow it. This year is about being in tune with and working with natural cycles and seasons to make your garden flourish. This week’s energy asks you to focus on manifestation and abundance. Ground yourself and tap into this world’s plentiful energy. The more you take part in the world the more you will find your part in it.
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