Tag Archives: the fox and the tarot

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Dec 11, 2022

Germaine Krull

To finish out this year of artists, I highlight another “unknown” woman that came out of the Bauhaus movement, Germaine Krull. Krull was a pioneer in the fields of avant-garde photomontage, photographic books, and photojournalism.  She is best known for documenting the industrial revolution of the 1920s and 30’s and bringing her aesthetic approach to it.  She created 64 photos and called the series Metal.   Instead of documenting industrialization by focusing on the entire structure, skylines, or machinery, she captured pivotal perspectives and detailed views that has us focusing on the aesthetic of these modernizations.  Her images concentrate on the curve of a road or the curve of a building. Disconnecting our perspective from the entire object by connecting us to its design, marvel, and beauty.


Her photojournalism of prostitution and homelessness also was a marriage of documentation, social commentary, and art.  She has the viewer looking down at the unhoused or straight at the illicit underground.   Even her portraits are focused on parts of the person and shot at angles that increase the intimacy of her images.  We can see through her photographs that Krull wants us to expand our perspective.  To search for new viewpoints, glimpse intimately at our world and find the flow and beauty of its varying configurations.

Your pondering for the week:  Take time to look at your world through an engaged lens.  See the exquisiteness in the detail of it.

Solar Systems Highlights

This week the moon starts in Leo, your time to shine.  On Wednesday it moves into Virgo, prioritize and organize through the end of the work week.  And for the weekend the moon is in Libra, great for holiday gatherings and focusing on relationships.   Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Capricorn (work and discipline) for the rest of the year so we can get a lot done through conversations if you can compromise.  Venus (beauty and harmony) is also Capricorn – where spending our resources wisely is highlighted.

Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter (growth) is in Pisces wanting us to dream big and explore what makes us zing for one more week.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Germaine Krull
Germaine Krull

Four of Wands – The Muse of Happy Home advises getting your home cozy, ready for the holidays and the end of the year.  She asks when you walk into your house do you feel a sense of relief.  If not, what do you need to add tweak, or eliminate to create more comfort into your home?  It could be on the physical plane like more holiday lights, or it could be on the creative or vibe plane changing the color or using design accents to create a more soothing palate.



Germaine Krull
Germaine Krull

Six of Wands – The Muse of Jubilation is here to remind you that you have a lot to be proud and grateful for. She advises you to acknowledge and celebrate your victories this week.  And she warns to be careful of not moving on to the next thing or worrying about the future -stay in the now.  This week is very much about enjoying what you have reaped this year.



Germaine Krull
Germaine Krull

*Fool – This week marks you are halfway through your birth year and the Muse of Beginnings is wanting you to clean the slate and start afresh. She asks how you can be more spontaneous and open to new possibilities in the next 6 months?   She would like you to follow your spirit more than your intellect and this is the week is the beginning of this practice.  It can be as simple as taking a new way home or as complex as finding a way to travel to distant shores.


Germaine Krull

Nine of Wands – The Muse of Preparedness would like you to spend this week checking to see if your resources are topped off and if not time to restock.  This can be your pantry or your spirit that needs replenishing.  Look around and see what projects you might have dangling that are sapping your energy.  This is the week to get something off your plate and/or restocking for future energy uses.



Germaine Krull

Eight of Coins – The Muse of Productivity comes with shots of expresso to help you get things done.  She advises to do one action step at a time.  This is not time to focus on the big picture but just on the task in front of you.  If your neurodivergent tendency takes you off track, this muse advises to make a list and do the easiest or most important part first. Once you get momentum going you will be hard to stop.  And remember if you’re tired, take a controlled timed break.




*Chariot – Last week the Muses asked if you could transform or liberate one thing in your life, what would it be?  I hope you pondered this question for the Muse of Momentum is here to get things moving on it.  This Muse gives you energy, but you need to supply the direction.  So, if you did not do last week’s pondering, start there before moving forward.  Being directionless this week will leave you doing figure eights in the parking lot.  They are fun but fruitless. So find your “north star” and head out.



Germaine Krull

Eight of Swords – This week your thoughts can bind you into feelings of apathy.  The Muse of Bondage reminds you that some of these thought constructs are not even your own or ones that no longer work for you.  Now is the time to let go of non-relevant survival skills and thoughts. By letting go of the chains of the past you can walk unburdened and energized into the future.


Germaine Krull

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Sparkle is here to put some vim in your vigor.  She advises you to add a bit of spice into your outer appearance and actions to show your inner love of life.  This could be adding a sensual component to your wardrobe, wearing a new scent, adding glitter to all your holiday cards, or just wishing everyone you meet a great day.  You are magical this week and this Muse would like you to share your delight and possibly a little playful mischievousness with others.


Germaine Krull
Germaine Krull

Knight of Wands – Your third energy for this birth-year is the Muse of Adventure.  This year the Muses guide you to be in the right place at the right time.  Your timing is perfect if you follow your instinct and open the doors to adventure.  Even if you are stalled, there is a reason for the layover.  This is not a year to push things through.  Just find your intuitive seat and ride the wave.


Germaine Krull
Germaine Krull

*World – The Muse of Endings and Beginnings advises using this month to finish some projects, so new projects have a place to land.  This can be as simple as cleaning off your desk or inbox.  Or as complicated as clearing your calendar for two weeks around your birthday so you can think.  The more space you make available, the bigger the blank canvas is to create on.  She also reminds you to leave a portion of this blank space for the seeding of future opportunities.


Germaine Krull

*High Priestess – The Muse of Intuition comes to hone your skill in acknowledging and following your instinct more than rationalization.  As an air sign you often get lost in thoughts.  This week is no exception, but this Muse would like you to rely on your hunches more than logic. Your gut is way more helpful than your brain in navigating the now.


Germaine Krull
Germaine Krull

Ace of Coins – This week’s energy encourages new beginnings on the material plane.  It is a great week to invest, start new projects, and figure out your financials before the new year.  The Muses advise to write out a list of all that you would like to materialize on the physical plane- think job, money, physical environment, and resources in the coming year.  And watch for opportunities because it may be possible to start planting the seeds for one of the things on your list this week.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Dec 6, 2022

Florence Henri
Florence Henri

Another woman that comes out of the Bauhaus movement is Florence Henri.   Henri worked with photography and painting.  In both she played with plane and dimension.  However, in her photography she pushed the limits of perception.  By her use of mirrors and techniques of multiple exposure, photomontage, and negative printing, she has the viewer questioning what reality or reflection is.   Her 1927 through 30’s studies of shapes, planes and values made her one of the first abstract photographers.  Henri destabilized the camera’s capacity for realism by creating artificial and imagined spaces with these techniques.  Even when she photographs reality her framing makes us rethink what we are seeing.  This made her a perfect example of New Vision photography in the Bauhaus movement and a forerunner in the discussions of Surrealism.

Your pondering for the week:  Look into the mirror and what do see? What is reality or a reflection of society?

Solar Systems Highlights

This week the moon starts in Taurus giving us a stable footing to begin the week with. On Wednesday it moves into Gemini- watch your conversations and tone.  And for the weekend the moon is in Cancer perfect for staying home and getting your gezellig on.   Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Capricorn for the rest of the year so we can get a lot done through conversations if you can compromise.  Venus (beauty and harmony) also moves to Capricorn on Wednesday – where quality in spending our resources is highlighted.

Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter is in Pisces wanting us to dream big and explore what makes us zing for another 3 weeks.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.

****wondering how many people read these solar systems highlights or want it?  Please email me or comment in Instagram if you are wanting it to stay.  I’m thinking about re-formatting and only want to give what is useful.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Florence Henri
Florence Henri 1938

Three of Wands – This week will have its starts and stops.  The Muse of Enterprise advises to use both times wisely.  If you have a green light go to it.  However, if you are waylaid do not stop and stall.  These times of inertia are meant to regroup and set up for the next steps.

Florence Henri 1927

Two of Swords – This week is full of indecision.  However, the Muse of Choice reminds you that you can choose left or right.  Either way will get you to where you need to be.  So, flip a coin and carry on.

Florence Henri
Florence Henri

*Justice – The Muse of Equity has come to have you investigate the concept of balance.  Something in your life is off balance and now is the time to bring some fair play into your life.  If you see an injustice speak up.  Or if you are experiencing an injustice, parlay for better conditions.  If you cannot find or negotiate equity, then you might have to walk away from the situation.

Florence Henri
Florence Henri

*High Priestess – The Muse of Sacred Purpose comes when in this moment in time you are needed.  You may not realize that opening that door for someone reignites optimism in them, or that conversation changes someone’s perspective.  You are aligned with your higher purpose even when doing these little acts.  This Muse reminds you that these gifts of sacredness, of seeing someone, comes when you are being your most authentic self.  You are the change in the world.


Florence Henri

Seven of Wands – At some point this week you will be on the winning side or at an advantage.  The Muse of Competition reminds us to be good sports.  You have had your days in the gutter and know what it is like to not have someone give you a hand to lift you up.  Because of this knowledge you can be better than you have been treated.  Take the high road this week.


Florence Henri
Florence Henri 1932

*Judgement – If you could transform or liberate one thing in your life, what would it be?  The Muse of Evolution asks you to ponder this question.  This week you have opportunities to level up if you choose.  But if you are not focused on what to transform then it might mutate into something else possible not as helpful or enlightened.

Florence Henri

Knight of Cups – The Muse of Romance would like you to spice up your love life.  She suggests fire-light, coziness, flowers, and intimate gestures.    Now even if you are not in a relationship, you are in one with yourself.  So, take time this week to treat yourself and those you love with extra care.


Florence Henri 1929

Six of Coins – Reciprocity is the name of the game this week.  The Muse of Mini-karma comes to redistribute wealth and energy this week.  She reminds you if you do a good deed, it will come back around though often in a convoluted way.  But this also works with negativity.  Watch you p’s and q’s this week.

Florence Henri

Two of Wands – Your second energy for this year is the Muse of Mindfulness.  This year it is important that you stay in the moment.  This is not a year to hold on to the past nor is it a year to think too far into the future.  This year is about day to day living.  How you can live fully each day this year.  This Muse suggests either taking a picture a day or writing about one significant thing that happens each day to help take note of the moments.

Florence Henri

Nine of Coins – The Muse of Self-Awareness would like you to recognize how good you are at standing in yourself.  This week may have its ups and downs, but you are doing your best mountain goat personification.  You are rock solid even though the ground might not be.

Florence Henri

Knight of Pentacles – The Muse of Stability advises that slow and steady wins the race.  Push back if someone is rushing you.  You know what pace is appropriate for what action.  Take your time, not others.

Florence Henri
Florence Henri

*Chariot – The Muse of Self-Motivation is here to cheer you on to change something.  She advises that you start small at first.  Get rid of one thing you don’t use each day, exercise for 5 minutes each day, eat at least 3 out of the seven colored fruits.  By moving just, a notch in the right direction you begin the process that will gain momentum.  Consistency is more important than amount.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Nov 6, 2022

Elke Vogelsang

First, I wanted to thank you all for tuning in.  I just finished my seventh year doing this blog, and I really am grateful for you joining me on this exploration of art, tarot, and science as differing conduits to deciphering our collective experience.  I started this journey because I missed working with teachers and students, showing them fun ways of imparting and integrating science and social studies’ knowledge through the arts.    My focus for these posts has become more dedicated to the under-represented artists that we don’t historically see or who have been forgotten.  And then also my personal bias and love for art that combines science or has a social/cultural aspects.  Art that is not only visually intriguing but also tries to teach or open us to another’s perspective.  And then I throw in animals becasue you know they are cool.  Again, I can’t thank you enough for being with me on this road.

And now your artist for this week is Elke Vogelsang @wieselblitz.  She is a photographer of dogs, cats, and horses.  I go to her page when I need to be uplifted. Vogelsang does capture their more regal and beautiful side, but she has an uncanny ability to also pulls out their goofy side.  The side of our pets that makes us laugh when we want to cry.  Science has proven that nature and animals lower our blood pressure, calm our nervous system, and increase our oxytocin.  Her story on what brought her to this love of photography is worth the read.

Your pondering for the week:  Would you want to return as a cat, a dog or a horse?

Solar Systems Highlights

The Moon starts the week in Taurus – ground yourself and dive into your workload.  By Wednesday it moves into Gemini, great for conversation and knowledge gathering.   On Friday the moon moves into Cancer so the weekend get homey and focus on self-care.  No shifts from last week, so continue to focus on: Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Scorpio (passion), so conversations can be intriguing and/or impassioned. If there is a crack or wound in your relationship it will show up during this time.  This pairing brings aspects to work on out of the shadows and pushes us to heal them.  Venus (beauty and harmony) is also in Scorpio counter balancing Mercury and Mars’ placement.  It is highlighting your sex life and passion.

Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it and Mercury are having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter has moved into Pisces wanting us to dream big and explore what pleasantly gets us up in the morning.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Elke Vogelsang
Elke Vogelsang

*Devil – This week something will feel off.  You know like when your neck hairs raise up or you get that feeling not to do something.  Heed that instinct.  The Muse of Mayhem is lurking in the shadows tempting you to doubt yourself.  This muse does not want to damage you but to divert you from your path.  So stay true to the best part of you and stay the course.



Elke Vogelsang

Page of Coins – Take time this week to learn a new skill set.  The Muse of Skill comes just before you need this new talent to upgrade your future.  She advises to hit the books, do a workshop, learn something new that will improve your viability in the workforce and/or a survival skill while humaning.  Your motto:  I am a lifelong learner.



Elke Vogelsang
Elke Vogelsang

Five of Wands – This week has aspects of chaos.  The Muse of Ego intervenes by reminding you that this turmoil is based in gameplay, and it is your choice to accept or decline the challenge.  You can easily walk away from the situation without obligation or karma.  But if you decide to play, remember to keep your ego in check and play by the rules.



Elke Vogelsang
Elke Vogelsang

*Fool – The Muse of Beginnings is here to start you on a new adventure.  The challenge is that it is a journey that you can not plan all the aspects for.  It is a quest that encourages faith in yourself and the Universe.  You have the knowledge and tools you need to start this endeavor, and you are clever enough to figure out the rest as it comes.  So do not fear the unknown, take the first step into this new venture.



Elke Vogelsang
Elke Vogelsang

*Magician – The Muse of Manifestation is prompting you to conjure up something.  However, she would like you to tap into the divine for inspiration.  She encourages your imagination to make broad sweeping gestures, or in contrast manifest meaning in even the smallest of actions.  She challenges you to bring the divine into the everyday and to remind your life can be magical.  The wand is in your hand.



Elke Vogelsang
Elke Vogelsang

*Moon – You may need to find some solitude to dive into your subconscious for insight this week.  The emotions that are sparked have roots in the past.  The Muse of Shadow Work would like you to explore the whys behind your feelings.  She reminds you to do this work you will need to have self-compassion as your companion for this trip into the shadows.  That mistakes and missteps are universal, and they are there to help us discover new paths that our ancestors/role models did not know how to navigate.  So, tread lightly on your moonwalk.



Elke Vogelsang

*Sun – This is your week to shine Libra.  This muse would like you to use your super-powers for the good of all. The challenge for you is to accept the accolades and gifts from using them.  So, if someone says thank you, don’t bow in humility, say your welcome and walk with your head held high for being such a good human.  This is a practice not only in good deeds but also modeling what healthy self-worth looks like.



Elke Vogelsang

Four of Coins – Your third Muse for this year is the Muse of Resources.  This year you will need to attend to your resources: space, time energy and money.  This can look like saving money, when spending buy with quality in mind, creating healthy boundaries around how and what you spend your time on, or even how you share physical space.  This Muse shows up to help you readjust and refocus on how and what you spend and save your resources on.  This year is about increasing efficiency and banking assets for “rainy days.”



Elke Vogelsang

Five of Coins – The Muse of Hardship is visiting you this week.  She does not bring the difficulty but comes to make sure you have a safety net when adversity comes around.   She asks you what do you need to feel safe if calamity strikes?  Things like: is your spare tire inflated?  Do you have some cash on hand?  Have you touched base with the person that is always there for you?



Elke Vogelsang

*Death – The Muse of Organic Change is here to help you let go and move forward.  She reminds you that change happens whether we like it or not.  Nature moves from season to season.  The shedding and composting of Fall and Winter need to happen so Spring can flourish.  You know this but your pragmatism can get in the way of the natural flow of a situation this week.  Over analyzation will not help.  This change is a process that takes time but like Spring will bring forth a new season of growth.


Elke Vogelsang
Elke Vogelsang

Three of Coins – The Muse of Teamwork comes when it is vital for you to work with others.  Collaboration is key this week.  As they say two heads are better than one.   However, three heads and six hands are even better.  Take the help when offered and ask for it when you need it.



Elke Vogelsang

*High Priestess – The Muse of Sacred Mystery comes when you need to work on your intuition and purpose.  She advises to pay attention to synchronicities.  The challenge is the synchronicity is not the clue but what you were doing or feeling at the time.  Think of them like signposts that say, “pay attention now”.  When you hone this skill of following the signs and interrupting the clues you begin to see the path more clearly.  So, look for trends this week and make sure you take time to contemplate the puzzles.


Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 30, 2022

Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Walk in the Park

Happy Halloween, Samhain, and Day of the Dead

Finishing off the theme of “eerie October” is the artist Jeff Wigman @jeffwigman.  Wigman’s art exudes a sense of eeriness, but it also humorous or better yet satirical.  The definition of satire is “trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly.”  His work is a commentary and exploration of society, art, and the human psyche.  Wigman mostly works with oils and seems to be exploring the oil painting techniques and well known imagery of the last 700 years.  Many of his paintings have that darker quality and aspects of the Dutch masters like Rembrandt and Bosch, but also a nod to more current artists like Paul Cézanne or Edward Hopper.

For example, classical painters would paint a still life with the skull or skeleton to symbolize death or the unachievable nature of immortality.  Wigman paints the classic skull imagery but with a twist, putting these symbols of death on playing puppies’ bodies, or skeletons walking down a lane.  We smile or laugh at first but then the feeling of creepy or eeriness sets in.  His paintings are visual examples of the beauty and veracity of satire.  These paradoxical feelings take us into our own psyche.

Wigman make us think not only of the situation or concept but also of our perceptions of good and evil, virtue and vice, or laughter and despair.  This duality is much like our celebrations around death and the turning of fall into winter.  We confront our beliefs of mortality, hiding behind masks to fool or scare spirits or inviting the departed to food and festivities.   Contemplating death can be scary and sacred.  Humaning is complex, lets allow it to be so, and try to have fun doing it.

P.S. There are often hidden treasures in his paintings go to his Instagram or website and focus in.

Your pondering for the week:  What costume would you wear to scare or appease the spirits of Halloween? I have added some examples that match with your tarot card.

Solar Systems Highlights

The Moon continues in Aquarius, so we start the week best if we think outside the box or even about the box.  By Wednesday it moves into Pisces, making it easy to daydream but harder to focus on work.   On Friday the moon moves into Aries enticing us not to relax but experience what life has to offer.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Scorpio (passion), so conversations can be intriguing and/or impassioned. If there is a crack or wound in your relationship it will show up during this time.  This pairing brings aspects to work on out of the shadows and pushes us to heal them.  Venus (beauty and harmony) is also in Scorpio counter balancing Mercury and Mars’ placement.  It is highlighting your sex life and all things that make you “shiver with anticipation.”

Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it and Mercury are having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter has moved into Pisces wanting us to dream big and explore what pleasantly gets us up in the morning.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Jeff Wigman gravy boat

Four of Coins – Resources are limited this week. The Muse of Savings is advising you to check your bank accounts, pantry, and schedule.  Restock your pantry, rebalance your money and time.  Make sure you are spending your resources on aspects that nourish you. Costume:  Banker or Bank robber.

Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Queen of Corona

Queen of Wands – The Muse of Passion is here nudging you to indulge in yours.  She does suggest sharing them either with a co-collaborator, friends, or the world.  Tuning into, enjoying and sharing your passions with the world not only re-energizes your inner fire but sparks others as well.  Your song:  Come on Baby Light my fire with Shirley Bassey.  Costume:  A Great Queen or Revolutionary.

Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Senators sporting in a Small Town

Two of Swords – You know as a sign it is hard for you all to decide.  Well, this week is cooking up some doozies for you.  The Muse of Decisions is advising you to take time and consider your options before making any of them.  She reminds you the decision is less about the goal but how you want to get there or the factors surrounding it.  Costume:  A Coin or a Wand.

Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Drunken Centaur

Ace of Cups – The Muse of Love ask you to make a wish that comes from the heart.  If you had a seed based in love, what would it grow?  Imbue that hope in water, an actual seed or paper and then gift it to a water source around you.  Send this love-wish out into the world and see what comes of it in the months to come.  Costume:  Fairy godmother or Maleficent (or any other “evil” Disney/fairy tale character).



Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Puppy time

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Bliss would like you to notice and enjoy your abundance. You are at an end of a cycle.  Take this week to gather all the positives that have happened in the past 10 months and review.  By seeing what has been abundant in your life you can indulge in the serenity of a chapter ending, lessons learned and take only the cups that are full forward.  Costume:  Buddha or Kali.


Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman untitled

Seven of Coins – The Muse of Work comes to help you push projects into the next stages.  She asks you first to step back and relook at the schema and see if anything needs tweaking.  And if you find that you need to start over or ditch the plan, do not be afraid for this week is the time to do it.  Costume:  Chef or Butcher.


Jeff Wigman Big View

*Emperor- This week is great for expanding your empire.  The Muse of Building has come with her T-square and level.  She likes to help with hands-on projects, like fixing that squeaky door or building a birdhouse.  It is all about making your space a better place for you and yours.  Whether you are building on the physical plane or conceptually it is important that you build with durability and longevity in mind.  Costume:  Prince(ss) or Pauper.

Jeff Wigman fast freinds

Page of Wands – Your second Muse for this year is the Muse of Creativity.  This year is all about adventuring into and experimenting with your creative life.   This is a great year to learn something new that makes your heart zing.  Find a new outlet for your creative nature and your emotions.  She suggests the arts in some form but anything that makes you grow and open your heart to living and learning around the human experience is up for grabs. Costume:  Artist from any genre.

Jeff Wigman Heading East

*Fool – The Muse of Foolishness comes when we take ourselves too seriously.  This Muse wants you to loosen up and enjoy the adventure of being human.  She agrees that at times we do need to plan but this week it is better to fly by the seat of your pants and enjoy the ride.  She is having you exercise faith in yourself and the Universe.  And to relearn to laugh at sageness as much as folly, for you will land on firm ground eventually 😉.  Costume:  Mad Hatter, Jester, or Politician.

Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Bad Barbecue

Ace of Pentacles – This is an auspicious week to start a new project on the material plan.   This Muse of New Beginnings is wanting you to algin yourself with growth and prosperity.  You can actuate this energy by beginning a venture with your hands.  Whether that is drawing out plans, a schema, a new schedule, learning to do a new skill or at the very least put your idea in a seed/bulb and plant it.  This Muse asks what do you want to manifest on the physical plane?  Costume:  Farmer or Alchemist.



Jeff Wigman lousey magicians

Eight of Swords – The Muse of Illusion comes when you have bound yourself to a thought pattern that no longer works for you.  The challenge is you trying to decipher your thoughts around it instead of saying “no” letting go and walking away from this paradigm.  You need a whole new pattern of thought around this issue, but you must release the old one without guilt, critique, or judgement first. Costume:  Magician or Snake Oil Dealer.

Jeff Wigman After the Flood

Seven of Wands – This week you need to stand your ground.  The Muse of Nonconformity comes to help you push through obstacles. If they align with your true self, you will find it easier, and impossible if they do not.  She reminds you it is not what others think that creates who you are.  You create you.  Be the Unicorn.  Costume:  Unicorn or Narwhale.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 25, 2022

Peter's dwarf epauletted fruit bat
Peter’s dwarf epauleted fruit bat  (Micropteropus pusillus)

Continuing the theme of October and eeriness we turn from Art to the animal world, specifically, bats. There are over 1,400 bat species worldwide.  You can find them everywhere but within the Artic and Antarctic circles.  Bats’ order, Chiroptera, composes about 20% of all mammal species.  They are classified into two groups, basically megabats and microbats.  Megabats eat fruit, nectar or pollen and do not use echolocation.  Where microbats do use echolocation and eat mostly insects but also fruit, nectar, pollen, fish, frogs, small mammals and 3 species eat blood.  Making bats essential to ecology as pollinators and a natural from of insect management. Even though bats are vital in suppressing mosquito-borne diseases, they can carry rabies and other pathogens, so it is important not handle them in the wild.  Bats can have a long life spanning up to 40 years.  Most are nocturnal though they predominately hunt around dawn and dusk.

Depending on the culture bats are seen as protectors or associated with evil. For example, the Creek, Cherokee and Apache see them as a trickster.  In the European culture they are associated with witchcraft, vampires, and death. Shakespeare has the Weird Sisters in Macbeth using fur of a bat in their brew.  And of course, there is Bram Stroker’s Dracula.   The bat is sacred in Tonga seen as a detached soul.  In ancient Mesoamerica a bat god presided over fertility and corn.  And in China five bats symbolize the five blessing: longevity, prosperity, health, love of virtue and a peaceful death. I personally find many bats cute, so above and below you will see my favorite flying fur balls.

Your pondering for the week:  If you could be any animal what would you choose? Why?

Solar Systems Highlights

The Moon continues in Libra, so the focus is still on relationships.  By Tuesday it moves into Scorpio, a new moon and a solar eclipse, so it is a perfect time to reignite your passions.   On Thursday the moon moves into Sagittarius time to expand your boundaries, and then for the weekend it moves into Capricorn so try not to take your work home with you.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Libra (relationships), to help you smooth some of the snafus that Mars is churning up.  Venus (beauty and harmony) has moved into Scorpio highlighting your sex life and all things that make you “shiver with anticipation.”   Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it also has us working on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter is in Aries; it supports activity and expansion until October 28th.  Then it moves into Pisces wanting us to dream big and explore.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your game is its intention.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Eastern red bat (Lasiurus boralis)

Page of Wands – Last week you got the Muse of Manifestation gifting you divine inspiration, but the work was up to you to bring it to life. This week the Muse of Creativity would like to help continue your conjuring.  However, she advices to push your creativity and experimentation farther.  Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Take the sage advice of Thomas Edison: I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.

Pied Bat (Niumbaha superba)

Eight of Cups – Last week the Muse of Structure was advising that now is the time to tidy up your space, schedule and how you do things to make them more efficient.  The Muse of Simplification continues this energy by asking you to streamline your daily activities and minimalize the stuff around you.  This can look as simple as clean your desk or go through you junk drawer/closet and get rid of stuff.  Clutter in any form is not your friend this week.

Canyon Bat Parastrellus hesperus
Canyon Bat Parastrellus hesperus

King of Coins – The Muse of Finance is here pushing you to get your monies in order.    Take this week to balance your checkbook, add to your savings account, pay off more on your credit cards.  You need to gain a realistic perspective of your assets and your debts.  So, you can responsibly finance your wants in the coming months.

Bumblebee bat – Craseonycteris thonglongyai – smallest bat

Page of Cups – The Muse of Playfulness comes when you need to be less goal oriented and bring more delight into your life. Now this muse emphasis that joy often comes with more socializing, curiosity, and openness to change perspective.  It can be as simple as, if you find yourself on the couch, move to the floor, asking more why questions, or playing games with your loved ones.  Let your inner child free-range this week.


Desert long eared bat Otonycteris_hemprichii

*Death – The Muse of Organic Change comes with her spade and sickle in hand.  You are ready for change to happen but before it does you have to pull some weeds and ready the soil. Take time this week to get rid of emotions, thoughts or things that are no longer needed.  And then clean the physical space, calm your mind, and/or do a simple detox for your body (Epsom salt bath or sauna).


Golden Crown Flying Fox Acerodon_jubatus_ Biggest bat

Queen of Coins – This week you need to pleasantly pamper yourself.  The Muse of Pleasure asks you how you compensate yourself, when you work as hard as you do?  When you indulge, do you feel good about it?  Or if you don’t, why do you work so hard if you are not reaping some benefit?  If you cannot give yourself some compensation for your hard work, then something is amiss with the work or your concept of deserving.  You might have to start fixing that first if that is the case.  Either way you still need to find a healthy way to treat yourself this week.


Greater False Vampire Bat (Megaderma_lyra)

Four of Wands- The Muse of Happy Home is wanting you to make your home a bit more comfortable.  Do you need to do a deep clean in your bedroom?  Do you need to rearrange your furniture?  Put up some photos of your family?  Does your living room need a splash of color.  Take this week before we hit holiday season and work on your living space.


Sulawesi fruit bat (Acerodon celebensis)

*Chariot and Hanged One – Ok you have two Muses or paths for the start of your birth year. The first is one of Change.  This Muse is about self-propulsion.  If you want things to change it will be up to you to set the GPS.  She will help with the energy, but you must set the destination and plot the journey.  Or you can go with the second the Muse of Inertia and stay where you are.  However,  this path is a meditation, an internal transformation.  You will dive deep into self-reflection and modify emotions and thoughts.  So, it’s up to you, change the outside or change the inside.  You’ll have most of this year to pick who you would like to work with.

Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum)
Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum)

Page of Swords – You will need to gather intel this week.  The Muse of Inquiry is here to help.  She advises to not take the first answer to a question as absolute fact.  There is more just under the surface.  It is not that people are hiding things on purpose but more they have not realized the answer either.   The challenge is not making the inquires feel like an inquisition.

Hammer Nosed Bat Hypsignathus_monstrosus

Six of Cups –The Muse of Recollection comes when the past holds information for the present.  If something reminds you of childhood, dive deep into it this week.  With this week’s Scorpio new moon and solar eclipse, you can do some pertinent shadow work and healing around the past.


Honduran White Bat Ectophylla alba
Honduran White Bat Ectophylla alba

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Happiness is shining on you this week.  She reminds you that happiness is fleeting so really revel in the moments of joy when they come.  She suggests by the end of the week writing down ten small moments of bliss.  By doing so you will find that there are more than ten, or if you are having trouble then you need to see you are trying to idealize an innately hard situation.

Hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus

Ten of Coins – The Muse of Shortcuts is here to tell you this week there are none.  Everything will work out if you take a longer view.  You are on the right path, doing the right thing, now it will just take dedication and time to “bake the cake”.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 16, 2022

Mu Pan

Continuing this month’s theme of eeriness, the artist this week is Mu Pan @mupan1911.  Mu Pan’s paintings are like painted pyrotechnics and full of allegory.  They are often depict epic life and death battles between humans, animals, and fantastical beasts.  We can see his influences from manga, Chinese scroll paintings, Indian miniatures, and Japanese ukiyo-e prints.  However instead of just a scene or moment in time, his paintings tell a story. He often using primates as a metaphor of the facets in human nature, he blends narrative and social critique with his brush.    A tale that is a mixture of his perspective, history, and contemporary subjects.  Pan focuses the viewer to the injustices of the world with satire and the macabre.  Reminding us that the world is not always a place of beauty, like Halloween there are fairies and fiends.

If you are interested in his work, he has a show that started October 15th on the lower East side of NYC at @hashimotocontemporary.

Your pondering for the week is from The Art of War by Sun Tzu:  “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Solar Systems Highlights

The Moon starts slowly this week in Cancer, so Monday’s vibe may make it harder to get out of bed.  But by Tuesday the Moon gives us a shot of Leo sunshine motivating us and giving opportunities to shine.  The Moon then moves into fastidious Virgo on Thursday to end your work week.  And for the weekend it moves into Libra having us focus on our relationships, beauty and harmony.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Libra (relationships), to help you smooth some of the snafus that Mars is churning up.  Venus (beauty and harmony) is also in Libra asking us to tune into our loved ones needs, work together, equity, and finding common ground.  Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), where it stays until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it also has us working on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter is in Aries; it supports action and expansion until October 28th.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your game is its intention.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Mu Pan
Mu Pan

*Magician – The Muse of Manifestation has come with her wand in hand.  Like a fairy godmother she asks what do you truly want to bring into the world?  However, she only gifts you with divine inspiration; the work is up to you.  Though be aware that you have all the tools and materials you will need to do this conjuring.


Mu Pan

*Hierophant – The Muse of Structure is advising you to tidy up your space, schedule and how you do things.   This week requires efficiency and innovation in how you work.  She advises you to look what tires and frustrates you.  Those are the first areas to streamline.  Then you can look at the broader structures and begin innovating what doesn’t support your work flow.


Mu Pan
Mu Pan

Nine of Wands – Preparation is needed in all things this week.  The Muse of Provisions has you looking into pantry/freezer and bank account to restock for rainy days.  This is a great week to plan your meals and activities and not so great for spontaneity.


Mu Pan
Mu Pan

Queen of Swords – This week focusing on the details is essential.   The Muse of Minutia advises reading the fine print, asking deeper questions, and working on smaller projects this week.  You can gain more from a fine-tuned perspective then a world-wide view.


Mu Pan

Four of Wands – The Muse of Home is here to help you focus on yours.  Take time this week to deep clean your den, buy an item to brighten your décor, or fill your frig/pantry with foodstuff that makes you fill cozy.   If your home feels good so will your heart.


Mu Pan
Mu Pan

Six of Coins – The Muse of Ripples comes to school you about daily karma.  She reminds you that small multiple kindnesses spread farther then one big wave. Take time this week to open doors, smile at strangers, and in general be more aware of acts of kindnesses.  By focusing on daily compassion not only will you find a sense of grace and peace, but you may also reap material benefits.  The challenge is seeing that the exchange is often not immediately reciprocal, but beware that reciprocation also works for negative energy.


Mu Pan

Seven of Cups – As you transition into your new year the Muse of Wishes would like a list of what you would like to happen in 2023.  The challenge is dreaming big enough to push boundaries but realistically enough to increase the probability that it will happen.  Use wish bones for material wishes, blown on dandelions for knowledge or ease of communication, whispered into flowers that you release onto moving water for matters of the heart, or burn your passion wishes so they may spread into the ether.  And be very clear what you wish for.


Mu Pan

*Fool – The Muse of Possibilities is the energy that is transitioning you from last year into your new birth year. This week is a blank slate.  So, this muse asks what are you going to write for this next chapter in your life?  What will you break free off?  What road will you take?


Mu Pan

Two of Coins – You might find yourself being a bit off balance this week.  The Muse of Equilibrium has come to help you recenter yourself.  Her advice is to take on only one or two items at a time.  This is not a week to multitask.  And on a practical side she suggests making sure you are shod appropriately.


Mu Pan
Mu Pan

Page of Wands – The Muse of Art and Inspiration is wanting you to tap into your artistic expression.  Even if you are not a fine artist there is something you do that inspires you down to your soul.  This Muse challenges you to play within that discipline this week.  You need to tap into the creation of everyday experiences of wonderment.


Mu Pan

*Moon – The Muse of the Subconscious has information for you this week.  But you will have to discover and tend to it with a delicate touch.  No thought is fleeting if it moves your heart.  This Muse would like you to follow these tendrils of emotional thoughts to their source for you will find gifts, healing, and wisdom.


Mu Pan

Seven of Wands – It will be hard to focus with all the hubbub of this week.  The challenge is that a lot of the noise is useless fodder.  The Muse of Focus advise to tune out everything and look for the brightest thought, idea or emotion and s

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 2, 2022

Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Welcome to October one of my favorite months, were I picked art that emphasizes a sense of otherness and therefore can create a feeling of eeriness.  The artist this week is Yasuo Kuniyoshi, 1889-1953.  Kuniyoshi was a painter, photographer, and printmaker. What makes his work interesting is his process of painting combining the Japanese art-think, painting from imagination and memory with ink, with a more Western style, painting from real life and using bolder colors in oil. His art is often categorized as social realism.  This is a movement that is mostly related to the time between the two World Wars in response to social and political hardships.  This movement focused in on “their subjects as heroic symbols of persistence and strength in the face of adversity.”

However, his choices of color palette, subject and technique take the viewer to a warped sense of reality and/or the vivid images of an anxiety dream. The dreams of an artist grappling with the duality of being praised for his work and being harassed for being Japanese in his daily life, for being Japanese and American. During the War he was classified as an enemy alien, his camera was taken, his bank account frozen and he needed to submit paperwork each time he traveled from NYC to his Woodstock studio.   He persevered and in 1948 he became the first living artist to have a retrospective at the Whitney Museum.  Even though he was winning awards with the likes of Hooper and O’Keeffe, his otherness and of being constantly vigilant is present in his work.  And more importantly that we don’t know his name like the former two shows how his otherness still prevails.

Your pondering for the week:  How does otherness show up in your life? How has it influenced how you see yourself or others?

Solar Systems Highlights

The Moon starts the week in Capricorn – helping us get the workweek moving.  Then on Tuesday the moon moves into Aquarius – innovate and plan for future.  On Thursday it goes into Pisces – daydreaming is the focus.  Then for the weekend we have the active energy of Aries – so movement and action are on the menu.   Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Virgo where practical communication is key.  And Mercury has left it retrograde period so we can start revving up our momentum.

Venus (beauty and harmony) has moved into Libra (relationships), so the focus is about tuning into our loved ones needs, working together, equity, and finding common ground.  Mars (action) is in Gemini, where it will stay until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7 month stay instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it also has us working on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter is in Aries; it influences action and expansion until October 28th.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your game is its focus.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,





*Hanged One – You may feel the release of the retrograde period like a rubber band stretched about to burst with all the potential energy that you have stored up.  But the Muse of Inaction is asking you to slow your role for another week.  This Muse will put blockades up if you don’t heed her warning.  So, if you find yourself in a traffic jam, turn on the radio and enjoy the wait.  If something is block, it is because you need to rethink, or the universe needs something to bake for a bit longer.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi

*Moon – This week could stir your emotions and/or your subconscious into scenarios of serene healing.  The Muse of Visions comes to help reveal aspects from the depths of the mind and history to heal.  She reminds you when encountering these ancestral entities, to do so with a light touch.  They are part of what made you into the unique person you are.  Seeing them with haze of a Vaseline lens is appropriate to see their beauty and/or to lessen the dread of their reintroduction and release.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Eight of Coins – This week you have the energy to get things done.  The Muse of Work is here to help you glide through your projects.  Her advice is to remember you have all the tools you need.  This week is more about tweaking your talents to fit the task than learning a whole new skillset.  Think mastery.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Yasuo Kuniyoshi

*Tower – This Muse of Disruption teaches us that we don’t have control over everything and that negatives are the aspects that give positives potential.  This week can bring seismic shakes or tremors from outside sources that can tumble down your best laid plans.  The key is that destruction has the potential of rebuilding better.  This Muse challenges you to see the cracks in your paradigms and shift them to safer, steadier, and more positive concepts and structures. Your motto: deconstruction before reconstruction.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Yasuo Kuniyoshi

*Empress – The Muse of Creation is walking with you this week. She wants you to experience the sensual part of life which she hopes will add fodder to your creativity.  She asks how can you express a smell through sight, touch through hearing or taste with your spirit?  This is a great time to paint with your hands or create a meal without a recipe but only through sight.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Page of Wands – Last week the Muse of Adventure was wanting you to do something out of the ordinary and explore all that the world offers.  This week the Muse of Inspiration continues this theme of discovery, but she would like you to follow the spark of awe farther down its path.  Instead of going on to the next encounter, explore this new phenomenon to its depths.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi

*Hanged One – The Muse of Suspension is your third energy to work with this year.  This Muse teaches us three things.  One, that an uncontrolled pause or halt is a time to rest and review your path. This is a time to recharge and stock up on your resources.  Two, the Universe’s timing is not in sync with yours and you will have to wait until the light turns green again.  This is not a year to push through plans but to take those pauses like a much-needed rest-stop on your life’s highway.   Lastly, you may be called to go off your life path.  She reminds you this is a choice.  And though you may have to sacrifice you will also gain unexpected gifts along the way.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi

*Lovers – The Muse of Relationships comes into play with yours.  This Muse can cause problems, but it does only to show you where to heal or rebalance emotional equity.  She reminds you true intimacy comes as often with good sex as it does with good collaboration.  You need teamwork in both instances to reap mutual benefits.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Three of Swords – This week will have its ups and downs, but the Muse of Breakthroughs is here to help.  She reminds you that we can learn as much from happiness as we can from sadness.  The former tells us what to fortify and strive for us to obtain joy again and the latter tells us what to avoid or solutions, so it won’t happen again.  Or when to just let go and heal.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Seven of Swords – The Muse of Stealth comes to help you either navigate what you need do to stand up for yourself or to walk away from a situation, that if you participated would take you out of character.  She reminds you that genuineness is needed to navigate this week.  You have nothing to hide from or for.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Four of Swords – The Muse of Rest comes when you are close to exhaustion but are not realizing it.  She would like you to unplug from technology and society at least once this week.  And then she suggests making good food and rest your highest priority.  This week you need to replenish a near empty tank.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Two of Coins – The Muse of Juggling is here this week to remind you that focus is key.  This is not a week to multi-task but to take one task at a time.  You can try to juggle two items but only if you are secure that you have the bandwidth to sustain both.