Tag Archives: the fox and the tarot

Tarotcast week of February 28, 2016


Happy Leap Year. Leap year happens every four years to recalibrate our solar calendar with the season. There is a tradition that is associated with leap day. Woman can propose to men on February 29. Legend says this tradition came from St Bridget complained to St Patrick that woman had to wait too long to for suitors to propose. So they struck the deal that woman could propose on February 29 every four years. Got to love the Irish ladies for taken control of their destiny. I loosely have my own tradition, on February 29. I think and journal about where I want to be in on the next leap year. I feel like it recalibrates my destiny. 😉

P.S. Remember signs that have * it’s a big week for you in the tarotcast.

Aries- Eight of Rods – Wow you all are moving through the rod’s suit- first Five, then Six and now Eight of Rods. So the good energy you put out the past two weeks is coming back to you. Especially look for news in email and snail mail.. The challenge is ideas, information and news will be coming at you fast this coming week just make sure you keep your goal(s) in focus.

Taurus – Queen of Cups- This week the Queen of Cups is here to remind you that all work and no play is fine if you find joy in the work. If not then it is time to step back and find what or who is sucking the joy out of your work life and do something about it. The Queen of Cup’s challenge is to find a way to do it without hurting anybody’s feelings including your own.

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Tarotcast – Happy Valentine’s Day

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Happy Valentine’s Day. The history behind this day is interesting and is still being debated. But here are some “facts” around the date and its evolution. Before the word Valentine was associated with this day, there was a Pre-Roman pastoral festival called Februa which is associated with spring cleansing rituals. Then the Romans took it over to celebrate Lupa (the wolf who suckled Romulus and Remus founders of Rome). Men dressed in goat skins would sacrifice two goats and a dog. There was feasting of course and then some run around the streets( possibly nude) whipping each other with strips of animal skins (called thongs) and some women’s hands (as always to help with pregnancy and child birth). Then of course Christianity took it over and it became a day to honor dead saints named Valentine. So the feasting, nudity, and whipping were taken away and replaced with very clothed somber praying. Then add a few more centuries, we get a legend just around one saint. Story goes, he healed a blind girl he loved and wrote the first Valentines. Finally in Chaucer’s time (1380’s), it became the more modern traditional Valentines equated with love and the giving of love letters and sweets. Boiled down it is kinda like the arc of love: starts out naked, fun, a little bit naughty and sometime ends up in pregnancy…evolves into something you work at- dutiful and sacred…then ends as something simple and sweet.

P.S. For fun added some love quotes which may correspond to your reading. Remember signs that have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries- Five of Rods – Glad to see you on the other side of that busy last week. Of course the Five of Rods is telling us that the busyness is continuing but this week you can bump heads with people. Your honest and no nonsense ways will be read as competitive and bossy. So your challenge before you start to give your honest opinion is to step back and assess the energy around the situation and person. You all are amazingly aware of situations when you put your mind to it. And if you can’t read it- best to step away. Quote: Hidden love is better than open hate- Matshona Dhilwayo

Taurus – Knight of Pentacles – I hope you all voiced what you needed last week. This week it is all about movement on the material plane. This Knight loves to help us move along our projects, find ways for us to make money, and even find us new homes. Again it a small lesson in patience like last week. The knight doesn’t exactly deliver you the money or new job in your lap this week, but he does help show you the easier roads to acquire your material needs. Quote: Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. -Franklin P, Jones
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Tarotcast week of February 7, 2016

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I like the month of February. For some reason it is a time for me where I get a little melancholy. And for me melancholy is like a warm blanket. It slows me down, helps me look around appreciate what I have. So I guess I lean towards the definition of melancholy as soberly thoughtful. When I am in this mood, I tend to gravitate to period piece films and classical art.   So just for fun I added a arty website that relates to the image of your sign. Just in case you all need a place to start your soberly thoughtful February.

P.S. New moon in Aquarius this Monday so set your intentions.   Remember signs that have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries- Seven of Pentacle – The Seven of Pentacle foretells that this week you will be tired and there is no getting around it. There is a lot to do to this week, plain and simple. So the challenge is to make sure you do something that keeps you going, for example, mine is dark chocolate. For you it could be cat nap, a cup of tea or coffee (but you can’t drink it at your desk), or a 20 minute walk outside. Just make sure you do something each day that gives a bit of joy and feels a little naughty. That energy will give you the oomph you need to make it to Friday without feeling like a wrung out dishrag. https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/opencollection/objects/4080/Ram-Headed_God/right_tab/tags/

Taurus – Seven of Swords – Last week did you find way to cajole “your lions” without the whip? This week it is a bit of the same with the Seven of Swords. So keep focusing on what you need to get done and the Seven of Swords is here to help by getting the information or help you need. The catch is that you need to ask for it and that mean saying it out loud. The challenge the big the need the longer it takes. The little things will come pretty easy like “I need a pen” that will come quickly…I need a car well that may take some time, but Seven of Swords will try it’s hardest to get you closer to the solution this week. http://www.ancient-wisdom.com/francelascaux.htm

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Tarotcast week of January 31, 2016


Winter is still here and it seems everyone in town is sick, including me.  It has always been a challenge for me to stay in bed and rest without guilt.  It didn’t help when I saw a cold medicine commercial in which a sick guy goes to work strapped to his bed.  I started to feel twinges of guilt for staying in bed.  Then I thought, what is the media feeding us?  Seriously – if you are so sick you feel like you should be in bed… be in bed.  You body is trying to tell you that you are contagious and not to be around other people. This all reminded me of the tarot card, Four of Swords. The Four of Swords card’s lesson is rest, reflection and restoration during times of stress, sickness and sorrow.  We all get sick at some point no matter how well we take care of ourselves, or how many times we wash our hands. Our challenge is to remember that rest is an essential part of life, and sometimes the best cure is to stay in bed.  P.S. Remember signs that have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Ace of Swords – This is a great week for new ideas. So spend the week reading, going on line, listen to books on tape, investigate things with your mind. There are new ideas on your horizon- go and find them.

*Taurus – Strength – This is a week to tame and direct the energy in your life.  You have all that you need to do the things that you want to.  You just need to spend some time this week finding ways to focus your energy where you want it to go.  So think of yourself as a lion tamer, and the things you need to get done as your lions.  The challenge is:  Can you find a way to cajole “your lions” without the whip?

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Tarotcast week of January 24, 2016

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The hero theme has continued in my ponderings this week. I have noticed that the theme of superheroes has escalated since 2000. Let’s just look at what’s on Hulu/Netflix TV line up right now: Flash, Green Arrow, Heroes Reborn, Stitchers, Shadow Hunters, Legends of Tomorrow, Agents Of Shield, Agent Carter, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, with nine more in the works for 2016. And then the movies: Ant-man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Fantastic Four Series, The Avengers Series, Spiderman Series, X-men Series and that’s just to name a few. A friend of mine has this fun and enlightening exercise about super heroes that I would like you all to try this week. 1) Identify at least three of your super powers. 2) Give yourself a super hero name. 3) Identify what is your kryptonite. (I recommend doing this with someone. They can help you think of things. Because sometimes we don’t see our own amazingness. Also, for fun I have listed two superheroes to give you a starting point.)
P.S. One more day left with Mercury in retrograde. Remember signs that have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Ten of Pentacles- Hope you found some solitude last week because this week is full on. This is a week to get things checked off your to do list. With the Ten of Pentacles in your court, things will get easier and easier as the week progresses. Superheroes- Wonder Woman and Superman

Taurus – Knight of Cup- The Knights means movement and Cups are emotions. So last week you had some time to use your imagination. This week experiment with and get a moving on some of those ideas…and always remember to follow your heart. Your heart will lead you down better paths this week then your head. Superheroes- Vixen and Daredevil

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Tarotcast week of January 17, 2016 – David Bowie


David Bowie died this past week and it has made me very retrospective about life, death, and time. We are only given a certain amount of time on Earth. And we are given the choice on how we spend it and who we spend it with. For a wide variety of reasons he is my idol, hero and muse, but the one that stands above the rest is his humanness. To me Bowie represented a person who really loved- living, creating, making mistakes, challenging himself and in doing so, challenges others to do more. Was he perfect -absolutely not- but he was very human. And I feel, luckily, I shared his investigation of life through his music and art. In honor of his life, I have added a David Bowie song to each sign. I hope my tarotcast enlightens you to see your own idols, heroes and muses in others and yourself.

Reminder: Mercury retrograde is still on till January 25. Mercury in retrograde is related to snafus in communication, interaction with our surroundings, mixed messages and cosmic redos.

P.S. Remember signs that have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Nine of Pentacles- This week you have every right to sneak away into your secret place and do whatever you want. I guarantee you Aries, if you do, you will grow something magical. Song: “Sound and Vision” – Low

Taurus – Seven o Cups- Imagination is the name of the game this week. It is a great time to think of new projects and experimentations. So here is a challenge for you if you are stuck. Try the Cut-Up Technique-Take any writing- an newspaper article, your journal, and/or a page from an old book- cut them up into words and/or sentences put them all in a bag. Then pull out seven pieces and try to create another piece of writing. Song: “Moonage Daydream”- The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars

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Tarotcast week of January 10, 2016

Welcome to the first Mercury in retrograde of 2016. Mercury retrograde started January 5th and goes till January 25. Mercury in retrograde is related to snafus in communication, interaction with our surroundings and mixed messages. But in some way I love Mercury in retrograde because it gives us the opportunity for a cosmic redo. For example: Terrible time to start projects- great time to revise, re-consider plans for said projects and a great time to finish up old projects. Terrible time for buying new things- great time to find things that are lost. Bad time for communicating new ideas – great time for reconnecting with people from your past. So though you are having trouble moving forward with Mercury in retrograde, it does give us a time to tie up loses ends and reconnect with our past.
.P.S. Remember signs that have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Page of Rods- So Pages are part of the Court cards in the tarot deck, which can represent actual people. The Page of Rods can mean that a youthful enthusiastic creative person will arrive in your life and you should “hang” with them. Some of their joy will rub off on you. It can also mean that this is what you should bring into to your own life. I bet, if you do become youthful enthusiastic and creative, people will want to hang with you too.

Taurus – Eight of Swords- OK, Taurus Eight of Swords is pretty straight forward. You are binding yourself with your own thoughts. The best remedy for this card is do something. Preferably something that gets you into “the flow”- you know that space where you are so in the moment that you loss time. The more you stay in the moment the less likely you will limit yourself with your own thoughts. And one other thing – they are just thoughts- not reality. And especially not the reality you would actually want to happen so don’t give them anymore energy.

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