Tag Archives: the fox and the tarot

Tarotcast for week of April 24, 2016


We lost another cultural icon last week, Prince. Prince’s biggest influence for me was his fashion statements and acts of mischief. My absolute favorite song of his is Let’s go Crazy. I love the lyrics “Dearly beloved….to get through this thing called life…Hang tough children…Take me away.” He takes me to church and the dance floor each time I hear it. To me he is The Devil card incarnate. The Devil card, as I see it, is not the scary devil of Christianity but the trickster of more ancient religions, Kokopelli -American Indian, Dionysus and the satyrs- Greek, Lugh- Irish. Tricksters are lovers of music, nature, frenzy/ecstasy, satire, mischief and sex. I think that Prince embodied all those energies.

Prince was known for his androgynous sexuality much like Dionysus. Dionysus was the god of religious ecstasy and theater which Prince proved he could conjure this energy up at his concerts. You can see how Prince’s performance at the Super Bowl was a religious experience. At that performance it was like he called the storm to build and climax with his guitar riffs. The Devil Card’s lesson is to attack our bedevilments with tenacity or humor and to break the chains that limit us. Prince embodied these attributes with writing Slave on he’s cheek, changing his name, and with many of his lyrics ie: Little Red Corvette, just to name a few. Prince was a breaker of rules and limitations- from fashion, gender, sex, race, music, and record companies and his titillating presence will be missed.

P.S. Just a nod to Prince -as a fellow Gemini he got the Judgment card – the Phoenix rises. I have attached songs written by Prince for other artists that may relate to your reading. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Six of Swords – The Six of Swords simply challenges you to continue moving forward. This is a card of transition with ease. Any trials you feel are not your own. There is only possibilities ahead for you.   Do not be burden by things outside yourself. How Come You Don’t Call Me Anymore for Alicia Keyes

Taurus – Two of Rods – This is a great card for the beginning of your birthday month. The Two of Rods is challenging you to imagine your best future and then be mindful and enjoy the small moments for they make up the journey. Also, this week there will be messages for you along roads and sidewalks. Stand Back for Stevie Nicks
Continue reading Tarotcast for week of April 24, 2016

Tarotcast week of April 17, 2016


The Library of Congress National Jukebox is a treasury that I would like to share with you all. These pre-1925 acoustic sound recordings are a free resource. Most of them are owned by Sony Music Entertainment and the Library of Congress has a gratis license to stream them. On the website you can create and share your own playlists. Not only is there music, but there are comedy acts, yodeling and the spoken word.

Here is the coolest part– to make these recordings, “instrumentalists, singers, and speakers performed in front of a flared metal horn which gathered and funneled sound waves toward a thin diaphragm at the small end of the horn. The energy of the sound waves caused the diaphragm to vibrate. The vibrating diaphragm caused an attached stylus to etch the sound waves onto a blank wax rotating cylinder or disc. The artist manipulated the voice and stance before the horn, moving away from the horn for louder and higher notes to prevent distortion, and moving toward the horn to prevent under-recording soft sounds.” They changed the horn length, diaphragm thickness, or the hardness of the wax to manipulate the recording even more. Since this process could capture only a limited range of audio frequencies–approximately 100 to 2500 Hz–the banjo, xylophone, trumpet, trombone, tenor, and baritone voices were the easiest to reproduce and became the predominant sound of the roaring twenties music.

P.S. I have attached some recordings to your signs which may or may not relate to your tarotcast, but they are fun. Thanks for all the feedback last week. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Seven of Wands – The Seven of Wands’ challenge is to keep focus on what is important in your life. This week you will be distracted by your environment and other people’s agendas. To combat this, you will need to choose wisely what you intend to focus on. Make sure when you choose what to do that it fits either with your integrity and/or your goals. http://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/10038

Taurus – Queen of Cups – The Lady of the Cups is here to help you use your imagination and joyfulness to put some fun into the next seven days. As in all court cards, she asks that you look at the people that surround you and invite the ones who bring love and joy into your life. Also, if you can go to some body of water this week, you will find some information waiting there for you. http://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/10087
Continue reading Tarotcast week of April 17, 2016

Tarotcast Week of April 10, 2016

jen bunnies 010

Hi all,

I have been doing this tarotcast for six months and I am wondering what you all think. This was my trial period and I have decided to continue because enough of you have given me positive feedback therefore this experiment seems meaningful. However, I want to hone my craft more and more and your feedback would be helpful. I have found that the astrologers’ weekly forecast vary for signs. For instance Rob Brezny, who writes for the SF Guardian and a bunch of others zines, is a Cancer, and sometimes he seems to miss the mark for his fellow Cancerians. Or I read an astrology forecast from New Zealand which reads spot on for me when I read both Cancer and Virgo (my ascendant). I would say that 70-90% of the time I’m feeling spot on – feeling the vibe of a sign. Because we are human, I don’t think I can hit a homerun every single time. This is a process and I want to keep improving. So if you all think “She is missing the mark for my sign almost every week” or “I don’t really get what she is saying” or “She is not explaining enough”, I would love to hear about it. Also, I would like to thank Elise, my Mom, Bobby Ruth, N & S, Anna and Amber for being my editors elves thus far.

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you: however, this week nobody got a Higher Arcane card. Ah…..everyone gets a breather. No big stuff – just the details.

Aries – Ten of Cups – Another great card for your birth month. With the last couple of weeks of planning and pondering the future, the Ten of Cups is here to remind you all work and no play makes Jill/Jack a dull person. The Ten of Cups challenges you this week to have a f ‘n good time. Find ways to enjoy your life. You deserve it!

Taurus – Page of Swords – You have some information that you need to dig for this week. Don’t take anything at face value. There is more behind the scenes that you will have to know before moving forward.
Continue reading Tarotcast Week of April 10, 2016

Tarotcast Week of April 3, 2016


Happy Birthday Month Aries!

Fiction – Aries’ ram is associated with the Greek myth of the golden fleece. King Artharnas who married the cloud nymph, Nephele, had two children, Phrixus and Helle. He divorced her to marry Ino Queen of Thebes. Ino not liking her step children plotted to kill them. She devised a plot. First, she roasted the wheat seeds so they wouldn’t grow. And then bribe the messengers of the Oracle to lie and tell Arthanas that he had to sacrifice his son, Phrixus, on mountain to make the crops fertile again. To save her children Nephele sent down a golden ram with wings to take her children to safety in Colchis. After his sister falls off the ram into the sea, Phrixus reaches Colchis and sacrifices the ram to Zeus. He then gives the fleece to King Aeetes (the Jason and Argonauts myth continues on with the fleece). To honor the ram heroics, Nephele placed the image of it among the stars. This all sounds very similar to the Bible and Quran story of Abraham having to sacrifice one of his sons on a mountain top and an Angel comes down and provides him a ram to substitute for the sacrifice. Who plagiarized who is still in debate.

Fact- Since the time of the Babylonians, The Ram in the sky has been identified as the beginning of the Vernal Equinox. However, because of the axial precession (the wobble of the earth axis around it’s poles) the tail-end of Pisces’ constellation now shows up on the Vernal Equinox and in the year of 2600 Aquarius constellation will lead us into spring. It will take approximately 20,000 more years (it takes 26,000 for full cycle) for Aries to lead us into spring again, but the ram will always symbolize the coming of spring and the beginning of the astrological cycle.

P.S. Remember signs that have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Ace of Swords – Ace of Swords is perfect card for your birth month. Last week you were slowly and methodically – experimenting, balancing and weighing out new things to fit into your new life. Now after your experimentation you have some new ideas. The Ace of Swords is challenging you this week to spend time thinking, analyzing and/or strategizing around these new ideas to proceed into your new future.

Taurus – Queen of Cups – Another week of balancing work and play into your life. The Queen of Cups is challenge you this week to find the joy in your life. And since this is a court card look to the people you have around you for inspiration. Each one of them has a little present of happiness to give you, so open your heart and receive the bounty.
Continue reading Tarotcast Week of April 3, 2016

Tarotcast March 27, 2016


March is Women’s History Month. If you all recollect my thoughts from Black History Month -highlighting a group of people for a month makes me distressed, because I think we learn more from history as a whole then in its parts – kinda a segregation of history. And here is the hard truth – Racism and Sexism still exist, and having a month singling out a group is not a cure. We need equal rights, and I believe we have hit a plateau in our human rights it’s still short of actual equality. This is a complex but changeable situation. So I am just going to throw out some facts for you all to mull over.

Two of the great equalizers are money and power. But here is the rub. The Gender Pay Gap has stalled out around 75-79% for the past 10 years.   Women are still making 79% of what a man makes. And, if you are a black women it is 74% compared to a white male. And the crazy thing is, the more educated you get the wider the gap between men and women. So those student loans we all have – men can pay it off faster by like 7 years. Oh, and let’s talk about age and income. For women, ages of 35-44, have topped out on what they can earn. Males continue to get pay increases straight through to their 60’s. This of course is linked to the statistics that women are more likely to divert their career path to a more flexible job at lower pay because they are the primary caregiver in their house, that men don’t typical get paid maternity leave and if they do it’s short term, and that the disparity is hidden in sign on bonus, annual bonuses, stock plans, and other benefits.

This disparity continues around women in power positions with elected heads of state worldwide (see map above), women holding CEO positions (4.0% in S&P 500 companies), and in our government (20 female senators out of 100, 84 women out of 435 or 19.3% in The House of Representatives). “Yippers people, in America we move at a snail’s pace when it comes to equality. In 1971 Switzerland final legalized women’s voting rights and they elected a woman president 27 years later. We are closing on 100 years after the women’s right to vote and have had only one woman make it to Speaker of the House and never in the senate as a majority or minority leaders or the president.

Now I am not advocating for you all to vote for Hilary- do what you want with that. We need to be more grassroots about this. What I am saying is, if you are a woman, advocate for yourself at your work and your home. And if you are a man advocate for your wife, daughter, sister, or mother. So until we are at that point in our history where we can look forward in equality and backward at the whole picture, I will honor the ladies in March.

References: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/07/30/about-one-in-ten-of-todays-world-leaders-are-women/ ; http://www.aauw.org/research/the-simple-truth-about-the-gender-pay-gap/

P.S. I have tacked on some cool ladies to your sign. Remember signs that have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Two of Pentacles – Whew, you are done with Rods – good work! Now on to Two of Pentacles, this week it’s all about balance. That new idea you been brewing for the past six weeks, it’s time to work on making it happen. The challenge from the Two of Pentacles is to do it slowly and methodically – experimenting, balancing and weighing out how this will work in your new schema. http://www.pbs.org/jazz/biography/artist_id_williams_mary_lou.htm Mary Lou Williams – Jazz Composer

Taurus – Ten of Pentacles – I hope you all took the time to relax and mend last week, because the Ten of Pentacles is here to get you back into the game. You will have a full plate this week and almost everything you do will come with ease. However, the challenge with the Ten of Pentacles, especially for Taurus, is when your plate is full on the pentacle(material) plain you all forget that the mind and spirit is what got you there. You all know but if you say “Oh I’m busy doing this cool thing so I’ll put off meditating/exercising/alone time just for today”. Please do it. The things you are putting off might be the things that are keeping you balanced.    http://www.amazingwomeninhistory.com/madam-c-j-walker-self-made-millionaire/ Madame CJ Walker – first woman millionaire
Continue reading Tarotcast March 27, 2016

Tarotcast Week of March 20, 2016

dr. seus

Happy Vernal Equinox. Even though we are now into Aries, I would still like to ponder my favorite paradoxical Piscean author – Theodor Seuss (pronounced Zoice) Geisel or Dr. Seuss. Every year I find more ways that Dr. Seuss’s world has incorporated itself into my aesthetic and my psyche. The book One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish was the first book I remember reading all the way through by myself. And then there is the classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas which I have watched ever Christmas since I was three. And then my absolute favorite cartoon The Lorax which I honestly think shaped my nine year old mind into the environmental activist of today. I think he influenced my moral compass more than any other person other than my parents.

However, he was a man of paradoxes. His pseudonym was created because he got kicked off the college newspaper for drinking gin in the dorms. His first wife committed suicide after a long illness and his affair with a friend. He was an avid supporter of Japanese Americans’ internment and won an Academy Award for Design for Death, a documentary about Japanese culture and the war, later creating Horton Hear a Who as an allegory to American post war occupation of Japan and dedicated it to a Japanese friend. He painted imaginary beasts beloved by children and a myopic naked lady riding a cat.

The interesting thing for me and the Dr. is that, though the illustrations were funny, the words rhymed and it ended happily, there was always a sense melancholy, sadness, and outsiderness that I totally related to as a kid and as adult. Dr. Seussville oddly makes sense to me. It is a place where innocence and morality gets tested by the world. A place where two kids are left alone in house and an intruder turns their world upside down, a shyster makes a profit in a world of prejudice Sneetches, and Horton is tied up for trying to save some Whos – but then in the end, the house gets clean, the bigots become friends, the Whos get heard and the elephant is vindicated. You all might be saying that’s similar to many children’s stories like Tom Thumb, Snow White or Thumbilina but here is the Seuss twist – in many cases the villain becomes the hero. The Grinch steals and brings back Christmas, the Cat brings chaos then order back to a home, the Once-ler destroys an entire ecosystem but also holds the seed to bring it back. That is what endears him to me as an adult these “children’s” stories tell a deeper message that redemption is possible even for the bad guy.

P.S. I have tacked on a Dr. Seuss tale that relates somewhat to your tarotcast. Remember signs that have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Ten of Rods – Wow, seriously this is amazing, you all are still moving through the Rods’ suit first Five, then Six, Eight Ten, Seven and now the Ten of Rods again. I want to tell you the probability of getting any suit is 1out of 5 chances and then to get Rods six weeks in a row is 1 out of 15,625 chances, so something is up with you all and the rods’ mission in your world. Therefore, I am going to repeat and bold the following: The Rods suit’s mission is to hone your abilities to see and gather information that will expand your creativity and spirit. The Ten of Rods specifically is telling you to look at where you are holding back, editing, or not fully express your energy, creativity and/or who you really are. Dr. Seuss book: The King’s Stilts

Taurus – Six of Swords – Last week the Ten of Swords challenged you to decide what you were going to carry into your future – your joy or your pain. It seems with the Six of Swords that you have figured out what you are willing to carry forward. You all realized that some of the pain still needs to be carried on but you have let go of a big chunk of it. So in comes the Six of Swords saying when you do “big heart” work you need to take some time to heal. The Six of Swords is saying be in your new cleaner heart and let things mend. Dr. Seuss book: The Seven Lady Godivas
Continue reading Tarotcast Week of March 20, 2016

Tarotcast Week of March 13, 2016


I wanted to write about fish this week to honor Piscean’s birthday month, and I was having a hard time because of all the cool factoids about fish. Then, I realized that Pisces are one of the mutable signs, which means they are able to shift into many forms. So it made sense I couldn’t pin anything down with the fishy folk. However I prevailed and finally honed down my musings to one tributary full of carp.

First let’s dip into the mythology of carp. The Chinese myth and it’s symbolic meaning starts in the Yellow River where a giant school of carp are swimming upstream. They come to a waterfall called the Dragon’s Gate and some turn away. The rest try to jump up the waterfall. Local demons attracted to the sounds began to mock the carp and increase the height of the waterfall with each attempted jump. The carp continue their efforts for 100 years until finally one carp reaches the summit. The Gods honor its determination by turning it into a golden dragon the image of power and strength.

Now to dip into carp facts. Carp is a native of Europe and Asia. Since at least 2000BC, the Chinese have been raising carp in rice paddies creating a balanced ecosystem. According to a 1986 study, this form of aquaculture is so beneficial that it reduces fertilizer and pesticide use to zero, increase rice produce by 5%, and adds a free protein food source and/or commerce to the farmer. (This system can be set up with a variety of fish like tilapia and catfish. Why this isn’t common practice now I do not know.) In China, keeping naturally mutated carp in ornamental ponds became popular when supposedly Confucius got one as a wedding gift. The Japanese started breeding these naturally mutated carp around 1820 CE into the many variations of koi we see today. In North America, Carp and Goldfish, a subspecies of Asian carp, is now listed as an invasive species because it threatens local fish by competing for resources and interestingly messes up the ecosystems of our native wild rice. So please don’t release your fish out in the wild- that includes flushing them.

You might ask what does that have to do with mutable Pisces- well Pisces when taken out of their natural setting they can be a pain in the butt.  However, more than any other sign they can be the most amazing, determined, evolved people in the world as long as you keep them in their native environment. So please take care with the Pisceans in your life and don’t flush them either.

P.S. Remember signs that have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Seven of Rods – Wow, seriously this is amazing, you all are still moving through the Rod’s suit – first Five, then Six, Eight Ten and now the Seven of Rods. The energy and information is still coming at you. Ok so let’s dive a bit deeper into the Rods’ mission. This suit is all about energy, creativity, expansion, intuition, spirituality, and growth. The suit’s mission is to hone your abilities to see and gather energy and information that will expand your creativity and spirit. During these past five weeks the universe and you have been conspiring to make yourself and your desires grow. Keep up the good work. You are firing yourself up for a big transformation.
Continue reading Tarotcast Week of March 13, 2016