Tag Archives: the fox and the tarot

Tarotcast for the week of Nov. 20, 2016


Well Scorpios, your birthday month is coming to a close. I would like to talk about your most known symbol (you have three: scorpion, eagle and phoenix). We know that scorpions fluoresce in the moonlight. Scientists have found that this blue-green glow comes from a substance in the thin coating of the scorpion’s exoskeleton. When scorpions molt, they loses their glow until the new hyaline layer hardens. Why a scorpion glows is still up for debate. The theories out there are: protection from sunlight, seeking out a mate or it might confuse prey. To humans and predators it is a warning to stay away.

This month Scorpion energies, just like the scorpion, illuminated the shadows of hurt and division that exist in the U.S. We cannot heal what we do not know is broken. We cannot see potential danger unless it’s lit. The shadow work we do in the Scorpio month is essential to see the reality of what is, so we can transform it into what we want it to be.

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you. I have added some other pictures of animals that illuminate the dark.

BioLum Algae

Aries – Ten of Cups – Ten of Cups is the card of joy and festivity. This week create some lovely moments in your life and in the midst of a moment stop and really soak it in. Bask in each of your senses. This can look like Thanksgiving dinner – that perfect point when all is on the table, you have eaten about half your meal, and you relax into the communal chatter. Or for those who don’t celebrate T-day, take a break with a friend and chat over a nice cup of tea or a pint. This week, partake in the joys of being with others.

Angler fish

*Taurus – The Chariot – You will have to keep your work boots on for another week. However, The Chariot is about balancing work and whatever else motivates you for example family, friends, art, or food.   You will need to balance out the “shit that’s got to get done” and “cool I have time to enjoy this process.”   Use last week as a gauge of a “hard work” week. Then spend half the time this week doing the hard work and the other half doing the “I can’t believe I get do this” stuff. This week is about noticing and then balancing the gain with the pain.
Continue reading Tarotcast for the week of Nov. 20, 2016

Tarotcast for week of Nov. 13, 2016

Safety-pin Drawing by Josee Fonseca

A movement started in the UK when Brexit happened. People started to wear safety-pins to show their solidarity with refuges and immigrants.   The safety-pin is joining us here across the big pond.  People in the United States are starting to wear them to show their solidarity with minorities and to stand up for human rights.  Wearing a safety-pin is a pledge that we, as humans and no matter what our political affiliation, will not allow people to be verbally or physically abused.  That we will not allow bigotry, sexism, genderism, or racism rise up in our country. We will literally stand next to anyone to make sure they are not harmed.

And I want to add.  There is a lot of hate and anger right now in America. We have been dealing with racism and xenophobia since the birth of this nation.   This is not something new but we are at another tipping point. I know there are Republicans who do not want to see people hurt. This is not a political statement it’s a humanitarian statement.

No matter your sex, gender identification, skin color, or where you were born, we will not let you stand alone!

Things you can do:

  • Wear a safety-pin and carry extras so you can give one out to people who ask you about it.
  • Literally stand by any person being violated. How to help someone being verbally insulted
  • Change your avatar to a safety-pin.
  • Take selfies of yourself and your pin and post on social media.
  • Document injustice when you see it – use your camera and social media to get the word out.
  • Some of my artist friends have created images you can download from my website for free to spread the word. You can download a stencil to create t-shirts or be creative. You can download the smaller safety-pin to make stickers.  resources/safety-pin/
  • Spread the word.  There is safety in numbers.

Articles about this movement:

huffingtonpost safety-pin article

good.is article safety-pin-America

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Knight of Wands – The Knight of Wands’ lessons are around how you use your energy to create. Spend the first half of the week being aware of where and what your energy is spent on. If all is well, keep it up, and if not realign, adjust, and refocus. You have 7 more weeks this year to get on track and ready for what is ahead.

Taurus – Seven of Pentacles – The Seven of Pentacles is telling you to get on your mucking boots and get to work. You have some things to do before this year ends. Stay focus on the tasks at hand. The future arrives everyday without your energy worrying if it will.
Continue reading Tarotcast for week of Nov. 13, 2016

Tarotcast for Week of Nov. 6, 2016


I was going to write about democracy, but I decided what we all really needed is something to make us smile. (I do take this whole political thing seriously but damn I needed a break.) So here are some pictures of PUPPIES!!!!

Crazy fact – it only takes about three months to gestate these bundles of joy, and for cats it takes about a week longer.

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

38f566e406947a686b92bc924ffdb223Aries – Four of Pentacles – The Four of Pentacles’ lesson is letting go of trying to control everything in your life.   It is time to manage and be aware of your available energy and resources, but not hold them too stringently. It is possible this week that you could squeeze the life out of your projects. Your challenge is to figure if you need to ask for help or just let go a little and see how things work out naturally.

17-puppies-who-are-so-cute-they-will-make-you-mad-2-30501-1424359138-6_dblbigTaurus – Ten of Cups – Last week, The Star challenged you to walk forward into your Future with more energy and a new sense of hope. The Ten of Cups continues the theme this week. This card’s challenge is making sure you are creating a happy environment for yourself. For example, if your home is feeling uncomfortable, do you need to do some house cleaning, or do you need to lower your expectations of cleanliness just a tad? “Happily ever after” is not obtainable, but contentment, 75% of the time, is within your reach.
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of Nov. 6, 2016

Tarotcast for week of October, 30 2016



Halloween’s origin  is based from the Celtic festival of Samhain. Samhain marks the end of harvest and the beginning of winter. The Celts believe that Samhain is a time when the boundaries between worlds can be crossed. A time when the Aos Si (fairies) and the dead can come to visit our world. The spirits are offered food and drink to honor them and hopefully in return they will help people get through the winter. So the Celts, especially their children, would disguise themselves to mix in with the fairy folk that roamed the earth during this day long festival.

This tradition is very useful for all of us, not only to honor the dead and nature spirits, but to investigate ourselves. The aspects that we don’t let society see or that we wished that we could try on just for a night. So I have added some ideas/personas for you to try out on Halloween based on your tarot card. Even if you don’t get dressed up, pretend to be that person for just an hour and see how that character could expand your own.

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Five of Pentacles – This week the Five of Pentacles’ challenge to you is to understand how to deal with limited resources.   Remember that resources and time ebb and flow like the tide. So, how do spend your time or resources when you find you don’t have a lot of either? Halloween Costume/Past Life- zombie or Hobo

*Taurus – Star – Hopefully, last week you made sure you are still on your desired path . If you are, then you just needed to check your supplies. If your path has changed, then you needed to ask – Am I going in a new direction, is this a detour, or am I lost? And if you didn’t do  last week’s check in, spend the first half of the week catching up. Because the Star is challenge you to now walk forward into your future with more energy and a new sense of hope. Halloween Costume/Past Life- Astronomer or Alien
Continue reading Tarotcast for week of October, 30 2016

Tarotcast week Of October 23, 2016




Happy Birthday Month Scorpios.

It is Sylvia Plath’s birthday this week, October 27.   She was part of the confessional poetry genre of the 1940-1960s. Also, she is a good representation of what Scorpios can be. Scorpios, in general, are very passionate people who push the boundaries of themselves and conventions of society. In their evolution, they help us to evolve. So to honor all Scorpios and Ms. Plath I am going to challenge you to stretch your comfort zone with an exercise.

A friend of mine is a brilliant and imaginative person, poet and teacher of poetry at university. (If you want to look her up- Marci Nelligan – Infinite Variations.) She gave out a fun, intriguing, and enlightening assignment in her poetry class. She sent her students a series of emojis to translate into their own poems. So in honor of Sylvia Plath and fun loving – boundary pushing Scorpios, I am challenge you to write your own poem from the emojis above. There are of course no rules – though everyone should have a “safe word” ;).

P.S. S. I have added some of Sylvia Plath’s poetry for each sign. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Eight of Wands – This is the second wand card in a row. So, let’s just step back and talk about wands as a suit. Wands are cards of spiritual growth. Last week, your growth was learning where the birthplace of chaos lies in your life. If you did your soul-work, you have gained the skill of untangling this chaos. This week will bring another onslaught of information but now you have the skill to discern what information is actually yours. Your challenge will now be prioritizing what to do with all this information. This can literally and metaphorically mean, it’s a great week to clean out and organize your inbox.  Purdah

Taurus – Two of Wands – Last week, your goal was to enjoy being in your skin. Now the Two of Wands has shown up at the beginning of the second half of your birth year. Yep, it has been six months for you all, and the Two of Wands is asking you – Are you where you want to be and doing what you wanted to do this year? Spend this week reflecting and evaluating your life and work. This is a week to make sure you are still on your desired path . If you are, then you just need to check your supplies. If it has changed, then you need to ask – Am I going in a new direction, is this a detour, or am I lost? Blackberrying
Continue reading Tarotcast week Of October 23, 2016

Tarotcast week of October 16, 2016


One of my top ten exhibits at a museum, aquarium, or zoo is the jellyfish exhibit at Monterey Bay Aquarium. If you can’t go, they have live web-cams of the jellies.  Jellyfish are carnivorous Medusa forms making up the major part of the phylum Cnidaria. Jellies pulsate their bell shape to move around and use their stinging tentacles to capture prey. Their body diameter ranges from one millimeter to 2 meters (6.6ft) not including tentacles. The longest jelly is the Lion’s Mane with tentacle length that can get to 120ft. The heaviest is Nomura’s jelly. It can weigh up to 400 lbs.

Jellyfish are found in every ocean from the top to the bottom. They have traversed the seas for at least 500-700 million years making them the oldest multi-organ animal. Jellies are a huge part of the oceans food chain from the variety of animals that eat them and scavenge their carcasses on the “deep ocean” floor. They also are a primary food source for 3 species of turtles.

This is one of the problems with plastic bags. The majority of plastic bags are petroleum based and do not biodegrade and many end up in the world’s oceans. Leatherback turtles, who feed mostly on jellies, think plastic bags are their prey. When they ingest them, the bags cause blockage in their digestive system and eventual death. According to the US EPA, Americans use more than 380 billion plastic bags each year. That’s 38 percent of the worldwide number, one trillion, produced. It takes 32 million barrels of oil to produce this many bags each year. And scientist are starting to find plastic in the fish we eat. So when you are given the choice of paper or plastic, spend the money and buy one of the reusable bags that are at every store. It saves trees, oil, the turtles and possible us.

P.S. For all you email subscribers who click to my site, there will be a little something extra in your email box in this week. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.


Aries – Five of Wands – Last week I hope you had time to “lighten your load,” because chaos returns this week. In the Dali deck, butterflies symbolize illusion. And the Five of Wands has butterflies all over it. Five of Wands means that the chaos you feel is not real or not yours; therefore, you have the power to release disorder from your life this week. When you start to feel chaotic, your challenge is look for the source of that feeling. Ask questions like: Is it someone else’s chaos that you are allowing in? Is the chaos not really that big of a thing, but you are tired and can’t handle it right now? Are you feeling guilt for not wanting to do it? Once you find the source you can detangle yourself from there.

11419001_948642098491205_1357088590_n*Taurus – The Fool – Last week you got the Eight of Pentacles telling you to “get into the zone” because that is the birth place of your epiphanies. The Fool is the big brother to last week’s card. The Fool’s lesson is about being in the moment with ease. And for earthy Taurus, this is best done while “doing.” This week your challenge is to practice your mindfulness in your daily life and to loosen up. For your mindfulness exercise it can be as simple as mindfully rake up leaves, washing dishes or cutting your vegetables for diner. For exercises in loosening up, you can do silly walks in your hallway, make funny faces at yourself in the mirror, or wiggle your body for 30 seconds while saying “milk” over and over. Your goal is to find yourself becoming aware and enjoy being in your skin.
Continue reading Tarotcast week of October 16, 2016

Tarotcast for week of October 9, 2016


Above is an image from the series Tema e Variazioni by Piero Fornasetti (10 November 1913 – 9 October 1988). He created over 500 items using just the face of Lina Cavalieri.  She was an operatic soprano in the late 1800s. Piero found her image in a magazine to use in his art. When he was asked why he made so many art pieces of her, he replied, “I don’t know. I began to make them and never stopped.”

I think that I have a similar study of my cat. After cleaning up my hard drive last week – cleaning out duplicate and blurry photos – I found I have 98 distinct pictures of my cat. They vary only in my cat lying down, sitting by the window, or curled up in a chair to the left or to the right. So why keep them? Well, each picture was slightly different in the way his head was turned or how his paw was just so over his face. I love my cat and each picture represented a bit of what he is as a whole being.

I believe that this is a lesson in the many faces of existence. Maybe we all need to turn a more discerning and inquisitive eye when someone whips out 20 photos of their pet or child. Instead of seeing these photos as boring or obsessive, to see these images as an expression of the many facets of life and love that one person sees in another being.

P.S. For all you email subscribers who click to my site, there will be a little something extra in your email box in a couple of weeks. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

plate-tema-e-variazioni-082Aries – Eight of Cups – This week the Eight of Cups’ lesson is about lightening your load. This is a great week to clean your closet, do paperwork, clean off that desk, and clean out your email boxes. Or, if you want to do some heavy lifting, re-evaluate the emotional baggage you are carrying. The Eight of Cups asks: Do you really want to carry around and keep opening the “junk or hate mail”?

fornasetti_piatto_bigTaurus – Eight of Pentacles – The Eight of Pentacles continues the message of work and contemplation for this week. So you can still ponder where or what do you want to be/do by 2018. But here is the twist – to this reflection in the most beneficial way – you need to get some alone time and keep your hands busy. It’s that “getting into the zone” that really is the birth place of your epiphanies.
Continue reading Tarotcast for week of October 9, 2016