Tag Archives: the fox and the tarot

Tarotcast for Week of March 18, 2018

Amanda Parer

Happy Spring Equinox

The art installation Intrude Bunnies by Amanda Parer is traveling all over the word inspiring spaces, thoughts and people. Amanda’s aspiration is “to raise questions about the nature of the world and our role in it.”  I find it so interesting when we play with scale how that enlightens us in such a unique way.  What is the sense in our evolutionary make-up when we feel physically smaller that the two emotions that come up are awe and/or fright?

This month Intrude Bunnies were part of the healing process of Parkland, Florida’s school shooting where they team up with STEM bunnies.  STEM bunnies is a non-for-profit started by Calb, a 13-year-old who takes real rabbits to negatively affected children to provide comfort and play.  Yes to bunnies, art and inspiring teens!

PS.  Below are more of Amanda’s creations. Remember you can now reach me for quick questions on the Instantgo app.

Aries – Four of Cups

Amanda ParerThe Four of Cups wants you to center your emotions without diving too deep.  The challenge is gaining enough space from your emotions to contemplate your high and lows.  If you find yourself uselessly ruminating, then look up, get outside and experience the positive in your life.

Taurus – King of Wands

Amanda Parer

The King of Wands shows up when you need to make life more Zen.  Your challenge week is to create without force but with The Force.  Tune into the flow.
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Tarotcast for Week of March 4, 2018

John Bauer: Prinsessan och trollen.

John Bauer is an artist known for his illustrations for Among Gnomes and Trolls first published 1907.  He had a unique process when painting.  He would start with a small sketch about the size of a stamp with the basic shapes of the image.  Then he would slightly scale it up adding more detail. He would do this many times until he reached the size of a square piece of paper between 20-25 centimeters (8-9 inches).

Gnomes and trolls are associated with the earth but come from different origins.  Troll mythology comes from ancient Norse and Scandinavian oral history.  They said to be beings that are human-like, usually associated with nature or areas of landscape, and are not typically helpful to humans.  Gnomes, on the other hand, didn’t show up until the 16th century in writings by Paraceisus who classified them as earth elements.  He describes them as two spans high, living underground and not liking human interaction.

Paracelsus was a physician, alchemist and astrologer.  He is considered the “father of toxicology” and promoted chemistry as one of the corner stones in medicine.  Interestingly, he had a lot in common with gnomes and trolls.  He worked with minerals, was small in stature, and did not suffer fools gladly.

PS.  Don’t forget your Astrological Tarot Reading for this year.

Aries – King of Cups

The love continues this week with the King of Cups.  This King reminds you that your emotions are one of  big principles of human life.  Your challenge this week is to be in your emotions.  The more you deal with your emotions now, the less you will see them as a burdens in the future.

*Taurus – Hanged Man

Last week, the Chariot arrived the second time this year, challenging you to  deal with balance issues while making a change in your life.  This week is still big work, but where last week was about movement, this week is about stillness.  The Hanged Man is time to sit in the sacred and reflect.  This can be as simple as sitting on your porch and just reflecting on day, or as complex as mediating on big questions like Who am I, What is my purpose, and/or Why am I here?
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Tarotcast for Week of Feb. 25, 2018

image from The Hairpin

Joan Murrel Owens embodies the words of resilience and persistence.  At an early age she loved the ocean, but had four barriers to her dream of being a marine biologist.   She was a woman, black, had sickle-cell and was growing up in segregated Miami, Florida in the 1940s.   She studied hard and got partial scholarships  at Fisk University, but in landlocked Tennessee where there were no marine biology programs.   So she gained a degree in Art minoring in psychology.  However, science persisted to call her, and she continued her studies in psychology receiving a Master’s degree in guidance counseling with an emphasis on reading therapy.  For the next thirteen years she taught and designed programs for teaching English to educationally disadvantage students.

At 37, she heard the call of the ocean again.  Her barrier once more was no marine science program at George Washington University, so she majored in Geology with a minor in Zoology.  After graduating with her third degree, she is continued on to her doctorate.  This time her sickle-cell was the barrier, for she could not dive in the ocean.  Undeterred,  she did her graduate study in the labs of the Smithsonian working with coral specimens.   At 51, she earned her Doctorate in Marine Biology by studying the deep-sea species of button coral from an 1880’s science expedition.  Two years later she discovered 2 new species of button coral,  and at 61 she found discovered another  – never diving into the ocean.

P.S.  Look for me on Instagram @thefoxandthetarot.

Aries – Page of Cups

The love continues this week with the Page of Cups.  This Page wants you to practice looking through rose-colored glass.  This card’s challenge is to see instead of an experiment in naiveté,  you actually perceive with a cleaner perspective.


*Taurus – Chariot

Wow the Chariot again, guess you all are dealing with balance issues while making a change in your life.  The Chariot at its best is movement in equilibrium.  You must also remember that the Chariot is change that you have total control over. You create the pace.   Your challenge is to check and make sure you have all you need while embarking on this time of change.  The question is what you choose to carry?  In its simplest form this can be traveling light but with all you need.  Remember, no need to carry something that you can get along the way.
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of Feb. 25, 2018

Tarotcast for Week of Feb. 18, 2018

Dean Mitchell is a painter that uses many mediums equally well, but his watercolors are especially evocative.  We normal associate watercolor painting with portraits, landscapes, or cityscapes in the rain.  Dean Mitchell does those classic scenes but he also has an eye for portraying the desolate lots of urban living. The images he paints have a sense of scarcity, much like the water he uses.

Even though since 2000 in the US we have steadily declined our water use, water is still scarce in certain parts of the US and the World.  We get the majority of our water from surface water sources, and that water can be easily contaminated.   Since 1990, 2.6 billion people have gained access to an “improved” drinking water sources, one that is designed to protect against contamination. But by data taken in 2015, 663 million people – one in 10 – still drank water from contaminated sources. Huge inequalities persist between and within countries: 8 in 10 live in rural areas, and there are large gaps between the richest and the poorest.  In 41 countries, a fifth of people drink water from a source that is not protected from contamination.

Ways to help – there are many but here are three.

  • lifestraws.  These are cool.  This is a personal filtration system that can last for about a year at full use.  It doesn’t filter viruses or some chemical containment but it gets most.  This is great idea for schools to sponsor get a pile of these and send to a school in the sub-Saharan or any place in need of clean water like areas recently struck by hurricanes.  This organization also work within a community to make their water supply sustainability better.
  • The Water Project worldwide organization which also sets up reliable water sources.
  • Call your federal and state representatives and governor and get on them to spend your tax dollars to upgrade the infrastructure of your state’s water supply. Depending on what chemical you are looking for every state has an issue.
Aries – Ace of Cups

Dean MitchellThe Ace of Cups is all about cleaning off your emotional slate and creating something new.  For you single people out there ask someone out on a date.  For those in relationships go enjoy the company of your special someone.  And for single people who are taking a break from the relationship scene,  treat yourself like you would want your lover to. For all you Aries this week is about healing and feeling the love.

Taurus – King of Cups

Dean MitchellLast week, the Chariot advised you to correct the imbalances in your life so that the change that is happening would be smooth sailing.   The King of Cups continues this theme with a focus your over-indulgences.  At times we over-indulge and use it as a crutch for not healing the hurt.  The balance you need to find is when to lay down your crutches.  They are important when you are healing, however, once you have healed you need to let them go.

Gemini – Three of Pentacles

Dean MitchellThe Devil last week foretold that you would be tested on your resolves.  This theme continues this week but the focus shifts to the Three of Pentacles.   This is the card of cooperation and asking for help.  The Devil is not testing you to see if you can do it alone.  One of his tests is seeing if you can work with others to accomplish what you want to do.  This is a week were 2 or 3 heads are better than one.

*Cancer – Sun

Dean MitchellThe Sun says you can overcome any obstacle or fear that your subconscious mind brings up.  Cancers feel uncomfortable at times when the Sun shows up.  It just can be too bright.  But remember Moon child the Sun is how you gain your light.  You need joy and success to shine it back on others.  So take this week to bask in your successes, see the beauty of what you have, and see that the road you are creating is lining up many of the things you have wanted.

Leo – Ace of Wands

Dean MitchellLast week the Sun challenged you to bask in the good things life has to offer.  This week the Ace of Wands wants you to continue to do just that.  The only challenge this Ace brings is asking you how will you will continue creating good vibe opportunities in the coming weeks.


Virgo – Queen of Cups

Dean MitchellThe Queen of Cups advise this week to speak softly, kindly, and with truth.   Her challenge to you is to learn how to do that without spilling your emotions all you, others, and the table.


Libra – Queen of Swords

Dean MitchellQueen of Swords is the strategist card.  You have to look at this week like a scientist.  You need a hypothesis/goal, make sure you have your materials, plan out your work, do the actual work, and then look over the results and tweak your procedures where needed or start over with a new hypothesis.

*Scorpio – Empress

Dean MitchellThe last two weeks have been heavy with change.  With Death two weeks ago wanting you to clear your emotions for the change that is coming , and the Hermit giving you time to contemplate the change you want to happen and how to get there.  Now, the Empress has arrived to start the process.  The Empress is giving you about nine months to create the change you want to happen.  Your only challenge is that with this pregnancy you are pretty much guaranteed a period of morning sickness.  Realize whats make you sick for now should be avoided.

Sagittarius – Page of Swords

Dean MitchellMore intel gathering this week.  Where last week the information came to you, this week be more like a spy. Be subtly to find out what is going on behind scenes.  These two weeks are not decision-making weeks. There is obviously information you need before moving ahead.

Capricorn – Two of Wands

Dean MitchellThe Two of Wands advises you to have a broader perspective in all that you do.  This card’s challenges you to see if what you are doing or have in planning actually fits into the world view you are trying to create.


Aquarius – King of Wands

Dean MitchellThe King of Wands asks you what kind of ruler are you.  Are you kind but a bit of a push over, orderly but a bit of tyrant, or intellectual but not compassionate enough.  This week look at how you rule your work place, your family and yourself and find ways to improve it.  The King of Wands challenges you to be a better more balanced ruler while keeping in mind this is a year to heal and create a new order.

Pisces – Three of Swords

Dean MitchellLast week, Judgment and the Four of Swords reconfirmed that you are on a journey to rebirth and reminded you that you need to take care of yourself along the way.  Well, guess that advice was hard to swallow, because you got the Three of Swords this week.  This card says that you are holding on to three concepts that are holding you back. I bet one of those is that anytime life hurts you somehow you are responsible for it.  This card challenges you that you can’t control the getting hurt but you can control the healing.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarotcast for The Week of Feb. 4, 2018

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth

This portrait is part of the ongoing series Eyes as Big as Plates a collaborative project between Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth and their models.   It started off as an exploration of Nordic folktales and ended up becoming a collaboration with farmers, fisherman, zoologists, plumbers, opera singers, housewives, academics to name a few from all over the world.  The models and artistic duo co-create the sculptures they wear.  The elements of the sculptures are collected from the landscapes of the photographs.

It is interesting that these artists collecting their models by just thinking of the most interesting people they knew.  And of course, they were led to picked people who have lived for a while on this Earth.  Who have a story to tell.  Who by just looking into their eyes or their stance you can see that they have the wisdom of living.

PS.  Happy birthday Aquarius.  Don’t forget it is a great time for you to get my  Astro Reading.

*Aries – Empress

Last week, the Emperor told you to build, create, and conquer.   Now the feminine version of that creative energy, the Empress, appears this week.  The Empress’s energy  is less of the hustle and bustle of Emperor last week energy and more about tending, grooming, and coaxing along your work.  The challenge with the Empress is being open to a more organic approach then sticking to plans.

Taurus – Ten of Pentacles

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth The Ten of Pentacles brings prosperity to those that finish their work.  This card is about finishing up projects.  Your challenge is to work on the projects that are close to finish first, before starting anything new. You will find the more you can check off your list the more new prosperity will begin to grow.
Continue reading Tarotcast for The Week of Feb. 4, 2018

Tarotcast for Week of Jan. 28, 2018

Joan Mitchell

Above and below are the paintings by Joan Mitchell an abstract expressionist painter and print maker. She is one of the few female painters of her era to gain critical claim.  This post World War II art movement was the first time America, specifically New York, was put as the center of the western art world instead of Paris. Abstract expressionist art tries to articulate the complexity of our heart and mind clashing, melding, bleeding into each other.  The internal human experience without the defined image.

PS. Don’t forget the signs with an * it is a big week for you.

*Aries – Emperor

The Emperor tells us to stop procrastinating.  This is a week to build new bridges, create new civilizations, to conquer your fear and just do it.  The challenge is believing you can and asking for help when you can’t.


Taurus – King of Swords

The King of Swords says now is the time. Your challenge this week is to walk your talk, so be careful what you promise. Your words are now as loud and important  as your actions.
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of Jan. 28, 2018

Tarotcast for Week of Jan. 21, 2018

path of lord of the rings Andrew DeGraff

Saturn has just entered Capricorn. For many astrologers, this planet is one of the big markers in our lives.   Saturn changes signs around two and half years, and it takes it a full 29.5 years to get through all of the zodiac.  So in an average life span we get two or three tries with the lessons Saturn is trying to teach us.  Saturn hasn’t been in Capricorn since 1989, and this made me think about the path of our lives.  How we twist and turn, visit new places, and revisit old ones. How our course can traverse the world or encompass a street.

Andrew DeGraff‘s art work reflects my pondering of paths. Above and below are some of his pieces where he maps out the path(s) of one or several characters in a variety of movies.   He  is a freelance illustrator and artist living and working in Maine. He recently published his second book, Cinemaps: An Atlas of 35 Great Movies.  What details of your path would be on your art piece?

Can you guess which movie corresponds with your picture?

To find out the answer just click on the picture and open it in its own window .

Aries – Ten of Cups

path of back to the future

Last week, the Judgment card pointed out the new steps to take in your life.  This week the Ten of Cups wants you to add the concept of joy into your new life’s structure.  Your challenge is to be mindful of what makes you smile and do more of it.



Taurus – Three of Wands

path of ghostbusters


The Three of Wands is about action and planning.  Your challenge this week is getting things in place.  Big things are on the horizon are you ready for them?




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