The above piece, a nod to you all, is called The Waterbearer by Lorna Simpson. She explained this piece was a contemplation of memories related to her father’s family tendency of relating family history, they would stop short or not fill in the blanks. In most of her pieces she makes the audience do some of that work. I like that she is not only aware of her self in a piece but also her audience’s experience.
Simpson is a contemporary artist that is as versatile as you can get. Her works range from paintings, collages, photography, sculptures and films. One of the things she strives for is to have the images convey her experience not only as black woman but also as part of the collective experience of being American. She has an expectation that her audience has to come with me, and that there is a universalism that I assume in what I am doing.
Her art explores the notion of identity is self-constructed and equally created by our imposed cultural dogma. So self-construction becomes at times complex and contradictory. In doing this exercise with her, her art becomes a place where we all can meet and empathize. These concepts of who are we as individuals and as a collective is very Aquarian.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. If you do a beginning of a year Astrological Reading.
Knight of Cups – This week your theme is tending to things of the heart. Your challenge is allowing yourself to be vulnerable. What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful. Brene Brown.
Four of Pentacles – The Four of Pentacles brings a week where you do not have enough cash, time and/or space. This can make you hold these things even closer and causing you to feel resentful, frazzled or ungenerous. The challenge for this card is to learn that less can be more. Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of February 3, 2019→
This week’s artist is Bordalo II. He started off as a graffiti artist in Lisbon, where street art is popular and legal. He re-uses trash, specifically ones harmful to wildlife like plastic, to create his graffiti-sculptures. He chooses animal images to highlight the dangers of pollution in our world. I create, recreate, assemble and develop ideas with end-of-life material and try to relate it to sustainability, ecological and social awareness.
Plastic is so much a part of our everyday lives and important for many areas (especially medical and automotive), but we need to curb our reliance on it. Look around your home and you will find an average of 70% of your life has a plastic part. Around 60% of clothing has plastic in it (all synthetic fibers are plastic: polyester, acrylic, nylon). The first thing all of us can do is stop using single use plastics (even if you use them more than once). And then just being conscious when you buy plastic toys, your clothes, or even organizing with plastic bins, try to find more biodegradable alternatives or at the very least with less plastic or recycled plastic in them.
Boradalo’s work is imaginative, deep and a needed reminder. I love to see that he also did one of a human (see Aries below)) for we are not only the cause of pollution but also a victim. We are a species of Earth just as the pelican, elephant, snake or spider. Once we start seeing that we are part of the larger ecosystem maybe we will stop harming our home.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. If you do an beginning of a year Astrological Reading.
Ten of Swords – Every week has the potential to be good or bad, but when the Ten of Swords shows up it leans toward the negative. This week, your environment will show the prickly side of the human experience. There are a couple of ways to deal with this card – hide or if you must show up, avoid. Listening to your intuition will help you navigate this week. Heed your inner voice/gut.
King of Cups – This is your second King in a row so let’s dive deeper into the Kings. When Kings show up, they are wanting you to master or manifest specific areas of your life. Last week the King of Pentacles had you working on your material plane. This week the Cups are about manifesting your emotions. This King is not afraid to cry so all emotions are OK. The work is having them, accepting them, learning their lessons, and then letting them go. Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of Janaury 27, 2019→
The artist this week, Hilma af Klint was recommended to me by one of my readers, who went to see her show at the Guggenheim recently. Last week I hinted to Piet Mondrian one of the 3 men attributed to birthing of the abstract movement; however, Hilma beat them there by over a decade. Where Kandisnky created abstract art from music, Malevich from intellectual purity, and Mondrain from the primary colors, Hilma and her group, the Five – all women, were inspired by spiritualism and science’s investigation into the “invisible world”.
The Five meet regularly beginning in 1856 for sessions of prayer, seance, and meditation. On January 1, 1906 Klint wrote that a spirit known as Amaliel asked her to create paintings that would cover the walls pf a spiral temple. She switched from painting pastoral landscapes to large paintings of swirls and geometry and symbolism. Rudolf Steiner, philosopher/architect/esoteric when he saw the pieces said to wait 50 years before showing them. She, believing the world was not ready for her art, up to and through her death bequeathed them not to be shown until 20 years after her demise in 1944.
I find it fascinating that it is just now that the art community at large is ready to support a woman artist being the creator of the abstract art movement. Also,that her first showing of her work in the US is at the Guggenheim, which is based on the spiral and wasn’t completed until 1959. Hmm, makes you think maybe the there is something to this spirit thing ;).
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. If you do a beginning of a year Astrological Reading I’m booked until the beginning of February.
King of Cups – Last week the Death card had you clear some space, weed out the plants/projects/ideas that you do not want to grow this year. And then prep the soil/mind-space/physical-space where the budding will happen. The first seeds to plant and or tend are the ones in the emotional realm this week. Whether this deals with work or personally, your heart wants to be part of it. Your motto – is if it doesn’t make you feel than you ain’t doing it right.
King of Pentacles – Last week the Knight of Pentacles wanted you to work on your environment, your work that brings in money, your health and/or any physical project that creates a physical item. The King of Pentacles continues this momentum. However, he wants to see at the very least some aspect of a the product finished, so finish a project or move it to a place where you can see the end, or double down on your fitness regime. Your motto – Do it. Continue reading Tarotcast for the Week of January 20, 2019→
Victor Pasmore was one of the pioneers of abstract art in Britain in the 1940’s and 50’s. His art bounces back and forth from landscapes and figurative pieces to abstract. He was highly influenced by the essay of Plastic Art and Pure Plastic Art by Mondrain.
This essay argues the birth and life of abstract art. In synopsis, the paradox of human experience doing and experiencing art is twofold and opposing but both are essential. One side, figurative art aims to re-create universal beauty- objective – and the other side, non-figurative aims to aesthetically express one’s ideas and experiences- subjective. You can see above and below his art fluctuates within and around this concept. Trying to connect the physical, intellect, emotion and soul of not only himself, the artist, but also the viewer.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. And if you do a beginning of a year Astrological Reading I’m booking up fast, so get in while you can.
*Death – This week is a great place to start prepping areas where you want change to happen. I think of Death as the gardening card. First you need to weed and prepare the soil for your seeds. That is your mission this week to clear some space, weed out the plants/projects/ideas that you do not want to grow this year. And then prep the soil/mind-space/physical-space where the budding will happen. If you get that done, you can start growing the seeds of change.
Knight of Pentacles – The Knights come to tell us we are on the right track and to keep on keeping on. This specific knight is in the realm of the material world. So, the areas to work on this week are your environment, your work that brings in money, your health and/or any physical project that creates a physical item.
Ace of Swords- Well, all that hanging around in contemplation or being taking off your path last week, should have giving you a new perspective. The Ace of Swords gives you another week to think on the lessons last week brought you. The goal this week is beginning a new thought process to cut through the clutter. Still stuck maybe watch the show Tidying Up on Netflix or read the book to get some ideas.
Page of Pentacles – Last week, the Hierophant wanted you to create structure and the Eight of Pentacles wanted you to work on mastery at what you are doing. Now the Page of Pentacles arrives to remind you that learning is part of the process of growing. This week use this page’s power to help you hit the books and learn something new.
Three of Cups – This week’s energy is all about enjoying friends. The Three of Cups comes up when your soul needs to be refilled and no one better to make you smile then friends. Take this week to reconnect with your chosen loved ones.
Ten of Wands – Two tens in a row. Let’s look at tens for a second. Tens tell us that cycles are on their final chapters. This is a great time to use the energy to enjoy what you have sown. Last week it had you recognize how far you have come and how good your life is. This week is about prioritizing and letting go a bit of your what’s on your plate. Think of this like a 12-course meal. The concept is to take your time savoring each course, but with this card realize if you are full you can take home a doggy bag for later.
Eight of Cups – The Eight of Cups’ energy for this week is letting go of emotions or relationship expectations that just aren’t working. This card comes when we are feeling drained or frustrated and not seeing that somethings just can’t be worked on right now and maybe for a while. This week’s motto let go.
Four of Pentacles – This card warns us when we need to conserve our energy, money and time. Take this week to save and simplify. The less you do the better the flow.
Eight of Wands – Last week, the Empress challenged you to plant seeds – start big ideas/projects that will bud in about 9-10 months from now. The Eight of Wands continues this theme by building on the energy of inspiration through the acts of communication and sharing. Use this energy to bounce off ideas with comrades, partners and mentors. Revel in the exchange of information and inspiration.
Queen of Cups – This card can be a bit hard for your sensible side. The Queen of Cups is about making fun and joy your priority this week. I know you all don’t really like to be tickled, but your funny bone and creating for fun side needs to be worked on. So, get there any way you can. Whether that’s watching romantic comedies (you need to stay away from satire) or coloring with a medium you know well just for fun (this isn’t about learning something new – you need to take your mind out of the process/technique).
Queen of Swords – Strategy and standing up for yourself is your focuses this week. The Queen of Swords comes up when you need to draw lines in the sand and then strategize how to negotiate when boundaries are questioned or stepped over. Your challenge is this strategy and maneuvering is for the long game, so kind but firm is the key.
King of Wands – The King of Wands’ energy brings the concept of the mindful and compassionate ruler. He challenges you to focus on one main goal that will both benefit the world and yourself. By doing this exercise this energy will help a spectrum of personal and universal goals, but with only one point of force. Think of this like a laser that has a ripple effect – focused but far-reaching.
I always like to start out the year highlighting a story form or illustrators for children’s books. For January is our month to start a new chapter or possible a new book or even a whole new genre of how we tell our story. I don’t know if it is the state of the world or state of myself, but I am drawn to the Adventures of Alice and Wonderland. It’s not that I want to create more nonsense but to see the chaos with a bit of satire, tongue in cheek and fantasy – eventually waking to find it all was a dream.
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson aka Lewis Carroll was not only a writer of children’s nonsense stories, a mathematician and, though not widely known now, a sought-after photographer spanning 24 years. The above picture is one he took of the Alice the book is dedicated to.
Dodgson got into photography in 1856 when photography was new. There are over 3,000 photos ranging from landscapes to portraits, but his portraits of children were the most popular and years after his death the most controversial. You can read about the controversy of his photos here. The lesson from this debate is not to solely rely on our lens of the present but to gather the whole picture one must also look through the lens of the past.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. And if you do a beginning of a year Astrological Reading I’m booking up fast, so get in while you can.
Two of Pentacles – This week will be all about balance in your everyday endeavors. The question to ask is can I juggle two things well before I add another. Think Jedi- if you can’t do it with your eyes shut then you haven’t practice enough.
Nine of Swords- You will need to watch your thoughts this week. Worry and fretting might creep into your dreams, waking mind and confidence. The advice this card gives is if you can’t fix it now don’t worry about, for the solution will come later or the problem will dissolve on its own.
*Hanged Man- Your journey will be waylaid this week, and this is a blessing in disguise. Your voyage will be better suited if you take some time either in quiet contemplation or be waylaid by strangers. Think of this week like an adventure into Wonderland were not everything makes sense, but it can be amazing if you don’t take it too seriously.
*Hierophant and Eight of Pentacles – These 2 cards work well together. The Hierophant wants you to create structure and the Eight of Pentacles wants you to work on mastery at what you are doing. This can look as simple as creating a schedule where you only look at emails the beginning and end of the day, or as complex as going to a class to get better at sculpting or Excel.
Queen of Pentacles- This queen has you working on making something in the real world that will solve your real-world problems during this week. The challenge is that when your work day is done you stop toiling and enjoy the good things in life.
Ten of Pentacles – The challenge with this card is how do you consciously recognize how far you have come and how good your life is. This week take time out for seeing and basking in the good things you have created in your life.
Ace of Swords – Great way to start the new year with a clean and cleared head-space. That is your goal and challenge this week to keep your mind clear and sharp, so you can hone into the new perspective and strategy for the week and possible the year.
Ten of Swords – Well this week will be a rough start to the new year, if you let it. The Ten of Swords warns us when the outside world or things we have no control over tries to get us down. You can hide this week if you want that is one way to deal; the other is to hone your spidey sense and dodge any “bullets.” Either way you deal with this week the challenge is not letting other’s thoughts or plans stab you and your plans in the back.
*Empress – The Empress is the card of growth and creativity; what a great way to begin 2019. Your challenge this week is to create some seeds that you want to see bud in about 9-10 months from now. This can be a simple as starting a health plan that by September or October you are able to run in a marathon. Or as complex as creating a book, an album, a house or a baby. The big thing is you need to start on your big projects/ideas now.
Eight of Swords – This week your mind is binding you up with all its opinions, options and orating. Your challenge is getting Zen. Your practice is letting the thoughts flow without grasping on to them.
Six of Cups – It is fine to dwell a bit in the past this week if it doesn’t swallow you up. The past has information for you. The past is something to reminisce about but not endure the bad moments over and over. The challenge is like cleaning out the attic – keep the good memories and take the lesson from the bad but then toss it.
Two of Cups – Relationships are the focal point this week. This is a time to reinforce old relationships and make new ones, but only if they are good for you. The only challenge, this card recommends if the wine is sour don’t drink it to be nice, you can politely refuse.
I am not doing an individual tarotcast for this week, but I did want you all to know the card represented by the year 2019. Before I get into that, I want to thank you all for your support over the past year. If it wasn’t for you, my words would go out into the dark without a tether. My goal for these tarotcasts are to help you navigate each week with more ease. I hope it does that.
Now the card for the year depending on which methodology you use is either The Empress number 3 or the World number 21. The Empress is about fertility, creativity and growth. The World card is about fulfillment, completion, creating and working with what is your great purpose on Earth. I’m leaning towards the Empress this year to work on seeding, watering, fertilizing and weeding what I want to happen in my sphere. Leaning into the Empress’ nature of growth and compassion.
I know it will take more than a year for my garden to grow all that I want it to, but I am ready to invest in the labor. I recommend you pick one of these cards as your theme for the year, and say goodbye to 2018. Last year’s cards were Justice or Judgment where finding the truth is leading to our evolution or extinction. I am ready for this cycle to end. I am grateful for all the good and bad that has enlightened me to things that still need worked on and places I must evolve past. I am ready to clean up lose ends with the World card and grow myself a fresh start in 2019 with the Empress.
From Winter Solstice to New Years, I reflect on what has been and plan for what is to be. Also, I’m data geek. I keep excel sheets on the tarotcast’s cards each sign gets throughout the year. So, this tarotcast is dedicated to our rearview mirror view of the 2018.
I look at the data in two ways: how many times each card was pulled (for anomalies), and what the actual cards were for each sign (trends). For fun I want to see if the data shows statistical difference and or trends, and so far, it has. This means that certain cards get pulled outside the average, (which this year was 8 times) in a 12-month period. Now, to be truly scientific I would have to do this for many years. I am only on year three, but let’s see how this works with the data I have so far. (You can see year in review for 2016 and 2017 ). Also, some of you had asked why I put in the specific cards that is for my readers that want to learn more about tarot, so for you that just want the trends just skip over the card names.
First, I look at general trends. (Hint: Look at these trends not only for yourself but also at society in general.) This year was the year of Kings. Kings were pulled more than any other card and nines the least. Specifically, the highest was King of Swords decision making and strategy. Then the King of Wands with the need to gain control of our life, and The King of Cups coming in third with gaining control over our emotions. The challenge with Kings is we either get control like the #MeToo movement, or we don’t like some of the events in government which felt like we are going backwards.
Of course, this makes sense when you look at the cards that were pulled the least. I see these as areas where we did not have enough support. The lowest cards pulled where the Nines representing how we feel satisfied. Specifically, the Ace of Cups and Wands, Nine of Pentacles and Cups, Hierophant and Wheel where the lowest pulled. Overall, we were lacking in new experiences and gains of love and spirituality. And we just never felt satisfied that we had enough alone time and felt like something emotional was missing in our lives.
I think this also had to do with the Hierophant, structure and institutions, just wasn’t supported in 2018. Examples are the trouble with Brexit, Trump ever rotating cabinet, journalist getting killed, just to name a few. Then also the Wheel change of fortune also being low- this is a feeling of things not really changing- which is also mirrored in the Aces, new beginnings with emotion and spirit, being also pulled the least.
Overall this was a big year of information and what do we represent what are our truths. The two cards pulled the most King of Swords and page of Swords. This is a year when trying to figure out the truth, personally and in the bigger social schema, became apparent. A year where what is the truth was challenged and either we succeeded or failed finding it. Some examples of where finding or hiding the truth is highlighted were the #metoo movement, Billy Cosby trial, the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s, Trump investigation, Russian tampering of the election and the Kavanaugh hearing.
Then for your individual signs I look at the card trends just within your sign’s tarotcast below.
P.S. The photo above was taken by Charles Pinion, and the photos below are from my favorite tarotcast pics of the year
PSS. Need a last minute socking stuffer get the Quick Draw reading for only $5. For any gift reading I can email you a printable gift certificate.
Lordes Castro
This year compared to other signs you had a calm year except you all decided to deal with most of it at the beginning of 2018 and are now ending with a big bang. Starting in late August, Aces of swords, new ways of though and communication showed up too and you have been in your head ever since then. If you haven’t done a major shift in your life you have two weeks left. The theme for 2018 for you was learning. You were one of the signs that had the most pages and they were all swords. Which means this year most of your learning had to do with information or things unseen that you had to cajole out of hiding.
Riitta Ikonen
Even though this was an average year of intensity and on the lower side for beginning and endings. People have played a pretty important role throughout 2018 Of all the court cards the Kings (getting a handle on/controlling) visited you more than any other sign in 2018. This year basically has been a year of finally wrangling in some weaker spots in how you do things or finally getting things off your to do list that have been there for a long time. It was your year to take control of a variety of aspects that deal with how you conduct not only your daily life but your destiny.
Amanda Parer
This year was less intense than 2017 you had within the average amount of high energy cards. But you had to deal with something big and different every month, so 2018 was “no rest for the weary.” But here’s the thing, you all managed it well. You had the Kings visit you constantly throughout the year, which means all this year – you came, you ruled, and you left the place a bit better than what was there.
Sewer covers of Japan
For you the year was average with its up and downs, though around your birthday you had a respite. You all had the most aces and 10s, compared to other signs, which are beginning and ends. The beginnings were predominately in the physical plane (Ace of Pentacles) so lots of project starts and endings were in the area of the heart (10 of Cups). This was also a year where you hid from the world (lowest court cards than other signs) but when you did poke out of your burrow it was only to help others in their hour of need (more Queens than other court cards).
Xavi Bou
This year was the year of people for Leos. You had the highest number of court cards (20) than any other sign. And most of those were King cards in the suit of Wands. This year your challenge and hopefully accomplishment was to stand up for your passions and find time to create. It was a year where you were challenged to take control of your life, for the Chariot card visited often reminding you that truly only you should and can control the reins.
Compared to the rest of your signs 2018 was a year of choosing the middle path and actively learning to balance your life. The Magician, Judgment and the number 3 seem to be your theme this year. You and the Magician were experimenting this year, the threes were helping with being reflective and contemplative. And by the end Judgement challenged you to start integrating with what you had learned. By the end of 2018 even though overall it was low-key you are using your time well to evolve to a new level.
Josef Florian Krichbaum
Unlike 2017 you had the average amount of people in your life compared to other signs, but when you were dealing with people there was more give than take. This got a bit out of hand until November when you drew the line in the sand, and if you didn’t you had another chance to do that last week. You also had below the average of karmic or intense cards this year. You would think it was a slow year; however, you smashed them all in the beginning part of the year. So, since summer you have been challenged with a plethora of sixes asking you to give yourself some compassion. If you haven’t rested take the next two weeks to do just that.
Zhang Chenxi
You were right on the average for beginnings, ends and people. And you were on the higher side of average with the big energies, though almost all of the big stuff you dealt happened from January to August (15 out of the 16 karmic cards). Your main theme was the Death, Emperor and Empress having you slowly grow with burst of creation and then building onto to that. So even though it was an average year you did a lot with the energy around you. I suggest you so a little reflecting on all that you have accomplished, because you will be surprised with all you did. Or if you bizarrely find you didn’t get anything accomplished the Lovers card at the end of this year should help you get rid of what has been tempting you away from your path.
Deb Young and Francisco Diaz
You all had the highest number of karmic cards-big themes (17 the average was 13) this year. You started off the year dealing with people but by April you lower your interactions to come in last place with pulling court cards . Of course, this makes sense because you upped your ante with karmic cards from April to June. You only had nine weeks in the summer when something wasn’t banging on your karmic door. Then the Fates started calling on you again in September thru the end of the year. But here is the interesting thing after each karmic push you had a 10 card show up to help you finish the cycle. The three main focuses were on emotions, passion/drive and work. So if you worked it right you have gotten some karma debt lifted off your shoulders or at least know how to work better with it.
Denis Wojtkiewicz
You had an average year compared to other signs with big themes, people, beginnings and endings. Your big themes this year were healing (Star twice), shining/growth (Sun 3 times) and opening new doors (World twice). You were one of the few signs that went back to and dig deeper in to your themes. Even though the year started feeling a bit chaotic by March you were up to the challenge of getting things back to creating the new “normal.”
Daniel Shipp
In 2017 you had the highest amount of higher arcane cards (karmic) and this year you have the lowest. So overall even though 2018 seems breezier than 2017, it wasn’t. This year you have the most Aces (new beginnings) than any other sign. All but one of those Aces were in the realm of the physical plane. So, you were dealing with new projects at home and/or work which kept your life challenging and possibly changing. However, you were visited by the Hanged Man (twice) so a feeling of things not changing with all the change made it a confusing year of starts and stops. Also, you had a lot of King cards. This challenged you to take on new tasks, find ways to get a better handle on your boundaries, so you would build and rule your life more the way you want. By the end of the year you are working hard and succeeding at getting things stable in your life with a mini bombardment of 4s (stability) and 6s (balance).
Christy Lee Rodgers
In 2016 and 2017 your sign had the highest in new beginnings, but this year, you have fallen within the average range with big themes, people, beginnings and endings. However, every month had a major karmic card or two except for August. So it has felt bigger and more karmic than in the years past. Also, each of those themes were different except for the World (new opportunities). That could have left you with a sense of not going deep enough with any one theme; however, half of your court cards are pages . This means this has been a year where you, if you played your cards right (teehee), have learned exponentially. I recommend taking the next week and looking on all that you have learned.
intentions are the children of desire and the grandparents of destiny
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