Tag Archives: the fox and the tarot

Tarot-cast for the Week of March 31, 2019

April is the month of change and a reminder of the amazing marble we live on.  It is Spring in the northern hemisphere and Fall in the southern.  The cycles of life are in Mother Earth’s headlines. Flowers are budding or plants and animals are getting ready for winter, and migration is happening all over the planet.  No wonder Earth Day is celebrated in April.  In honor of Mother Earth and her inhabitants I am picking artists that have a flora or fauna themes all month.

This week’s artist is Lisa Ericson.  Her detailed paintings are the perfect combination of fact, fantasy, and myths. For instance, the pelican paintings could be related to the evolutionary theorem of Island hopping – animal population arriving by flotsam or flight.  Her Rodentia flutterbys fulfill the childhood fantasy that all animals should have butterfly wings; it makes any animal cuter.   Her paintings of tortoises carrying small ecosystems evokes the myths of some indigenous tribes of the Americas and the Hindu cosmology of the World Turtle, who holds up the world.

Overall, her paintings convey the frailty of the web of interspecies dependence. What truly caught my eye with this artist’s work is the eyes of her subjects.  They look at the viewer with a sense of winsome and wisdom. Reminding us that we are interconnected to them; our stewardship of Earth and companionship with them can be an omen of good or ill for all.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.



Lisa Ericson*Moon – The Moon card comes to light when you need to investigate the darker parts of your subconscious – lighting a fear.  This anxiety or fear can be grounded in truth, and the Moon’s reflective light reveals the fact or fantasy of it.  This can look as simple as if you are walking down the street and get a hint that someone is following you, don’t blow it off.  Walk with courage to a well lite area with people, say Hi to someone and then turn around.   Or a more complex situation of confronting an anxiety and dissecting it to see if it is based in reality.   In both scenario your intuition and feelings are something to listen to but not let them overwhelm you.



Lisa EricsonEight of Cups – The Eight of Cups is the spring-cleaning card.  This card can literally mean you need to do some spring cleaning in your home or metaphorically any area of your life.  Open the windows air, out your linens, and vacuum the dust bunnies from under your bed.  There is a witchy ritual where you sweep out your front door sweep out the bad vibes.  If you don’t have a broom to do that then at least clean out the bag/canister in your vacuum cleaner.



Lisa EricsonFive of Wands – Second five in a row, so let’s dive into the meaning of five.  Fives are the cards of chaos where the chaos brings out things that are hidden or things that can sweep us away.  Last week the chaos had you uncovering the positive and negatives in your life and asking you to choose the positive perspective.  This week the Five of Wands looks at the chaotic energy you allow in from others.  You have a choice whether to play in the chaos or simple turn around and walk away.  The challenge with either choice is not getting swept up into or trigger by the drama of others.



Lisa EricsonTen of Cups – The Ten of Cups is the rainbow card.  It advises us to celebrate even after a storm.  The challenge is seeing that happiness is not the absence of pain.  Pain can co-exist with happiness without canceling it out.



Lisa EricsonPage of Cups – Time to pull out your rose-colored glasses.  The Page of Cups advises you that this week no matter what happens to find the silver lining and the rainbow.  You need an injection of naivety, play and an innocent perspective, even though that grumpy lion-ic side wants to roar.  This week it’s all about your inner cub.



Lisa Ericson*Hierophant – This is card that Virgo feels comfortable in as long as you don’t get to self-critical.  The Hierophant advise you to work on structures and efficiency this week.  This can look as simple as oiling the door hinge that squeaks. Or as complex as fixing your money or schedule so that you are no longer broke at the end of the month or too tired at the end of the week.



Lisa EricsonThree of Wands – The Three of Wands advise you to do some planning before diving into projects this week.  The best use of this time is focusing on how to make the work run smoothly.  Think of yourself as the guy on the tarmac that guides the plane into the gate.  The challenge is having foresight and peripheral vision for things to line up.



Lisa EricsonTwo of Pentacles – Juggling is the name of the game this week with the Two of Pentacles.  The challenge with this card is getting too brash.  Make sure you start out simple and have two items/things/people on your plate and once you do that well then you can add another “ball” to the mix.  This week a misstep can be a mishap.



Lisa EricsonSeven of Coins – The Seven of Coins is the worker bee card.  This week’s energy is best used working your butt off.  All the things you do and partake in this week fertilize and grow your productivity for the coming summer months.  This is a week to start projects/plant seeds, weed projects in progress, exchange seeds, direct people in helping to tend the garden, water relationships, etc…  Use this gardening metaphor to the fullest so you can harvest in the Fall.



Lisa EricsonQueen of Swords – Last week the Hierophant and Eight of Wands had some spiritual messages having you create a deeper meaning and structure to your life.  Lucky for you the Queen of Swords is helping you with another week of this esoteric challenge.  She is the card of critical thinking.  So, take this week to do some Socratic questioning on the concepts of meaning itself to help complete the blueprint of the structures that you need.



Lisa EricsonSix of Swords – Last week, the Justice card said all things are just and fair, but it may take a while to see it play out.  Justice challenged you to see the truth in situations and yourself without the lens of emotion. Reminding you that you can’t control every aspect of this life and by letting go of some of the control you let Justice takes its course justly.  This concept still rings true this week.  The only added advice that the Six of Swords is giving is to “let go” you need to simplify your life.  Also, this card reminds you if you are stuck in how to do that, water either its rhythm or water itself can help you realize where and what to pare down.



Lisa EricsonEight of Coins –The Eight of Coins is the card of mastery.  You challenge is to use this energy to up your game at how you make money.  Whether that is learning a new skill, honing an old skill, networking, refreshing your website/LinkedIn page, etc.., it is all business this week.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarotcast for Week of March 24, 2019

Happy Spring.  This week I’m taking a break from art and tapping into music.  With each sign’s forecast is the link to the song that was on my music shuffle at the time of me pulling your card.  I always find it amazing that something in the song seems to fit. I hope you enjoy my “spring break” from art.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.



*Knight of Coins – Last week, the Lovers showed up to remind you that the most important pieces of being human are connections.  The Knight of Coins continues this mission with two other concepts to consider.  One is that your pace needs to be slow and steady, which will hopefully re-balance your work life. And two, it is vital in your journey to stop and talk to your friends. This knight challenges you being present in both activities.  Railroad track by Willy Moon



Seven of Wands – The Seven of Wands increases encounters with challenging relationships.  This card advises you to see where ego is involved.  Seeing conflict not as a competition but more like a game. Also, remember that you also have the choice of not playing then putting down the Wand and bowing out.   Nothing left to Say/Rocks– Imagining Dragons
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of March 24, 2019

Tarotcast for Week of March 17, 2019

This week’s artist is Edith Meusnier.  Some have classified her as an environmental, textile or fiber artist.  These three categories have predominately woman in them.  Why?  First, let’s define the categories.   Environmental art is artistic works that are intended to enhance or become part of the environment or make a statement on environmental issues. Textile arts are arts and crafts that use plant, animal, or synthetic fibers to construct practical or decorative objects. Fiber art refers to fine art whose material consists of natural or synthetic fiber and other components. It focuses on the materials and on the manual labor on the part of the artist as part of the works’ significance and prioritizes aesthetic value over utility.

It is curious to categorize her in just the above, for she is ultimately a sculptor. Sculpture is the art of carving, modeling, welding, or otherwise producing figurative or abstract works of art in three dimensions, as in relief, intaglio, or in the round.  (Sculpture’s original definition has the materials being carved or molded but that has expanded as the materials we use have too).  Creating and using the first three categories is one way that bias can happen especially for women artist.

If you compare her work to Andy Goldsworthy (named as a sculptor, photographer and environmentalist) they are similar.  He uses outdoor space to create temporary installations that highlight the environment, so does Edith.   They only difference is that she uses gift ribbon, and he uses objects from the environment.

Or we can compare her to Christo and Jeanne-Claude, they are considered artists that make environmental art.  (Note:  Christo as a solo artist is named a sculptor. Christo also took sole recognition for all the art until 1994 then retroactively renamed it with Jean Claude’s name.  And now the team is considered environmental artists.)  They use a variety of fabrics to make their pieces.  So environmental art doesn’t have to use only pieces from the environment nor make an environmental statement.  Nor if you use fabric are you only a  textile or fabric artist.

Ultimately is the art community putting women, who use out of the ordinary (wood, metal or stone) materials to build 3- dimension pieces, outside the high art form of sculpture because of the material she uses,  are women  allowing themselves to be sub-labeled instead of taking on the broader term, or is it simply because women aren’t the right gender to be seen and named a sculptor?

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.


Edith Meusnier*Lovers – The Lovers show up to remind you about one of the most important pieces of being human – connection.  How you connect and who you connect with this week becomes very important to figuring out what direction to take in the coming months.  A simple example is choosing wisely about who you talk with and what you talk about at the water cooler, for the relationship there create your work environment.  A complex example is taking that idea home with who you choosing as your partner.  If it is not a supportive relationship, why are you in it?  And if it is supportive – reward it.


Ace of Cups – Love is in the air.  The Ace of Cups wants you to open your arms, ears, and heart to people around you.  This is a great week to make new connections and deepen relationships you already have.  Take time this week to share your heart.


Edith MeusnierKing of Coins – The King of Coins comes when you need to look at how you make you money.  Is it satisfying?   Do you feel supported?  Are you making enough to make ends meet?  Then in answering these questions you will either be celebrating and imbuing in your accomplishments or begin making to-do lists that will create “yes” answers.


Edith MeusnierQueen of Cups – The Queen of Cups challenges your life – wanting it to flow freer.  This week celebrating the joys both big and small.  Have some fun, hang with friends, have a beverage for the joy of it – think root-beer floats or champagne. Being in water will help remind you of your joys if you are stuck.


Edith MeusnierKing of Cups – The King of Cups ask you to get in touch with your emotions this week, especially when they deal with your environment.  Your emotions ae clues how to handle situations.  For example, if you thrilled to talk to someone then do so, if you are not then don’t feel obligated.  The challenge is not to go inward with your emotions but interact outward.


Edith MeusnierEight of Cups – Time for some house-cleaning this week.  Not only should you be doing in your environment but also in the internal dialogue and emotional swings you have.  Take “items” out of the closet/dark, dust them off, see if you still need them and if not toss it.   Your only challenge is this may not until the weekend, but don’t forget to do it.


Edith Meusnier*Hierophant – This is a great week to work with structures and systems.   The Hierophant challenges you to create structures for yourself to find ways to work smoothly within in your control and to learn from structures you have no control over (like education, government etc..).  This can look as simple as going over your schedule and to-do list to shift and reprioritize.  Or as complex as, you are having a sit down with a boss or co-worker and come up with a new plan that can work for the betterment of all.  Also, for lifelong learners this means going back for a course, class or book you know will help you obtain your goals.


Edith Meusnier*Fool – Last week, the Empress wanted you to reconnect with the person who was the most motherly to you and then cultivate those “motherly” qualities in yourself. Now the Fool shows up and has two challenges for you this week:  1) Don’t take that task too seriously.  Don’t forgot not only do good mothers nurture, but they also play.   2)  Take the “motherly” you on the road.   This can look as simple as visiting a friend for a drink and vent session or taking your child to a skate park and you both skate(board).


Edith MeusnierNine of Pentacles – The Nine of Pentacles declares this is a great week for getting your work done and enjoying it. This card helps you hone your flow, but to get the most out of it you should hole yourself up.  It is not that you can’t work with others, you should just be very choosy when you do so.


Three of Pentacles – Second three in a row so let’s look at the number three for a second.  Threes have us ground ourselves in the present but with our sights towards the future.  Last week the Three of Swords ask you to be honest with your emotional thinking.  And this week the Three of Pentacles have you working within the material plane.  So, questions like, where am I will drive a stake into the present for grounding and questions like where I am going with my work need to be pondered and sketched out towards the future.  This card also reminds you for this week that working with others cuts your work load and increases output.


Queen of Coins – Last week, the Tower card came to remind you to that something needs to be fixed that you have been putting off.  The Queen of Coins continues this theme of mending and fixing.  So, if you didn’t do it last week get it done.  However, she also challenges you, once it is finished, finding time to sit back and enjoy some delights from the material plane.


Edith MeusnierAce of Wands – This is your last card of your birth month and what a great one.  The Ace of Wands is the card of beginnings that light your passion. Remember your main birth year card is the Devil (click here for a refresher) And the King and Nine of Swords are going to challenge you to get out of your head to take these “exams.”  And now the Ace of Wands is the candle on your cake.  This card is foretelling that while you are passing your tests, you are simultaneously creating a new future that is more passionate and creative.  This week start planting the seeds in your mind of what you want to grow as you graduate into the new you.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot-cast for Week of March 10, 2019

Laura Knight was a ceiling smashing artist at the beginning of the 1900’s.  She became the first woman elected to a full membership of the Royal Academy in 1936 and the first to get her own retrospective exhibition there though it took 30 more years to obtain that.  One of her first controversially pieces, above, was Self portrait with a nude (see Aries) .  This portrait shows herself painting a nude. This was to retaliate the rule that women were only allowed to paint nude forms by casts or copying existing drawings.   The painting composition is not only the finest but also intriguing.

She continued her rebellious nature by the choice of her subjects of portraits.  Many of her portrait studies were from marginalized people of the time doing either the highly unusual or the mundane, like having a woman with cropped hair holding a gun, gypsies, people of color, circus people, or more famously woman working in military.   Why is it still shocking seeing these portrays today – is it because these population are still marginalized and stereotyped so when we see them, we are still “amazed?”

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.


Four of Cups – The Four of Cups, another week where your emotions take the forefront.  This week the Four of Cups advises taking time pondering yourself, and here is the challenge also pondering your place in the world.  You hold many of the keys this week, but one is beyond your everyday personal space.  So, take a moment not only to look in but also to look out.


Laura KnightSix of Coins – The Six of Coins is the mini karma card.  Be aware that especially this week that your interactions with others and your environment will ripple out and come back to you three-fold.  So, the nicer and more caring you are for the environment and people around you, the more positive the world will be towards you.  The challenge -this of course also works with negative energy.


Laura Knight

Queen of Cups – Kindness and compassion is the key to this card.  Not only to those around you but also to yourself.  The challenge with this card is you can’t do either with goals or expectations.  This card is just a challenge to exercise your heart muscle.


Laura KnightEight of Coins – This is your second eight in a row so let’s just check into the meaning of eights.  Eights are the cards that challenge improving and releasing.  Last week the cups ask you to release; this week the Coins ask you to improve.  The Eight of Coins advises honing the skill of getting into the zone, whether that is at work or play – trying for mastery is the key.  The challenge perfection is unobtainable.


Laura Knight

Page of Coins – The Page of Coins advises that you need to keep an open mind this week.  Learning is the key that will help you with work.  The challenge – open mind, open ears, open heart.


Laura Knight

Knight of Cups – Oh this one is challenging for you all.  The Knight of Cups is inspiring you all to be vulnerable this week. What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful.  Brene Brown


Laura KnightAce of Swords –It is a great week to be the philosopher and ponder on the bigger questions in life.  Your challenge is for your mind to think in ways it hasn’t thought before.  Also, if you have been holding off on a decision, this is the time to make it.


Laura Knight*Empress – The Empress is the card of growth and mothering.  This card wants for you all to reconnect with the person that was the most motherly to you – even in spirit if they no longer reside on this plane.  The challenge, however, is finding and cultivating those “motherly” qualities in yourself. Not only for providing support and compassion for others but also giving you an internal source to dip into when you need it.


Laura Knight

Queen of Wands – The Queen of Wands advises that nature and magic are key to you this week.  This card challenges you to conjure up some magic to ignite your imagination.  Whether that is a walk in the woods to find fairies, pondering a starry night for UFOS, or putting socks under your bed for monsters.   The more magical your thinking the freer your mind becomes from the mundane.


Laura KnightThree of Swords – The Three of Swords ask you to be honest with your emotional thinking.  This card asks you to let go of some thought patterns that are not working.  The challenge is sitting with that emptiness – not fill it back up with another thought or emotion- so your mind and heart can heal.


Laura Knight*Tower – The Tower is the card of destruction from an outside force that make you start anew.  This card comes up when something needs to be fixed that you have been putting off.  The best way to head off a possible catastrophe is to fix the problem.  This can be as simple as fixing that door handle that keeps falling off, scheduling in some “me time” so you don’t burn out, or as complex as have that hard talk with a love one before frustration burns down the house.


Laura KnightNine of Swords – The Nine of Swords is the card of excess thinking and worry.  The challenge with this card is to figure out which worries you can fix and put them on a to-do list (out of your head-space) and the rest to put on a list and flush them (you can literally flush then if you put them on TP).  Another exercise is when a worry comes up replace it with a song or image that makes you smile or even better laugh.  The point being making more room for quiet contemplation instead of yammering worries.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot-cast for March 3, 2019

The artist this week is Mandy Barker.  She combines art and science to raise awareness about plastic pollution in the world’s oceans.  “The aim of my work is to engage with and stimulate an emotional response in the viewer by combining a contradiction between initial aesthetic attraction along with the subsequent message of awareness. The research process is a vital part of my development as the images I make are based on scientific fact… I hope it will ultimately lead to positive action in tackling this increasing environmental problem, which is currently of global concern”.

Not all plastics are easily recyclable PVC, Polystyrene (which include plastic toys) and the category “other” (which include nylon fabric, compact disks, storage containers and water cooler bottles) are not.  Throughout the world most plastic items don’t get recycled, many of them end up in our oceans and at times in unusual ways, which Barker shows in her ink cartridge piece below. The cartridges fell off a ship 5 years ago and are now washing up on shore all along the European coast.  Another example is her piece (Cancer) that follows the plastic trash from the 2012 Tsunami that hit Japan and is floating towards Hawaii. These larger plastics items through time become microplastics and are now being found in microscopic ocean animals, shellfish and fish.  Which are also seen below taken out of a turtle’ stomach( Aquarius) and a bird’s nest(Aries).

Plastic is important and useful for medical and industrial use, and globally we are getting better at recycling plastics. But a better way of reducing plastics now is to stop using them in our everyday life.  Use cloth bags for everything, ask restaurants or grocery markets you visit not to use Styrofoam, and try to buy clothes that are made of 100% natural fibers.  Even doing just one of these things will help lower your plastic consumption and disposal. Just think of it this way – That plastic you don’t buy- you literally won’t be ingesting it in your food source later.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.


Ace of Cups – The Ace of Cups calls for you to create and spread love and joy.   This card reminds you that positive emotions need to be your “go to” this week even if someone pokes you to get a rise.  Your mottos:  You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, and Love conquers all.


Mandy Barker

Two of Cups – This week relationships are in the forefront with the Two of Cups.  Take time to put energy in and share intimacies with your closest relationships.  Your cup becomes fuller the more you fill other’s cups.
Continue reading Tarot-cast for March 3, 2019

Tarotcast for Week of Feb. 24, 2019

Happy Birthday Pisces!

Things have been a bit intense in my life, consequently I did not have time to research an artist this week.  So just a cool pic of the stars in Pisces’ constellation.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.



Three of Pentacles – Working with others is your goal and challenge.  Collaboration is key this week for progress to happen.



Seven of Swords – The Seven of Swords ask you to set your intentions.  Things done is haste or without forethought lead to isolation and possible a moral misstep.  Planning, scheduling, prioritizing, and possibly asking for help is need this week.
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of Feb. 24, 2019

Tarotcast for the Week of Feb. 17, 2019

What Next and Why Not, Joyce J. Scott exhibition at Peter Blum gallery

The above pieces were done by Joyce C Scott.  Who was just named 2019 Smithsonian Visionary Artist.   She works in a variety of mediums: quilts, print-maker, installations etc…but I am highlighting her beaded sculptures.   She uses materials such as leather, fabric, glass, found objects and thousands of seed beads.  Her pieces bring to light discussions of race, slavery, heritage, and gender.

The first beads were made about 20,000 years ago with bone and wood.  The first seed beads, small beads made of glass, were made in Mesopotamia 2430-2180 BC.  The seed bead actual starts off as a glass tube that is stretched, then cut and re-fired for smoothness and color.  It wasn’t until the Middle Ages that beads became massed produce and Venice made them a fashion statement.  Venetian glass-makers monopolized the bead industry for about 600 years by keeping their techniques surreptitious. The glass-making methods were so highly protected that a glass-maker could face the death penalty if they shared the secrets.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.



Queen of Wands – Queen of Wands advise us to see the purpose of the variety of energies that surge through us in life.  She advises us not to try dominating or controlling them or the people around us.  Her way is that of acceptance not cynicism.




Joyce C ScottTwo of Cups – The Two of Cups foretells that love is in the air.  This week your focus should be on intimacy in the relationships you hold dear or creating new ones.  Time for candlelight diners and walks on the beach.  The challenge is knowing your truth and sharing it.
Continue reading Tarotcast for the Week of Feb. 17, 2019