Tag Archives: the fox and the tarot

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Nov. 8 2020

Tara Shakti Procession
Tara Shakti Procession

This week’s artist is Tara Shakti (@tarashakti_art). Shakti’s art conveys the resilience and power of women.  This is a time to take note and celebrate, that the first women of color will be in the second highest government position in the U.S.  Kamala Harris is also a first generation American.  Her mother, British-Indian, and her father, Jamaican, immigrated to the US 40 years ago.  Harris is also in an inter-racial marriage to a white Jewish man.  Let us just sit with all those “firsts” for a minute…

American women still have not broken the glass ceiling in government, as the press has been trying to say, but we are in kicking distance.  There is still work to be done.  America will need to catch up with other parts of the world with gender equality in high ranking positions. And then there is systematic racism to ferret out. BUT before we focus on what still needs to be done – let us rejoice in the “the firsts.”

Shakti’s art is usually portraits of women or herself.  Even though she centers around the struggle of empowerment and identity of women in a patriarchal society, most of her work has her subject staring straight at the viewer conveying an internal resilience and power.  Her choice of vibrant color has the viewer seeing the duality of struggle and strength in their stillness.  Shakrti’s provokes us to no longer sit in silence, but to stand up and continue the fight for equality and against injustice.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

Seven of Swords – This week pay attention to anything that feels slightly off.  Hopefully, it is just a little tweak like balancing out your tire pressure or getting enough sleep. But for some of you it might be somebody pulling the wool over your eyes.   It may not be malicious. Maybe someone is not telling you the whole truth because they think they will hurt your feelings.  Follow your instincts, ask questions, look deeper into situations and pay attention to little misbalances.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

Three of Coins – The energy this week is collaboration.  You are in synch weaving in and out of others’ work and needs.  Work in unison with those around you, picking out left-out strings, re-weaving, handing it off, filling in gaps.  Flowing from partner, teacher to student.  Attune yourself to the ebbs and flow of others. This week you are playing in the universes’ double-dutch game.  Have fun.  Be creative.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

*Death – The muse of change is at your door.  It is time to let go of the old to make room for the new.  This could look as simple of letting go of the clothes you will never wear again or as complex as letting go of a job or relationships that no longer works for you.  Yes, Trump is a Gemini, so your struggle does not have to be as dramatic as his, but it is a time to be real with what needs to change. And except the possibilities of the new.  There are  opportunities waiting for you if you just let go of the past and accept the change that is knocking at the door.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

*Judgement– Another big energy week for you, though you might need to cocoon to truly grok this vibe.  Last week, the muses asked you to tap into your inner strength and  heart to create ease both within and without.  This week with that understanding of heart you can see your history of beautiful and broken things has gotten you to this moment.  To see that your history refined your soul and heart to a lustrous beauty.  Your challenge is to accept and forgive the person in the mirror so she/he/they can evolve to the next level.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

Queen of Wands – Intuitive creation is the muse this week to walk with.  People often see Leos as extroverts or extremely self-confident (psst- this is not true).  You all are constantly questioning and judging what you do, and this hinders your self-expression.  The task this muse beckons you to accomplish is – do you and then let the world see it.  This week’s energy is best used in expanding your boundaries of courage and confidence especially in place of creativity and/or spirituality.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

King of Swords – Last week the energies asked you to let go of the fear of feeling.  So that your open heart can make some dazzling creation with dashes of passion and a variety of emotions.  Hopefully, you cracked open your heart for your mind will need to draw on it’s wisdom this week.  Right now, you are amid (possibly opposing) dualities, your perceptions and those of the collective truth or agreed-upon reality.  Navigating both can be hard, but if you did your heart work you will come to place a place of honesty and integrity that will ring true with others.  The challenge is that Mars is still in retrograde so do not instigate in any fights or confrontations.  Listen and empathize before you speak.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

Eight of Wands – Your second eight so a quick dive into that number.  Eights represent energy and action.  Last week was great for working on anything on the material plane.  This week is about external information.  There s a variety of messages coming to you that are informative for the coming months.  The key to navigating them is just write them down.  You do not need to act on all of them right now. Categorize and prioritize are the actions needed.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

*Hanged Man– Your second big energy card for the coming year.  Last week the muse gave you dreams and synchronicities to help you intuit how 2021 and your purpose will unfold.   Your purpose on earth will come in play in a big way in the coming year and the Universe is here to help, but you will need to suss-out an updated map and ship to sail in.  Spend the rest of your birth month making sure you are on the right ship to sail into 2021.  (I’m just going over this again, because Biden is also a Scorpio. Not that you have to become president but 2021 is a big year for you all.)   Ok and now the second card.  This muse wants you to let go of old expectations and take this month to get a bird’s eye view of your life timeline.  From this perspective you will see that your perceptions are malleable and therefore so is your narrative.  This coming birth year is the time to write a new story.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

Knight of Swords – Logic and reason are key in navigating the energies this week.  You need to be careful that you think before you leap.  As always with this card, watch hurting your extremities: legs, arms, fingers, ankles, and toes. Be sure of your footing, look both ways and don’t jump into a situation without sussing-out what’s going on first.



Nine of Wands – Boundary setting is the issue this week.  To get things done and to find time to rest you are going to have to adhere to well set rules and regulations.  Planning is also key.  This is not a week to go with the flow.  Orderliness is imperative.


Tara Shakti

Two of Swords – Procrastination is your demon to fight this week.  The key is just to make a decision, right or left. It does not matter.  The main focus is moving forward.  You will reach your destination no matter the path you chose.


Tara Shakti

*Hierophant – Another big energy week for you.  So, the energy this week is about your structures, morals, rules, and regulations.  Time to look at outdated systems that are no longer working.  In essence last week was about looking at your map for 2021 and this week is about assessing and adjusting your ship, crew and the structures that need to happen to get “your boat” to the next harbor.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Nov. 1, 2020

Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

This week’s artist is Anna Agoston.  Her mode is macrophotography, but her eye leans towards design, form, and emotions.  Agoston takes the us on a Lilliputian trip into an intimate viewing of plant structure.

Much like O’Keefe by taking us close to the subject we lose the concept of the item and begin to see it with a new perspective.  We have now lost the common constructs of the subject and are left with our subconscious giving it a new thought form or emotion.  As Agoston says “What also compels me is the satisfaction of being able to say precisely what I am feeling. I took a picture of a gingko biloba leaf because I loved the simplicity in form, the shape, and the way it hung from the branch. I felt grace and sensuality and needed to convey that. I felt satisfied when I was able to express this with a picture.”

The world is feeling a lot right now, and a lot of it is in the form of suffering.  This might lead us to give up on hope and beauty.  Agoston’s art reminds us if we sit still, take time and focus more intimately, we can find all our emotions in these smaller moments.  And they all have a place or function in the grand design.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

Two of Wands – Now is the time to take that Mars energy and point it towards the future. You get a jump start before the rest of the signs begin to hop on the bandwagon after November 12th.  Your challenge is to investigate and take those first steps onto new paths.  Mars the planet of action is in your sign until the first week in January 2021. You have until then to create the necessary energy to shoot into 2021.


Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

Knight of Wands – This muse sprinkles inspiration all around you this week.  Your challenge is not speeding past the gifts.  You are in the right place at the right time.  There is fodder to feed your purpose.  So, soak in the good and the bad, for it will help you see more clearly why you are here and what still needs to be done.


Anna Agoston

Seven of Coins – The energy this week is best used for getting things done.  It is a great week to cross off items on your to-do list.  However, it is not a beneficial to start anything brand new.  So, head down and keep plugging along the path you are on right now.


Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

*Strength– Tapping into your inner strength this week helps create ease both within and without.  As the “feelers” of the signs you will have an array of feelings; however, you are also ok with all of them.  You have tamed your inner beast with compassion while allowing it to express itself without harming others.  Calmness is needed and you have the strength to radiate it.


Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

Nine of Wands – Lets dip into nines for this is your second.  Nines are cards of preparation for completing a cycle.  Last week your muse advised you to assimilate what you have been working on since your birthday.  The challenge was working smarter not harder. This week you continue taking thoughts and projects to their next level.  The challenge is you will not get anything finished but you will be able to put a dent in it.  The challenge this week is prepping before starting the day and putting a do not disturb sign up when needed.


Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

*Lovers – This muse is asking you to re-commit to passion, love, and intimacy.  To take yourself to the next love level, or allow it back in.  Time to let go of the fear of feeling.  The challenge is you will get hurt along the way that is a given, being human.  But also, the things you can create when your heart is open, using passion and love as your main ingredients is dazzling.


Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

Eight of Pentacles – The energy this week is great for working on anything on the material plane.  You need to keep grounded by doing things with your body and how you make your money. The goal is to work smarter not harder.  The challenge is staying out of your head as much as possible.  Therefore, the more you can lean on the rhythm of your day and tweak how you are working or the work itself the better you will feel.


Anna Agoston

*High Priestess– Your second big energy card for the coming year.  This muse will give you dreams and synchronicities to help you intuit how 2021 and your purpose will unfold.   The challenge with this energy is finding and navigating the information with only your intuition.  Your purpose on earth will come in play in a big way in the coming year and the Universe is here to help, but you will need to suss-out an updated map and ship to sail in.  Spend the rest of your birth month making sure you are on the right ship to sail into 2021.


Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

Four of Coins – Your resources are scarce this week.  Pay attention to where, when, and how you tire, get frustrated, resentful, envious and/or hungry.  The challenge is not thinking this is a permanent situation.   All these are signs that you need to pull back and restock soul, mind, bank account, or frig.




Anna Agoston

Five of Coins– The last two weeks have been big energy weeks.  First the muses had you working with balance and harmony.  Then they reminded you are to see your path and tasks like you are working with a blank canvas.  This week has a lot less energy.  It might feel like you are overwhelmed and depleted at the same time.  So the challenge is finding that place of balance two weeks ago and remembering that this moment in time is a blank canvas – no need to redo outdated horrors and fears of the past.


Anna Agostonn

Six of Cups and Eight of Wands – Ok three paths for you all this week.  You choose.  You can tie up loose ends of the past, run head long into the future gathering intel as you go, or a bit of both.  Either way there is a bunch of information for you to decipher.  You can find solutions to problems in the now either from past experiences or experimentation moving forward.  It is up to you which way to cast your gaze, backwards or forward, but either way work in the now.


Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

*Chariot – Change is in the air.  The challenge is the oars/sails are in your hands this week.  You will need a solid plan to catch this energy and use it wisely. This week is a prequel to the winds of change that begin around November 13th.  Are you ready to catch the wave? Make this week a practice run for 2021.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 18, 2020

Charles Addams
Charles Addams

Another spooky favorite is cartoonist Charles Addams.    He created the Addams family cartoon which later became a TV series, animations, live action movies, and a stage musical.  Addams brought the ghoulish and absurd into our everyday habitats, cities, and suburbs.   He started drawing cartoons in 1935 for the New Yorker and contributed to it for more than 50 years.  However, of his thousands of cartoons, the Addams family only appears in around 50.  His humor was subtle either in the wry captions or the characters’ juxtapositions within “normal” settings.  He brilliantly added to the definition of American Gothic.

American Gothic literature was born from puritanical ethos and anxiety of the unknow wilderness of the forming United States.  This ghoulish vision of condemnation reinforced by shame and guilt was fertile ground for Irving, Poe, and Hawthorne.  Later Darwinism adding to the gothic collective consciousness the ab-human, authors like Lovecraft and Shelly having us question what it is to be human.  These themes still resonate in modern literature like Interview with a Vampire and The Shining.   The beauty and twist with Addams are he knew how to traverse the line of the macabre and the “normal.”  Inverting the battle of good versus evil and coaxing the viewer to find common ground with our darker or absurd side of the psyche.  In essence he makes the viewer ponder the American Gothic that lies in all of us.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Charles Addams
Oh I couldn’t make it Friday …I’ve so many things to do. It’s the thirteenth you know

Four of Pentacles – Last week’s energy was pushing you to harness your emotions and start creating momentum.  Using this Mars energy to your advantage to get a head start on 2021. This week the energy lessens but still the goal is the same. Make sure you allocate your finite resources to continue laying down the foundation for 2021 projects.  And be careful this week not spending money or time in frivolous endeavors.

Charles Addams

Queen of Wands – The energy this week is about creation, inspiration, and leadership.  Your tasks are to reflect and revise your mission statement.  What is your purpose?  What are you trying to convey?  Use this retrograde energy to recalibrate your goals to your message.

Charles Addams

Ace of Wands – Fresh starts this week are in abundance.  This muse asks you what would you do if your slate was clean?  Your answers will help define your next steps.


Eight of Coins– The muse this week is here to help you hone your craft.  This can be how you make your money and/or what you do with your hands.  The more you focus on the details of your skills and tweak how you do things the easier your work begins to flow.

How many times have I told you…always read the labels

*Magician – You all are just banging out the karma and dharma cards the past 3 weeks.  So, you have been and will continue (if needed) working with energies about blocks, so you can jump with the elegance of a sleek black cat not knowing where exactly it will land.  If you have done the work, then you realize each jump lands you in the arms of the next Magical Muse.  This muse creates space for experimentation and creation.  She helps you pull the divine down into the material world.  This can look as simple as you taking your hobby to the next level, or as complicated as starting a new business/job.  The key is allowing and experiment with your tools to move you to the next stage of growth.

Charles Addams
I think you know everybody

Three of Coins – Collaboration and teamwork are the energies of ease this week.  Finding people with your common goal not only uplift you but also have vital information for you.  By fusing your energies, you create something more then you could attain this week on your own.

Charles Addams
Charles Addams

Four of Swords – Last week your year card of beginnings and endings foretold what 2021 will hold.  This week is about rest.  This is about spending your last week of your birth month, luxuriating.  Time for bubble baths, spa days, reading a novel, and lazing in the sun.  Your mind needs time to rest and reset for the coming year.  Turn off electronics for at least a day and relax.

Charles Addams
I give up Robert What does have two horns, one eye and creeps

*Devil – What an interesting card to start off your birth month. This energy is one of your karmic energies for your sign.  This coming birth year will have a lot of distractions and potholes.  However, if you use your incredible Spidey sense you can navigate it all with ease.   You can read a room well when you tune in, and you can see someone’s weakness and strengths in a glance.  These aspects will be tested this year, so one thing to do this month is have a mirror talk with yourself and ask what do you really want out of 2021? Write down your response so when a distraction pops up you can pull out your map to stay on your path.

Charles Addams
It’s the children, darling back from Camp

Five of Swords – Last week’s energy was about mortaring up holes in your physical realm’s foundations or dealing with an issue hanging around since May.  This week’s muse gives you another week to shore-up work.  The challenge can be your sensitivity is high with all the posturing that can is going on around you.  You cannot ignore the problems, but you also should not engage.  Your motto:  Not your monkeys, not your circus- Polish proverb.  But if they are your monkeys cleaning up after them is your responsibility.

Charles Addams
Dinner time, Webster

*Temperance – This week’s energy is about harmony.  The key to this energy is understanding that balance is not about equal it is about appropriate amounts for a harmonious flavor.  This week work on the components and amounts of  hardship, work, play, purpose, thriving, enjoying, and healing to blend into a savory dish of life.   Your song:  A Spoonful of Sugar.

Charles Addams
I think you know everybody

Nine of Wands – This energy is about meeting your goals and follow-through.  You might have to put on blinders and lock yourself in the room, for the world is very willing to distract you this week.  So, staying diligent and putting up strong boundaries is necessary to get things done.

Charles Addams

Seven of Wands – Ok time to fortify your defensives this week.  No joke this Mars and Mercury retro is making people just not a their best and this week you are ultra-sensitive to it.    The challenge is not taking it personally and protect your inner light from outer negativities.   This is a great time for pillow forts, ice cream, or anything lovely that can get you through this week’s negativity.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 11, 2020

Kinuko Craft
Kinuko Craft

This is spooky month but with spook comes fantasy.  This week I will be reading from the Tarot of the Divine who uses fairy tales and myths from around the world for the imagery.  Fairy tales and myths have similar qualities.  They usually convey a moral or a lesson.  The characters may vary but there is usually a hero, villain, and a friend/mentor. There is some magical or otherworld element.  And the heroine/hero usually has some task or problem they need to solve to overcome evil.  These stories were told to not only impart knowledge but for the readers to contemplate their own story.  So this week ponderings are:  What is your story, how have you vanquished your monsters, what tasks do you still need to accomplish to reach your “happily ever after” and please remember for a full life story you need sequels and multiple happy endings.

This week’s artist Kinuko Craft pulls from the realm of the fantastical.  Her art is meticulous and highly detailed.  Since the 90’s she focuses on illustrating fantasy book covers, opera posters, and her amazing fairy tale books.  Each piece shows her love for art history and fine art itself.   I recommend going to her site to see these up close the detail and layering is amazing.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.




*Chariot – Time to harness your emotions and start creating momentum.  The places that you have once floundered are no longer a hindrance, for you have learned from your mistakes.  What lays before you is the known. Now you have the experience to avoid the potholes on your path.  So get a move on this week.  Use this Mars energy to your advantage and get a head start on 2021.  Your tale:  The Three Princess of Whiteland, Norway.


Kinuko Craft
Kinuko Craft

Knight of Cups –The energy this week resonates with love, kindness and standing up for who and what you believe in.  The challenge is that you might need to befriend a dragon or put others needs ahead of your own.  However, these challenges and sacrifices do work in your favor in the long run.   Your tale:  Halibu the Hunter; Mongolia.


Kinuko Craft
Kinuko Craft

Nine of Wands – This week ‘s energy is a bit of a battle.  The key to navigate these trials is to be vigilant while maintaining hope.  Your tasks are honing your resilience and being prepared.  This can look as simple as carrying snacks and water with you this week to sustain your energy.  Your tale:  Vasilisa the Beautiful, Russia.


Kinuko Craft
Kinuko Craft

Knight of Coins– Last week was about keeping hope alive and spending time to heal.  This week’s energy is about action.  This is a great week to slowly and steady do what needs to be done.  Persistence is key.  Your tale:  Heitsi-Eibib, Khoikhoi, South Africa


Kinuko Craft
Kinuko Craft

*Fool – Last week’s energy surrounded the concept of insightful exposure of what is driving you crazy or blocking you.  However, this was to be done with a new perspective.  If you did your work, you are ready to take the next step into the unknown.   If not, then you can fall into the doldrums and feel the path is hopeless.   So the key now is to take the step knowing that even if you fail you will not fall.  Your tale:  The Little Mermaid, Denmark


Kinuko Craft
Kinuko Craft

Page of Wands – Last week’s energy was about creating the divine on to the material plane.  This energy bleeds into this week but with a focus more about the playful energy of creation.  If you are not having fun creating the world you are in – why are you doing it?  And if you are stuck in a world you have not totally created you can still pull out crayons and color outside the lines.  Your tale:  Mwindo, Republic of Congo.


Kinuko Craft
Kinuko Craft

*World – This is your first big energy card to start off your birth year.  This is the card of happily ever after endings following a difficult journey.  You have gone through the trials, and now it is time to wrap up the old story so you can start anew.  This year brings it endings as well as beginnings.  Spend this week writing a list of what needs to be finished.  And then start building a vision board for what you want next.   Your tale:  Hinemoa and Tutannekai, Maori, New Zealand. 



Kinuko Craft

Three of Coins – Where last week people may have gotten on your nerves, this week they are vital to your success.  Collaboration and recognizing other’s gifts are part of finding solutions and ease.  The challenge is you may need to come at projects and problems with humbleness not hubris.    Your tale:  Banjhakri and Banjhakrini, Nepal.



*Tower – This is the second time you got the Tower this year.  What have you not dealt with that is not working in your life?  If this is the same thing that was not right back in May, get it fixed now because the third time around tends destroy to create movement.  If you dealt with the May issue, then look for small cracks in your foundations. These usually have to do with the material plane, like not having a solid exercise regime, not liking your job, not have 6 months of savings or still in debt. You might need to make some sacrifices to mortar up the holes, but it is worth it in the end.  Your tale:  Rapunzel, Germany.


Kinuko Craft

Four of Cups – There is something in plain sight that needs your attention.   You are not seeing because it is not being the squeaky wheel or bursting fireworks.  This week look for simple solutions, and basic pleasures.  What is most “mundane” may be the most useful.  No reason for extravagance.  Your tale:  The Nightingale, Denmark.


Kinuko Craft

King of Coins – This energy is about digging in deep and holding steady.  You can help others with their hopes and dreams this week.  However, the challenge is acknowledging when you need to pull in your energy.  Conservation is key for preservation.   Do not worry, if you are honest, the people around you will support you as much as you support them.  Your tale:  Hah-nu-nah, The world Turtle, North American Iroquois.


Kinuko Craft

Two of Cups – Last week the energy of creation for comfort was key. You needed some positive mothering energy to sustain yourself.  The energy this week resonates with this sense of comfort and love.  Though the focus is more on equality and partnership.  Your inner circle must fill your cup as well as challenge you in your growth.  Take time to connect to those that you love and separate from those that only take or hurt.  Your tale:  Enkidu and Gilgamesh, Iraq, Sumerian.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 4, 2020

pipe dream Stella Snead
pipe dream Stella Snead

First, I want to thank all of you for reading my musings on art, tarot, and a bit of science.  I am going into my 6th year with this blog, and I so appreciate your support and feedback throughout the years. At times I feel as if I am writing into the void, so your echoes back help me see that this is fulfilling its purpose of entertainment and hopefully some enlightenment and ease.  You all are few but mighty in spirit, love and appreciated!

And now to start off the month of spook, this week’s artist is Stella Snead.  She is a surrealist painter, photographer, and collage artist. She and her father struggled with depression.  Though she has few memories of her father the viewer can see her exploration of her own psychology through her artwork.  Surrealism has a natural affinity towards the study of the subconscious.

Her early paintings all seemed set in a nocturnal landscape of the dreaming mind.  Her depression stopped her from painting in her mid-life, but travel and photography became the mode and medium during her darker times.  She began collaging her mental ponderings.  By her 70’s she returned to painting and revisited images she had done in her earlier years. Themes you often see in her musings are nature’s powerful forces: volcanos, tornados geysers, containment, and using perspective to draw the eye out of the picture.  These techniques and images are keys to propelling the viewer into unknown waters.  But also, the opportunity that once we have traversed the unknown it becomes know, less scary and possibly a brighter freer place than what we have known.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



Stella Snead
Stella Snead

Ace of Cups – This week is testing your emotional intelligence.  This energy wants to unblock your heart and get your emotional energy moving.  This is a great week to watch a movie that brings a tear to your eye.  While balancing it with activities that make you laugh.  The more you are in tune with your feelings, the more you can be there for your love ones and understand the emotional intention behind those around you.


Tornado Stella Snead

Six of Cups – The keys to navigating this week is linked to the past.  This is a great week to share stories of your childhood, go through old photos, and read old journals.  There is inspiration and answers in reminiscing this week.


Stella Snead
ladies from afar Stella Snead

Queen of Wands – Your passion needs a focus this week.  Inspiration and creativity are craving your attention, but it is up to you to take the time to let them in for a drink.  Creativity takes time, pondering, mulling to find its nuance and ignite passion.   Time to have a must needed conversation with your muses.


Flood Dance Stella Snead

*Star and Nine of Swords – This week highlights that the future is uncertain; however, this does not mean to worry or fret. The key to navigating the night is seeing that you are surrounded by a blanket of love and care, and the Star Muse of Hope and Faith leads the way even though the path is dark with uncertainty.


Deadlock Stella Snead

*Hanged Man – This week’s energy surrounds the concept of insightful exposure.  What is driving you crazy or blocking you needs to be reexamined.  However, this investigation must be done from a new perspective.  You are stuck because your life stories are being played out through a lens of an old perception.  To become more malleable with your thinking let go of awareness and allow your truth to float to the surface.  A gestalt is forming to break you out of your stagnation, but you will need to flip and flow your mind in the quiet of reflection without judgement or logical thought.


Stella Snead
Ecstatic cows Stella Snead

*Magician – Last week was about ending and cleaning out the debris from last birth year.  You still have until mid-November to tie things up.  But this week is about creating what you hold as divine.  This is your purpose wanting some hang-time with you, so you can start plotting out how this concept will unfold.  This muse reminds you that you already have the skills and tools to accomplish what you want to do.  The challenge is realizing that those tools can come from other people taking over some of the everyday of your plans.  Your energy needs to focus  on creating the form and space for your creation to begin to grow, however, there is no need for you to do it all alone.


Stella Snead
smothered city Stella Snead

Six of Swords – This is your winding down month until your birthday and the energy this week helps in this transition.  The challenge is that the future is clouded over.  You may feel as if the mists have settled in front of you.  However, the muse this week gives you the keys to traverse the unknown.  The first key is simplification.  She asks what is it that you most want to change or shift. The second key is faith for there will be clues along the way to guide you through these coming months as your perspective and horizons become clearer.



Stella Snead
Capture Stella Snead

Seven of Wands – This week people can get on your nerves.  The challenge with this energy is standing your ground and keeping your inner light lite.    Planet-wise there are some hard aspects this week, and water signs are feeling the brunt of it.  This muse reminds you even in standing your ground you can reach out with love to keep the blue meanies away.


Eye to horizon Stella Snead

Two of Cups – The energy this week is all about positive reinforcement of relationships that you have picked in your life.  Whether that is a partner, a pet, or your plants.  Caring for others fills your cup as much as them caring for you.


Stella Snead
Advancing Monuments Stella Snead

Knight of Swords – This week’s energy tends to make you feel as if you need to rush to decisions and actions; however, the exact opposite is true.  To deal with this hectic energy slowing down is the best solution.  Be gentle with your responses for they can become defensive.  Be slow in your actions for you can hurt yourself, especially your extremities.  Logic and caution are key this week.  Motto:   look both ways before crossing the street.


Stella Snead
From the Grotto Stella Snead

Knight of Wands – You are in the right place doing the right thing.  This week’s energy helps you accomplish anything you put your focus towards.  The key is finding inspiration to keep the energy going.  Whether that is seeing that this project will lead to more projects or the beginning of something new.  It is vital that you see the why behind what you are doing so you can take your life to the next level.


Family Portrait Stella Snead

*Empress – The energy of creation for comfort is what generates ease this week. You are needing some positive mothering energy to sustain yourself.  This can look as simple as making a scrumptious meal or get that new piece of furniture that will make your living area finally comfortable.  The challenge with this energy is creating comfort not prestige.  Creating things that feed your senses, that make you go ahhh, have you smiling, and that make you feel nurtured are the items you should incorporate into this week’s schedule.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Sept. 27, 2020


Happy Birthday Libras!

Libra is the sign that governs balance, partnership, and harmony.  Libra’s motto is I relate.  Whatever house Libra resides in your natal chart is where these concepts become the place of learning for you.  With a nod to Libras this week’s artists are the couple, bonpon511 on Instagram, otherwise known as Tsuyoshi and Tomi Seki.  (when you go to their Insta account flip through the photos – they see some cool art shows.)

In May they celebrated their 40th anniversary and their third year in retirement.  They have only been matching outfits and documenting them since 2016.  As Mrs. Pon says Since we both have gray hair, we thought it’d be funny to match our fashion styles, so we started wearing clothes of the same color and patterns. We decide based on how we feel each day… They have taken what is known in Japan as Osoroi Code, where groups or couples wear matching clothes, to another level.  … it’s not just about coordinating our clothes,” said Tsuyoshi. We try to choose outfits that complement our surroundings. What makes a good partnership or harmony varies for all of us.  Mrs. Pon credits Mr. Bon for being a work center person leaving early in the day and coming home after midnight to their long and loving relationship.

Finding balance does not mean everything has to be the same.  It is about what feels right.  This concept of Osoroi Code “matching coordination” is what we should grok from Libra.  It is not just about relating to others and our surroundings.  It how it feels in its relation.  So, this month’s pondering – Am I in harmony with self, others, and my environment? Do have good partners?  And most importantly, does it make me smile? Cite

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



Osoroi bonpon511Page of Cups – Last week the energy was pushing you to finish projects.  Hopefully, you got to do that for this week is all about play.  Time to take the focus off doing and more on non-goal-oriented fun.  Play is vital for productivity and freeing your mind to discover new connections that stringent scheduling can hinder.  So pull out the Legos and crayons.



Osoroi bonpon511King of Wands – The muse this week wants you to work with your inspirations.  Do your inspirations motivate your own work, or have they become distractions that no longer fit your divine purpose or soul?  If they do motivate you this is the week to focus on one and go.  Write that book, do that art project, tell your boss about that innovation you have thought of.  Believe in your visions, point of view and intellect.



Osoroi bonpon511Ace of Swords – Last week was about working in the realm of the subtle.  Using your intuition as your compass to navigate the mists.  It made you sensitive to the current of your surroundings which helps you with this week decisions, inquiries, and problems.  With your finely tuned intuition and your sharpened intellect you bring much needed awareness and clarity to situations.



Osoroi bonpon511King of Cups – This week’s energy can bring on your emotions.  However, you have the Muse of Emotions helping you see that this outpouring of feelings are paths to self-discovery.  That what awaits in the middle of the feeling storm is a calm place of compassion and knowing.  Dive into the whys of how you are feeling without being swept away in the currents who, what, where and how.  This energy, if used correctly with love, can heal.



Osoroi bonpon511Three of Cups – Last week the muses were guiding you to an awaken.  By accepting your flaws are rooted in your humanness, you began incorporating them as positive influences instead of distractions.  The muses this week will lead you through the phases of life.  You need to connect to not just people in your age group but also those above and below.  By befriending other ages, you will find connections to your past, your future and firmly ground you in your present.



bonpon511*World – This week is great for finishing up projects.  You can start something new; however, it is vital that you clear off some of the debris left over from last birth year.  You do not need or want to carry useless crap into 2021.  Mars is in retrograde until November 12th and Mercury will go retro during that time, too.  You have until mid-November to tie things up, so what is seeded can start to grow without hinderance or shade.



Osoroi bonpon511Page of Swords – The best thing to do with this week’s energy is to come at it like a news reporter.  You find out more by asking question and doing some deep listening.  Not all information is on the surface, so inquiry and sensitivity are need to get to the real truth.   Since this is also your birth month.  Turn some of that inquiry to investigating what do you want in the coming year.



bonpon511Ten of Wands – The energy this week is about prioritizing your obligations.  This muse recommends ordering your work and then take the two lowest ranked tasks off you list.  Put them aside until next week and see if either someone else picked them up because they were not yours in the first place, or they just magically disappear.



bonpon511Eight of Coins – More work energy this week.  This vibe is great for advancing projects to the next step.  However, is not a great time for starting something new.  If you do, it can feel like Sisyphus rolling your rock up to have it fall again.  So, stick to what you know and plow through that.



Osoroi bonpon511Two of Swords – Last week, the Muse of Manifestation was there to facilitate calling down your energy and to create on the material plane.  This week is more of the same; however, do not vacillate on making decisions.  Now is the time to choose.  You will find out later that the choice did not matter as much for you end up in the same place.  However, in making your choices go with the feeling and less with the logic. It is more about the journey then the destination.



Osoroi bonpon511Four of Cups – The energy continues with your work and building upon your empire.  Continue getting things off your to do list.  However, where last week’s energy was about navigating chaos, this week’s distraction comes from within.  It is fine to do some introspection but diving deep into your pondering mind will take you off course.  So, if you find yourself going down the rabbit hole, change your perspective to the outside and do something you love in the world.



bonpon511Two of Coins – The energy this week is about balance.   Something in your life is out of sync.  Usually with this energy it literally means you need to work on physical balance.  Like not enough veggies or water or you need to practice yoga or Tai Chi.  And/or your work/life balance can be out of whack.  So, time for an adjustment.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Sept. 20, 2020

Ute Milotich
Ute Milotich

The artist this week is Ute Milotich.  Milotich’s paintings are the collision of the real and the existential.  There is a boldness to her color choices and subjects that invigorates and yet firmly grounds the viewer.  There lies a duality of solidity and motion in almost all her paintings.  As she says I paint to explore what it means to be human now. Everything is in motion, everything changes over time, sometimes quietly, sometimes dramatically. In my paintings, I strive to capture a glimpse of a person or a fleeting moment in the richness of human experience.

It makes sense Milotich nods to Anne Dillard as inspiration.  Dillard also uses the technique of deeply seeing through the real finding the spiritual. Dillard does this to an exception in her book Pilgrim at Tinker Creek.  Deep seeing or deep listening is about staying in the moment passing through the uncomfortable to a place of new understanding.  Often when doing this we find a connection or new meaning.   It is interesting that Milotich pulls this quote from the Dillard’s book I cannot cause light; the most I can do is try to put myself in the path of its beam. This is what painters do they see the light bouncing off the object and then try to replicate it on the canvas, like an artistic prism.  So, we as the viewer/reader ponder what to I take in and how does it beam back into the world?

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Ute Milotich
Ute Milotich

*World – The muses keep pushing energy at you to finish projects.   This week is a great time to end cycles.  Success and completion are at hand.  But just as vital as checking off your to-do lists is celebrating that you have.  You are on the verge of new things, but old baggage needs to be dealt with to move on.  Do it and raise a glass to your accomplishments and the future.



Ute Milotich
Ute Milotich

Queen of Cups – The energy this week ask you to find places of joy.  This can be dancing to music in your living room, have a stich and bitch session with friends, get rowdy and watch sports with your crew or having a pillow fight with your kids. (of course safely distancing or virtually)  This energy is about in-joying your life.  That place of fun that rises you above self-thought with a hint of blissful abandon at the same time connecting you to your core.



Ute Milotich

*Priestess – Ancient ancestor wisdom is waiting on the other side of the door. This week is about working in the realm of the subtle.  Use your intuition as your compass to navigate its mists.  Look for cycles and synchronicities to leading you to find gems of wisdom laying behind the curtain, under your sofa, out your window or out of the mouth of strangers as you pass by.



Ute Milotich

Nine of Wands – The muse this week advises to shore up your boundaries.  You have work to do and the outside world may try to intrude.  Follow through, finish up loose ends, these are the activities that are supported by the universe.  Your job is to stand firm and make yourself your first priority.



Ute Milotich
Ute Milotich

*Judgement – Your muse this week is here to help your awakening.  To help move you to your next step.  To do so you must accept your flaws are rooted in your humanness.  Find ways to incorporate them as positive influences instead of distractions.  This Muse reminds you that only being honest about your blunders of the past can you use them to burst out of the cocoon of inertia and self-doubt.



Ute Milotich
Ute Milotich

Nine of Swords – Virgo now finishing your birth month you discover this coming year a field of passionate beginnings, clearer paths, and strategies, and muses that will frolic and co-create with you a space of safety.  This coming year energy is about rebirth, regeneration, and metamorphosis.  But before you start your journey you need to befriend the muse of fear and doubts.  This energy is not a tiger in wait but a scared kitten needing your consolation.



Ute Milotich

Eight of Swords – The energy this week can feel claustrophobic from within and without.  Many of these swarming thoughts and duties when looked at closely are not yours.  You have accepted them, but they are not yours to hold.  It is time to let negative thought patterns go.   However, part of the problem is also your need to control situations and outcomes, but you are creating codependent behavior with those around you.  Let go of the control so others can learn their own power.


Ute Milotich
Ute Milotich

Two of Wands – The energy this week highlights being in the present.  The energy feels on the onset like torpor but when looking closely  and deeply you can study the subtle moments of the small.  Exercises like eating a rasin, watching rain fall on a window pane for 30 minutes, watch ants going in and out of a hill or feel the subtle aspects of wash your hands for two minutes. Finding the moments between the breath in and out is to find a place of peace within the actions of life.



Ute Milotich

Queen of Coins – The energy this week is still vibrating on the material plane.  This muse wants you to work hard and play harder.  She reminds you that the reason you work is to create.  She asks are you indulging in the finer aspects of your creation.  All work and no play makes Jill/Jack a dull human.



Ute Milotich
Ute Milotich

*Magician – The Muse of Manifestation walks with you this week.  She facilitates calling down your energy and to create on the material plane.  The challenge is realizing you have all you need to conjure up the divine.  You have collected the material and tools you need.  Use your imagination to work with what you have.  It is enough and so are you.



Ute Milotich
Ute Milotich

*Emperor and Five of Wands – So you have two energies to work with this week.  The first is about work and building upon your empire.  This is a great week for projects, getting things off your to do list, working with your hands.  However, the other energy is chaos and competition, which can distract you.  So, you can put on your blinders and get to your work, or you can practice your skills of charm and cajoling to get what you want done.  The latter route will find you more allies in the coming weeks, and the former, you will get more done.  Your choice.



Ute Milotich

Six of Wands – Last week’s energy hopefully implanted the clarity of self-compassion and self-forgiveness for a past transgression.  Opening yourself to a lighter and enlighten future that is more in tune with your divine nature.  This week shines a light on you.  The challenge is can you except the limelight.  This is not a week to hide in the shadows but step out into the light.