Tag Archives: the fox and the tarot

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Feb 14, 2021

Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Happy Love day!  Single or Partnered this day is meant to celebrate Love.  Love is desperately need in this world right now.  Self – Love as well as Love for Gaia and all her inhabitants.  When you step back, it’s pretty magical and amazing.

Onto the planets – Almost all of 2021 (except for mid-August to September) Saturn and Uranus are challenging each other.  However, on February 17th, the first of three, Saturn is exactly square with Uranus.  This is boundary loving Saturn challenging freedom loving Uranus.  But the intriguing thing is Saturn is in progressive Aquarius and Uranus is in conservative Taurus.

What this means is all of 2021 society as a whole and personally if it effects your natal chart will be dealing with testing our need to be free and innovative versus our habits, structures, and stability.  Ideally the best way to work with this energy is striking a balance between the old structures and the new innovations.  Setbacks are usually temporary and lead to new creative paths if you do not fall prey to frustration.   This year is not about revolution but reinvention.  Also, Mercury is still in retrograde until February 18th, so continued to Review, Reflect and Revise until then.

Now to this week’s artist, Brooke Didonato (@brookedidonato).  Didonato portraits feel incredible relevant as we deal with being homebound as a collective, and the push and pull of freedom and stability.  Her art is whimsical vignettes of self-exploration in the spaces we live and in our intimate relationships.  She has her viewers pondering about the trappings of societal self in our personal spaces as well as the entangling though life giving elements of our intimate relationships.

We spent 2020 facing who we are in a more intimate world.  We cannot travel, party, or socialize to escape ourselves.  In fact, many of us brought our outer world to our intimate space.  These interactions hopefully made you more aware of what makes you tick or have ticks.  Whether you have mastered baking or woodcraft, or now cannot eat another loaf of bread and have a partial constructed table.  This year has been a lesson on learning what our inner boundaries, needs and wants.   Where either we have run up against or finally feel comfortable in our nests.

Light and Love


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Four of Swords – Your well is near empty and you are not realizing it.  This week you need rest and relaxation.  Your muse advises you to pour a bath or a beer and listen to some soothing music.  Take time this week to tune out, so you can tune in with more ease.

Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Judgment – The Muse of Metamorphosis has come to help you with your itch for planting/harvesting off season.  She advises there is no time like the present to start this change.  However, this transformation takes time, for there is an internal transformation that needs to happen first.  Find moments where you can spend time with your “pupa.”  Ask it what new innovated form it wants to transform into.  How can you create a “you” or project that tells a new story, modernizes the world, lives a new life?  Patience is key this week.  Motto: Change happens from the inside out.

Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Ace of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration is here.  You can start any project this week especially creative ones.  Inspiration will gush if you can get yourself to sit down and let it flow.  Think, color and/or dance outside the box this week to connect with this muse.

Brooke Didonato

Ten of Wands – How much responsibility are you carrying?  The Muse of Burdens is here to help you with that load.  She advises to put down at least three items on your list and leave them for next week.  Prioritize the rest, and lastly do one thing to completion.  Unless you hit a roadblock, then put that item last on your to-do list.  You will find that the tasks you let go might be picked up by someone else or lose their urgency.

Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Three of Coins – Last week the Muse of Healing and Hope proved you some easter eggs of positivity.  They showed you the world is not totally lost, and you are not broken, a misfit or “an ugly duckling.”  This healing vibe continues this week with the Muse of Foundations.  Take this week to still re-coup but this energy also nudges you to feather your nest and set of some foundational work to maintain your health and heart.  Physically this means tend to your body like sorting out your diet/exercise, emotionally this could look like re-establish connections with friends and mentally creating space and time to rejuvenate.

Brooke Didonato

King of Swords – The Muse of Long-term planning is here with calendar in hand.  Take this week to do a check in with your plan for a year, 3 years, and 5 years from now.  Is what you doing today setting you up for where and who you want to be in 2026?


Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Lavishness is here.  Lavish is defined as to bestow in great amounts.  This Muse reminds you that life is meant to be lived with zest.  This week make sure you indulge all your senses.  Your motto:  Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death! So c’mon live! Rosalind Russell in Auntie Mame


Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Page of Wands – This week the muse of innovation is peeking over your shoulder egging you on to be more you.  To let your freak flag fly without censorship or guilty.    She reminds you that you are unique, and that uniqueness is need on Earth at present.  The World is creating new structures this year, this week it is vital you are part of that change.

Brooke Didonato

Ten of Swords – This week can be filled with nastiness, roadblocks, and failings.   The key to navigate this energy is to listen to your intuition.  If it is hard to get out the door, wait 15 minutes before leaving.  You feel the back of your neck hair’s raise up, don’t’ go down that street.   Or people are being rude, walk away. Think of these incursions as a boot camp for intuitive thought.

Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Five of Coins – This week’s energy could have you at a loss.  This can be a literal loss – like you cannot find your keys or you lose money, or it can be a metaphysical loss.   Either way the challenge is not to make it any loss an existential crisis.   Think of this more as a short lived pause and an exercise on asking for help.  Whether that help comes from outside or inside it will decrease the struggle if you ask for it.

Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Emperor–  Your second higher Arcane card for your birth year. The first was the Muse of Temptation testing your integrity and how you define yourself.   This correlates with Jupiter- planet of expansion and Saturn planet of structures interacting with your sun pretty much all year.  Think of it like your final exams for old structures and constructs – things you have already experienced but now are being tested on what you have learned.  Once you finish you can innovate into your next reincarnation with the Muse of Building and Expanding.  This second energy supports construction in the coming year.  The key to this energy is to have a good blueprint and budget for what you want to build.  Innovation grounded in reality.

Brooke Didonato

Death – Last week the Muse of Awakenings  wanted to image your goals and self going forward.  The challenge was not focusing solely  on the material plane wants, but what you want to metamorphize into.  She advised getting in touch with your spirit guide/animal and having a conversation on transformation.  Or creating a vison board composed of only colors and feelings.  Luckily, you can continue that exercise to support your first energy for this birth year – the Muse of Organic Change.  This year your Muses want you to start creating elements for goals/life/persona that you are metaphorizing in.  The keys to working with this energy are letting go of what is not working, planting seeds to what you want to happen, and then having the patience and tenacity of gardener.  This year is about being in tune with and working with natural cycles and seasons to make

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Feb 7, 2021

Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

The planets:  Mercury is retrograde until February 18th.    This is a great time to Review, Reflect and Revise. There is a new Moon in Aquarius on the 11th, a great time to daydream the future and innovatations.

Now to this week’s artist, Kilian Schoenberger  (@kilianschoenberger).  Schoenberger’s hashtag is fogpants and for good reason.  His portrait of this atmospheric phenomena is otherworldly.  Each photograph seems staged for a fairytale or period piece horror flick.  His artistic ability of capturing sunlight, fog and snow has us entering another world, where time and space extends into the ether.

Fog forms when something warm and moist meets something cold.  The most common is radiation fog when the Earth radiates stored heat into the night’s cool air.  This fog sits and doesn’t move.  Advection fog is driven by warm moist air across cold surfaces like snow or water, and it flows.   Ultimately fog is a cloud on the ground.  In Schoenberger’s depiction of this phenomena, it becomes less of an embodiment of the unknown.  A place where we can lose our way or where scary monsters lurk.  Instead, he invites us to enter a dimension where we can walk on clouds.

Light and Love


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Three of Wands – Last week’s energy was about reviewing if yourself and/or others were being unjust or not aligned with their integrity.  This exercise of tuning into integrity will help with this week’s energy of alignment.  This Muse helps you see that your timing/action-taking is perfect even if it seems you are not moving forward.  The world is behind the scenes aligning things while you wait to enter the into the act.  Motto: have patience until it is the right moment to pounce.


Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Four of Coins – The Muse of Thriftiness is here. Resources (time, money and/or space) are tight this week. She reminds you of ways you can be more frugal.   Whether that is only going out to shop once this week or stretching your food budget by going deep into the freezer and eating what is there.  The key is time and money is precious.  So, what do you want to spend your precious resources on?


Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship is knocking.  She prompts that connection is important to keep up your spirits.  Take some time this week to reconnect with your BFFs.  Your emotional reserve is emptier than you think, and your friends are a quick refreshment in joy.



Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Six of Swords – The muse of small transitions is here to help move things along.    She reminds you that small simple movements forward are needed to move ahead.  So, take your to do list and break down each item into smaller chunks, or prioritize the simpler projects to create momentum.


Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Star – The Muse of Healing and Hope is here for you this week.  You may feel a bit war-torn, or not feeling like you or anything fits, kinda like the little the ugly duckling.  However, this muse is here to nestle you under her wings and show you that the world has some bright spots just for you. She will lead you to easter eggs of hope if only you open your heart and mind to them.  Whether that is someone opening a door for you, a sincere thank you, or someone giving you an eye-crinkle masked grin.  These glimpses of positivity are here to show you the world is not totally lost, and you are not broken, a misfit or “an ugly duckling.”


Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Knight of Cups – This week’s energy migrates your heart from chest to sleeve.  This is not a totally bad thing.  It is great for flirting and for deep meaningful conversations with ones you love.  However, be aware you can be overly sensitive and take things too much to heart.  Remember Mercury is in retrograde and people can say things they do not mean or can hear incorrectly.  It is a bit of a telephone game, so act accordingly.


Kilian Schoenberger

Ten of Coins – The energy this week surrounds successes.  This is a great week to finish off projects and then indulge in the aura of your achievements.  Abundance is in the air, your work is to grab these brass rings and enjoy the gifts that come with your hard labor.


Kilian Schoenberger

Page of Swords – The Muse of Sleuthing is here to help you dig out the truth.  Things are not what they seem this week, so you will have to do some investigating.  Since the truths are not on the surface, you will have to ask questions in a variety of ways to find the facts.  So ears open and a nonjudgmental mind will help you discover the information you need.


Kilian Schoenberger

Seven of Coins – Work is the focus this week.  This is a terrific time to get done whatever you set your mind and hands to.  The challenge is getting started.  However, once you begin there is no stopping you.


Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Page of Coins – The Muse of Study is here to help you.  You have something to learn this week that will be extremely useful in the coming months.  So, time to don your student hat and open your mind to the new.  Motto:  Learning is fundamental to my growth.


Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Devil – This is your first higher arcane card for your birth year.  So, this is a theme to revisit throughout the year.   This Muse’s energy is about testing your integrity and how you define yourself.   This correlates with Jupiter- planet of expansion and Saturn planet of structures interacting with your sun pretty much all year.  In a way this year is like your final exams.  Old structures and constructs – things you have already learned will come up again.  Your challenge is enacting what you have learned.  Once you finish you can innovate into your next reincarnation.



Kilian Schoenberger

Judgment – During your final month before your new birth year the Muse of Awakenings has arrived.  This Muse wants you to start imagining what you want you to be in this coming year.  The challenge is this is not about what you can obtain on the material plane, but what you want to metamorphize into.  This can look as simple as getting in touch with your spirit guide/animal and having a conversation on transformation. Or as complex as a vison board composed of only colors and feelings.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Jan 31, 2021

Shelley Muzylowski
See Swan Shelley Muzylowski

The planets:  Just a heads-up Mercury is retrograde until February 18th.  People are often fearful of this planet’s retrograde period.  Though it is not the best time to sign contracts, buy things that have electronic components or start something new.  And we need to be careful how we communicate and timing in general.  This is a great time to Review, Reflect and Revise.

Now to this week’s artist, Shelley Muzylowski.   Muzylowski is a glass artist. You would not know it from her pieces for they look like they are sculpted in clay instead of molten glass and fire.  The movement of her work, the emotions they convey, and the depth of color is extraordinary.  Muzylowski subjects are animals.  The viewer can see she pulls inspiration from a wide variety of cultures, history, and art mediums.   Though realistic in form her work seems to connect to the spiritual realm.  They are creations of myth, magic, and storytelling.

To genuinely appreciate this art form.  There is a show on Netflix called Blown Away.  It will show you how much physical work in combination with artistry that this art form requires.  Most glassblowers have to do their work with assistants.  To obtain this level of art the artists and assistants must be in sync.  Dependent on precise communication while also aware of each other’s nuances, it is like a dance.  This art form reminds us that we do not do our work alone.  We rely on others to help us create, live, and express our stories.

Light and Love


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Shelley Muzylowski
Brio Shelley Muzylowski

Justice – Justice is defined as just behavior or treatment. Someone is not aligned with their integrity.  The challenge is this could also include you.  Use Mercury’s retro-energy to review how you are treating people as well as how you are being treated.  Take this week to make sure you are aligned with your truth and is it holistically fair before you sentence or censor others… or yourself.


Shelley Muzylowski
After Europa Shelley Muzylowski

Two of Coins – Last week, The Muse of Integrity asked you to look for imbalance picking only two issues to rebalance.  You get another week to work on this.  However, if you now can confidently balance those two issues, you can add more.  This energy advises to add one at a time.  And if something feels off or you drop the ball, you have taken on one too many.  Subtract and try again.


Looking Glass Shelley Muzylowski

Ace of Swords – Of course you Gemini’s can navigate this Mercury retrograde and start something new.  The challenge is to make sure this new idea is an innovation and not a repeat of old thought patterns dressed in new clothes.  The key is this aligns with a new emerging truth. So supple thinking is required.



Shelley Muzylowski
Run Rabbit Shelley Muzylowski

Queen of Wands – Last week the muses had you tying up loose ends.  Now, The Muse of Inspiration is here to help you imagine and innovate what is next.  This week commune with the ethers and nature to clear your mind and connect with the conduit of the divine.  Look for synchronicities and serendipitous to help you find the “easter eggs.”


Shelley Muzylowski
Scent Stag Shelley Muzylowski

Knight of Swords – This week you will need to slow your roll.  The energy around you is ginchy.  This is that feeling when you are tired but also feel as if you should run or you are easily agitated.  So, the best course is to slow down, take deep breathes and be aware of your surroundings before leaping.  And as always with this energy on a practical level, watch your appendages and wear comfortable shoes.  This energy tends to have you absent mindedly cut your fingers, twist your ankles, and stub your toes.


Cloud Bear Shelley Muzylowski

Seven of Coins– This week is all about getting things done.  It is a great week to check things off your to-do list, tackle that pile of paperwork, get your taxes done early, clean your inbox, etc.…  Yes, this is the week to get up early and work.  If you do this, the fruits of your labor will be bountiful.  Not to mention raise your energy level and mental state.


Shelley Muzylowski
Muse Shelley Muzylowski

Knight of Coins – The Muse of Pace is here.  She comes when you are not in sync with how you like to work.  There is something off kilter that is interfering with your flow.  Are you getting enough sleep?  Eating well?  Moving enough or too much?  Is your desk unorganized?  Is your chair making your back hurt?  This is the week to fix your material plane to help you mental and emotional one.


Shelley Muzylowski
Between Darkness Shelley Muzylowski

Six of Swords – The Muse of Transitions is knocking.  She is inviting you on a cerebral trip, a step up and out in thinking.  Certain thought patterns need to transmute, and in doing so you will find that some thought patterns are now obsolete.  This is a time to simplify and begin again.


Otter Shelley Muzylowski

Six of Wands – This is a good week.  Small jewels of luck and synchronicities line up for you.  Pay attention to these gems of inspiration, they are pats on the backs from the universe.  Telling you that you are doing good in the areas where you find these small treasures.


In the Morning Light Shelley Muzylowski

Two of Swords – The energy this week is about making decisions; however, there is a twist.  The decision is not as important as the path this decision has you taking.  This muse asks you to tune into your heart and your truths.  Making sure the route you take to your goals aligns with how you want to feel and your integrity.


Outfox Shelley Muzylowski

King of Coins – I hope you rested last week because its back to work.  Time to put energy into your material plane ie: work, home, garden.  This muse is here to help you build whatever you want short or long term, and aids those projects to increase your future abundance.    However, if you find a block, then it is not the time to force a project forward.  This energy paves paths of ease for some work and puts up walls for things that are not timed correctly.



Chariot Shelley Muzylowski

Four of Wands – The Muse of the Hearth and Home has come to hang.  This is a great week to put time into your home and family (adopted or born with).  Make your abode more comfortable and then bring out the board games and hot chocolate.  Connect anyway you can to your inner community and solidify the foundation of your relationships with care and comfort.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Jan 17, 2021

The Dark Abyss Never Seemed so Bright Michaela Yearwood-Dan
The Dark Abyss Never Seemed so Bright Michaela Yearwood-Dan

This week’s artist is Michaela Yearwood-Dan (@artistandgal).  Yearwood-Dan’s art is rich in texture and dense in color and meaning.  She explores the genre of abstraction using oil paint, collage, and traditional techniques from Western, Japan and China art forms.  Her pieces often bring the viewer into the center of the work.  At times it is a vortex of a singular hue at others a truth to ponder.

As the viewer steps back, we can see that the void, space, or text is surrounded by color and life.  She leads us to realizing any concept or feeling is surrounding and part of the context of how and what we live in.  So, this week’s pondering is how this moment, where we have been forced into void and slammed into truths, has created an experiential contrast.  Making us more able to feed and savor the richness of life.

Light and Love


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Michaela Yearwood-Dan
Come on Ol’blighty Michaela Yearwood-Dan

Chariot – The energy this week is about effort and change.  The only way to get things moving this week is for you to take charge.  And the key to creating ease in this is to have a clear destination for this impetus.  Time to set your goals, start your engines and go.


Michaela Yearwood-Dan
My Honey Michaela Yearwood-Dan

Ace of Cups – Your muse this week wants you connecting with your emotions.  Yep, you and all your emotions need to get reacquainted.  The challenge is seeing them as your allies.  Your canaries in navigating your environment.  Time to listen to what your heart is saying, so you can drive your bus safer and healthier.


Michaela Yearwood-Dan
You Look Good in Green Michaela Yearwood-Dan

King of Coins – The Muse of abundance is knocking at your door.  They come knocking looking for a partner to build avenues to success and plenty.  Now is the time to construct on the material plane.  They key to work with this energy is to build not only for your success but also lift others with you.


Breathe Michaela Yearwood-Dan

Star and Five of Wands – Two muses are working together this week. One is chaos and the other healing.  Sometimes the universe must stir the pot, so we can see are wounds and new ways to heal.  So, if things become chaotic sit calmly and carry out non-judgmental observation.  Once you see the information you need, step out of the chaos, and take time to reset.


Michaela Yearwood-Dan
The First Time Michaela Yearwood-Dan

Nine of Swords – The muse this week is here to help you get out of your mind.  You are overthinking and not in your body like you need to be.  When you find that an earworm has taken over your mind – ground.  This can be as simple as doing a few jumping jacks or putting a rubber band on your wrist to snap you back into your body.  It does not have to be a strenuous or long grounding exercise though it might have to be often.


No Words Michaela Yearwood-Dan

Page of Coins– The muse this week ask you to go back to the drawing board.  Something in your plans is not fully thought out.  Take on the role of the student.  Review the basics and look to new sources for inspiration.  This week an open mind is a fruitful mind.


Michaela Yearwood-Dan
Mon Triste Ami Michaela Yearwood-Dan

Two of Wands – This week’s energy is best used by plotting out your course for the next 3 to 6 months.  Putting energy into future planning will be well worth your while.  The clearer idea you have of where you are going the easier it will be to pick the right roads/projects/people as they come into view.


Solstice Michaela Yearwood-Dan

Eight of Wands – Imagine this week’s work as two-fold.  One is there is a ton of incoming information downloading into your life.  This can be a lot to sort through so just gather them and ponder them next week.  Second, imagine if you had eight arrows to shoot into the future what would you like to “bag”.  Set those intentions and let those arrows fly.


Join me unitl the Bitter Finale Michaela Yearwood-Dan

Fool – The energy this week is great for starting any new adventure.  The key with this energy is once you start – let go of your goal, be in each moment mindfully and follow the winding path.  For the muse of serendipity wants to help but you got to let go of any expectations to meet up with her.


Give She Life Michaela Yearwood-Dan

Five of Cups and Five of Coins – These are your final cards for the trends in this coming birth year.  Your themes are narrow your focus, contentment, pace and with this week’s energies a sense of things being off.  If you can put your energy to the first three, the latter two will be less of a pain in the butt.  The first energy that can throw you off your game is tying self -worth to either material wealth and/or quantity of product.  The second is worrying over the negatives and not putting your energy into the positives.  Your motto: feed what you want to grow.


Michaela Yearwood-Dan
The Stone Rose Michaela Yearwood-Dan

Ace of Coins – Last week’s energy was all about pondering and overhauling your structures and boundaries. I hope you had time to do this.  For this week is great for starting projects, investing money, moving, anything new on the material plane you want to focus on will root well.  The stronger your structures and boundaries the stronger and deeper this new thing can root.


Michaela Yearwood-Dan
Good For Now Michaela Yearwood-Dan

Six of Pentacles – The muse this week is karma.  The important concept she tells you is for every action there is a reaction.  So, the more positive you put out the more positive returns.  Of course, this works for the negative vibes too.  The twist karma many times is not a straight line from A to B.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Jan 10, 2021

Ruby Silvious
Ruby Silvious Better Days Are Coming

This week’s artist is Ruby Silvious.  Silvious artistic journey involves the consideration of what can be used as a canvas and therefore what is art.  The transformative aspect of her work is her uses of everyday ephemera and elevating it to an art form.  This has been done before but Silvious dives deeper and longer in her investigations then others.  An example of this is the series where she created an art piece a day for 363 days using teabags for her canvas.   She later published this collection as 363 Days of Tea.

The art shown in this blog is the product of Silvious specific and our collective times.  Silvious explains, inspired by Picasso during his Blue Period, this series uses found materials around the house/yard as canvases over a 14-day self-isolation period during the coronavirus pandemic, 2020.  All in monochromatic shades of blue.

Every one of us has gone through our own blue period with Covid.  Hopefully, this series has us collectively sighing, smiling, and pondering how can we raise the energy of our everyday experience into something sacred and precious.

Ruby Silvious
Ruby Silvious Frontliners

Light and Love


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Ruby Silvious
Ruby Silvious Wash your Hands

Eight of Cups – This week’s muse advises you that you need to either turn away from a project or person at least this week, possibly longer.  Consider this advice as the avenue to simplifying your life.  If you continue in this old pattern you will be allowing the drama of old models to get in your way to a lighter brighter future.  Time to figuratively clean out your junk drawer.

Ruby Silvious
Ruby Silvious Six Feet Apart

Page of Swords – You will need to keep your thinking cap on and vision board up on for this week also.  Last week was about long-term planning and figuring out what you will be focusing your energy on in 2021.  This week your energy is best spent doing some research on how to make that happen.  Again, many insights will come from out-side sources, so reporter/researcher hat on.  Inquiry is your Muse. 

Ruby Silvious
Ruby Silvious Personal Protection Gown

Ace of Swords – New ideas and ways of thought are key this week.  The more innovated your ideas the more prepared you will be in the coming months.  Brainstorming is your Muse’s energy.  Also, very practically at the end of the month Mercury is going retro so if you need new electronics now is the time to buy.

Ruby Silvious Shelter in Place

Knight of Wands – Last week the muse asked you to free yourself of old stories that have bound you to past recollections of self and take control of your new narrative.  You may continue this process with this week’s energy.  However, this energy invites you to be more creative and playful with parts of your narrative.  This muse frees your passion and purpose to explore new storylines.

Ruby Silvious Shelled Shock

Five of Wands – This week the Muse of Chaos has invited herself in.  Her goal is to liven things up and keep you from getting stuck in routines and boredom.  However, she can be very messy with this process.  The best way to work with this energy is to allow the chaos to ensue without trying to control it.  When you do not feed the energy, it putters out quickly.

Ruby Silvious Emergency Preparedness

Page of Wands – Inspiration and creative energy continues this week.  This muse reminds you that all work and no play makes jill/jack a dull person.  Go find and play with things that make you zing.  This can look like deep listening to an album, re-reading your favorite book, camping…  Do what you love and be with it intently.

Ruby Silvious
Ruby Silvious Flattening the Curve

Queen of Wands – Last week you may have had times that seem to take every ounce of strength you had to persist, BUT the universe gave you moments to refresh your spirit.  This week’s muse energy continues to re-fill your courage, confidence, and joy.  The key to connect with this energy is to follow your desires and aspirations.  You are worthy of the light.

Ruby Silvious Social Distancing Fashion

Seven of Cups – Last week the muse was asking you to let go of 2020’s bindings.  I hope you did, for this week the Muse would like you to dream.  Dream outside your old boundaries.  Go ahead ask for what you want.  There is no hurt in trying.  The key is to not to focus on the goal but imagine the how that goal would make you feel.  This gives the Universe space to gift you in ways your mind may not be able to predict.  Dream big.

Ruby Silvious Hunkered Down

Three of Wands – This week things are on the move behind the scenes.  For you this might feel like a standstill, but you still need to put energy towards your goals for the future.  Think of this time like you are in a holding pattern waiting to land.  This is not the time to turn back or use your energy for useless worrying.  Let things take their natural course.

Ruby Silvious
Ruby Silvious Self Isolation

Knight of Coins – Pace is key this week.  Somethings take time, and some done quickly.  This Muse has you playing with how to lump/space your projects together and create a pace to your work.  Do you like to do all the quick jobs at one time?  Emails in the morning or on Mon, Wed, and Fri?  Find your natural rhythm.  To move forward she suggest this mantra:  I set the pace for the horse; the horse does not set the pace for me.

Ruby Silvious Deemed Essential

Hierophant – This energy is best used in pondering and overhauling your structures and boundaries. First make sure you have some goals set to shoot for.  Then take time reorganizing and streamlining to create more ease to obtain those goals.  This can look as simple as rearranging your room, schedule, diet.  Or this can look as complex as finding useful and innovative mentors that can help you in that reformation.

Ruby Silvious Peace, Love and Good Health

Ace of Wands – Last week the muses had you balancing inequalities and re-focusing your life to your truths.  This week you can continue these ponderings; however, this energy also wants you to think of ways to innovate your life.  This year has the possibility to create new opportunities.  Take this week to lift your wand and start casting some spells that will mature in the summer.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Jan 3, 2021

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Welcome 2021!

The artist this week is Victoria Villasana (@villanaart).  Villasana uses yarn like bold strokes of paint applied to black and white photographs.  She leaves the threads uncut connecting the 2D to the 3D, the past to the present and us to her.  Leaving these strings hanging has the viewer contemplating the concepts of ephemerality, imperfection of our everyday existence, connections and what is next.  These concepts of will be important skills and perspectives needed in 2021.  This is a great week to ponder how will you weave your threads of fate in the coming months?  What new pictures will you connect with and conjure forth?

Light and Love


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Five of Coins – This week’s muse has you getting in touch with the places you feel lack.  Discern if this sense of shortage is a hindrance to a gain or gain in disguise.  If a hindrance, remove the block, and if it’s a gain make sure it has a place to grow.

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

King of Swords – This muse aids in long-term planning.  Play attention to any synchronicities or insights from outside sources that can help you focus on your plans for 2021.  She also inquires: Where would you like to be in 2021?  Who would you like by your side?  How will you spend your time this year?   What will your focus(es) be?  Vision boards (pictures and/or words) are helpful with this exercise.

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Page of Coins – This week’s muse advises you to be the learner.  She will guide you to many teachers, pockets of knowledge, tiny classes on honing your skills or learning new ones.  Keep your mind open, for you have much to discover that will help you in the coming months.

Victoria Villasana

Devil – The muse energy this week is to free yourself of old stories that have bound you to past recollections of self.  You are stepping into your own sovereignty.  Unbind the strings of old puppeteers and release the lies you have accepted as truths.  You are free to be the real girl/boy/they that you were born to be.  Now is the time to take control of your new narrative.

Victoria Villasana

Eight of Coins – Take this week to work on your craft.  You are skilled.  This muse reminds you that you have all the tools and knowledge you need.  Time to put pen to paper, hand to tool, mind to problem.  Action and fine tuning are all that is needed this week to accomplish all that needs to be.

Victoria Villasana

Ace of Wands – The muse of inspiration is here to escort you to new ideas, inventions, and possible for some of you a new purpose.  The key to abundance, she whispers in your ear, is feeding the things that make you zing.

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Strength – You will have moments this week that seem to take every ounce of strength you have to persist, BUT the universe has your back.  Just as you think you cannot run another step there will be a water stand for you.  A muse, friend, even a kind smile will refresh you enough to do another kilometer.  These bastions of energy are not there by chance.  You have placed them there from previous encounters.  By loaning others your strength in their time of need, the universe is returning it in kind.

Victoria Villasana

Eight of Swords – This week’s muse advises you to let go of the remining bindings of 2020.  This is a new era.  Release old thought patterns that no longer fit into the new paradigm that you are creating.  Set down the chains and walk through the fence of the past into a lighter tidier future.

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Knight of Wands – You are at the right place at the right time.  Look around, take advantage of ever asset that you have this week.  This is a moment to modernize.  Think outside the box as you gallop into a more innovative future.

Victoria Villasana

Nine of Cups – The Muse this week asks you to ponder satisfaction.  The key to this musing is contentment is not about goals, attainment, perfection or checking of boxes.  This is about the actions and the life that surrounds them.  The art of living.  What resides in your foreground, mid-ground, and background?  What “colors” will you paint with for 2021?

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Three of Swords – Pain from the past arises this week.  The muses remind you that your fears and insecurities come from past trauma embedded deeply into your psyche.  You can be triggered by them now; however, now you are in power and able to correct, control or walk away from these activations.  There is no reason to fear anything but inaction.

Victoria Villasana

Justice – This Muse helps you balance inequalities and re-focusses your life to your truths.  What are the strongest truths that you wish to live by?  Now apply that to how others treat you as well as how you treat others.  For example, say it is to love first and foremost.  Is the love you put out equally given back?  This week is not only a time to relook at what are your truths and do you live by them, but to see if the company you are in, holds to truths that are acceptable to you.  The challenge is nothing is as shadow and light as we would like it to be.  Life is complex so your truths need a bit of flexibility without inequality.

Tarotcast December 20, 2020 A Year in Review

20/20 vision
picture by Charles Pinion

Before we get into our 20/20 vision of 2020 let’s talk about the celestial event tomorrow.   Jupiter and Saturn are having their grand conjunction tomorrow a half an hour after sunset wherever you are.  These two planets will be one tenth of a degree apart (or the width of a dime held at arm’s length). They  meet up every 20 years in varying degrees.  But they haven’t been this close and visible in 794 years.

Astrological this means they are moving from Earthy Capricorn to Airy Aquarius and will hang together for 1 and half years. So personal and societal this means time to think outside the box about how you live on this planet and what is it you want to do.  The past 2 years we have been looking at our structures what is constrictive and where do we need to expand.  Now with Aquarius we can start to go into a new phase and if used wisely stop cycles of the old ways and look forward to new ways with a more collective and innovative mindset.  Pluto will still be in Capricorn showing us the cracks to our structures for another 2 years. And personally, you still have time to reconstruct your structures until the sun leaves Capricorn on January 19th.

Now to my year in review for 2020.  Winter Solstice to New Years, I reflect on what has been and plan for what is to be.  Also, I’m data geek.  I keep excel sheets collecting data points from the tarotcast’s cards that each sign gets throughout the year.  So, this tarotcast is dedicated to our rearview mirror view of this year or uniquely to this year our 20/20 vision.

I look at the data in two ways, how many times each card was pulled (for anomalies) and what the actual cards were for each sign (trends).  For fun I want to see if the data shows some statistical difference and or trends, and so far, it has.  This means that certain cards get pulled outside the average (which this year is 8 times).  Now, to be truly scientific I would have to do this for many years, and I am only on year five, but let’s see how this works with the data I have so far. (You can see a year in review for  2016 , 2017 , 2018 & 2019).  Also, some of you had asked why I include the tarot card’s name.  I do this for my readers that want to learn more about tarot, so for you all that just want the trends, skip over the card names.

First, the look at anomalies or card pulls outside the norm:  This is a look through a societal lens.  This year the most pulled cards were the Death card, Fours and Eight of Wands.

  • Death traditional means, transformation, mortality, and suffering. And some people say the imagery of the cards is related to the plague of 1347. I also see it as organic change or change that has its own timing or flow that you can hook into.  The work with this card is releasing what we cannot control, has died, or no longer works.  Learning from that and letting that go so new growth and transformation can happen.  So, I don’t really need to explain this though to be honest until I tallied it up, I thought highest pull would be the Tower.
  • The Eight of Wands is information. This I think played out in the avalanche of information that we received, and it was up to us to sort through what was true.  This combination of disinformation and information that we had to wade through for events like the U.S. elections and the data for Covid local and worldwide to name just two. Also it represented the dissemination of information.  The countries that have done better with Covid have had the best communication about it and how it spread.
  • The Fours (home, introspection, recovery/illness, frugality) were pulled more than any other set of cards. When you look at these as a set you can see how many of us are learning to deal with these issues.  Here are just some examples:  Introspection– We are spending a lot of time with ourselves giving us lots of time to contemplate.  This 4 also means that we need to look out and bring that introspection into practice.  One way this was highlighted was with George Floyd and the BLM movement.  We as a collective are needing to look at institutionalized racism but just as importantly ourselves and our actions.  Resources/frugality – Covid highlighted the systems that distribute our resources locally and globally, equality in distribution, how we support others, look at what we hoard, seeing that minimum wage in US just does not cut it, toilet paper, PPE, food, the stimulus money, and educational resources.  Hopefully, we have learned this lesson, so the distribution and allocation of the vaccines is more humane than toilet paper was in the beginning.  Home – working from home, living on the edge of eviction, the importance of home and family.  Recovery/Illness – the cracks in our health care systems, how systemic racism and poverty effects health, and then Covid itself.

The lowest pulls for the year are places where we did not have enough support from the universe. The lowest higher arcane card was the Moon.  We have not looked or cared to our emotions and mental health issues this year.  These was a year just to survive, but we will have to deal with it eventually.  Especially with our healthcare workers that have been in the trenches since March.  Though on the good side the lowest in the suit cards was the Five of Wands.  Because of the world slowing down and staying home, the chaos inducing power of the Five of Wands just didn’t have a chance to play in most of our everyday life.    And maybe some of us have found we do not want to return to that chaotic pace.

Lastly, below are the trends within each sign in comparison to the norm.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.  Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2021.


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

PPS. Need a last-minute stocking stuffer get the Quick Draw reading for only $5.  For any gift reading I can email you a printable gift certificate.

PPPS.  The pics are personal favorites from 2020.

Irving Penn
Irving Penn

This year compared to other signs was around the norm energetically. But you were really working on the Fours all year, twice as much as other signs (see above for explanation of 4s). You started out the year with lots of plans for new beginnings.  You were in sync with your purpose and working on how to structure your life and in March people were in the forefront of your mind.  However, by April you slammed into the Death card ie: a reality check about Covid and the crisis arising around the World.  In June and July, you had another karmic hit with justice or injustice and a second round with the Death card energy.  It wasn’t until October did you start to feel a bit “normal” or shall we say the new normal.  Your big theme for 2020 was trying to see and provide opportunities not only to yourself but to others, and personally working with what stabilizes your life.  Also, believe it or not (ask your friends) you were a touchstone of strength for those around you.

Stella Snead
Flood Dance Stella Snead

This year compared to other signs was around the norm energetically. You started off on a rocky start to the year but by February you had some divine inspiration. A month later you were grappling with some of the heaviest energy for the whole year.  Big concepts of life/death, justice, and how are we going to heal from this all.  So, from April through June your heart was tapped into the suffering happening not only personally but socially.  Around the end of summer, you all had a bit of an existential crisis which has been rippling til about last week where you have found a bit of balance.  Your big themes where connecting to the World, seeing the work that still needs to be done to heal, and on and off realizing that you need as much self-care and compassion as you give to others.  What still needs work is implementing that self-care.

Ed Fairburn
Ed Fairburn

This year the amount of karmic energy you were dealing with compared to other signs was one of the highest.  And you had to deal with the swings of fortune/misfortune twice this year.  Your “normal” people person attitude was also thoroughly tried.  People drove you a bit crazy, so you retreated.  You metaphorically dealt with this year like a groundhog.  Popping out seeing and dealing with the chaos, then diving back in your hole weeks at a time. (Again, no wonder since you were dealing with big karmic themes, at least 2 or more a month, except for end of May to June and October.) However, if you used this time wisely you could have used that down time in ways that cultivate creation and imagination.  Or you could have fallen prey to engaging with the exorbitant amount of information and disinformation.  In November, the Death energy hit you hard and later then the rest of the signs causing you to retreat again.  The big advice this coming conjunction has for you is that the planets are more favorable to the air signs.  2021 will feel much different and have more space for you.  So please pop out your head and come back and join the fray.


This year overall was average in comparison to other signs.  However, karmically you started out the year nice and slow until the end of March you started to see the stress fractures around you personally and society. Then continued grappling a karmic question each month. Around your birthday the Death energy hit, making summer the hardest part of the year.  You dealt with this by working but always coming back to the themes around inner strength & healing those around you and yourself. Cancer’s natural tendency to pull in when stressed worked for 2020.  The big advice for you in this coming conjunction is looking for ways to innovate especially around work, reconnect with people and keeping up with your self-care.

Ingrid Pollard Pastoral Interlude
Ingrid Pollard Pastoral Interlude

You started out this year with high hopes and lots of plans for 2020.  By the beginning of February that stopped, for you dealt with the Death energy card first out of all the signs.  You were sending out flares to the rest of us, though this caused you to spiral first into stagnation and Kali-like energies. Your karmic energy was average in comparison to other signs, but you experienced an existential crisis that ebb and flowed throughout this year.  You were like a cosmic juggler with pessimism on one hand and optimism on the other.  2020 big asks were how to meld joy with the answers and actions to your ponderings of what is your purpose – why are you here. The work was the 4 (see intro) and 9 cards preparing for 2021.  Your advice for 2021 is utilizing this new sense of freedom that Jupiter brings but you will have to work for releasing the boundaries you and society might try to chain you to.  Freedom is calling are you prepared to partake in it?

beth cavener

You started this year slow.  But like Leo were one of the first signs to work with the Death energy.  However, you work with the most out of all the signs.  (3 times compared to everyone else working with it once).  Though you rank one of the lowest with karmic energy you cycled through the process of deconstructing, testing, balancing, constructing and back again.  All the while building up your power to wield in 2021.  This year was about closing chapters and experimenting on what to construct next.  Your advice for 2021 is hopefully you learned that balance and being connect to the divine is essential, for 2021 will give you opportunities of altruistic work and more freedom to expand.

Emma Kunz

You all were dealt the lowest amount of karmic energy this year compared to all the other signs.   The Death energy (see intro) showed up at the end of April.  Though you tried to keep optimistic it got to you by the summer.  Hopefully, you got to pull back a bit because you had the most interactions with people compared to the other signs.  Which had its good point but some of these interactions may not have all been good.  There were power struggles to deal with.  Your lesson was how to hold your boundaries and not give too much of you energy/power away.  You are ending 2020 on a higher note then it started but it was a struggle to get there. Your advice for 2021, you are an air sign so this next year and into 2022 will feel much lighter.  You may even get some vacation travel in.  The challenge is not making your relaxing time all about others and learning to ask for help.  Altruism goes both ways.

Eva Camacho

This year was a high energy year for you.  You had above average Higher Arcane cards (karma energy) in comparison to the other signs.  You started 2020 with open arms and hope.  This energy carried you through to summer though by mid-summer you were dealing with the justice and inequity energy of 2020.  You worked this energy by closing chapters and a deepening your sense of gratitude.   The Death energy hit you the latest of all the signs and added a dash of a spiritual crisis to it from October through November. Though you are ending the year more hopeful but very realistically.  Thank you for being there for the rest of us during our earlier breakdowns.  In the coming year you might feel the call to work with those in need.  The big challenge with this is you have not really dealt with the repercussions of 2020.  Make sure you find time to heal before you jump back into the World pot.  2021 will have you practicing balancing personal and societal healing.  Remember gas mask on you first.

Tawny Chatmon
Tawny Chatmon

You had slightly less deals than average of karmic energy cards this year compared to other signs.  The interesting trend is that you all and Pisces did not get dealt the Death card.  Not that you weren’t affected by Covid but it didn’t remake who you are. At first the staying in place felt awkward but you adapted to it quickly.  However, this year did highlight to you the injustice and disparity in the world.  And you started seeing the cracks in your personal and/or social structures.  You did have a Come to Jesus moment in August that hopefully realigned you and got you unstuck.  So, overall if you did the work by shoring up your life especial in the financial sector then you are set up for 2021.  Your advice for 2021 is with your behind in the past and your feet firmly planted in the present you can shoot for the stars.

On Kawara

You all had an average year in karmic energies compared with the other signs.  The height of you dealing with the Death energy happed in May.  Overall, your higher energy cards came at a slow and steady pace throughout 2020.   You would deal with one or two high energies and then dipped into low energy cards for 4 to 5 weeks.  Having 2020 feel like a slow-moving rollercoaster.  But you did do some major work with the Fours (see intro for more info).  Working with these energies 2020 was about creating, growing, building, and stabilizing.  You out of all the signs utilized the prep around structures that need to happen in 2020.  However, your challenge will be bringing more innovation into how you present you in the World and the work you do in 2021.  More out of the box then how the box is constructed.


Though you had the average amount of higher arcane cards.  You were one of the signs that dealt with the Death energy early on. Then on top of that information/disinformation affected you more than other signs. The month of May was rough, so by the summer you were wanting or needing to pull in a bit.  You had opportunities to jump start 2021 by starting new projects.  While still plugging along in the morass of 2020.  Your go to and work to get through 2020 was Temperance (which is your sign’s karmic life card).  So, pondering balance as a concept and it details as actions and re-working structures that create more balance in your life was your 2020 work.  Your advice for 2021, you are ready to innovate new ideas into your life to provide more freedom and more community.  Take advantage of these winds made in your sign to lift you to new places and new ideas.

Nina Leen

You were dealt with the average amount of karmic energy this year.  The interesting trend is that you all and Sagittarius didn’t get dealt the Death card.  Not that you weren’t affected some way by Covid but it didn’t remake who you are or how you are living in a life changing kinda way.  And another thing, you all were the sign to have the least human contact.  You were disgusted or dismayed with the way people reacted to the issues of 2020, but here is your work for 2021 we need each other.  And we will be dealing with or need to deal with our emotions going forward.  So next year you are going to have to poke your head out the door and start interacting again.  All water signs are needed to balance the intellectual airiness that is getting charge for the next 20 years.