Happy Nurturing Energy Day or Mother’s Day. Today is a celebration of not only Mother’s but the nurturing and caring energy that is associated with Motherhood. The artist I picked this week is based on that caring energy, for this is a love story of a daughter to her Mum and an artist’s love for her subjects.
This week’s artist is Tish Murtha. Her daughter, Ella, has lovingly collected and showcases her mother’s work. Murtha’s style is social documentary photography. She used the camera as a tool for social change by highlighting the societal disadvantages in her local community. Part of this collection, highlighted here, is around young people in the late 1970’s to the early 1980’s in North East England.
There is a quality to Murtha’s work, unlike the voyeuristic style of Lisette Model or raw images of Diane Arbus, this is a love story. The unconditional love that a mother gives to a child, or any true nurturer gives to another. Murtha offers not the typical perspective of outsider looking in but an insider lovingly opening her world and inviting us in. She frames the pictures and captures the actions of her subjects, though in a raw environment, showing the joy and imagination of childhood to the beginnings of self-awareness and status in society as teens. And as adult viewers she leads us to ponder our own childhood and a create a more empathetic eye around social justice issues. Reminding us to come at both as gently, protectively and supporting as an empathic nurturer would.
Today is Mother’s Day in the States. For those of you who are lucky enough to have a mother that unconditional loves you, be grateful. But, for those who do not have lost their mother, never knew her, lost children, have mother/child relationships that are strained, have not chosen to be mothers and those that are still yearning to be. Mother’s Day is about nurturing, unconditionally supporting and protecting those around you. This world needs nurturing especially right now, so hug the people that cherish you and be that loving nurturer for others.
Planets: Mercury is in Gemini until July 11th. This is a place where it loves to hang so lots of evolutionary conversations can happen. And Venus also is in Gemini helps with the good vibes. The New Moon is in Taurus emphasizing you to bring more beauty and slow living into your life. Think luxuriating. And then Jupiter (expansion) takes a quick jaunt into Pisces from the May 13th to July 28th giving you a heads up what your 2022 will be like and what area your growth will take place.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Hermit – The Muse of Perspective through seclusion has come to lead you to a quiet place where you can hear yourself think. This energy comes when being in the flow of things is distracting you from ease or finding an easier solution. You know that saying work smarter not harder. Well to find that you need to turn off your phone and put out the do not disturb sign. You will find perspective and solutions in the solitude of your own thoughts.

Seven of Cups – Last week the Muse of Creation came to rife with you this birth year. This is the Mother/Nurture card energy at its best when it is used to generate anything that nurtures, consoles, and promotes growth. The challenge is growing pains but there will also be compassion and comfort waiting in the wings to support you. This week continues that energy and asks you to ponder what do you want to create with the Muse of Dreams? She challenges you to dream bigger, put aside your practical self for just this week and send out big, beautiful birthday wishes to the Universe. The universe works in mysterious ways if you allow it. Your Motto: Grow to Dream; Dream to Grow.

*Devil – This being your final weeks of the past birth year it is appropriate that you would get the Muse of Tests. Take this week to look back at the time since your last birthday. Where were you tested/challenged? What did you learn from it? If the situation/problem came up again, how would you handle it now? Think of this week as your final exams before you go to the new level in your coming birth year.

*Moon – Okay another round with the Moon. This is your third week in the shadow realm. These muses help you work with cycles, the bigger picture, and snipping karmic threads. Only by lovingly bringing out your old karmic patterns with ritual, meditation, art in all its forms, or repetitive work can you connect to your higher flow, inner knowledge, and outer guides. There is wisdom in awe, silence, synchronicities, and patterns, so keep all your six senses open for another week.

Page of Coins – Last week the Muse of Distraction challenged your flow. She only shows up when you are near completion of a goal or learned lesson. You have passed the test. Now the Muse of Learning is knocking. This energy is about needing to learn something that will help your flow and ease. However, the challenge is pushing down your ego, so you can hear the advice/wisdom. For our challenges can be our best teachers.

Seven of Wands – This Muse of Competition has come to sharpen your stance. Whether that is standing up for yourself or what you believe in, you will be called on this week to voice your truth and possible protect another’s.

Ten of Cups – The last couple of weeks you had the ability to wield some powerful energies of Momentum and Strength. These energies help combat apathy, misdirection, or self-doubt. And remind you can accomplish anything you set your heart (not your mind) to. You get this last week to wrap up any loose ends with these energies. So, plan out the coming months and strengthen the reason you have chosen this path. But also find some time this week to rejoice in how far you have come.

King of Wands – The Muse of Art is here to inspire you. Spend time this week either participating in art or watching it. When this Muse shows up she tries to shake things up so innovation can take place. But to get into this headspace you must immerse your self in art forms, music, dance, fine arts, etc.… The juxtaposition of art and inspiration re-ignites your passion and expands your mind to find alternative and better ways to work.

Four of Swords – The Muse of Balance and Moderation came last week to help you dive into what is not working and needs to be healed in both your inner and outer worlds. Well, you get another week to rebalance, rework, and re-new. The Muse of Rest and Restoration is here asking you to slow down. Find time to rest your mind this week, so you can hone into the flow with more ease in the coming months.

Knight of Cups – The Muse of Flirtation has come to release you from your hardcore work ethos you have been using to make it through the past months to year. This Muse promotes smart-ass joy. It takes the form of puns, goofiness, superman gestures, and eyelash flutters accompanied by “Who me?” … So, practice adult humoring this week. This wit practice keeps joy in your life while sharpening your mind.

Queen of Swords – The Muse of Details is sitting next to you reminding you that small thoughts and actions are more important this week, than sweeping gestures. By honing down your work load to just the essentials then breaking down those into small doable steps, will get you farther and with less distractions than if you peer at just the horizon.

Eight of Cups – The last two weeks have given you big energies to work with, release, growth, and structuring. This week is much simpler but still the same themes. The Muse of Simplification has come to help you sweep up and get rid of the past month’s debris. Take this week to literally or metaphorically clean house and simplify the clutter in your life.
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