The artist this week is Mabel Allington Royds. Royds is painter and printmaker. She began creating color woodcuts using the traditional Japanese ukiyo-e printmaking process. However, instead of a three-person collaboration on a print (artist, artisan, printer), she learned from Frank M. Fletcher how to do all three stages independently. Royds innovated the technique further by applying pigment to the woodcuts by paintbrush rather than using a roller. And instead of using more expensive cherrywood blocks she bought six-penny pastry boards from Woolworth’s. And as her technique evolved, in this multi-block process, she began omitting the key board (often the first step in the printing process that establishes and prints the outlines of the piece). This allowed for the colors to merge in a more painterly fashion. She preferred to produce prints as people wanted them, adding even more variation and uniqueness to each print.
The pondering for the week: If you outline every aspect of your life are you missing the possibilities of spontaneous or experimental creation? So practice coloring without lines.
Solar System Highlights
There is a solar eclipse on April 30th in Taurus. Things can slow down around this time lucky it’s on the weekend. The Moon starts this week in Pisces – daydreaming is easy but maybe not so great if you have a lot of work to get done. Then it moves into Aries on the 27th – great time to power through the work week and make up for lost time at the beginning. Then on Friday it moves into Taurus – great for family, gardening and getting out into nature. Mercury is in Taurus until the weekend, so it moves from getting to the root of conversation and grounding relationships through dialogue to a freer flowing conversation. Mars is in Pisces with Venus. So, these two are working with each other again. Mars by having you work with your intuition to create movement, and Venus wanting us to create more beauty and harmony in our environment and relationships. Jupiter is in Pisces until May 10th; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck. And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus again for another year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

King of Coins – The Muse of Domain is advising you this week to metaphorical walk your perimeters and survey your land. This week to create more ease you need to have a better understanding of what you have built so far and what your needs are to build going forward. Do you need more space, better equipment, help? And start working on checking off those action steps.

Ace of Coins – Your second Muse to work with for the coming year is the Muse of Material Plane Beginnings. Whether that is a new house, space, or project. This year you are supported in creating new things on the material plane. Think money, space, resources, and time. Take this week to write lists of what you want to physically grow this year.

Ten of Cups – Happiness is all around you this week. It is up to you to tap into it and enjoy those moments. These can be big causes for celebration like finishing a project or a gathering of friends and family. Or it can be in those little moments of watching flowers grow from your porch, sitting and having a beverage with a friend or having the time to finally take a nap. Enjoy these moments of bliss they don’t come often or as easily.

Six of Coins – The Muse of Mini Karma sits on your porch this week. This muse reminds you that acts of kindness not only improve the world but also improve your mood. But she also states to be aware that negativity spreads and rebounds just as easily.

Four of Cups– The Muse of Saturation has come to warn that you are internalizing thoughts, actions, and emotions. You have saturated yourself with too much news, tv, overthinking, comfort eating, etc… Being overwhelmed has led you to state of vibrating numbness. Time to get out of your bed, head, belly button, or emotions and go do something. Preferably something that involves nature, kittens/puppies, or small children.

Eight of Swords – Circumstances this week trigger you to feel bound or stagnate. The Muse of Bondage has come with the keys to free you. The issue is you are holding onto the locks of thought or work patterns. Time to let go of old patterns put there by others and take your power back.

Queen of Swords – You are going to need your mind sharp this week, for the Muse of Details has arrived. This energy comes when you need to magnify the small stuff. It is important to deal with the specifics, for if that is sorted the larger picture falls into place more easily. If by chance this week you are dealing with contracts, the law, or signing deals make sure you read the fine print. It is not that it is essential bad, but it can be a place to negotiate aspects in your favor.

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Fun is here to liven up the party. She is nudging you go out have fun, laugh, and partake in the world. Sometimes you water signs soak in too much emotionality of others, so this week is about letting go of some steam. So, find a batting cage, break-room, dance floor, swimming hole or sweat lodge and transmute those hotheaded negative emotions of others into something more enjoyable.

*Judgment – This week has an evolutionary vibe to it. You may be asked life changing questions, make decision that change your trajectory, or be challenged to evolve to the next level. Remember you have a choice to stay where you are at or move on. But no matter which choice you make this Muse advises the answer should liberate you in some way.

Two of Wands – The Muse of Future Casting calls for you to gaze out the window and imagine new plans and outcomes. This week carve out some time to plan your garden, next project, or go big your life’s hope and dreams. This Muse asks: What’s next?

Three of Coins – Last week you needed personal insight. This week is all about asking for advice and help from others. The Muse of Collaboration comes when getting other people’s help or opinions is vital in creating more ease in your work and life. You don’t need to know everything or do everything. At the very least, use those second set of eyes and ears to check your work.

Two of Coins – The Muse of Equilibrium comes for two reasons. One you need to focus on one thing at a time this week. And something is off kilter that needs to be re-balanced. This could be work and play, work and sleep, nutrition, or literally your balance sucks. So, maintain a tight focus and practice standing on one foot.
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