Happy Halloween or Good tides for Samhain
My love for classic and cult horror films came from a TV show called Creature Features which aired every Saturday morning after cartoons. Creature Features was a title used by a variety of TV format shows that broadcasted on local stations all over the US throughout the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s. They usually had a host dressed in a costume or portraying a persona that introduced the movies, shared trivia or did some bits. The movies shown were generally classic and cult 1930’s to 50’s horror movies, horror/sci-fi films of the 50’s and 60’s, British horror films mostly by Hammer Productions, and Japanese “giant monster movies.”
Of course before these movies landed on TV they played in movie theaters and had film posters to match. Classic Horror film posters are the most sought after posters and sell for big bucks. Though the artists behind them are not as famous as the movies, it is illustrators’, like Lang, Kulz, Grosz, and Froelich, whose images lured us into the dark. Their time has come, for now the most expensive film posters sold at auction are horror posters from the late 20’s through 30’s. The top five are Metropolis, The Mummy, The Black Cat, Bride of Frankenstein and Dracula.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it’s a big week for you. Halloween is a great time for a reading. Please share.
*Aries – High Priestess
The High Priestess comes into your life when you need to take your own counsel. She challenges you to go within, find your center and then watch. The answer lies within the cycles you see with your intuitive gaze. This can look as simple as pulling back from a conversation when it feels a bit wonky and listen to what is really being said, or as complex as taking a retreat to find the keys to why your life isn’t really working the way you want it to.
Taurus – Four of Cups

This week you move from the material plane to the emotional one. The Four of Cups challenges you to tune into how emotional wealthy you are right. This is not a week to turn inward. You have a lot of support and love in your life. This week take notice, drink from your cups of plenty and say thanks.
Gemini – King of Swords

The King of Swords is the diplomat of the deck. He also plays the long game. This week it is important to be very aware of how you communicate and negotiate. What you say this week reverberates through the end of this year and into the next.
Cancer – Two of Swords
The last two weeks the Fool challenged you to acknowledge and let go of the excess so you can pack lighter for the road ahead, and the Lovers challenged you to pick good companions for this journey. This week the Two of Swords continues the theme with decision making. This card advises that which you pick isn’t the point but making the decision which is the key, or in other words, indecision is your foe this week.
*Leo – Chariot

The Chariot advises you to get out of the house. Your soul is craving change and the open roads. In the simplest form this can look like taking a long drive to cure your itchy feet. In a more complex way make movement part of your life whether that is a joining an exercise class, changing jobs or moving to another state. You need a change of scenery.
*Virgo – Justice

The energy level is running high for another week with the Justice card. The last two weeks the theme was building and growing with Magician and Sun calling in new ideas and processes. This week Justice shows up and wanting you to balance the energy with the process of simplification. Take each thing that you been creating and streamline it.
Libra – Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups is the card of dreams and imagination. You will need to think outside the box this week, and to do so, your subconscious and imagination needs to run free. I know this sounds counter intuitive, but the more you time you spend day dreaming the more you get done.
Scorpio – Seven of Swords
The Seven of Swords asks you to be careful by making sure you know the whys behind what you are doing this week. Your thoughts and communication skills will be challenged. This can come in a variety of forms. This card advises you to stay true to your morals and if you are feeling challenged see if you can postpone the conversation or project until you can gain your composure and thoughts.
*Sagittarius – Death and the Eight of Swords
You all have the most Halloween like reading with Death and Eight of Swords, but no need to be spooked. This week is just asking you to let go of limiting thoughts, so you can move with the organic change and growth that is happening in your life. This is as simple as when confronted with a limitation or boundary or what seemly is a road block, take what looks like the darker and unfamiliar path. It is the places that are dark and unknown that hold the secrets of fertilization and growth.
*Capricorn – World

The World card heralds moments of beginnings and ends. Use this week’s big energy to finish off projects and start the investigation of new opportunities. Don’t worry you don’t have to commit to any doors you walk into. This week is more like walking in and trying out as many doors/environments/projects that you can. This can look as simple as finishing off 3 to-do items and then celebrating by going to a new restaurant for a new food experience, or as complex as sending out your resume to a bunch of jobs and see if anyone bites.
Aquarius – Eight of Pentacles
Last week, the Wheel said your fortune was changing. What came last week was a gift no matter its packaging, and your challenge was to see what you would do with this gift. Now the Eight of Pentacles takes that gift and challenges you to work on it by refining your skills, and finding your flow. They say it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill, so practice, practice, practice.
Pisces – Page of Swords

The last two weeks the High Priestess challenged to sync yourself with your life-path, and the World challenge you to close old doors and open new ones. The Page of Swords says you need more information to continue moving forward. So it is time to get out your Sherlock hat and keep your ear to the ground. Information abounds this week you just need to find it.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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