Mother’s Day… I’m thinking about all the people who Mother’s Day maybe hard to celebrate. I’m thinking of all the mothers who have lost children. I’m thinking of my friends and others that have lost their mothers. I’m thinking of those people who have a hard relationship with their mom, or mothers that have tense relationships with their children. I’m thinking about all of those that have chosen not to be a mother, like myself. You should be celebrated too because you choose an alternative way to give that energy. And I’m also sending energy for all those who want to be mothers. May you find mothering with ease.
I’m lucky, I have a wonderful relationship with my Mom. She is the person I learned unconditional love from. She is the first best-friend I ever had. I learned strength from her and laughter. I learned it was okay to be an intelligent woman and to choose to live a life outside of the norm.
We all have someone who was that for us – a teacher, a dad, a dog, an aunt, a sister, a friend. Toady take a moment to see that spirit that held that mother-energy for you. Celebrate that entity or even Mother Earth for taking care of you. Mother’s Day to me is a celebration of the creative, caring, and comforting feminine energy that is not attached to gender, sex, color, species or any specific outside packaging. It is a celebration and a commitment to foster love in the world. May you all sit in that energy of love and warmth today.
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*Aries – Tower
I see why you needed your rest last week, you got the Tower card for this week. The Tower’s challenge is about change in which we have no control over. The best way to deal with this card is to react as if you are either surfing or kayaking white waters. Know you cannot stop the force of the water but you can navigate it without danger by subtly shifting your stance or dipping in your oars.
Taurus- Four of Pentacles
The Four of Pentacles challenges you to save your resources this week. Whether that is your time, space, or money, you can identify what is precious with how it feels when you are limited by it. It is a great time to start saving but be aware not to be miserly to those close to you.
Gemini – Queen of Swords

Last week, the Chariot asked you to make a simple or complex change to your life and to pace it according to how you want your life to flow. The Queen of Swords continues this theme by challenging you to plan out how to make the change long-term.
*Cancer – High Priestess
The High Priestess challenges you to work on your intuition skills. You will gain more insight when you step back and look at the big picture then to focus on details.
Leo – Ten of Cups
The Ten of Cups is the party card of the deck and it doesn’t come up too often. This card challenges you to have a good time.
*Virgo – Hanged Man
The Hanged Man is the card of stagnation, side projects and spiritual quests. Take the down-time this cards brings to you to go off the beaten path and tend to your spirit to find peace and stillness. This can look like mediating at a Zen garden, or taken a left turn when you want to go right.
Libra – Five of Cups
Be careful of melancholy this week. When the Five of Cups shows up it challenges you to find two things good in every “bad” thing that happens. There are lessons for you in losses this week.
*Scorpio – The Emperor
Last week, the Wheel gave you the choice of changing your fortune by saying yes to opportunities. The Emperor continues this by having you build on things you said yes to and found that you like it. This can look as simple as building a friendship that started last week, or as complex as building on that new business idea.
*Sagittarius – Nine of Pentacles and Tower
This week is all about your choices. Last week you had two big karma cards of Judgment-evolution and the Star – healing and hope. The theme of choosing to heal the past to pave the way to the portals of evolution continues this week. For those of you that choose or are chosen for the Tower, you still will have to deal with healing but you will have released the pace or outcome of that change/evolution. For those who choose to take the slower more controlled path the Nine of Pentacles challenges you to pull back from the world and contemplate what to do next.
Capricorn – Six of Pentacles
The Six of Pentacles continues the theme of last week’s World card looking for opportunities that lead to the next phase sometime after mid-July. Remember last week challenging you to make your micro-cosmos represent your macro-cosmos. The Six of Pentacles challenges this at a karmic level. For all the good little deeds you put out in the world, they will come back to you three-fold in your macro-karma however so does the negative. So this week open doors for people, say thank you, or make someone cookies just because it is a nice thing to do. Be careful not to purposely offend someone, flip someone a bird on the road, or in general be aware of your material, spiritual and emotional footprint.
Aquarius – King of Cups
The King of Cups wants you to master your emotions. This King has you look at how you emotional deal with the outside world. Your challenge – to open up and reveal a bit of yourself to acquaintances.
Pisces – Four of Wands
The theme of last week’s Magician card bringing in the divine to the material world continues this week. Refine your focus to your home and home life, so this week your challenge is to focus on projects at and about your home. You will feel more at ease and accomplished in the outside world if your home is in order.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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