In “honor” of Presidents’ Day and the all-mighty dollar, the artist highlighted in this tarotart-cast is Mark Wagner. Wagner is a collage artist that works with one material, the dollar bill. Collage is a unique art form because it relies on materials that already exist and often already have cultural references attached to that object or image. So, collage can be used to relay that pre-existing reference or can go so far to completely transform it. As Wagner states: “To what extent is the material transfigured? Is it to be circumcised…or neutered? Collage can gently adjust or fully transform. Collage can enshrine a thing fully intact…elevating an object, framing and presenting it as a reliquary. Or it can put a material on trial, violate or destroy it, mince a thing into its molecular simplicities.”
I suggest you read his blogs. He puts forth an interesting hypothesis about the correlations between collage, and magic.
Your pondering: I have been trying to navigate how to live in this interesting moment in history. When piecing together what I put my focus on, this pondering from Wagner resonates: “Placing things in proximity enables them to interact. No chemical reaction—be it simmer or explosion—occurs unless reagents first come into contact. All love stories start in this manner. As do all border disputes…. Side-by-side on the page, matched images mingle. Some attract; some repel. Pick your metaphors for harmony and dissonance: fair skies and stormy, love and enmity, peace and war—collage is ultimately about interaction, and these metaphors will serve us well. Do things go together smoothly or not? Do they lead to seamlessness or seemliness?”
Solar System highlights
We begin with the Moon in Libra – highlighting relationships and harmony. On Tuesday it moves into Scorpio – work with your passions. Friday it moves into Sagittarius – go exploring. On Sunday February 23rd the moon moves into Capricorn – great energy to start your work week. Tuesday the 25th it moves into Aquarius – do something social. Then on Thursday the 27th the moon is in Pisces- take time to dream of a better world. And finally on Saturday it is in Aries – great energy for starting a project.
Mercury is now in Pisces – use this aspect to talk about your dreams for the future. Mars is retrograde again in Cancer until February 23rd, 2025. So once again action moves sideways not in a straight line. But this is our second opportunity to find new and better avenues than the obvious or easiest ones. The on the 26th Mars goes direct – so movement forward becomes a bit easier though still it takes side roads to get to your destination.
Venus is still in Aries. This is not one of Venus’s favorite spots. But it does teach us to follow through with our actions and to take this Aries “go for it” energy to make the world a more loving place. Just watch for stubbornness or over reaction. Lead with curiosity and how to create win-win situations that move you forward not backwards.
Our longer aspects: Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June. This placement helps us to work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits. However, we must also watch its challenging aspects: not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness. Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026 teaching us how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures.
*Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aquarius/Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Leo/Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in, now is the time.
**** I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the tarot & art-casts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

*Hermit – The Muse of the Larger Perspective is your buddy for the next two weeks. She usually shows up when you need to step back and see the bigger picture. To see the landscape, you are working with. The challenge with this energy is that you can’t totally hermitize. You will need to keep your proverbial “open sign” on. However, she does recommend that you make people work for your attention.

Eight of Fire – The next two weeks you will be given vital information for the coming months. The Muse of Messages advises to help prioritize what you need to know, ask the universe/guides specific questions. Then watch carefully for the messages because they will be flying in with speed. And they are often encoded in synchronicities and repetition. She also recommends keeping notes of your ideas. However, she warns this is a time to gather intel not to jump into action.

Ace of Fire – Wow another ace. All aces signify beginnings. For the last two weeks the Ace of Air signified a new way of thinking or a decision for change. The muses asked what thoughts can be transmuted from stagnation to progression? And now they provide you the fire to start this progress. This ace is perfect energy to start seeding any project you want to see grow in the coming months.

*Star – The Muse of Healing comes when you need to set some time aside to heal your heart and soul. You have gone through a major restructuring. And now it is time to step back and find your truth that gives you hope and makes you more resilient. Things have been rough out there and all the water signs are especially feeling it. But this muse reminds you: “How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist.” lyrics by Saturn, Sleeping at Last.

Mind of Earth– The Muse of Investing would like you to prioritize for the next two weeks what you want to materialize. This muse gives you the energy to build upon a project that you have in progress or have kept on the back burner for too long. She does recommend that you wait until February 23rd when Mars stations direct again to really move on it. So, until then this is a time to collect your resources to get ready to launch at the end of February.

Five of Earth – The Muse of Refuge would like you to spend these next two weeks working with resources that fortify you. She recommends this exercise. Get some paper and make three columns. In the first column make a list of things (people, aspects at work, the news etc.…) that take resources/energy but don’t give anything in return. Then the second column, make a list of things that take from you but also give back. And then the more challenging, in the last column list the things that only resource you (give you energy or restore your energy). Once you have categorized them, then for every item that you do in the first column you do something in the third column to restock your energy. So you don’t feel so depleted.

Ten of Earth – Hopefully you worked with the Muse of Burdens to lighten your load. If so, this week is meant for enjoyment. Finding moments that restabilize who you are, who you support, who supports you, what brings you comfort, etc. If not, this is a week to get projects finished or at least to a place that they no longer pressure you. And then no matter what, do not start something new and fill your weekends with enjoyment. Your motto: I work hard and balance that with play and joy.

Seven of Water – The Muse of Dreams comes for two reasons. First the universe and therefore you need a clearer vision of what you dream for. This energy is about daydreaming the specifics. And the second is that you are not dreaming big enough. This muse wants you to stretch your imagination. She reminds you that you never know what comes out of dreaming big. However, the challenge is accepting, as the Rolling Stones say, you can’t always get what you want but you get what you need. Sometimes the muses know better than you.

Three of Fire – The Muse of Enterprise comes when you are usually stagnant in using your imagination and creativity, stalling and/or having the blahs at what you do for a living. So, this muse asks why are you doing what you are doing? She is challenging you to reignite your passion and start working on something that you love. Start building the future you want to live in.

*Hanged One – The Muse of Suspension comes for two reasons. One foretells that there will be something you will need to put hold on. And two, she suggests simultaneously using this suspension to gain a new insight or perspective. For example, if you are stuck somewhere, use this extra quiet time to let your mind wander and see what new insights it gives you. This card portrays the hanging of Odin from the Tree of Life where he discovers the runes (Not creates – but discovers). This is a bit of quantum physics energy – that any form of intelligence, or anything really, already exists we just need to take the time to tap into its “frequency” to manifest it.

*Empress – The Muse of Creativity is challenging you to create. She reminds you that quality work takes time, like gardening you plant the seed, let it sprout, then tend it to maturity. So, this muse asks what do you want to bring into your world? What would bring you joy and comfort? What would feel good and fulfilling? Now is the time to plant those seeds.

*Temperance – For the next two weeks the Muse of Harmony has decided to dance with you. She asks, what makes you stable and what helps you go with the flow? What are your ideal mixtures of social and alone times? What ingredients do you need to do something creative? She reminds you that this mixing is like cooking not all ingredients are measure equally. So, what is your mix for a balanced lifestyle?
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