This week’s artist is Tara Shakti (@tarashakti_art). Shakti’s art conveys the resilience and power of women. This is a time to take note and celebrate, that the first women of color will be in the second highest government position in the U.S. Kamala Harris is also a first generation American. Her mother, British-Indian, and her father, Jamaican, immigrated to the US 40 years ago. Harris is also in an inter-racial marriage to a white Jewish man. Let us just sit with all those “firsts” for a minute…
American women still have not broken the glass ceiling in government, as the press has been trying to say, but we are in kicking distance. There is still work to be done. America will need to catch up with other parts of the world with gender equality in high ranking positions. And then there is systematic racism to ferret out. BUT before we focus on what still needs to be done – let us rejoice in the “the firsts.”
Shakti’s art is usually portraits of women or herself. Even though she centers around the struggle of empowerment and identity of women in a patriarchal society, most of her work has her subject staring straight at the viewer conveying an internal resilience and power. Her choice of vibrant color has the viewer seeing the duality of struggle and strength in their stillness. Shakrti’s provokes us to no longer sit in silence, but to stand up and continue the fight for equality and against injustice.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Seven of Swords – This week pay attention to anything that feels slightly off. Hopefully, it is just a little tweak like balancing out your tire pressure or getting enough sleep. But for some of you it might be somebody pulling the wool over your eyes. It may not be malicious. Maybe someone is not telling you the whole truth because they think they will hurt your feelings. Follow your instincts, ask questions, look deeper into situations and pay attention to little misbalances.

Three of Coins – The energy this week is collaboration. You are in synch weaving in and out of others’ work and needs. Work in unison with those around you, picking out left-out strings, re-weaving, handing it off, filling in gaps. Flowing from partner, teacher to student. Attune yourself to the ebbs and flow of others. This week you are playing in the universes’ double-dutch game. Have fun. Be creative.

*Death – The muse of change is at your door. It is time to let go of the old to make room for the new. This could look as simple of letting go of the clothes you will never wear again or as complex as letting go of a job or relationships that no longer works for you. Yes, Trump is a Gemini, so your struggle does not have to be as dramatic as his, but it is a time to be real with what needs to change. And except the possibilities of the new. There are opportunities waiting for you if you just let go of the past and accept the change that is knocking at the door.

*Judgement– Another big energy week for you, though you might need to cocoon to truly grok this vibe. Last week, the muses asked you to tap into your inner strength and heart to create ease both within and without. This week with that understanding of heart you can see your history of beautiful and broken things has gotten you to this moment. To see that your history refined your soul and heart to a lustrous beauty. Your challenge is to accept and forgive the person in the mirror so she/he/they can evolve to the next level.

Queen of Wands – Intuitive creation is the muse this week to walk with. People often see Leos as extroverts or extremely self-confident (psst- this is not true). You all are constantly questioning and judging what you do, and this hinders your self-expression. The task this muse beckons you to accomplish is – do you and then let the world see it. This week’s energy is best used in expanding your boundaries of courage and confidence especially in place of creativity and/or spirituality.

King of Swords – Last week the energies asked you to let go of the fear of feeling. So that your open heart can make some dazzling creation with dashes of passion and a variety of emotions. Hopefully, you cracked open your heart for your mind will need to draw on it’s wisdom this week. Right now, you are amid (possibly opposing) dualities, your perceptions and those of the collective truth or agreed-upon reality. Navigating both can be hard, but if you did your heart work you will come to place a place of honesty and integrity that will ring true with others. The challenge is that Mars is still in retrograde so do not instigate in any fights or confrontations. Listen and empathize before you speak.

Eight of Wands – Your second eight so a quick dive into that number. Eights represent energy and action. Last week was great for working on anything on the material plane. This week is about external information. There s a variety of messages coming to you that are informative for the coming months. The key to navigating them is just write them down. You do not need to act on all of them right now. Categorize and prioritize are the actions needed.

*Hanged Man– Your second big energy card for the coming year. Last week the muse gave you dreams and synchronicities to help you intuit how 2021 and your purpose will unfold. Your purpose on earth will come in play in a big way in the coming year and the Universe is here to help, but you will need to suss-out an updated map and ship to sail in. Spend the rest of your birth month making sure you are on the right ship to sail into 2021. (I’m just going over this again, because Biden is also a Scorpio. Not that you have to become president but 2021 is a big year for you all.) Ok and now the second card. This muse wants you to let go of old expectations and take this month to get a bird’s eye view of your life timeline. From this perspective you will see that your perceptions are malleable and therefore so is your narrative. This coming birth year is the time to write a new story.

Knight of Swords – Logic and reason are key in navigating the energies this week. You need to be careful that you think before you leap. As always with this card, watch hurting your extremities: legs, arms, fingers, ankles, and toes. Be sure of your footing, look both ways and don’t jump into a situation without sussing-out what’s going on first.
Nine of Wands – Boundary setting is the issue this week. To get things done and to find time to rest you are going to have to adhere to well set rules and regulations. Planning is also key. This is not a week to go with the flow. Orderliness is imperative.

Two of Swords – Procrastination is your demon to fight this week. The key is just to make a decision, right or left. It does not matter. The main focus is moving forward. You will reach your destination no matter the path you chose.

*Hierophant – Another big energy week for you. So, the energy this week is about your structures, morals, rules, and regulations. Time to look at outdated systems that are no longer working. In essence last week was about looking at your map for 2021 and this week is about assessing and adjusting your ship, crew and the structures that need to happen to get “your boat” to the next harbor.
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