This week I highlight the art of Tamara Natalie Madden. Madden’s art is richly in color and regal in tone. Her subjects are “everyday folk” that surrounded her in her homeland of Jamaica. Inspired by Klimt, Egyptian and West African depictions of royalty, she uses gold leaf and vibrant quilted fabrics to adorn and uplift the unseen.
“In order to fully represent the intrinsic beauty of many of these individuals, I decided to emphasize society’s fascination with materialism and splendor by using bright colors, golden washes, silk fabrics, and bold patterns. I found that the most powerful images of our time were those that demanded attention and admiration, and I wanted these individuals to have their moment to shine, thus many of my paintings feature singular portraits.” In many of her paintings her subjects are accompanied by a bird. This bird signifies freedom. “The birds in my paintings are symbolic of my personal struggle with illness, and a representation of my survival and freedom from it.”
Sadly, Tamara died from cancer in 2017. But during her the 16 years, she painted she was prolific. She lived her art. However, almost all her interviewers at some point highlight her struggle with sickness. And though it was pivotal to her art and life, have we missed the point of the birds? Do we, as a society, underline the shadow-the struggle- and make it the hero? Instead, like Tamara’s art, shouldn’t we uplift and shine a light on our beauty, our divineness and the freedom we obtain when we do not chain ourselves to that struggle?
Solar System highlights: Moon starts in Leo – good time to focus on what you want to grow. Then moves to Virgo on the 13th, a great time to get organized and clean. It then goes into Libra on 15th – all about relationships and balance and ends in Scorpio on the 17th – time to play and have some fun. Mercury is still in Cancer a great time to express your emotions and have deep convos with your besties. Venus and Mars are in Leo, it is all about loving the things you have around you, so time to manifest your desires if you are not feeling the love. And I just want to remind everyone that Jupiter is in Pisces until the 28th. This gives us a window into 2022, so if you do not like what you see, time to start making changes.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Emperor – The Muse of Building is knocking with plans in hand. Take this energy and apply it to anything you want to build upon. This is not a week to start new projects but to expand ones already in motion. By working on something that has already started you create more stability and sovereignty in your life. The challenge is making sure that you are not the only one benefitting from this project.

*Temperance – Another big energy week for you. The past two weeks, the Muse of Structures asked you to investigate your constructs to see if they could sustain you for the long haul. Then the Muse of Divine Manifestation came to help you either to fix the cracks you found or to totally recreate a 2.0 version. Now the Muse of Divine Balance has joined this holy triad to help you find your flow and get to work. If you have done the past two weeks homework you will easily tap into your life force and flow. However, if you have not done your work the past two weeks you will have no place or plan to use this energy wisely. You can still tap in but narrow your focus.

Three of Coins – The Muse of Cooperation has come and invited some people with her. This week any major actions/decisions require at least 2 more people to get the complete picture. Yep, three heads and six hands are better than one and two. Your challenge is asking or accepting the help.

Four of Cups – Your second four so just to highlight that. Fours mean you are craving stability. This is not only a theme this week but for the coming year. Last week’s muse advised you that what, how and where you put effort into needs to profit sustainability. And this week the Muse of Introversion adds her two-sense. She foretells you will need the time and the space in the coming year to pull away if you become overwhelmed. Specifically, to stabilize your emotional landscape, you will need introspection; however, your challenge is not to pull in completely. The outside world still holds bountiful gifts.

Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship comes when you need to connect to your pals. This energy shows up when you need to fill your cup with laughter and companionship. Find time to reconnect and share physical and emotional sustenance.

Eight of Coins – The Muse of Mastery has come to tell you it is time to up your ante. You have skills and those need to be enhanced. This will create more monetary sustenance and widen your influence. Her motto is work smarter not harder.

Eight of Cups – The Muse of Moving-On invited herself over to help you realign with your goals. You have an aspect in your life that is not longer working for you. And it is time to pack it in and move on. Simplification is key this week.

Five of Cups – Last week the Muse of Deconstruction came inspecting your foundations and structures, because you are not paying attention to what is not working in your environment. Luckily, you have another week to hunt for messes and mistakes. Time to fix what needs to be repaired, clean up the mess, and move on.

King of Wands – The Muse of the Visionary is asking you to see with holistic eyes. Events this week need a broader perspective. The concept of Seventh Generation should be consider in your everyday actions. The muse asks you: Is what you do today not only a good thing in the present, but does it resonate 140 years from now as still good?

*Justice – The Muse of Fairness has entered the sandbox this week. If you are acting in alignment with your true purpose and higher self, then all is well; keep sifting sand and making castles. However, if you are not aligned you will be called to make amends. Starting with yourself and rippling out to those around you if needed.
Four of Coins – The Muse of Frugalness has come to tighten your flow of resources. However, she also reminds you not to be pennywise and pound foolish. She asks you to perceive how you spend your resources. Are you too frugal that you miss profitable choices? Or are you picking quantity over quality because you are too energy spent? Spend wisely in all you do this week.
Six of Coins – Last week the Muse of Clean Slates came to remind you that this moment is a place of beginning. A time where you can start on a new path. You are divinely guided but need faith so you can step into this new unknown. For there are gifts at every step. Well, this is another week of wandering in the new; however, you need to be a bit careful on how you step. If you are aligned with positive vibes then more gifts will be bestowed upon you; however, if you are carelessly, then retribution comes quickly. So Be Nice.
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