Tag Archives: surrealism

Tarot-Cast for Week of July 8, 2018

This week’s artist is Josef Florian Krichbaum.  The definition of quirky is characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits.  Quirky is exactly what I love about JFK’s art.  Each painting has something unexpected, a twist of a foot, a dog looking directly at the viewer with a paw in mid-step, or the theme of over-sized headdress.  There is a sense of awkwardness but also a sense of joy.  In short his paintings make me smile.

Quirkiness or more precisely a joyful unexpectedness is what makes me smile in my own life.  An unexpected outcome is the part of what makes a good joke. Or unexpected scenarios bring joy – like when a child hugs you “just cuz”, your partner gives you a hand-picked flower, a dragonfly sits upon your toe, or even a stranger says Hi.

The unexpectedness, good or bad, seems to give things more energy.  Hence, we try to control the unexpected bad by doing what is expected or planning every moment of our lives. However, this over planning and social conformity stops us from having moments of unexpected joy and creates shame for our own quirks.  I challenge you to allow and highlight the quirky or unexpected joy in your life. Whether that is spontaneously doing something joyfully unexpected, or proudly let your freak flag unfurl. I expect that this will make you smile.

P.S. Please share.  I’ve add more works from Josef Krichbaum and please go to his website his sketches are also so cool.   Also, I have add quotes to your forecast and put up another quote to download for your vision board.  Enjoy.

Aries – Two of Cups

Last week the Magician challenged you to experiment and see that the key to success are learning and building on your mistakes.  This week continues that theme with the focus shifting to relationships.  The solution is not so much learning from past mistakes but finding new ways to connect. Remember unconditional love is to truly seeing and saying  I like you just the way you are – Mister Rodgers.


Taurus – Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands embodies spiritual creativity.  Your challenge is being mindful of what you create.  She asks- What are you communicating with your creation?  Will it improve the world? That challenge is daunting unless you remember the quote from Mother Theresa- I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.
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