Tag Archives: Street art

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Sept. 12, 2021

Sweden Mona Caron
Sweden Mona Caron

This week’s artist is Mona Caron, @mona.caron.  Her main art form are murals, beautiful, majestic, but sublime in image and message.  She has a series where she paints weeds larger than life, like side of a building large. The definition of weed is – a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants.  Weeds are often considered a nuisance.  Something to pull out. Or life barely noticed but eking out an existence in a landscape of urban concrete.  However, Caron utilizes them to show their beauty and resilience.  (Please watch her stop-motion animation, as they sprout out on urban landscapes.)

Often weeds are more native than the plants chosen to be planted in a garden.  Alexis Nikole Nelson known as the “Black Forager” on TikTok shows us that what is considered a weed can be used as an urban food source.  Or Sean Sherman and Dana Thompson’s cook book The Sious Chef’s Indigenous Kitchen highlights native food as foundations of amazingly tasty recipes.  These people are reconnecting us to a lost knowledge base in our society and a broader perspective on what is a weed.

So, the pondering for this week: where in your life do you try to pull out your weeds?  By eradicating them are you missing their beauty, contribution to your resilience, and them as a resource?  Possibly, that your weeds are more native and useful to your actual being than what you are cultivating?

Solar System highlights:  This week the Moon starts in Sagittarius – great for excursions and adventuring through the 13th.  Then the Moon goes into Capricorn a great time to focus on work and getting things done. Then on 17th it goes into Aquarius – time for innovating and tweaking what you did on the previous days.  Also, a great time for deep intellectual conversation and experimentation over the weekend.    Mercury is in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends.

Venus is now in Scorpio – time to up your game in actions in your intimate relationships.  And a great time to feed your pleasures and passions in general just watch overindulgences.   Mars moves into Libra – another planet sending energy into investigating relationships this is around the question are your actions following your words?  This theme and work around your relationships is big until Mercury moves Scorpio Nov. 7th.  And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Mona Caron
San Pabulo Mona Caron

Knight of Coins – Last week’s energy was pushing you to evolve into a new you.  Having you investigate the best qualities of your peers and mentors that you want to add to you.  The Muse of Getting Things Done is asking you to start this process with actions steps.  It is time to walk your talk.

Mona Caron
Mona Caron Taiwan

*Temperance – Last week, the Muse of Structure came to help you build a sense of a schedule with the flexibility and spaciousness to create freely.  Hopefully you have placed some of those flexible structures, for now the Muse of Flow has come to help you equalize the consumption and release of energy with in them.  This can look as simple as mediating with breath work at the opening and close your day or creating better but flexible eating habits with your only rule is eating 100 different things a week (that includes spices).  How do your rules and structures work with to promote flow? The key is broadening your rules.

Mona Caron
Mona Caron San Francisco

King of Coins – The Muse of Experienced Wisdom has come to remind that you are a source of inspiration.  This week you will be called on for your expertise.  The challenge is how you give it.  You audience needs inspiration as well as a sense of security and hospitality.

Mona Caron
Mona Caron Jersey City

Eight of Coins – Last week the Muse of Co-Creation recommended bringing into your life and working with the people, things and ideas that make you a better you.  You get another week to do that with the Muse of Mastery.  This Muse wants you to practice with these co-creating elements to produce or at least deepen the your understanding and applicability of your work.

Mona Caron
Mona Caron Brooklyn

Two of Swords – The Muse of Decisions is here to help you decided.  This week will require a lot of what feels like monumental decisions; however, the individual decisions are not as consequential as the reason behind your decisions. Make sure the why behind what you decided is more tangible then the possibly the decision itself.

San Francisco Mona Caron

Seven of Swords – This is your last week of your birth month and gives you your final theme to the year.  Let’s review.  So far, the Muses to work with in your coming year are Muse of Teamwork, Muse of Transitions, and the Muse of Healing.  So whatever you are working on it is more fortuitous or more likely of having success with more sets of eyes, minds, and hands then just yours.  Your second energy advise for the first part of your journey to travel light.  Do this by physical lightening your load and simplicity are key.  Your third and Big Karmic energy is magic is flowing around you to help heal and reset you on your purpose.   And lastly the Muse of Victory with Small Battles gives you the key to ease.  Break your work processes down to bitesize chunks and any challenge is surmountable.


Mona Caron Portland

Ace of Swords – The Muse of the Intellect will accompany you this week.  Cool logic and defined truths are the keys.  Your mind is your biggest asset.  And with it and this Muse’s help you find new innovated solutions to old problems.

Mona Caron
Mona Caron

Eight of Cups – The Muse of Dissatisfaction has come to help you see and release things that no longer work for you.  This can be as simple as releasing the plethora of plastic tops that have no mates or memorabilia that no longer resonates or a job that sucks at your soul.  This week begin to release what no longer works for you.

Mona Caron Switzerland

*Star – The Muse of Healing has come with her first aid kit and tea.  You need some rest and recuperation.  This week might identify some deep wounds that need mending or a deeper contemplation on emotions you are having to succor.  Take advantage of any time you have space to just be with your body and listen.  Ask it what it needs.  Long Bath?  Massage?  Sweat Lodge?  Multiple nights of 8-hour sleeps?  This week is a perfect time to heal the body so it can support the mind and soul.


Mona Caron Lisbon

Seven of Swords – Last week, the Muse of Hermitage has called you back to the cave to gain perspective.  Now the Muse of Cunning has joined to help you figure out how to come back into society with your refreshed perspective without succumbing to societies whims and obligations.  Again, these muses remind you at times the chase or hidden discovery brings more pleasure than something easily won.  You don’t have to hoard your gifts, but you don’t need to give them out like Halloween candy either.

Mona Caron San Francisco

Five of Coins – Last week the Muse of Truth came to help align you to your purpose or to help you find a solution to a problem.  This week brings with it a bit of chaos that can leave you feeling drained of your resources.  However, your newly focused purpose, or the skills you used last week to solve problems will come in handy with this energy.  This Muse reminds you the universe has your back.  The help you need is there is you reach for it.

Mona Caron Union City

Four of Cups – The Muse of Inner Wisdom has come with your mediation pillow and yoga mat.  This week belly button gazing is needed.  Your soul/body/mind have some information to disentangle with you.  So, whether you mediate, journal, or doddle.   Tune out the outside so you can tune inward.  Because this inner work has answers so you can tune outward with more ease.  The only challenge you can’t stay in this state past this week.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Jan 3, 2021

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Welcome 2021!

The artist this week is Victoria Villasana (@villanaart).  Villasana uses yarn like bold strokes of paint applied to black and white photographs.  She leaves the threads uncut connecting the 2D to the 3D, the past to the present and us to her.  Leaving these strings hanging has the viewer contemplating the concepts of ephemerality, imperfection of our everyday existence, connections and what is next.  These concepts of will be important skills and perspectives needed in 2021.  This is a great week to ponder how will you weave your threads of fate in the coming months?  What new pictures will you connect with and conjure forth?

Light and Love


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Five of Coins – This week’s muse has you getting in touch with the places you feel lack.  Discern if this sense of shortage is a hindrance to a gain or gain in disguise.  If a hindrance, remove the block, and if it’s a gain make sure it has a place to grow.

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

King of Swords – This muse aids in long-term planning.  Play attention to any synchronicities or insights from outside sources that can help you focus on your plans for 2021.  She also inquires: Where would you like to be in 2021?  Who would you like by your side?  How will you spend your time this year?   What will your focus(es) be?  Vision boards (pictures and/or words) are helpful with this exercise.

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Page of Coins – This week’s muse advises you to be the learner.  She will guide you to many teachers, pockets of knowledge, tiny classes on honing your skills or learning new ones.  Keep your mind open, for you have much to discover that will help you in the coming months.

Victoria Villasana

Devil – The muse energy this week is to free yourself of old stories that have bound you to past recollections of self.  You are stepping into your own sovereignty.  Unbind the strings of old puppeteers and release the lies you have accepted as truths.  You are free to be the real girl/boy/they that you were born to be.  Now is the time to take control of your new narrative.

Victoria Villasana

Eight of Coins – Take this week to work on your craft.  You are skilled.  This muse reminds you that you have all the tools and knowledge you need.  Time to put pen to paper, hand to tool, mind to problem.  Action and fine tuning are all that is needed this week to accomplish all that needs to be.

Victoria Villasana

Ace of Wands – The muse of inspiration is here to escort you to new ideas, inventions, and possible for some of you a new purpose.  The key to abundance, she whispers in your ear, is feeding the things that make you zing.

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Strength – You will have moments this week that seem to take every ounce of strength you have to persist, BUT the universe has your back.  Just as you think you cannot run another step there will be a water stand for you.  A muse, friend, even a kind smile will refresh you enough to do another kilometer.  These bastions of energy are not there by chance.  You have placed them there from previous encounters.  By loaning others your strength in their time of need, the universe is returning it in kind.

Victoria Villasana

Eight of Swords – This week’s muse advises you to let go of the remining bindings of 2020.  This is a new era.  Release old thought patterns that no longer fit into the new paradigm that you are creating.  Set down the chains and walk through the fence of the past into a lighter tidier future.

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Knight of Wands – You are at the right place at the right time.  Look around, take advantage of ever asset that you have this week.  This is a moment to modernize.  Think outside the box as you gallop into a more innovative future.

Victoria Villasana

Nine of Cups – The Muse this week asks you to ponder satisfaction.  The key to this musing is contentment is not about goals, attainment, perfection or checking of boxes.  This is about the actions and the life that surrounds them.  The art of living.  What resides in your foreground, mid-ground, and background?  What “colors” will you paint with for 2021?

Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

Three of Swords – Pain from the past arises this week.  The muses remind you that your fears and insecurities come from past trauma embedded deeply into your psyche.  You can be triggered by them now; however, now you are in power and able to correct, control or walk away from these activations.  There is no reason to fear anything but inaction.

Victoria Villasana

Justice – This Muse helps you balance inequalities and re-focusses your life to your truths.  What are the strongest truths that you wish to live by?  Now apply that to how others treat you as well as how you treat others.  For example, say it is to love first and foremost.  Is the love you put out equally given back?  This week is not only a time to relook at what are your truths and do you live by them, but to see if the company you are in, holds to truths that are acceptable to you.  The challenge is nothing is as shadow and light as we would like it to be.  Life is complex so your truths need a bit of flexibility without inequality.

Tarotcast for Week of Janaury 27, 2019

This week’s artist is Bordalo II.  He started off as a graffiti artist in Lisbon, where street art is popular and legal.  He re-uses trash, specifically ones harmful to wildlife like plastic, to create his graffiti-sculptures. He chooses animal images to highlight the dangers of pollution in our world.   I create, recreate, assemble and develop ideas with end-of-life material and try to relate it to sustainability, ecological and social awareness.

Plastic is so much a part of our everyday lives and important for many areas (especially medical and automotive), but we need to curb our reliance on it.  Look around your home and you will find an average of 70% of your life has a plastic part.  Around 60% of clothing has plastic in it (all synthetic fibers are plastic: polyester, acrylic, nylon). The first thing all of us can do is stop using single use plastics (even if you use them more than once).  And then just being conscious when you buy plastic toys, your clothes, or even organizing with plastic bins, try to find more biodegradable alternatives or at the very least with less plastic or recycled plastic in them.

Boradalo’s work is imaginative, deep and a needed reminder. I love to see that he also did one of a human (see Aries below)) for we are not only the cause of pollution but also a victim.  We are a species of Earth just as the pelican, elephant, snake or spider.  Once we start seeing that we are part of the larger ecosystem maybe we will stop harming our home.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  If you do an beginning of a year Astrological Reading.


Ten of Swords – Every week has the potential to be good or bad, but when the Ten of Swords shows up it leans toward the negative.  This week, your environment will show the prickly side of the human experience.  There are a couple of ways to deal with this card – hide or if you must show up, avoid.  Listening to your intuition will help you navigate this week.  Heed your inner voice/gut.


King of Cups – This is your second King in a row so let’s dive deeper into the Kings.  When Kings show up, they are wanting you to master or manifest specific areas of your life.  Last week the King of Pentacles had you working on your material plane.  This week the Cups are about manifesting your emotions.   This King is not afraid to cry so all emotions are OK.  The work is having them, accepting them, learning their lessons, and then letting them go.
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of Janaury 27, 2019

Tarotcast for Week of September 30, 2018

Hi all, I just want to thank you for your support as I finish my third year of this tarotcast.  A few shouts outs: to D for cheering me on instead of me cooking or hanging with him on some nights when the writing muse has a hard time meeting with me.  For my Mom, coven of ladies and dude who are my life support system. To all of my subscribers thank you for reading, especially those that write back to me saying that one or another tarotcast has had some meaning in your life and those of you that have shared my blog with others.  You all have validated that this is an avenue that is part of my service to the soul.

The artist for this week is Taylor White.  She works in the streets as well as the studio.  Many of her pieces are inspired by dance, which she tries to capture, quite well in my opinion, the emotive essence of the human spirit.   When asked if her art had a specific meaning she answered:  I hope my work invites the viewer to connect with themselves in some deeper way, creating questions and answers in the way they respond to the piece – whether they’re drawn to it or turned off by it. My work is as much a celebration of you as it is of me; it’s a celebration of the spirit. I speak to an experience which is universal; we all occupy this coalescence of matter, roughly the same shape and configuration, and move through space by the same physical laws.

That is also the essences of why I write this blog.  The first half is to convey cool things I find interesting and their interconnectedness in art, history, and science.  A place for us to reflect, learn and see the commonalities of our existence.  The second part, the forecast, I hope helps you move through your life with a bit of reflection and guidance to ease your journey.  Thanks again for all of your support, and now on to another year.  Light and Love XO.

P.S. Please share.

Aries – Ace of Swords

Last week you were scavenging data from your dreams.  This week the Ace of Swords wants you to figure out how to use what you have gathered into your daily life. This week will inspire you to new thoughts and expand your mind.


Taurus – Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups has asked you to have fun yet again.  Last week it was with a joy and sense of innocence of a child.  This week the Queen of Cups knows that emotions, good or bad can be triggered, but it is through the lens of the positive that you will ease not only your journey but also those you support.


*Gemini – Devil

The Devil comes when you are tested about your resolves.  This can look as simple as being tempted by pastry in your break room or can be as complicated as being beguiled by that person who has harmed you from the past.  Now is the time to harden your resolve.



Cancer – Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords asks you to examine your logic and look for new ways of thought. This is a time were open-mindedness and new information will create more ease during your decision-making this week.


*Leo – World

Taylor WhiteThe World is the card of opportunities. This week many doors open for you.  Your only challenge is walking out your door so you can walk through new ones.  Enjoy the variety of life.


Virgo – Eight of Pentacles

Taylor WhiteThe Eight of Pentacles is the card of mastery.  The challenge this week is not to start anything new but to become better at what you are in the midst of doing right now.


Libra – Three of Wands

Taylor WhiteThis is your second three in a row so let’s look at 3s more closely.  Threes investigate the areas we need to stabilize.  Last week you were advice to hanging with good friends to stabilize your emotions.  This week the Three of Wands would like you to examine your foundation in how you interact with your life purpose. Are you hiding from your true purpose?  Or feel that your true purpose is out of your reach, or you are inadequate?  Even if you are feeling great with were you are at.  The answers to your success or failure lies in what are you calling in and who or what is influencing you.


Scorpio – Five of Cups

Taylor WhiteThis week has the potential of you feeling overwhelmed.  Your emotional waters are meant to be dealt with not to lie in.  There are at least two pretty fantastic joys for you this week.  You will see them if you let go of negative emotion that are drag you under the water.


*Sagittarius – High Priestess

Taylor WhiteInteresting the mate to the Moon is your card this week.  Last week, the Moon wanted you to understand that emotions feel as if they rule your life, but in actuality they are just signposts of where your life is at.  The High Priestess, the Queen of patterns, cycles and knowledge arrives to help you navigate not only your emotions of the past and your subconscious but to help you connect the dots so you can change karmic patterns. This in its simplest form can be lowering your carbon foot print or in its more complex form mean changing generational karmic patterns (think big patterns in your family or your generation) so not to pass it on to the next.


*Capricorn – Strength

Taylor WhiteThe Strength card would like you to strengthen your inner core.  This can look as simple as doing core stomach exercises to help your back, or as complex as creating mantras that keep the negative thought patterns at bay.  The challenge is seeing that inner strength is not as complicated as you think.


Aquarius – Ace of Pentacles

Taylor WhiteIt is time to take on a new project this week.  The Ace of Pentacles foretells this is an auspicious week to start something new, and if do it this week, it is more likely to come to fruition.  Also this will help you not feel as if you are in a rut or dull.


*Pisces – Chariot

Taylor WhiteThe Chariot continues the theme of the last two weeks – keep moving to create change.  This card is the karmic card of momentum and its challenge, it is all in your hands.  In its simple form it can look like you wanting to take a vacation – ask your boss for time off and then book it.  This card in a more complex form would be something like changing your location or job; you will have to go physically check out places whether that is a new house, a new city or a new place of employment to hand in your resume.  The challenge with this card is the Universe is not going to drop something in your lap. You will need to jump in your chariot and go look for or at it yourself.  You get this card when the Universe sees you are now ready and able to make this change happen for the positive.  It is saying:  I’m taking of the training wheels; you got this.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot-cast for Week of April 29, 2018

Japanese manhole covers

Japan has taken street art to a whole new level.  In the 1980’s, the government wanted to standardize their sewer system; however, in some of the outer communities they were meet with resistance.  Until a savvy bureaucrat solved the problem by having each town choose their own manhole design.  Now nearly 95% of the municipalities in Japan sport their own specially design manhole cover.  You can read about the history and see more examples in Drainspotting by Remo Camerota.

Ponderings:  When we want something to happen in our environment to evolve – letting people have creative input seems to oil the wheels of progress.  How can you use this tool in your own dealings?

P.S. Please share. I have added to your signs some manhole covers which may relate to your week ahead.

Aries- Ten of Wands

Japanese manhole coversThe Ten of Wands warns you not to take more on this week.  You have more than enough on your plate as it is.  Your hint:  Be aware of obligations that sprout from guilt.  If it does, don’t do it.


Taurus- Ten of Pentacles

Japanese manhole coversThe Ten of Pentacle is about completion that creates success.  This week focus on projects that are near completion. For now ignore projects that have just started or take on anything new this week. Continue reading Tarot-cast for Week of April 29, 2018

Tarotcast for week of March 5, 2017

I don’t know about you but I needed a little clever humor in my life when I stumbled upon Michael Pederson. He is a street artist who makes mundane spots into places for reflection and for smiles. (I do recommend going to his site to truly see the context of his art.)

I have a fondness for street art in general. It in its purest form it is made for the public. Art for the masses. I love it because it always surprises me when I see it. It becomes a gift from an unknown person. I feel special by seeing it – for paying attention – for looking up and around at my world – for finding a treasure left by a stranger.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Four of Pentacles – This week, you will need to navigate how to use your resources wisely. Try not to spend all your energy in the beginning of the week or on the first project you encounter. This week pace yourself, so that you don’t hurt someone’s feelings when you get frustrated about not having enough time or energy to spread around.

Taurus – Seven of Pentacles – Put on your gloves and get to work. If you keep a steady pace this week, you will get loads done. The challenge with the Seven of Pentacles is in dealing with feeling overwhelmed with all you have to do. The best way to tackle projects is to divide them up into small chunks. Instead of seeing the whole garden that needs to be tended to, just do the tomato row, then the lettuce row, then the carrots…
Continue reading Tarotcast for week of March 5, 2017