Tag Archives: Still life Paintings

Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of May 19, 2019

Georgia O'Keeffe

Of course, if I’m going to highlight flower paintings, I need to include those by Georgia O’Keeffe.  In 2014 her Jimson Weed/White Flower No.1 (See Taurus) became the most expensive painting sold by a female artist at an auction.  Above is one my favorites though lesser known works Hibiscus.  Before she moved to New Mexico, she was commissioned to do some Hawaiian based paintings by what is now know as Dole .  When she returned, she sent in Heliconia, Crab Claw Ginger (see Cancer) and a Papaya tree.  While there she had not painted one pineapple.  So, the company sent her a pineapple plant which she eventually painted and turned in. That image was used in the final promotional campaign along with the Ginger flower.

Each of her flower paintings are increased in scale on purpose. As she wrote in 1939, “nobody sees a flower-really … I’ll paint what I see-what the flower is to me but I’ll paint it big and they will be surprised into taking time to look at it—I will make even busy New Yorkers take time to see what I see of flowers.”  So, her paintings remind us not only to stop and smell the roses but to stop and really see their beauty.  Go by yourself some flowers.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. Taurus don’t forget this is a great time to get your yearly Astrological Reading.


Georgia O'Keeffe*Chariot – The Chariot comes this week to tell you to take the reins and go.  The path that you are on is correct and you have the power to complete all that you need to do.  The only challenge with this card is that getting anything done is all in your hands.  Therefore, your focus and a destination is essential.   This mean you need to be simple and clear with yourself and others with what needs to be done this week. Thinking linearly will help.  The practical side note is to literally check your tires on your vehicle and wear sensible shoes.


Georgia O’KeeffeEight of Cups and Five of Swords  – Last week The Emperor (your birth year card) gave you a pat on the back that your project/business is going in a good direction, and is giving you the strength and the due diligence to get a big part of what you want done – done this year.  The Eight of Cups and Five of Swords, however, are chiming in this week saying simplify and take your ego out of details, you are creating more chaos then required to complete your task.


Georgia O’KeeffeKnight of Swords – Last week the Justice card reminded you that as much as you want decisions or ideas to be yes/no – good/bad, there is more to be considered.  This week the Knight of Swords is fore-warning you to take heed to that and slow your roll in decision making.  Haste is your enemy this week not only with conversations and ideas but also literally where you put your feet.


Georgia O’Keeffe

Three of Cups – The Three of Cups represents friends.  This card comes when your cups are empty and the only ones to fill them are your close friends and confidants.  Take time this week to just chat, share a beverage with, and relax with a good friend or two.


Georgia O’KeeffeAce of Cups – Ace of Cups is the card of new beginning when it comes to the heart and the spirit.  Take this week to cleanse yourself and start anew.  This can be a literally bath or aromatherapy shower, or a dip into the ocean or any other body of water.  Your soul needs a reboot and water will help.


Georgia O’KeeffeTen of Swords – The Ten of Swords is a hard card no lie, however there are ways to ease the pain.  One watch your mouth, conversations have a way of turn back on you no matter what your intention this week.  Two, no self-sabotage.  If you must, wear a rubber band on your wrist and snap it if you say anything mean to yourself.  Final remember this too shall past.  A cycle is ending – no need to carry anger, regret or any other negative emotions with you- let it go.


Georgia O’KeeffeFour and Eight of Pentacles – Last week the Hierophant came asking you to examine and question your structures – morals, laws, schedules.  Are they hindering you? – then break free and create new ones.  If they are supporting you, build on them.  This week the Four and Eight of Pentacles has you continuing your examinations; however, this week focusing the inquiry on the structures of how you make, spend and save your money.  Somewhere fiscally you are not balanced, and this is the week to start fixing that.


Georgia O’KeeffeQueen of Wands and Ace of Pentacles – The last couple of weeks the cards have advised you to pull back.  Now the Queen of Wands and the Ace of Pentacles says this is an auspicious time to create some material change in your life.  The combination of these cards is whispering – Now is the time to start creating what your heart and soul desire.    


Georgia O’Keeffe

Six of Cups – Hey you all, are you listening to what the cards are asking you to do these past couple of weeks?  Well either some of you aren’t getting it or hopefully most of you are doing such a good job at it the Universe is back for another week of inner child work. First, you were finding and playing with your inner monster and then you were sent off rediscovering your imagination to see how far out there you could envision.  Now the Six of Cups has you stepping back into your own past and hugging/healing the inner child that has been neglected by others.  This week instead of a book, watch The Red Balloon.


Georgia O'Keeffe

Ace of Swords and Seven of Pentacles – Doing the work is big this week and Ace of Swords is advising you a new way of thinking is needed instead of working so hard.  This combo is literally telling you to work smarter not harder.


Georgia O’KeeffeKnight of Wands – All knights represent movement.  This Knight wants you to create or expand on your passions.  This is a great week to do creative things or be out in nature.  He foretells you are on the right path; however, your one challenge this week is to watch your anger.  There is more behind your ire than exasperation or frustration. And the solution is more creative or non-linear than practical and straightforward.


Georgia O’Keeffe*Fool – The Fool is the card of the traveler and new beginnings. For some, you will be given a choice and this choice will ripple through your future.  For others, you will need to take a leap of faith where there seems as there is no choice.  For both, the key is to know that the journey is way more important then the destination.  The first step to a new future starts this week. Stay true to what calls your spirit and makes you enjoy the journey.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot-cast for week of May 12, 2019

Rachel Ruysch

I love flowers and May is the month for them.  The above painting is from Rachel Ruysch.  She is the one of the most documented still-life painters from the Netherlands during the Dutch Golden Age (the span of the 17th century).  For not only were her paintings popular but she painted from the age of 15-83.  It was unusual for a woman to do this during that time, but it seems that she might have been the main breadwinner of her family.

In her paintings, she focused mainly on flowers, fruits and “forest floors” with a superb attention to detail carried with her delicate brushstrokes.  Her still-lifes are impossible in real life.  The colors and composition of the arrangement comes from a stylized version of the actual flower.  She manipulated the color and the physicality of the flower to enrich her composition.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  And all you Taurus now is the time to book your Astro Reading.



Rachel RuyschNine of Wands – The Nine of Wands is the card of preparation and perseverance. Take steps before you start each workday to prepare.  You can’t plan for everything that is coming your way this week and that is where perseverance steps in.  Put on your Wellies and slog on.



*Emperor – You are in the midst of building something pretty amazing and it is time to fully concentrate on it this week.  The Emperor gives you the strength and the due diligence to get a big part of what you want done – done.  Also, it is a great time to stand back and do some “city-planning.”  This can look as simple as rearranging your priorities for this week to find time to do what you need to do.  Or as complex as rearranging some gender roles in your life.   Either way this week  has all the materializing energy supporting you to make this a very productive time.



Rachel Ruysch*Justice – The Justice card comes when, as much as we want decisions or ideas to be yes/no – good/bad, there is more to be considered.  For true decision making you will need to see the background and context of each choice, and the answers maybe wrap in the complexity of paradox.  Ultimately your decision(s) should be based in integrity and fairness.  This is one week where intellect reigns over emotions.



Rachel RuyschTen of Wands – The Ten of Wands is the card of over obligation or burdens.  You have the tendency to take on too much this week.  Take your to do list and move at least two things to next week.  They will be there at the end of the week or their urgency or need will vaporize.



Rachel Ruysch

Page of Wands – The Page of Wands comes to help you ignite your passion.  Your assignment is to do at least one thing this week that makes your toes curl in either pleasure and/or passion.



Rachel RuyschPage of Pentacles – The Page of Pentacles is the card of the student.  Your assignment is to learn something new each day.  It can be something little like having fun going down the google rabbit hole.  There is a message or a skill to what you learn this week that you will need for the coming weeks.



*Hierophant – The Hierophant comes when you are having problems with structure in your life.  Here is the key to this card: structure is supposed to be like the best house – making you feel safe, stronger and protected.  It is not meant to make you feel frustrated, bound or obligated.  So, this week examine your structures – morals, laws, schedules.  Are they hindering you? – then break free and create new ones.  If they are supporting you, build on them.



Page of Swords – Last week the Hermit and King of Pentacles advised, to get anything done and some perspective, you had to create some solo space and time.  The Page of Swords wants you to continue in information gathering that perspectives buys you; however, you will have to be more devious about hiding or gaining physical space.



Two of Wands – Last week the Moon and Page of Cups suggested that you get in touch with your inner child by following the plot of Where the Wild Things Are. This week the Two of Wands still wants that inner child to play but the book changes to Harold and the Purple Crayon by expanding your horizons.  Your inner child is craving for you to dream a bigger life for yourself.



Rachel Ruysch

King of Pentacles – The King of Pentacles is the doer card.  Time to get things done.  He is the more practical version of the Emperor (read Taurus above). So, like your fellow earth sign, you are building something important in your life; however, where the emperor can dream a little you need to be more practical with your resources.  This week make sure you have enough resources, like finances and time, before you start projects.



Five of Cups – The last couple of weeks you have been dealing with some big energy.  The High Priestess advised you to stop long enough to hone your intuition and listening to your inner voice. Then Justice had you focusing your mind’s eye to the concepts of integrity, fairness, and seeing other’s points of view.  Now, you will need the last two weeks guides to help you through this Five of cups’ week.    Five of Cups foretells that this week’s happenings get to you and can color it with melancholy.  The challenge with this card is to see the silver lining.  Think of this week as your cups/emotions that no longer work for you will be spilled, however, the ones left standing are far more refreshing and enlivening.  Your motto this week: Don’t cry over spilt milk or wine, lol.



Six of Swords – The Six of Swords foretells that small trips or local travel will give you benefits and/or insight into your surroundings and your inner thoughts.  Your local environment has information that you may not know you lack until you see it.




May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarotcast for the Week of September 16, 2018

Fruit Dennis Wojtkiewicz

Categorizing fruits or vegetables can be a contentious debate among chefs, botanists and gardeners.  Botanically a fruit “is a seed-bearing structure that develops from the ovary of a flowering plant, whereas vegetables are all other plant parts, such as roots, leaves and stems.”  With this definition, squash and tomatoes hang with peaches in the fruit realm and beets, kale, and cauliflower grow with the vegetables.

However, this debate was taken to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1893, Nix. v. Hedden.   The court ruled unanimously that an imported tomato should be taxed as a vegetable, rather than as a (less taxed) fruit. The court recognized that a tomato is a botanical fruit, but sided with the “ordinary” definitions of fruit and vegetable which was defined by when we eat them.  So the savory tomato is considered a vegetable by are palate and by the court.

This week’s artist, Dennis Wojtkiewicz, takes painting fruit/vegetables (depending on who you side with above) to a new level. His distinctive large-scale fruit, vegetables and flowers are painted with a combination of realism and being heavenly lit to create a sense of religious ardor for yummy plant parts.

P.S. Please share.

Aries – Four of Cups

Dennis WojtkiewiczThe Four of Cups asks you not to spend too much time gazing at your belly button.   You do need to check in with your emotions all this week, but in doing so, don’t stay too long in your internal emotional landscape.  Look up and out or you will miss some good loving from the outside.


*Taurus – Emperor

The Emperor is the card of manifestation, so this is a pivotal week in your material plane.  This week work on projects that are already in play.  By working with what is instead of what could be will carry you farther in the following weeks.


Continue reading Tarotcast for the Week of September 16, 2018

Tarotcast for week of February 26, 2017

“Oysters and Silver,” an oil painting by Pennsylvania-based painter Sarah Lamb.. Photo courtesy of Asheville Art Museum.

This week I have shared a variety of still life paintings. This art form has always fascinated me. Some may see still life as boring or on the “lowest rung in the hierarchies of art. Until you start to wonder why did the artist choose these combination of things to paint. To me these paintings convey an intimacy of who that artist is, because each item is a window into the artists everyday life: the food they eat, the flowers they buy or have in their gardens, the books they read, the stuff on their shelves… These are glimpses into what they do when they aren’t doing art.

I marvel at the varied perspectives that artists bring to our lives and how they can highlight something that is everyday and elevate it to mean something. I believe we all bring our perspectives to the table in some form or fashion. What do you bring to the table? What things would you pick to represent your still life?

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

 Aries – Six of Swords – Another week of you in your head with back to back weeks of swords. The Six of Swords advises that if you can do some contemplation by the water or at least take a small trip to leave familiar surroundings. Seeing new places will lead you to seeing new perspectives or solutions.

Taurus – Knight of Wands – The Tower last week foretold that there is a crack in the foundation of something in your life.  Hopefully you have identified it and started to fix it. This Knight tells you to take a more creative “out of the box” approach to finding the solutions to fix your cracks.
Continue reading Tarotcast for week of February 26, 2017