The artist, singer and inventor this week is Margaret Watts Hughes. Hughes invented a device, the eidophone (from the Greek eido-to see and phone- voice/sound). She found that with this device and powder, seeds or sand, she could see the geometrics of her voice and the notes themselves to create shapes. Hughes called these voice-figures or voice flowers. She then used colored glycerin on a glass plate. And from that she sang the above and below pictures into existence.
Your pondering: How lucky we are to be in a time when sound is recorded. We can listen to a song or someone’s voice without the confines time. But I often wonder because we can hear it again, do we lose the preciousness of it when it is happening the first time. What would it have been like to hear a song only once?
Solar System highlights
The moon begins this week in Scorpio – follow your passion. Then on Tuesday it moves into Sagittarius – go exploring. On Thursday it moves into Capricorn – use this energy to get things. On Saturday the Moon moves into Aquarius – time to daydream. Monday Sept. 16th it moves into Pisces – start the week by going with the flow. On Wednesday Sept. 18th the moon is in Aries – a great time to start a project. And we finish with the moon in Taurus on Friday – enjoy and savor the good things in life.
Mercury moves into Virgo until September 26th. Once again sharpening our conversation skills to be precise and direct but not harsh. Venus is in Libra – this is her home and a good time for us to readjust and rebalance. Harmony is the key and the gift. And then Mars moves into Cancer. Not its favorite place. Often our plans go sideways but this is the genius of this placement- to find ways around instead of straight through a problem.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June of 2025. This aspect is here to help us work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits. However, we must also watch its challenging aspects: not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness. And lastly Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026 teaching us how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures.
** Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in, now is the time.
*** I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the tarot & art-casts.
**** I am experimenting. I have switched from using the older suits name (pentacles, cups, swords, and wands) to a more elemental way of reading them which is earth, water, air, and fire. Also, I would like to leave the binary and feudal system of the RWS’s court cards. So, the RWS old version is Page, Knight, Queen, and King is changing to Heart (pure embodiment of element), Body (moving the element), Spirit (living the element) and Mind (taking care of the element).
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

Ten of Water – The Muse of Happiness has come to visit with you for two whole weeks. She comes to remind you that life, no matter the circumstances, still holds beauty. Whether it is a stranger’s smile, your barista knowing your order, a child’s hug, hanging with a friend, your pet giving you affection, a butterfly fluttering past you… This muse challenges you to understand happiness appears often but is fleeting. So, take time when each moment of bliss occurs during this period. Soak it in.

Nine of Water – The Muse of Satisfaction comes to you this period to help you navigate perfectionism and being content with what is then what could be. The muses would like to remind you that you all are the foundational sign of the zodiac. You represent earth in its most natural state. The goddess Gia walks with you every day of your life. Now this muse would like you to think of a leaf with a hole in it. That hole fed an insect. Or think upon a tree fall in a forest, it makes way for new and more diverse plant growth. Nature teaches us that our perceived imperfections are gateways. Places that feed new beginnings and growth.

Ten of Air – All tens represent an ending. The Ten of Air is an ending of a way of communicating, thought process or a drama that is in your life. The muses remind you to follow your intuition during this time. If you need to put a project or person on hold, do so in these coming weeks. These weeks may have some challenges, but they are put there to strengthen your intuition as well as have you reflect on your own hubris. Taking ego out of the situation will help guide you to see that you may not have to engage with these scenarios like you think you do.

Eight of Fire – The Muse of Messages comes when there is a lot of information coming at you. She advises navigate this onslaught of intelligence by knowing your priorities and goals, so you can utilize the information that you actually need. The big challenge with this energy is not feeling as if you need to make haste with any decision. You all can feel a vibe like no other sign, so trust your superb crabby intuition while sifting through the intel.

*Death – Another big energy week for you all. This week is about change. The gorgeous aspect of this kind of change is that it works with the Universe and is very much about natural cycles. The challenge for you is to mimic the ebb and flow of this energy model. So, if you find that you lose interest, or something begins to pull away or die off then let it. For either that energy will grow into something new and more suitable to what you need now. Or it will cycle back just like the seasons or the setting and rising of the sun. The muses remind you to not push but to fall in with the groove of the now and is.

Nine of Fire – The Muse of Preparation comes when you need to take time to plan out not only your day to day but also the coming couple of seasons. This energy falls right into place with not only your birth month but also your general vibe. You all do better if you are prepared. It’s not that you can’t fly by the seat of your pants but the more prepared you are the easier it is for you to tackle the unexpected.

*Devil – The Muse of Exams comes when circumstances are testing your resolve and principles. So, this muse becomes your cheerleader and task-keeper to help you navigate these times. She reminds you that you are ready and equipped to handle these tribulations. Ultimately you have the tools and knowledge to work through the ups and downs of the coming weeks. The key is to be true to who you have become.

Five of Earth – The fives are the cards of chaos. And this energy works on the material plane, usually around finances or at least your perception of yours. The Muse of Lack has you looking at what aspects in your life are lacking? Yes, she said material plane but this sense of lack is more tied into your emotional or intellectual realms. This muse challenges you to look at where you over-indulge and the whys behind it. If you can work on healing what was lacking by, for example love from a partner or parent, you can turn around this poverty mind-set. As RuPaul says: “If you don’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?”

*Strength – The Muse of Inner Wisdom is hanging out with you for the next two weeks. She would like you to dive deep into the whys behind what you are doing on the material plane. Are they aligned with who you are and what you stand for? What part of your inner landscape needs strengthening to have a stronger resolve to live the life you are meant to live? You have a solid foundation, now is the time to strength and ground yourself, for the months ahead. This is not about prepping for only the more challenging aspects but also to be grounded enough to relish the exquisite ones.

Eight of Earth – The Muse of Work comes to give you energy to put towards the tasks you would like to focus on. This energy shows up when you need to concentrate on what is at hand more than what will be. This energy is about productivity, handiwork and working with your superpowers to get sh**t done. So, gardening/work gloves on and get to it.

Ace of Earth – All aces signify a new beginning. This energy would like you to focus on the material plane. What would you like to manifest on this earthly plane? Yes, do some work seeding this idea or project, but also mantras of abundance and flourishing are helpful.

*High Priestess – The Muse of Sacred Mysteries is hanging out with you all for the next two weeks. She shows up to hone your intuition as well as give you sage advice. The challenge is she does it with twists, turns, synchronicities, déjà vu and in dreams. You can ask her questions just know they most likely with be veiled in riddles and repetition. So, eyes, ears, and mind open to the muses planting easter eggs to help you on your higher path. Your motto: “Your passions in life should fit you exactly but your purpose in life should exceed you.” – Kevin Kelly
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