The artist this week is Sophie Woodrow @sophiewoodrow. Woodrow is a ceramic artist that works in porcelain. Her figures are an amalgamation of the natural world. Sophie’s artisanship comes through the elegant equilibrium of minimalism in color, delicate intricacy in form and a context of otherworldliness. If spirit guides had guises, then many of them would look like her figurines.
You may have fallen in love with her work, like I did. But much like connecting to spirit guides, to obtain Woodrow’s work is a combination of mystery, devotion, and a possible pilgrimage. In my research to find out about her there are few avenues: a couple of well-placed articles, a website error and even finding what gallery she is showing in right now is an enigma (a hint in her Insta comments, Narbeth Pembrokeshire, Wales).
However, this research reminded me of the spiritual journey that resonates for both Art and Spirituality. The purpose of this quest is rarely to find answers, it is the process of pondering life and our place within in it. As a viewer/audience of art or even the artist themselves, we need to be careful of our ego demanding that the artist make their art easily accessible or that spirituality is obtain with some sage. In this age of Instant-cart and Amazon, we need to be reminded that experiencing Art, Nature and Spirit is a quest and should be more like a golden egg hunt for awe then a click of fleeting satisfaction.
Your pondering for the week: How can you bring more mystery, moments and meaning in your journey?
Solar System Highlights
The Moon starts in Sagittarius so it may be hard to settle into your work week, but by Tuesday you get into the groove with the Moon in Capricorn’s help. On Thursday it moves into Aquarius great for innovation and ideas. Then it’s in Pisces giving us a dreamy weekend. Mercury is in Cancerian waters great for reconnecting with whomever is your mother figure and verbally supporting the woman in your life. Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge). Ladies tell your stories. Mars (action) is in Taurus, so action steps are at a saner, slower, and steadier pace. Jupiter is in Aries until October 28th. It influences action and expansion over the summer months. And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is its focus.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Hanged One – The Muse of Purpose came last week to solidify your reason for being. You have another week to ruminate this theme with the Muse of Inertia. This Muse puts blockades in your way to make you stop and think about where, what, and how of the possible forward planning action steps. She does this for two reasons. One if you need to tweak your plan or two if the timing isn’t right. So if you feel resistance, stop and look both ways before you proceed.

*Fool – Last week the Muse of Hermitage asked you to step back from your daily life and look at your placement within your timeline and the World’s. Now the Muse of Clean Slates is adding its energy to your ponderings. She asks, what if you had a clean slate? What if you said from this point on, I am going to _____ and nothing can hold me back. What would you fill into that blank? Because now is the time to step into this new journey.

Ten of Wands – The Muse of Obligation has come to help you prioritizes your responsibilities. This week has the potential to feel overwhelming, but this muse helps by reminding you to watch your definition of obligation. You are only responsible for your stuff and no one else’s. Time to put their responsibility back on their shoulders because you have enough to do.

*Hierophant – Your next Muse for your birth year is the Muse of Constructs. All this year is about refining or creating new structures that support your well-being. It is like you are molting and building your new shell. Devote this time to adopting or creating mottos to live by, environments where you thrive, and schedules that run with your natural bio-rhythms.

Eight of Coins – This is your second eight so a tiny dive into the number. Eights represent refining and releasing. Last week the Muse of Bondage asked you to let go of what is holding you back. And now the Muse of Superpowers is asking you to focus and hone the skill set you are good at. Her homework is to name three of your super-powers and refine them instead of hanging on to your kryptonite.

Five of Cups – This week will have its ups and downs. So, the Muse of Spilled Milk is here to help you clean up and move on. The not-so-great things happening this week are not the worst things you have gone through. She reminds you that these are minor spills easily cleaned up and “You have more milk in the fridge.” So, your motto: My cup many not runneth over but it is refillable.

Three of Swords – Last week the Muse of the Subconscious provided you with insight to create more ease. Though they may take some time to decipher. Hence, the Muse of Wound-healing has stepped-up to highlight the insights that are meant to heal deep wounds. So, pay attention to emotional and thought induced landmines this week, for this muse is prompting you to work on the reactions instead of the action itself.

Five of Swords – This week has the potential to frustrate you. The Muse of Ego has stepped in to help you navigate these irritations. She first asks you how important is it for you to interject yourself into the situation? Then she advises unless you or the people around you will be hurt, walk away. So, pick your battles this week.

Page of Wands – The Muse of Originality is asking you to indulge in the arts and/or nature. Usually, this muse shows up when you need to re-ignite your imagination. She asks you to plan something awe-inspiring to do this week: a concert, play music, watch the stars, nature walk, dance, go to a museum, or paint your own masterpiece.

Ace of Coins – This week is perfect for beginnings on the physical plane. Whether that is planting in your garden or creating something in a workshop, starting a new endeavor, etc.… This week has all the grow-power you need to fertilize your new seedling.

Nine of Swords – This week can have more downs then ups, which can send you into your head or bed. So, the Muse of Worries comes with this advice. She asks you to categorize your worries into things you can do something about, things you are not sure you can do something about and things you can’t. Then drop the last two and focus on working on the solutions for the worries that are relevant now.

Nine of Coins – Last week the Muse of Inertia advised you to slow down, meditate and reflect more than do. This energy continues somewhat with the Muse of Contentment. This muse like you to begin moving but do it at a relaxed pace. This is not a week to commit to everything but more to metaphorically turn your life volume knob down from a 10 to a 9.
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